42 research outputs found

    Dimensiones de personalidad y potencial evocado cerebral

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    La teoría de la personalidad de Eysenck postula 3 dimensiones ortogonales de personalidad: extraversión (E), neuroticismo (N), psicoticismo (P). Formula predicciones conductuales y fisiológicas relacionándolas a la predisposición a ciertos trastornos. La base biológica de las dimensiones E y N se ha evidenciado en diferencias electrofisiológicas. La dimensión P, agregada posteriormente, ha sido más controvertida, postulándose que no es independiente de las dimensiones antes descritas. Con objeto de estudiar las dimensiones de Eysenck, en particular P, en relación a la reactividad sensorial y a procesos de codificación se registró potencial evocado visual (PEV) por flash a 3 diferentes intensidades y P300 auditiva en 20 voluntarios sanos (x 28,5; ds 9,4 años). Se midió amplitud peak to peak y latencia de los componentes III, IV-V-VI y VII de PEV y de P300 mediante programa cursor. Hubo correlación positiva entre dimensiones N y P (spearman, r=0,52), entre P y amplitud del PEV (r=0,58) a intensidad alta y negativa entre E y latencia de P300 (r=-0,58). Según nuestros hallazgos, la dimensión P no es independiente y demostró relación con la reactividad sensorial. La dimensión E se relacionó a la velocidad de codificación, apoyando las aseveraciones de Eysenck sobre memoria y aprendizaje

    Topografia y reactividad del potencial evocado visual

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    El aumento - reducción (A-R) visual es evidente para las áreas centrales y exhibe diferencias hemisféricas. Este trabajo describe las características del potencial evocado visual (PEV) en derivaciones occipitales y su relación con A-R central: 16 sujetos de sexo masculino, diestros, jóvenes y sanos recibieron flashes de 10 us, frec de 1/s a intensidades de 0.36, 0.72 y 1.44 joules mediante estimulador Grass PS2. Se registró derivaciones Cz, C3, C4, Oz, O1 y 02 referidas a mastoides mediante electrodos subdérmicos. Un computador Nicolet CA-1000 promedió 100 respuestas para cada intensidad. Se midió latencia y amplitud peak to peak de los complejos P1N1 y N1P2 y se calculó pendiente intensidad/amplitud mediante regresión lineal. 10 sujetos tuvieron pendiente mayor que 0 en vertex (aumentadores) y 6 menor (reductores). P1N1 presenta reducción y asimetría hemisférica en Cz, que no se observa en Oz. Los aumentadores de N1P2 a nivel de Cz son reductores a nivel de, Oz y viceversa. Se discuten estos hallazgos en relación a las etapas en el procesamiento de la información visual y la significación funcional de los componentes del PEV

    Association Between Family Support and Coping Strategies of People With Covid-19: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Aileen M Chilon-Huaman,1 Ángela Camposano-Ninahuanca,1 Janett V Chávez-Sosa,1 Salomon Huancahuire-Vega,2,3 William De Borba1 1Nursing School, Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU), Lima, Peru; 2Human Medicine School, Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU), Lima, Peru; 3General Directorate of Research, Universidad Peruana Unión, (UPeU), Lima, PeruCorrespondence: Salomon Huancahuire-Vega, Human Medicine School, Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU), Carretera Central Km 19 Lurigancho-Chosica, Lima, Peru, Tel +51 997 574 011, Email [email protected]: The study aimed to determine the association between family support and coping strategies of people diagnosed with COVID-19.Methods: The study was analytical and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 500 participants who were selected by non-probabilistic and snowball sampling and included residents of both sexes who belonged to the city of Lima, with a diagnosis of COVID-19, who lived with relatives, and who accepted to participate in the research. For data collection, the scales “family support” and “Coping and Adaptation Process-Coping Adaptation Processing Scale (CAPS)” were used. The technique used was the survey through the home visit and the questionnaire instrument. To measure the relationship of the study variables, binary logistic regression was chosen, considering coping strategies as the dependent variable and socio-demographic data and family support as independent variables.Results: Of the 500 participants, 50.4% were women, and 49.6% were men. The results revealed that most participants presented a high capacity for coping strategies and high perceived family support (97.2% and 81%, respectively). In the bivariate analysis, socio-demographic aspects and family support and their dimensions were related to high or low capacity for coping strategies. Significant differences were verified between marital status (p=0.026), having children (p=0.037), family support (p=0.000), and its dimensions with coping strategies. Finally, the multivariate analysis found that people with COVID-19 who perceived high family support were 33.74 times (95% CI: 7266– 156,739) more likely to have a high capacity for coping strategies.Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to promote the development of parental and family support skills in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.Keywords: family support, coping strategies, coronavirus, health emergenc

    The Role of Area 17 in Visual Imagery Convergent Evidence from PET and rTMS

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    Visual imagery is used in a wide range of mental activities, ranging from memory to reasoning, and also plays a role in perception proper. The contribution of early visual cortex, specificaLLy Area 17, to visual mental imagery was examined by the use of two convergent techniques. In one, subjects dosed their eyes during positron emission tomography (PET) while they visualized and corn pared properties (for example, relative length) of sets of stripes. The results showed that when people perform this task, Area 17 is activated. In the other, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was applied to medial occipital cortex before presentation of the same task. Performance was impaired after rTMS compared with a sham control condition; similar results were obtained when the subjects performed the task by actually looking at the stimuli. In sum, the PET results showed that when patterns of stripes are visualized, Area 17 is activated, and the rTMS results showed that such activation underlies information processing

    The role of area 17 in visual imagery: convergent evidence from PET and rTMS

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    Visual imagery is used in a wide range of mental activities, ranging from memory to reasoning, and also plays a role in perception proper. The contribution of early visual cortex, specifically Area 17, to visual mental imagery was examined by the use of two convergent techniques. In one, subjects closed their eyes during positron emission tomography (PET) while they visualized and compared properties (for example, relative length) of sets of stripes. The results showed that when people perform this task, Area 17 is activated. In the other, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was applied to medial occipital cortex before presentation of the same task. Performance was impaired after rTMS compared with a sham control condition; similar results were obtained when the subjects performed the task by actually looking at the stimuli. In sum, the PET results showed that when patterns of stripes are visualized, Area 17 is activated, and the rTMS results showed that such activation underlies information processing. Many people report that they visualize whe