10 research outputs found

    Mollusc Gathering in Tropical Regions of Brazil

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    Gathering bivalve molluscs is an important part of extractive fishing activities in the northeastern region of Brazil and is performed mainly by women. This study addresses the invisibility of the activity despite the labor effort and income generation these women represent. Depending on the community, these fisherwomen either practice all steps of the activity or only some processes, such as preparing and selling the product, but are always involved in some part of the productive process. Despite participating in the generation of income, the work of these mollusc gatherers is considered invisible, without prestige and given little or no value when compared to other fishing activities, especially those exercised by men. Mollusc gathering may seem to be a non-complex practice, but requires a variety of traditional knowledge that is passed from one generation to the next. Such knowledge reflects the intimate understanding these workers have of productive processes and the environmental dynamics of coastal artisanal fishing. In the majority of traditional communities, the difficulties lead to the discouragement of this activity as work for future generations. Thus, there is a need for the recognition of the spaces of female mollusc gatherers, considering the relations between the need for economic production and social reproduction with the egalitarian representation of these workers in the entities of social representation of the class of fishers

    Population structure of Gobiidae in a tropical urban estuary

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    As spatiotemporal variations in estuaries affect the population structure of species, the study aimed to analyze the distribution of species of the family Gobiidae in the Capibaribe River's estuary city of Recife (northeastern Brazil). Sampling was performed bi-monthly from February 2009 to December 2012 at two sampling stations. The weight-length relationship of the species was determined using potential regression analysis. Density and biomass values were determined for each species per sampling station and season. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare spatial and seasonal differences in abundance. A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination was used to assess changes in species composition. Seven hundred eighty-eight individuals were caught. The most representative species of Gobiidae was Ctenogobius boleosoma, followed by Evorthodus lyricus and Gobionellus oceanicus. The relationship between total weight (TW) and standard length (SL) was potential and significant for both C. boleosoma (TW = 0.04SL2.1815) and E. lyricus (TW = 0.0272SL2.795), and both exhibited negative allometric growth. The analysis of the main species' spatial variation demonstrated a significant difference in the number of individuals for C. boleosoma (U = 528; p = 0.000005) and E. lyricus (U = 312; p = 0.000000). No significant difference in abundance was found between the dry and rainy season for either C. boleosoma (U = 1052.2; p = 0.4659) or E. lyricus (U = 1054; p = 0.4726). The two most abundant species have similar habits and customarily inhabit stressful environments. Ctenogobius boleosoma and E. lyricus are residents of the Capibaribe River's estuary, and both move to regions near the outfall of the river in the rainy season

    Coleta e tratamento de esgoto dos municípios de grande porte da Região Metropolitana do Recife: ameaça à saúde pública / Sewage collection and treatment in the large municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Recife: threat to public health

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    A Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR) é caracterizada por um grande adensamento populacional, sendo que o saneamento é um dos grandes desafios da região, pois o lançamento de esgotos domésticos, sem o adequado tratamento, provoca impacto na saúde da população. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a coleta e tratamento de esgoto das grandes cidades da RMR do Recife, no ano de 2018. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes do censo 2010 do IBGE e do SNIS, referente ao ano de 2018. Todos os municípios de grande porte da RMR são atendidos com esgotamento sanitário pela Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (Compesa), no entanto os valores de coleta são baixos, considerando sua densidade populacional, demonstrando a precariedade de esgotamento sanitário na região e a vulnerabilidade da população quanto às enfermidades transmitidas por este vetor. Na RMR grande parte dos efluentes é lançada no Rio Capibaribe, sem o tratamento adequado, impactando na qualidade da água e contribuindo para que este seja um transmissor de doenças. Mesmo com a implementação de normativas legais sobre o lançamento e tratamento de efluentes, os municípios estão bastante aquém no cumprimento das normas, impactando diretamente na qualidade dos recursos hídricos e na qualidade de vida da população, fazendo com que os recursos hídricos, sobretudo em grandes metrópoles sejam potenciais transmissores de enfermidades. O acesso aos serviços de saneamento, como a coleta e tratamento dos esgotos, são medidas preventivas que poderiam estar sendo mais bem utilizadas na qualidade de vida da população, transformando os recursos hídricos em mais uma fonte de vida e menos um transmissor de doenças

