2,480 research outputs found

    Faculty Recital: Frank Gabriel Campos, trumpet

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    Faculty Recital: Frank Gabriel Campos, trumpet

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    Blockchain based application for circular economy

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    Over the last few years, web services have evolved enormously, from archaic text-only websites where only the web master can upload and update content, to the most modern applications such as social networks with video calls and real-time video streaming where all users interact and create new content. All these advances in the way services are built and how we interact with them have been made possible by major technological improvements and contributions, such as the increasing speed of access networks, the evolution from desktop to laptop computers, the emergence of pocket devices such as smartphones and the development of even more powerful wireless access networks, such as the evolution of mobile telephony standards. Despite all this evolution, technology has not stagnated and continues to evolve to provide us new ways to build services and interact with virtual worlds. In recent years, new technologies have appeared, and these technologies have produced a paradigm shift in the relationship we will have with web-based services, and some companies are even talking about the beginning of a fully immersive metaverse. In this thesis we will analyze some of these technologies, such as blockchain networks, their possible social implications and we will develop an application based on this technology following a circular economy framework.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les Desigualtat

    The Good Reasons for the Holy See Emotions: Outlining an Argumentative Analysis of the Responsum on the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions

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    Relying on the work Les bonnes raisons des motions Principes et m thode pour l tude du discours motionn 2011 by Christian Plantin we carried out a short argumentative analysis of a responsum issued by the Holy See in the year of 2021 which addresses the subject of the blessing imparted to same-sex unions This is an official statement published by the highest leadership of the Catholic Church which in response to questions arising from lower hierarchical levels of the institution asserts that the Church does not have the power to bless such unions Following Plantin s understanding 2011 we aim to look at a presumed dichotomy between reasons and emotions in our corpus It is in the light of this approach which takes emotion as one of the constraints of discourse that we argue about the inseparability of reasons and emotions in the argumentation of the selected tex

    Mediación intercultural y traducción/interpretación en los servicios públicos: el caso de la atención sanitaria a población inmigrante de origen magrebí

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    Decenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2004-2005)El presente trabajo se inserta, desde una perspectiva general, en el marco de los estudios de comunicación intercultural, y, en concreto, en la línea culturalista de los estudios de traducción e interpretación. En los últimos años en nuestro país ha ido cobrando importancia la vertiente más social del ámbito traductológico, materializada en lo que se conoce como traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos o interpretación social, vinculada con la esfera de la mediación intercultural. A ello se ha llegado dada la creciente multiculturalidad y plurilingüismo de nuestro entorno por la llegada de inmigrantes de diversas procedencias, que traen sus propias lenguas y culturas. En este orden de cosas, nos centraremos en el ámbito de la atención sanitaria a la población inmigrante, concretamente de origen magrebí. Observaremos qué necesidades comunicativas específicas se dan en este tipo de interacciones, y qué conclusiones, al menos parciales, pueden extraerse en relación al perfil formativo de los intérpretes y mediadores interculturales que actúen de enlace entre el personal sanitario y los pacientes inmigrantes. Para ello hemos llevado a cabo un trabajo de campo basado en una serie de entrevistas con inmigrantes de origen magrebí y hemos contrastado los resultados con la bibliografía existente sobre el tema

    Provas ilícitas e ponderação de interesses no processo penal

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 343.1(81) C198p

    Faculty Recital: Frank Campos, trumpet

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