108 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramienta para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Municipio de Sincelejo

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    La violencia es un fenómeno que se ha presentado desde tiempos remotos en nuestro país, el dolor, el desplazamiento y las muertes han sido situaciones a las que muchas personas debieron enfrentarse y cargar con una marca que los recuerda toda la vida, el siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el relato de una historia donde se evidencia la violencia y el dolor que vivencio una comunidad por parte de los grupos armado, presentar los emergentes psicosociales identificados en el caso, reflexionar alrededor de los significados de la violencia desde la experiencia subjetiva del protagonista e identificar los recurso de afrontamiento y elementos resiliente que se dan en el discurso. A través de preguntas de tipo circular, estratégicas y reflexivas se busca comprender mejor las vivencias de los habitantes, se implementan estrategias que busquen mitigar el impacto que ha generado la violencia en la vida de estas personas, la imagen y la narrativa han sido elementos esenciales que han permitido dar a conocer el proceso de violencia en cada contexto por medio de diferentes descripciones físicas y simbólicas, con este trabajo se pudo identificar emergentes psicosociales los cuales fueron aplicados al análisis de relatos de historias de vidas esperanzadoras en sobrevivientes del conflicto armado en nuestro país, recordando episodios de una violencia que marcó su pasado, pero que hoy por medio del lenguaje se expresan, reflexionan, recuerdan y reconstruyen argumentos significativos e impactantes de la memoria, identificando y reconociendo sus mecanismos de afrontamiento para poder superar la difícil situación vivida.Violence is a phenomenon that has been present since ancient times in our country, pain, displacement and deaths have been situations that many people had to face and carry a mark that remembers them all their lives, the following work has The objective is to analyze the story of a story where the violence and pain experienced by a community by the armed groups is evident, to present the psychosocial emergents identified in the case, to reflect on the meanings of violence from the subjective experience of the protagonist. and identify coping resources and resilient elements that occur in the discourse. Through circular, strategic and reflective questions, the aim is to better understand the experiences of the inhabitants, strategies are implemented that seek to mitigate the impact that violence has generated in the lives of these people, the image and the narrative have been essential elements that have made it possible to publicize the process of violence in each context through different physical and symbolic descriptions, with this work it was possible to identify psychosocial emergents which were applied to the analysis of stories of hopeful lives in survivors of the armed conflict in our country, recalling episodes of violence that marked their past, but that today through language express, reflect, remember and reconstruct significant and powerful arguments from memory, identifying and acknowledging their coping mechanisms in order to overcome the difficult situation experienced

    Safety of statins when response is carefully monitored: a study of 336 heart recipients

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    [Abstract] Background. Statins are used as first-line drugs against hypercholesterolemia after heart transplantation. Randomized clinical trials have shown that they reduce cholesterol levels, and the incidence of rejection and coronary vasculopathy. Adverse effects have been related to the use of certain statins, high statin dosages, comorbidities, and coadministration with cyclosporine. However, estimation of the risk of adverse effects for a given patient is difficult. The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of various kinds of adverse effect of statins; to evaluate certain potential risk factors; and to assess the efficacy of early response to signs of adverse effects. Methods. Between April 1991 and December 2003, we retrospectively evaluated 336 heart transplant patients (including 55 women) with regard to the occurrence of possible adverse effects of statins (rhabdomyolysis, myalgia, hepatotoxicity, high CK without muscle symptoms, and others). Resolution on reduction of dosage or discontinuance and/or change of statin were deemed to constitute confirmation of cause. Relations were sought between adverse effects and age, sex, immunosuppressive therapy, kidney failure, body mass index (BMI), arterial hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Results. Possible adverse events of statins were suffered by 60 patients, all of them men. The causal role of statins was confirmed in 41 (12.2% of all 336): hepatotoxicity was suffered by 13, high CK without muscle ache or weakness by 18, rhabdomyolysis by 5, myalgia by 3, and other effects by 2. The incidence of confirmed statin-related complications was higher among patients with BMI >29 kg/m2 than among those with lower BMI (P = .055). None of the patients with confirmed statin-related complications needed dialysis, none died, and permanent suspension of statin treatment was only necessary in 13 cases (3.9% of the 336). Conclusions. Some 10% to 20% of HT patients appear to suffer adverse side effects of initial statin therapy. However, early detection of such effects through diligent clinical and analytical monitoring allows the therapy to be modified in time to minimize the appearance of severe complications. In only a minority of cases permanent suspension of statin therapy is necessary

    Caracterización agronómica de una accesión de Swinglea glutinosa (Blanco) Merr, (Rutaceae)

