49 research outputs found

    Learning Strategies at a Higher Taxonomic Level in Primary Education Students in the Digital Age

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    The education system must respond to the demands and needs of today’s society. To meet this demand, teachers must identify the degree of cognitive skills that our students possess through digital learning strategies that encourage the development of these superior skills because of the impact of technological resources on student motivation. To carry out this assessment, two types of strategy tests were applied to evaluate cognitive skills, one determining the student’s ability to create an opinion of their own based on ideas and visions of other authors (perspective analysis) and the other strategy test to distinguish the main elements of an information, identifying a general pattern (abstraction), which were reviewed with a task performance instrument (rubrics). A mixed methodology was used through a case study, with a selected and intentional sample of 34 students of the Primary Education Grade. The results show that elaborating questions that go deeper into a topic and labelling contents is not an easy task and that abstraction is one of the most complex skills to develop in students. It should be noted that, in practically all areas, men’s averages exceed those of women. Finally, the use of digital strategies must be incorporated as permanent routines and the relationship between technology and pedagogy allows for the management of learning and therefore increases higher level cognitive abilities

    Rehabilitation of executive functions in 6 years with adhd. A case study

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    El presente artículo, está basado en el estudio de un caso único, un niño prediagnosticado con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) en el último curso de Educación Infantil. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a los profesionales de la educación una herramienta útil para conocer los aspectos básicos sobre este trastorno, y de esta manera, saber cómo se identifica y diagnostica a un niño con TDAH en esta etapa educativa, atendiendo a los principios bioéticos y reconociendo la importancia de la atención temprana. El estudio de este caso único está centrado en cómo se puede identificar este trastorno evaluando las funciones ejecutivas del alumno en cuestión, a través de una serie de pruebas propuestas por el Manual de Evaluación Neuropsicológica de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Niños (ENFEN 2009). Los resultados obtenidos en todas las pruebas de la ENFEN, en comparación con los baremos correspondientes a su edad cronológica (6 años), denotan la existencia de déficit cognitivo que afecta a las funciones ejecutivas, por lo que se recomendó llevar a cabo un programa de entrenamiento neuropsicológico específico que incluye ejercicios para mejorar las distintas funciones evaluadas.This paper is based on a single case study who is a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Childhood Education. The main objective of this work is to give education professionals a useful tool to know the basis about this disorder. Also this resource is aimed to know how to identify and diagnose a child with ADHD in this stage of education, according to the bioethical principles and highlighting the importance of early care. The study of this case is focused on how to identify the disorder by evaluating the executive functions of the student. This evaluation was carried out through several tests proposed by the neuropsychological assessment of executive functions in children handbook (ENFEN 2009). The results of all ENFEN tests, compared with the scales corresponding to their chronological age (6 years), denote the existence of cognitive deficit that affects the executive functions. Thereby, it is recommended to conduct a specific neuropsychological training program that includes exercises to improve the functions evaluated

    Use of google drive and whatsapp for the follow-up and development of the final master's project through m-learning

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    Mobile Learning can be defined as the teaching-learning process that takes place at any place and time, thanks to the use of mobile devices with wireless connection. These tools allow us to access the required information through the network. In this study we analyse the influence of Google Drive and WhatsApp Application to investigate and develop the final Master's Project in students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the Campus of Ceuta. In this case the research has been applied to a group of six volunteer students. It is a descriptive method with an analysis developed from a qualitative approach. In order to obtain the research results, an outline for a half-structured interview was elaborated and validated by content validity. The interviews were individual and recorded for later transcription and ordering. The results show that students value the experience in a positive way, highlighting the possibility of asking and solving doubts through WhatsApp anywhere and anytime, not only with the teacher, but also with the opinion and participation of the rest of classmates, being able to see and solve the inadequate aspects that arose in the elaboration of the final Master's Project through the teacher’s comments. As a conclusion we can argue that the experience was positive, adapted to the students’ style and learning rhythm, receiving a positive feedback in less than 48 hours for writing the final Master's Project and solving the doubts along its creation

    Use of Web 2.0 Tools running a wiki for contents creation through cooperative groups

