116 research outputs found

    Polymer nanofibers as novel light-emitting sources and lasing material

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    Polymer micro- and nano-fibers, made of organic light-emitting materials with optical gain, show interesting lasing properties. Fibers with diameters from few tens of nm to few microns can be fabricated by electrospinning, a method based on electrostatic fields applied to a polymer solution. The morphology and emission properties of these fibers, composed of optically inert polymers embedding laser dyes, are characterized by scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy, and lasing is observed under optical pumping for fluences of the order of 10^2 microJ cm^-2. In addition, light-emitting fibers can be electrospun by conjugated polymers, their blends, and other active organics, and can be exploited in a range of photonic and electronic devices. In particular, waveguiding of light is observed and characterized, showing optical loss coefficient in the range of 10^2-10^3 cm^-1. The reduced size of these novel laser systems, combined with the possibility of achieving wavelength tunability through transistor or other electrode-based architectures embedding non-linear molecular layers, and with their peculiar mechanical robustness, open interesting perspectives for realizing miniaturized laser sources to integrate on-chip optical sensors and photonic circuits.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 27 references. Invited contribution. Copyright (2013) Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibite

    Emission properties of electrospun polymeric nanofibres

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    The emission properties of polymer nanofibres fabricated by electrospinning are analysed. The nanofibres, made by conjugated polymers, display diameters of few hundreds of nanometers, depending on the process parameters, and exhibit photoluminescence tunable in the visible spectral range and polarized along the fibre axis. Nonradiative energy transfer in fibres made by blends of polymers and its exploitation for emission tuning are discussed

    A nanophotonic laser on a graph

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    Conventional nano-photonic schemes minimise multiple scattering to realise a miniaturised version of beam-splitters, interferometers and optical cavities for light propagation and lasing. Here instead, we introduce a nanophotonic network built from multiple paths and interference, to control and enhance light-matter interaction via light localisation. The network is built from a mesh of subwavelength waveguides, and can sustain localised modes and mirror-less light trapping stemming from interference over hundreds of nodes. With optical gain, these modes can easily lase, reaching ∼\sim100 pm linewidths. We introduce a graph solution to the Maxwell's equation which describes light on the network, and predicts lasing action. In this framework, the network optical modes can be designed via the network connectivity and topology, and lasing can be tailored and enhanced by the network shape. Nanophotonic networks pave the way for new laser device architectures, which can be used for sensitive biosensing and on-chip optical information processing

    Modal Coupling of Single Photon Emitters Within Nanofiber Waveguides

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    Nanoscale generation of individual photons in confined geometries is an exciting research field aiming at exploiting localized electromagnetic fields for light manipulation. One of the outstanding challenges of photonic systems combining emitters with nanostructured media is the selective channelling of photons emitted by embedded sources into specific optical modes and their transport at distant locations in integrated systems. Here, we show that soft-matter nanofibers, electrospun with embedded emitters, combine subwavelength field localization and large broadband near-field coupling with low propagation losses. By momentum spectroscopy, we quantify the modal coupling efficiency identifying the regime of single-mode coupling. These nanofibers do not rely on resonant interactions, making them ideal for room-temperature operation, and offer a scalable platform for future quantum information technology

    Near-field electrospinning of conjugated polymer light-emitting nanofibers

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    The authors report on the realization of ordered arrays of light-emitting conjugated polymer nanofibers by near-field electrospinning. The fibers, made by poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene], have diameters of few hundreds of nanometers and emission peaked at 560 nm. The observed blue-shift compared to the emission from reference films is attributed to different polymer packing in the nanostructures. Optical confinement in the fibers is also analyzed through self-waveguided emission. These results open interesting perspectives for realizing complex and ordered architectures by light-emitting nanofibers, such as photonic circuits, and for the precise positioning and integration of conjugated polymer fibers into light-emitting devices.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures Nanoscale, 201

    Additive Manufacturing: Applications and Directions in Photonics and Optoelectronics

