13 research outputs found

    A licença compulsória de medicamentos como política pública de saúde

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    Despite the fact that on the theoretical level the supremacy of human rights – especially the right to health – over the rules of international commerce is consolidated, especially after the results achieved in the Doha Round, the practical reality of the international diplomatic order showed itself to be permeable to the resistance imposed by the “centrifugal forces of fragmentation”. In other words, the strong economic interests of state (i.e., developed countries) and non-governmental (transnational pharmaceutical companies, in this case) actors result in precautions and selectivity to weaken the Kantian cooperative vision of international relations. Nevertheless, the compulsory licensing of medicine could be an example of a powerful instrument for the realization of the Fundamental Human Right to health, undermining, as a consequence, the effects of poverty and social exclusion and implementing, as a consequence, the right to development. The compulsory license is analyzed as a powerful instrument of health policy of the state in its duty to assure the right to health, through access to essential medicine for its population.A despeito de, no plano teórico, a supremacia dos direitos humanos - especialmente do direito à saúde - sobre as regras de comércio internacional estar consolidada, sobremaneira após os resultados alcançados na Rodada Doha, a realidade prática da ordem diplomática internacional mostra-se permeável às resistências impostas pelas “forças centrífugas da fragmentação”. Ou seja, os fortes interesses econômicos dos atores estatais (leia-se países desenvolvidos) e não-governamentais (farmacêuticas transnacionais, no caso em tela) vertem-se em cautelas e seletividades que acabam por fragilizar a visão cooperativa kantiana das relações internacionais. No entanto, a licença compulsória de medicamentos pode ser o exemplo de um poderoso instrumento de realização do Direito Humano Fundamental à Saúde, minorando, por conseguinte, os efeitos da pobreza e exclusão social e implementando, por conseguinte, o Direito ao Desenvolvimento. Analisa-se a licença compulsória como poderoso instrumento de política de saúde do Estado em seu dever de assegurar o Direito à Saúde, mediante o acesso a medicamentos essenciais a sua população

    Neglected diseases, poverty and social exclusion: a mere geographic coincidence?

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    The theoretical background is the Right to Development, broadly conceived by Amartya Sen as the synthesis of all the human rights. The poverty and the social exclusion are underlined as obstacles to the realization of such Right to Development, in which the Right to Health is included. The Neglected Diseases are illustrated as consequences of the obstacles to the development, after verifying the coincidence between the geography of such diseases and the global map of poverty and social exclusion. It stresses the importance of the Compulsory Licensing of medicines to the realization of the Right to Access to Medicines and, consequently, the Right to Health, emphasizing such juridical instrument as a legal exception to the patent law, as a legitimate instrument of public health policy and a powerful way to concrete the Right to Development. Finally, it suggests the possibility of responsibility, in the international field, of governmental and non-governmental agents, in light of the imperatives human rights.Tem-se como esteio teórico o Direito ao Desenvolvimento, conceituado ampliativamente por Amartya Sen como síntese de todos os Direitos Humanos. Ressalvam-se a pobreza e a exclusão social como obstáculos à efetivação desse Direito ao Desenvolvimento, dentro do qual se insere o Direito à Saúde. As Doenças Negligenciadas são ilustradas como conseqüência dos obstáculos que se erguem ao Desenvolvimento, após verificada a coincidência entre a geografia dessas moléstias e o mapa da Pobreza e da Exclusão Social Mundiais. Sublinha-se a importância da Licença Compulsória de fármacos para a realização do Direito de Acesso a Medicamentos e, por extensão, do Direito à Saúde, realçando-se tal edifício jurídico como exceção legal aos direitos patentários, como instrumento legítimo de política pública de saúde e como meio poderoso para a realização do Direito ao Desenvolvimento. Finalmente, sugere-se a possibilidade de responsabilização, na seara internacional, de agentes governamentais e não-governamentais face aos imperativos direitos humanos

    The Stellenbosch Consensus on the International Legal Obligation to Collaborate and Assist in Addressing Pandemics: Clarifying Article 44 of the International Health Regulations

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    The International Health Regulations (IHR), of which the World Health Organization is custodian, govern how countries collectively promote global health security, including prevention, detection, and response to potential global health emergencies such as the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. While Article 44 of this binding legal instrument requires countries to collaborate and assist each other in meeting their respective obligations, recent events demonstrate that the precise nature and scope of these legal obligations are ill-understood. A shared understanding of the level and type of collaboration legally required by the IHR is a necessary step in ensuring these obligations can be acted upon and fully realized, and in fostering global solidarity and resilience in the face of future pandemics. In this consensus statement, public international law scholars specializing in global health consider the legal meaning of Article 44 using the interpretive framework of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

    The Stellenbosch Consensus on legal national responses to public health risks : clarifying Article 43 of the International Health Regulations

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    The International Health Regulations (ihr), of which the World Health Organization is custodian, govern how countries collectively promote global health security, including prevention, detection, and response to global health emergencies such as the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Countries are permitted to exercise their sovereignty in taking additional health measures to respond to such emergencies if these measures adhere to Article 43 of this legally binding instrument. Overbroad measures taken during recent public health emergencies of international concern, however, reveal that the provision remains inadequately understood. A shared understanding of the measures legally permitted by Article 43 is a necessary step in ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, and fostering global solidarity and resilience in the face of future pandemics. In this consensus statement, public international law scholars specializing in global health consider the legal meaning of Article 43 using the interpretive framework of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

    Empresas transnacionais e direitos humanos: as empresas farmacêuticas como objeto de estudo

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00093910 334.726:342.7 C198e (2012

    Responsibilities for the global health crisis

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    This thesis aims to provide a framework for analyzing the moral responsibilities of global agents in what I call the Global Health Crisis (GHC), with special attention devoted to the moral responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies. The main contribution of this thesis is to provide a general account of the moral responsibilities of different global players, mapping the different kinds of duties they have, their content and force, and their relation to the responsibilities of other relevant actors in the GHC. I also apply this account to current debates surrounding the need for reforms to the international legal rules addressing the GHC, notably the TRIPs regime. In doing so, this thesis will discuss the allocation of responsibilities for the GHC among different global players, such as state and non-state actors, the latter including pharmaceutical companies. In order to investigate the allocation of duties, I will first analyze the object of such allocation which constitutes the object of the current GHC (Part A); then the agents responsible for addressing this crisis (Part B); and finally, existing institutional alternatives to reform the international legal rules addressing the GHC, such as the TRIPs regime (Part C)

    Pharmaceutical Firms and the Right to Health

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    Responsibilities for the global health crisis

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    This thesis aims to provide a framework for analyzing the moral responsibilities of global agents in what I call the Global Health Crisis (GHC), with special attention devoted to the moral responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies. The main contribution of this thesis is to provide a general account of the moral responsibilities of different global players, mapping the different kinds of duties they have, their content and force, and their relation to the responsibilities of other relevant actors in the GHC. I also apply this account to current debates surrounding the need for reforms to the international legal rules addressing the GHC, notably the TRIPs regime. In doing so, this thesis will discuss the allocation of responsibilities for the GHC among different global players, such as state and non-state actors, the latter including pharmaceutical companies. In order to investigate the allocation of duties, I will first analyze the object of such allocation which constitutes the object of the current GHC (Part A); then the agents responsible for addressing this crisis (Part B); and finally, existing institutional alternatives to reform the international legal rules addressing the GHC, such as the TRIPs regime (Part C).This thesis is not currently available in OR