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    Web 2.0 has generated a change in people’s attitudes ranging from static to dynamic thanks to the web tools that allow users to share, collaborate and participate, generating contents in a cooperative way. This research aims to identify whether the Wiki tool is suitable for contents creation, both theoretical and practical, following the philosophy of cooperative groups, in students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the Campus of Ceuta (n = 73). The method is descriptive and correlational, carrying out an analysis from a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). Two instruments were created to obtain the data: a questionnaire to evaluate the Wiki application as a valid tool for the teaching-learning process (post); and a debate outline for the discussion groups consisting of eight groups of 8 members, except one formed by 9. The quantitative results showed the application favoured the class group participation, the inquiry, collaboration and learning and in fact it offers new perspectives for the teaching process. The lack of time to properly develop the activity stands out as a negative aspect. At a qualitative level the results showed that students were reluctant to apply a new educational methodology, but as the classes progressed, they valued the action positively, considering the possibility of applying them when they were teachers. As an improvement proposal they suggested to create smaller groups to produce contents through the Wiki. We can conclude the Wiki application can be a valid tool for contents creation, as long as it is applied in smaller groups

    Kids YouTubers generation: analysis of YouTube channels of the new child phenomena

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    YouTube se ha convertido en la plataforma online de visualización de contenido digital por excelencia. En este escenario, se han consolidado ciertos canales, protagoni-zados por niños, como los más visualizados por parte de la población infantil. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar los canales de los niños YouTubers españoles con mayor influencia. Se ha seguido una metodología basada en la técnica de análisis de contenido, la cual nos ha per-mitido obtener datos cuantitativos sobre una serie de va-riables para determinar la influencia y el tipo de contenido que publican. Entre los resultados encontramos que la mayoría de canales cuentan con un soporte empresarial, con fines puramente económicos, donde la imagen del menor es objeto de negocio. La influencia que ejercen los niños YouTubers en otros menores es altísima, debido a que se encuentran en una etapa de construcción de la identidad, este hecho es aprovechado por las marcas para incluir publicidad. Finalmente, se destaca el carácter glo-bal de este fenómeno, el cual sucede en distintos puntos geográficos del planetaYouTube has become the online platform for viewing digital content par excellence. This is, certain kids channels have been consolidated as the most visualized by children. The purpose of this paper has been to analyse the chan-nels of the Spanish YouTubers children with greater influence. We have followed a methodology based on the technique of content analysis, which has allowed us to obtain quantitative data on a series of variables to deter-mine their influence and the type of content. Among the results we found that most channels have a business sup-port, for purely economic purposes, where the image of the child is the object of business. The influence exercised by children YouTubers in other minors is very high, be-cause they are in a stage of identity construction, this fact is used by brands to include publicity. Finally, the global character of this phenomenon is highlighted, which hap-pens in different geographical points of the plane

    Follow me y dame like: Hábitos de uso de Instagram de los futuros maestros

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    Las redes sociales se han convertido en uno de los medios más utilizados por los más jóvenes. Entre ellas, en los últimos tiempos, Instagram se ha consolidado como una de las principales redes sociales con mayor cuantía de usuarios. Ante tal fenómeno, que afecta directamente a los modos de socialización y autoexpresión, se propuso como objetivo conocer los hábitos de uso de Instagram de los maestros en formación, puesto que el día de mañana serán los educadores de las nuevas generaciones. Para ello, se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa empleando como instrumento de recogida de datos el cuestionario. La muestra se ha compuesto por estudiantes del grado de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Granada (N = 184). Entre los resultados, se destaca la alta frecuencia de utilización y de acceso a la aplicación, lo cual puede relacionarse con comportamientos adictivos. Además, la finalidad principal de utilizar Instagram es el entretenimiento, y el tipo de contenido con mayor publicaciones son los selfies. Finalmente, algunos de los hábitos de uso de los futuros maestros se vinculan a prácticas de riesgo y a un uso abusivo de Internet. Conocer los hábitos de uso de esta población es esencial para reeducar sus comportamientos y que se conviertan en ejemplos de buen uso de la tecnología.Didáctica y Organización Escola

    A escola primária rural e a relação com a comunidade em Cabinda- Angola

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre as relações-interpessoais que a escola primária situada na zona rural estabelece com a comunidade que a circunda. O objetivo principal desta investigação descritiva é analisar as relações que a escola (diretores e professores) estabelecem com a comunidade rural onde funcionam, bem como com os próprios alunos. Finalmente, baseando-se do grupo de discusão onde os participantes foram os professores que trabalham na escola primária rural, concluíu-se que, independentemente de constrangimentos que possam existir durante as atividades docentes-educativas no seio rural, também pelo fato da comunidade ter pouca participação na tomada das decisões escolares, as relações escola-comunidade, professor – aluno, aluno-aluno são estreitas