    Knowledge on the use of catch material for craftwork/handicrafts by an urban fishing community

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    The present study aimed to investigate knowledge on the use of catch material for craftwork by the members of the fishing community of Brasília Teimosa. Among the 98 artisanal fishermen interviewed, 64.6% demonstrated knowledge on the use of catch material for craftwork, but reported not participating in the creation of such craftwork. The fishermen cited 36 common names, mainly Actinopterigii (53.8%) and Crustacea (29.2%). The most caught species were the queen triggerfish Balistes vetula (13.1%) and the Atlantic tarpon Megalops atlanticus (12.3%). The most cited material was the entire body or taxidermied parts of the body (48.8%), followed by the skin (20.1%) for the fabrication of jewelry and souvenirs. Some catches had more than one raw material cited, such as sharks and the queen triggerfish. The main market pressure on fishing activity in the community of Brasília Teimosa is for food consumption. Catches destined for the production of craftwork are appreciated as a food source or captured incidentally. However, many of the species cited are on national and international conservation priority lists. Thus, regardless of the end use, the exploitation of these fishing resources should be performed with caution to avoid further harm to these populations and not compromise the sustainability of the activity, considering the cultural particularities of the populations that use these resources for subsistence and/or the generation of income

    Influência do farelo de trigo na disponibilidade do alimento natural e no crescimento do camarão Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)

