110 research outputs found

    Wavelet transforms for non-uniform speech recognition

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    An algorithm for nonuniform speech segmentation and its application in speech recognition systems is presented. A method based on the Modulated Gaussian Wavelet Transform based Speech Analyser (MGWTSA) and the subsequent parametrization block is used to transform a uniform signal into a set of nonuniformly separated frames, with the accurate information being fed into a speech recognition system. The algorithm needs a frame characterizing the signal where necessary, trying to reduce the number of frames per signal as much as possible, without an appreciable reduction in the recognition rate of the system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Contemporary Materialism: Its Ontology and Epistemology

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    Materialism has been the subject of extensive and rich controversies since Robert Boyle introduced the term for the first time in the 17th century. But what is materialism and what can it offer today? The term is usually defined as the worldview according to which everything real is material. Nevertheless, there is no philosophical consensus about whether the meaning of matter can be enlarged beyond the physical. As a consequence, materialism is often defined in stark exclusive and reductionist terms: whatever exists is either physical or ontologically reducible to it. This conception, if consistent, mutilates reality, excluding the ontological significance of political, economic, sociocultural, anthropological and psychological realities. Starting from a new history of materialism, the present book focuses on the central ontological and epistemological debates aroused by today’s leading materialist approaches, including some little known to an anglophone readership. The key concepts of matter, system, emergence, space and time, life, mind, and software are checked over and updated. Controversial issues such as the nature of mathematics and the place of reductionism are also discussed from different materialist approaches. As a result, materialism emerges as a powerful, indispensable scientifically-supported worldview with a surprising wealth of nuances and possibilities

    Modelling of the analytic spectrum for speech recognition

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    In this paper, a new spectral representation is introduced and applied to speech recognition. As the widely used LPC autocorrelation technique, it arises from an optimization approach that starts from a set of M+ 1 autocorrelations estimated from the signal samples. This new technique models the analytic spectrum (Fourier's transform of the causal autocorrelation sequence) by assuming that its cepstral coefficients are zero beyond M, and uses an extremely simple algorithm to compute the nonzero coefficients. In speech recognition, the same Euclidean cepstral distance measure that is the object of the optimization is also used to calculate the spectral dissimilarity. Preliminary recognition tests with this technique are presentad.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estudio Mineralógico de los Sediementos de las Cuencas de WAGNER y CONSAG. Golfo de California (México)

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    Las cuencas de Wagner y de Consag se encuentran localizadas en la parte más septentrional del Golfo de California (GC). Con una profundidad máxima de 216 m, son las cuencas más someras del golfo y presentan una actividad gasohidrotermal submarina intensa (Canet et al., 2008)

    Imprinting at the PLAGL1 domain is contained within a 70-kb CTCF/cohesin-mediated non-allelic chromatin loop

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    Paternal duplications of chromosome 6q24, a region that contains the imprinted PLAGL1 and HYMAI transcripts, are associated with transient neonatal diabetes mellitus. A common feature of imprinted genes is that they tend to cluster together, presumably as a result of sharing common cis-acting regulatory elements. To determine the extent of this imprinted cluster in human and mouse, we have undertaken a systematic analysis of allelic expression and DNA methylation of the genes mapping within an similar to 1.4-Mb region flanking PLAGL1/Plagl1. We confirm that all nine neighbouring genes are biallelically expressed in both species. In human we identify two novel paternally expressed PLAGL1 coding transcripts that originate from unique promoter regions. Chromatin immunoprecipitation for CTCF and the cohesin subunits RAD21 and SMC3 reveals evolutionarily conserved binding sites within unmethylated regions similar to 5 kb downstream of the PLAGL1 differentially methylated region and within the PLAGL1 3' untranslated region (UTR). Higher-order chromatin looping occurs between these regions in both expressing and non-expressing tissues, forming a non-allelic chromatin loop around the PLAGL1/Plagl1 gene. In placenta and brain tissues, we identify an additional interaction between the PLAGL1 P3/P4 promoters and the unmethylated element downstream of the PLAGL1 differentially methylated region that we propose facilitates imprinted expression of these alternative isoforms

    Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial: Treatment of early intrauterine growth restriction with low molecular weight heparin (TRACIP)