    A escola primária rural e a relação com a comunidade em Cabinda- Angola

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre as relações-interpessoais que a escola primária situada na zona rural estabelece com a comunidade que a circunda. O objetivo principal desta investigação descritiva é analisar as relações que a escola (diretores e professores) estabelecem com a comunidade rural onde funcionam, bem como com os próprios alunos. Finalmente, baseando-se do grupo de discusão onde os participantes foram os professores que trabalham na escola primária rural, concluíu-se que, independentemente de constrangimentos que possam existir durante as atividades docentes-educativas no seio rural, também pelo fato da comunidade ter pouca participação na tomada das decisões escolares, as relações escola-comunidade, professor – aluno, aluno-aluno são estreitas

    Melhorar as competências matemáticas nos professores do ensino primário de Porto Amboim, Cuanza Sul, Angola. Uma proposta metodológica para o ensino da geometria com base no modelo de van heile e fundamentada no uso das TIC

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    O tema sobre as competências profissionais do professor primário em Angola é uma temática que tem trazido diversas reflexões, principalmente, quando as analisamos do ponto de vista das práticas letivas no ensino da matemática. Estudar essas práticas e sugerir metodologias mais participativas e modelos construtivistas, é um caminho a seguir para permitir aprendizagens com melhor qualidade. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal, analisar as competências profissionais focadas nas práticas letivas dos professores da 6ª classe de três agrupamentos pedagógicos, em Porto Amboim, Angola. A metodologia empregue é mista e assenta-se num estudo de caso, do tipo descritivo “tendo como propósito essencial descrever, isto é, dizer simplesmente como é” (Ponte, 2006, p.6). O estudo concluiu que os professores desses agrupamentos usam de metodologias centradas em exposições, não usam recursos de ensino e não seguem um modelo pedagógico no ensino da geometria.The theme about the professional skills of the primary teacher in Angola is a subject that has brought several reflections, especially when we analyze them from the point of view of learner practices in the teaching of mathematics. Studying these practices and suggesting more participative methodologies and constructivist models, is a way forward to allow learning with better quality. This study had as main objective, to analyze the professional competences focused on the teaching practices of the teachers of the 6th class of three pedagogical groups, in Porto Amboim, Angola. The methodology employed is mixed and is based on a case study, of the descriptive type "having as an essential purpose to describe, that is, to simply say as is "(Ponte, 2006, p.6). The study concluded that teachers in these groupings use expository methodologies, do not use teaching resources, and do not follow a pedagogical model in geometry teaching.El tema sobre las habilidades profesionales del docente de primaria en Angola es una materia que ha traído varias reflexiones, especialmente cuando las analizamos desde el punto de vista de las prácticas de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Estudiar estas prácticas y sugerir metodologías más participativas y modelos constructivistas es una forma de avanzar para permitir el aprendizaje con una mejor calidad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal, analizar las competencias profesionales centradas en la enseñanza de los docentes de la 6ª clase de tres grupos pedagógicos, en Porto Amboim, Angola. La metodología es mixta y se basa en un estudio de caso, del tipo descriptivo "que tiene como propósito esencial describir, es decir, simplemente decir tal como es” (Ponte, 2006, p.6). El estudio concluyó que los profesores de estos grupos usan metodologías expositivas, no usan recursos de enseñanza y no siguen el modelo pedagógico en la enseñanza de la geometría

    Augmented Reality as a Resource for Improving Learning in the Physical Education Classroom

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AreA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Recently, there has been a proliferation of technopedagogical practices, based on the application of active teaching and learning processes through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The main objective of this work is to analyse the impact of training action through the use of augmented reality in physical education for the development and acquisition of spatial orientation, as opposed to more traditional training based on the exhibition method. The methodology developed is quantitative, through a quasi-experimental design post-test in 140 high school students in the field of physical education. The results indicate that all of the dimensions show a very high, significant relationship. The greatest difference in average is observed in motivation. In contrast, the smallest difference, although significant, is observed in the grades given by the teachers themselves. It can be concluded that the method of teaching through augmented reality is effective in teaching high school students in the subject of physical education, especially for the acquisition of spatially oriented content.Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente ISPRS-2017-7202Secretariat of Education of Santander ISPRS-2017-7202AreA HUM/672 Research Group of the University of Granada ISPRS-2017-720