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    O camarão Litopenaeus vannamei adaptou-se muito bem às condições de cultivo na região Nordeste devido as suas características de ampla faixa de tolerância à salinidade e temperatura, resistência ao manuseio, altas taxas de crescimento e de sobrevivência e boa conversão alimentar, contribuindo para colocar o Brasil no mercado produtor e exportador. Mesmo com os bons resultados de produtividade alcançados, ainda há fatores limitantes a serem mais bem estudados, como a alimentação, onde a produção e o manejo adequado do alimento natural contribuem para melhorar a viabilidade econômica e ambiental do cultivo e representa grande importância nutricional para os organismos cultivados. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a influência de fertilizante orgânico na disponibilidade de alimento natural (plâncton e bentos) e no crescimento do camarão, com a finalidade de redução dos efluentes de cultivos e dos custos de produção, através de dois regimes de fertilização em quatro tratamentos: 1) CP: Controle (fertilizantes inorgânicos) povoado com 40 juvenis.m-2; 2) CNP: Controle não-povoado; 3) TP: Farelo de trigo (fertilizante orgânico) povoado com 40 juvenis.tanque-2; 4) TNP: Farelo de trigo não-povoado; com três repetições cada. Os tanques experimentais foram preparados com sedimento, aeração individual, sem troca de água, e a alimentação dos camarões, durante 88 dias de cultivo, foi feita através de comedouros, com ração comercial com 35% de proteína bruta, três vezes ao dia, ajustada diariamente em função do consumo. A temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido e pH foram mensurados diariamente; a transparência e salinidade foram aferidas semanalmente e amostras de água de cada tanque foram coletadas quinzenalmente para as análises de nitrato, nitrito, amônia total, ortofosfato, silicato, alcalinidade e clorofila a. As coletas para análise de fitoplâncton, zooplâncton, fitobentos e meiobentos foram realizadas quinzenalmente e as coletas de macro-invertebrados foram mensais. Quanto à qualidade da água, os níveis de oxigênio dissolvido foram mais elevados com o farelo de trigo (6,16±0,98 mg.L-1) do que com os fertilizantes inorgânicos (5,92±1,19 mg.L-1). Sob fertilização orgânica, o fitoplâncton apresentou abundância de Bacillariophyceae, principalmente Nitzschia, e rotíferos; o fitobentos esteve constituído de Bacillariophyceae, principalmente por Nitzschia, Amphiprora e Cymbella; o meiobentos principalmente por nematódeos e rotíferos; e os macro-invertebrados constituíram-se principalmente de oligoquetas. A preferência alimentar dos camarões foi determinante na abundância de alimento natural o qual, por sua vez, determinou conversão alimentar diferente ao longo do experimento (1,3 e 2,1), justificando reajustes periódicos da quantidade de ração fornecida. A sobrevivência dos camarões foi a mesma para ambos os regimes de fertilização (96,6%). O peso final no CP foi de 11,89±1,73 g e no TP foi de 12,28±1,71 g, com menor custo do farelo de trigo em relação aos fertilizantes inorgânicos. O farelo de trigo apresentou bom desempenho tanto na manutenção da qualidade da água sem renovação e na disponibilidade de alimento natural, como no desenvolvimento dos camarões, desta forma podendo contribuir para a minimização dos efluentes da carcinicultura e seu impacto sobre o ambiente, bem como na redução dos custos de produção.The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei adapted itself very well to the culture conditions in the Northeast due to their characteristics of tolerance to the salinity and temperature, resistance to the handling, rapid growth and survival and good feed conversion, contributing to place Brazil in the producer and exporter market. Even with the good productivity results, there are some limiting factors to be better studied, as the feeding, where the production and the adequate management of the natural food contributing to improve the economical and environmental feasibility of the culture and represents great nutritional importance to the cultivated organisms. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of organic fertilizer in the availability of natural food (plankton and benthos) and the shrimp growth, with the purpose of effluents and costs reduction, through two fertilization regimes in four treatments: 1) CP: Control (inorganic fertilizers) stocked with 40 juveniles.m-2; 2) CNP: Control no-shrimp; 3) TP: Wheat bran (organic fertilizer) stocked with 40 juveniles.m-2; 4) TNP: Wheat bran no-shrimp, with three replicates each. The experimental tanks were prepared with sediment, individual aeration, without water exchange, and the shrimps feeding during 88 culture days, was done with a commercial 35% crude protein ration through feeding trays, three times a day, adjusted daily to the according consumption. The water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured daily; the transparency and salinity were checked weekly and samples of water of each tank were collected biweekly for nutrients analyses. The phytoplankton analysis, zooplankton, phytobenthos and meiobenthos samples were accomplished biweekly and macroinvertebrates samples were monthly. The dissolved oxygen levels were higher with the wheat bran (6.16±0.98 mg.L-1) than with the inorganic fertilizers (5.92±1.19 mg.L-1). Under organic fertilization regime, the phytoplankton presented abundance of Bacillariophyceae, mainly Nitzschia, and rotifers; the phytobenthos was constituted of Bacillariophyceae, mainly for Nitzschia, Amphiprora and Cymbella; the meiobenthos mainly for nematodes and rotifers; and the macroinvertebrates were constituted mainly of oligochaetas. The feeding preference of the shrimps was decisive in the abundance of natural food, which determined different conversion ration along the experiment (1.3 and 2.1), justifying periodic adjustments of the amount of artificial diets. The shrimps survival was the same for both fertilization regimes (96.6%). The final weight in CP was of 11.89±1.73 g and in TP was of 12.28±1.71 g, with lower cost of the wheat bran in relation to the inorganic fertilizers. The wheat bran showed better performance not only in the water quality maintenance without exchange but also in the availability of natural food, and the performance of the shrimps, contributing to the minimize shrimp culture effluents and its impact on the environment, also in the reduction of the production costs.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on macro and meiobenthos abundance and water quality in the litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) shrimp culture