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    Introduction The incidence of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is estimated at about 3% of pregnancies, and it is associated with 30% of all perinatal mortality and severe morbidity with adverse neurodevelopmental and cardiovascular health consequences in adult life. Early onset IUGR represents 20%-30% of all cases and is highly associated with severe placental insufficiency. The existing evidence suggests that low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) has effects beyond its antithrombotic action, improving placental microvessel structure and function of pregnant women with vascular obstetric complications by normalising proangiogenic and antiapoptotic protein levels, cytokines and inflammatory factors. The objective of our study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of LMWH in prolonging gestation in pregnancies with early-onset IUGR. Methods and analysis This is a multicentre, triple-blind, parallel-arm randomised clinical trial. Singleton pregnancies qualifying for early (20-32 weeks at diagnosis) placental IUGR (according to Delphi criteria) will be randomised to subcutaneous treatment with bemiparin 3500 IU/0.2 mL/day or placebo from inclusion at diagnosis to the time of delivery. Analyses will be based on originally assigned groups (intention-to-treat). The primary objective will be analysed by comparing gestational age and prolongation of pregnancy (days) in each group with Student''s t-tests for independent samples and by comparing Kaplan-Maier survival curves (from inclusion to delivery, log-rank test). A linear regression model for gestational age at birth will consider the following covariates: Gestational age at inclusion (continuous) and pre-eclampsia (binary). Ethics and dissemination The study will be conducted in accordance with the principles of Good Clinical Practice. This study was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CEIC) of Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, on 13 July 2017. The trial is registered in the public registry www.clinicaltrial.gov. according to Science Law 14/2011, and the results will be published in an open access journal

    Re-Os and U-Pb Geochronology of the Doña Amanda and Cerro Kiosko Deposits, Bayaguana District, Dominican Republic: Looking Down for the Porphyry Cu-Mo Roots of the Pueblo Viejo-Type Mineralization in the Island-Arc Tholeiitic Series of the Caribbean

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    Hosted in the Early Cretaceous bimodal tholeiite volcanic series of the Los Ranchos Formation, the Doña Amanda and Cerro Kiosko deposits in the Bayaguana district represent significant Au, Cu, and Ag resources in the Cordillera Oriental of the Dominican Republic. At Doña Amanda, a dense stockwork of quartz-sulfide veins is hosted by volcanic rocks with intense transitional phyllic-advanced argillic and silicic hydrothermal alteration assemblages, indicating a high-sulfidation environment. Wavy quartz veins with central sutures and rims of pyrite + enargite + molybdenite + fahlore (B veins) are cut by planar quartz-pyrite D veins. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz from B veins (Th: 160°->400°C; salinity: 7.9-16.4 wt % NaCl equiv) are interpreted as porphyry-type fluids. Inclusion fluids in quartz of quartz-pyrite veins (Th: 125°-175°C; salinity: 4.8-12.2 wt % NaCl equiv), quartz from silicic altered wall rocks (Th: 150°-175°C; salinity: 8.3-13.9 wt % NaCl equiv), and late, distal calcite veins (Th: 120°-160°C; salinity: 5.0-13.3 wt % NaCl equiv) indicate limited mixing with more dilute fluids and rule out mixing with fresh meteoric water. In Cerro Kiosko, a swarm of fault-controlled massive chalcopyrite + enargite + bornite + fahlore D veins and lodes are hosted by rocks with pervasive kaolinite alteration after sericite. δ34S values of vein sulfides from both deposits are all close to −2¿ and consistent with a predominance of magmatic sulfur and sulfide deposition from an oxidizing magmatic fluid. These data are consistent with a transitional environment between a deeper porphyry Cu(-Mo) and an overlying high-sulfidation epithermal deposit. An Re-Os age (112.6 ± 0.4 Ma) for molybdenite from the Doña Amanda deposit places the porphyry-epithermal mineralization as Early Cretaceous, coeval with the Los Ranchos Formation host rocks and with the Pueblo Viejo deposit. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb ages on zircons from plagioclase-phyric rhyolite domes in the Bayaguana district are consistent with porphyry-high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization occurring along the Los Ranchos Formation during tonalite batholith emplacement in the basaltic island-arc basement at ca. 118 to 112 Ma and finalization of felsic volcanism at ca. 110 to 107 Ma

    Incidence of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in returning travellers with fever.

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    Although tick-borne pathogens have been reported as an important cause of imported fever, the incidence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the causative agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA), in travellers is unknown. We conducted a prospective cohort study to investigate the aetiologies of fever in returning travellers (November 2017-July 2019). Polymerase chain reaction for msp2 gene amplification and indirect immunofluorescence assay for A. phagocitophilum were performed in all returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malarial fever. Among 141 travellers included, 8 patients were diagnosed with probable or confirmed HGA. The overall incidence rate of HGA was 19.9 cases/1000 person-week of travel. The main destination of travel was Asia, accounting for 62.5% patients with HGA. Co-infections were found in 37.5% of patients with HGA. Diagnosis of HGA and empirical treatment with doxycycline should be considered in travellers with fever