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    The combination of materials with targeted optical properties and of complex, 3D architectures, which can be nowadays obtained by additive manufacturing, opens unprecedented opportunities for developing new integrated systems in photonics and optoelectronics. The recent progress in additive technologies for processing optical materials is here presented, with emphasis on accessible geometries, achievable spatial resolution, and requirements for printable optical materials. Relevant examples of photonic and optoelectronic devices fabricated by 3D printing are shown, which include light-emitting diodes, lasers, waveguides, optical sensors, photonic crystals and metamaterials, and micro-optical components. The potential of additive manufacturing applied to photonics and optoelectronics is enormous, and the field is still in its infancy. Future directions for research include the development of fully printable optical and architected materials, of effective and versatile platforms for multimaterial processing, and of high-throughput 3D printing technologies that can concomitantly reach high resolution and large working volumes

    Hierarchical assembly of light-emitting polymer nanofibers in helical morphologies

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    Single electrospun nanofibers of light-emitting conjugated polymers hierarchically assemble at nano- to macroscopic lengthscales in various helical morphologies. At nanoscopic lengthscales, molecular chains follow the microscopic assembly, prevalently aligning along the fiber dynamic axis, as demonstrated by polarized photoluminescence spectroscopy. The role of molecular weight in the resulting assembling and optical properties is highlighted and discussed. Nanofibers based on the heaviest polymer exhibit the most stretched helical geometries and the highest suppression of the excitonic energy migration, resulting in the most blue-shifted photoluminescence with respect to thin films

    Full color control and white emission from conjugated polymer nanofibers

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    The authors demonstrate full color tunability in the visible range, including white emission, by polymer nanofibers based on binary blends of conjugated materials. The nanofibers are realized by electrospinning and their emission is based on the dipole-dipole energy transfer from a blue-emitting donor and a red-emitting acceptor conjugated polymer. The fibers are characterized by scanning electron microscopy and time-resolved and cw photoluminescence. Light emission is tuned from blue to red, including bright white with color coordinates (0.38, 0.34) according to the standard of the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. Polymer nanofibers based on blends of conjugated compounds turn out to be a promising class of organic semiconductor building blocks for nanophotonics

    The conformational evolution of elongated polymer solutions tailors the polarization of light-emission from organic nanofibers

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    Polymer fibers are currently exploited in tremendously important technologies. Their innovative properties are mainly determined by the behavior of the polymer macromolecules under the elongation induced by external mechanical or electrostatic forces, characterizing the fiber drawing process. Although enhanced physical properties were observed in polymer fibers produced under strong stretching conditions, studies of the process-induced nanoscale organization of the polymer molecules are not available, and most of fiber properties are still obtained on an empirical basis. Here we reveal the orientational properties of semiflexible polymers in electrospun nanofibers, which allow the polarization properties of active fibers to be finely controlled. Modeling and simulations of the conformational evolution of the polymer chains during electrostatic elongation of semidilute solutions demonstrate that the molecules stretch almost fully within less than 1 mm from jet start, increasing polymer axial orientation at the jet center. The nanoscale mapping of the local dichroism of individual fibers by polarized near-field optical microscopy unveils for the first time the presence of an internal spatial variation of the molecular order, namely the presence of a core with axially aligned molecules and a sheath with almost radially oriented molecules. These results allow important and specific fiber properties to be manipulated and tailored, as here demonstrated for the polarization of emitted light.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, Macromolecules (2014

    Nanowire-Intensified MEF in Hybrid Polymer-Plasmonic Electrospun Filaments

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    Hybrid polymer-plasmonic nanostructures might combine high enhancement of localized fields from metal nanoparticles with light confinement and long-range transport in subwavelength dielectric structures. Here we report on the complex behavior of fluorophores coupling to Au nanoparticles within polymer nanowires, which features localized metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) with unique characteristics compared to conventional structures. The intensification effect when the particle is placed in the organic filaments is remarkably higher with respect to thin films of comparable thickness, thus highlighting a specific, nanowire-related enhancement of MEF effects. A dependence on the confinement volume in the dielectric nanowire is also evidenced, with MEF significantly increasing upon reducing the wire diameter. These findings are rationalized by finite element simulations, predicting a position-dependent enhancement of the quantum yield of fluorophores embedded in the fibers. Calculation of the ensemble-averaged fluorescence enhancement unveils the possibility of strongly enhancing the overall emission intensity for structures with size twice the diameter of the embedded metal particles. These new, hybrid fluorescent systems with localized enhanced emission, as well as the general Nanowire-Intensified MEF effect associated to them, are highly relevant for developing nanoscale light-emitting devices with high efficiency and inter-coupled through nanofiber networks, highly sensitive optical sensors, and novel laser architectures.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, Small (2018
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