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    Submitted by Marilene Marcon ([email protected]) on 2011-05-15T01:15:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EFEITOS DE FERTILIZANTES ORGÂNICOS E INORGÂNICOS NA ABUNDÂNCIA DE MACRO E.pdf: 139304 bytes, checksum: 1e573bcbdfb5a6806aeb922b4da79f79 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Barbara Milbrath([email protected]) on 2011-05-18T23:13:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EFEITOS DE FERTILIZANTES ORGÂNICOS E INORGÂNICOS NA ABUNDÂNCIA DE MACRO E.pdf: 139304 bytes, checksum: 1e573bcbdfb5a6806aeb922b4da79f79 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-18T23:13:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EFEITOS DE FERTILIZANTES ORGÂNICOS E INORGÂNICOS NA ABUNDÂNCIA DE MACRO E.pdf: 139304 bytes, checksum: 1e573bcbdfb5a6806aeb922b4da79f79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de fertilizantes orgânicos e inorgânicos na qualidade da água, na abundância de macro e meiobentos e no crescimento do camarão. Foram utilizados três regimes de fertilização: 1) Melaço (fertilizante orgânico); 2) Farelo de trigo (fertilizante orgânico); e 3) Controle (fertilizantes inorgânicos), com três repetições cada. Os tanques experimentais foram preparados com sedimento e água estuarinos, aeração individual e sem troca de água. Os camarões (2,5±0,58 g) foram alimentados com ração peletizada (35% proteína bruta) fornecida em bandejas de alimentação, durante 88 dias de cultivo. A temperatura da água, pH e oxigênio dissolvido foram aferidos diariamente, a salinidade e transparência semanalmente, químicas e biológicas quinzenalmente e amostragens de bentos mensalmente. A comunidade macro e meio bentônica esteve constituída por nematódeos, copépodos, oligoquetas, poliquetas, rotíferos e foraminíferos. Constatou-se não haver diferença significativa (P>0,05) nas densidades destes grupos ao longo do cultivo, entre os regimes de fertilização empregados. Ao comparar o crescimento e a produção do camarão cultivado, verificou-se não haver diferença significativa entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Fertilizantes inorgânicos e orgânicos (farelo de trigo e melaço) demonstraram resultados satisfatórios tanto na manutenção da qualidade da água e disponibilidade zoobentônica, como no bom desenvolvimento dos camarões.The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on water quality, macro and meiobenthos abundance and shrimps growth. Were adopted three fertilizer regimes, with three replicates: 1) Molasses (organic fertilizer); 2) Wheat bran (organic fertilizer); and 3) Control (inorganic fertilizers). Experimental tanks were provided with both estuarine sediment and water, individual aeration and without water exchanges. Shrimps (2.5±0.58 g) were fed with a 35 percent crude protein pelleted ration through feeding trays during 88 culture days. The water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured daily, the salinity and transparency were checked weekly, biological e chemistry variables were checked biweekly and benthos samples were monthly. Macro and meiobenthic community was constituted by Nematoda, Copepoda, Oligochaeta, Polichaeta, Rotifera e Foraminifera. There were not significant difference (P>0.05) in macro and meiobenthic densities through culture among fertilizers regimes. When comparing the growth and the production of the shrimp culture, there were not significant difference (P>0.05) among treatments. Both organics (wheat bran and molasses) and inorganics fertilizers showed reasonable results on maintaining the quality of water and zoobenthic availability as well as good shrimp growth

    Efeitos de fertilizantes orgânicos e inorgânicos na abundância de macro e meiobentos e na qualidade da água do cultivo do camarão litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de fertilizantes orgânicos e inorgânicos na qualidade da água, na abundância de macro e meiobentos e no crescimento do camarão. Foram utilizados três regimes de fertilização: 1) Melaço (fertilizante orgânico); 2) Farelo de trigo (fertilizante orgânico); e 3) Controle (fertilizantes inorgânicos), com três repetições cada. Os tanques experimentais foram preparados com sedimento e água estuarinos, aeração individual e sem troca de água. Os camarões (2,5±0,58 g) foram alimentados com ração peletizada (35% proteína bruta) fornecida em bandejas de alimentação, durante 88 dias de cultivo. A temperatura da água, pH e oxigênio dissolvido foram aferidos diariamente, a salinidade e transparência semanalmente, químicas e biológicas quinzenalmente e amostragens de bentos mensalmente. A comunidade macro e meio bentônica esteve constituída por nematódeos, copépodos, oligoquetas, poliquetas, rotíferos e foraminíferos. Constatou-se não haver diferença significativa (P>0,05) nas densidades destes grupos ao longo do cultivo, entre os regimes de fertilização empregados. Ao comparar o crescimento e a produção do camarão cultivado, verificou-se não haver diferença significativa entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Fertilizantes inorgânicos e orgânicos (farelo de trigo e melaço) demonstraram resultados satisfatórios tanto na manutenção da qualidade da água e disponibilidade zoobentônica, como no bom desenvolvimento dos camarões.The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on water quality, macro and meiobenthos abundance and shrimps growth. Were adopted three fertilizer regimes, with three replicates: 1) Molasses (organic fertilizer); 2) Wheat bran (organic fertilizer); and 3) Control (inorganic fertilizers). Experimental tanks were provided with both estuarine sediment and water, individual aeration and without water exchanges. Shrimps (2.5±0.58 g) were fed with a 35 percent crude protein pelleted ration through feeding trays during 88 culture days. The water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured daily, the salinity and transparency were checked weekly, biological e chemistry variables were checked biweekly and benthos samples were monthly. Macro and meiobenthic community was constituted by Nematoda, Copepoda, Oligochaeta, Polichaeta, Rotifera e Foraminifera. There were not significant difference (P>0.05) in macro and meiobenthic densities through culture among fertilizers regimes. When comparing the growth and the production of the shrimp culture, there were not significant difference (P>0.05) among treatments. Both organics (wheat bran and molasses) and inorganics fertilizers showed reasonable results on maintaining the quality of water and zoobenthic availability as well as good shrimp growth

    Effects of urban development on socioeconomic aspects of a tropical artisanal fishing community

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    637-646As urbanization exerts an influence on the socioeconomic aspects of a community, the aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of urbanization on the socioeconomic profile of artisanal fishermen in Brasília Teimosa, city of Recife in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Information was acquired through semi-structured interviews with 98 fishermen between January 2010 and February 2011. Local marine fishing was defined as an exclusively male activity, formed mainly by adults with a mean of 29.1 years of fishing experience. Most were married and had a low level of schooling. The father was the most important figure in the transmission of fishing knowledge. However, only 7.0% of interviewees cited having children involved in the activity. The majority of homes in the community were owned by the fishermen themselves and made of bricks and mortar. Fishing is economically and culturally important to the community, with 79.1% of fishermen depending exclusively on fishing as a source of income. As an urban community, Brasília Teimosa has social and economic advantages, but suffers from a number of social and environmental problems stemming from the disorganized occupation of the community. While generating economic benefits and social aggregation, urbanization also withdraws the youth from the fishing community, thereby endangering the continuity of local fishing activities

    Educação para a sensibilização ambiental: Uma construção de toda a sociedade

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    The Environmental Awareness Project (PROSA) was created to link environmental education to university extension projects at Pernambuco University. It also aims at increasing the environmental awareness of people that take part of the community of that region. This paper aims to report the experiences and actions of PROSA, which has an interdisciplinary and interagency character, promoting discussions about global degradation and ways to contribute to minimize the negative impacts. Actions are carried out through lectures and photographic exhibitions; recreational activities and workshops with recycled materials; participation in cultural, thematic and scientific events; initiatives related to International Coastal Cleanup Day. So far, the results achieved have been contributing to the training of students committed to its social and environmental mission. Besides that, it seeks to raise critical interest of the community on the environment situation of the place where they live.O PROSA – Projeto de Sensibilização Ambiental, da Universidade de Pernambuco, foi formado com o objetivo de aliar a educação ambiental com o papel da extensão universitária, junto à comunidade na qual está inserida, com o intuito de contribuir para a sensibilização e uma nova consciência ecológica. Este artigo visa relatar as experiências e ações do PROSA, que possuem um caráter interdisciplinar e interinstitucional, promovendo discussões sobre a degradação planetária e formas de contribuir para a minimização dos impactos negativos. As ações são compostas por palestras e exposições fotográficas; atividades lúdicas e/ou artísticas e oficinas com materiais recicláveis; participação em eventos culturais, temáticos e científicos; movimentos em alusão ao Dia Mundial de Limpeza dos Rios e Praias. Os resultados alcançados até o presente momento vêm contribuindo para a formação de discentes comprometidos com sua missão social e ambiental, além de despertar na comunidade um olhar crítico acerca da situação do meio ambiente onde estão inseridos