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    . La familia Rutaceae abarca un gran número de géneros y especies. De ellos, Citrus, Poncirus y Fortunella son los géneros más explotados comercialmente a nivel mundial, sin embargo, hay otros menos abordados, como el género Swinglea que posee una sola especie: S. glutinosa (Blanco) Merr. Con el objetivo de caracterizar desde el punto de vista agronómico esta especie por su de importancia como recurso genético y posterior utilización como patrón en la producción citrícola. Se evaluaron las características físico-químicas de los frutos. Para ello se analizaron las variables: masa, diámetro y altura del fruto, número y masa de las semillas, sólidos solubles totales, acidez, índice de madurez, contenido de vitamina C y algunos caracteres cualitativos de la morfología del árbol como: estructura del árbol, formas del fruto, de las hojas y la semilla. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que es un árbol rustico, adaptándose bien a nuestras condiciones, además presenta un alto número de semillas por fruto. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que es un árbol rustico, adaptándose bien a nuestras condiciones, además presenta un alto número de semillas por fruto, lo cual es de gran importancia a la hora de seleccionar un patrón para su introducción a la práctica productiva

    Trainspotting (1996): el problema de las adicciones en los jóvenes

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    Trainspotting (1996) es una película inglesa dirigida por Danny Boyle, basada en la novela homónima escrita por el escocés Irvine Welsh. La trama gira en torno a Mark Renton, un joven adicto a la heroína con una clara conducta antisocial que se enfrenta a vida y a la toma de decisiones que ésta conlleva. Rodeado por un mundo de drogas y adicciones, el protagonista interactúa con un grupo de amigos, también adictos, donde crean una micro sociedad en la que su único objetivo es consumir. Finalmente Renton, tras formar parte de una comunidad terapéutica y lograr dejar las drogas, consigue trabajo como como agente inmobiliario en Londres, siendo finalmente el único miembro del grupo que consigue escapar del destino autodestructivo que parece esperar a sus ex compañeros.</p

    Statistical Evaluation of Metaproteomics and 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Techniques for Study of Gut Microbiota Establishment in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) can identify affected but asymptomatic infants. The selection of omic technique for gut microbiota study is crucial due to both the small amount of feces available and the low microorganism load. Our aims were to compare the agreement between 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metaproteomics by a robust statistical analysis, including both presence and abundance of taxa, to describe the sequential establishment of the gut microbiota during the first year of life in a small size sample (8 infants and 28 fecal samples). The taxonomic assignations by the two techniques were similar, whereas certain discrepancies were observed in the abundance detection, mostly the lower predicted relative abundance of Bifidobacterium and the higher predicted relative abundance of certain Firmicutes and Proteobacteria by amplicon sequencing. During the first months of life, the CF gut microbiota is characterized by a significant enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus, the expression of certain virulent bacterial traits, and the detection of human inflammation-related proteins. Metaproteomics provides information on composition and functionality, as well as data on host-microbiome interactions. Its strength is the identification and quantification of Actinobacteria and certain classes of Firmicutes, but alpha diversity indices are not comparable to those of amplicon sequencing. Both techniques detected an aberrant microbiota in our small cohort of infants with CF during their first year of life, dominated by the enrichment of R. gnavus within a human inflammatory environment. IMPORTANCE In recent years, some techniques have been incorporated for the study of microbial ecosystems, being 16S rRNA gene sequencing being the most widely used. Metaproteomics provides the advantage of identifying the interaction between microorganisms and human cells, but the available databases are less extensive as well as imprecise. Few studies compare the statistical differences between the two techniques to define the composition of an ecosystem. Our work shows that the two methods are comparable in terms of microorganism identification but provide different results in alpha diversity analysis. On the other hand, we have studied newborns with cystic fibrosis, for whom we have described the establishment of an intestinal ecosystem marked by the inflammatory response of the host and the enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus

    Prevalence, etiology, and outcome of catheterization laboratory false alarms in patients with suspected ST-elevation myocardial infarction

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. To investigate the prevalence, causes and outcome of catheterization laboratory false alarms (CLFAs) in a regional primary angioplasty network. Methods. A prospective registry of 1,662 patients referred for primary angioplasty between January 2003 and August 2008 was reviewed to identify CLFAs (i.e. when no culprit coronary lesion could be found). Results. No culprit coronary lesion could be identified in 120 patients (7.2%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.9- 8.5%). Of these, 104 (6.3%, 95% CI, 5.1-7.4%) had a discharge diagnosis other than ST-elevation myocardial infarction, 91 (5.5%; 95% CI, 4.3-6.6%) had no significant coronary disease, and 64 (3.8%; 95% CI, 2.9-4.8%) tested negative for cardiac biomarkers. The most frequent alternative diagnoses were: previous Q-wave myocardial infarction (18 cases), nonspecific ST-segment abnormalities (11), pericarditis (10) and transient apical dyskinesia (10). The 30-day mortality rate was similar in patients with and without culprit lesions (5.8% vs. 5.8%; P=.99). The prevalence of CLFAs was slightly higher in patients not previously evaluated by a cardiologist and referred from emergency departments in hospitals without catheterization laboratories than in those referred by cardiologists from emergency departments at hospitals with such facilities (9.5% vs. 6.1%; P=.02; odds ratio=1.64; 95% CI, 1.08-2.5). The prevalence of CLFAs was not significantly higher in patients referred by physicians with out-of-hospital emergency medical services (7.2%; P=.51; odds ratio=1.37; 95% CI, 0.79-2.37). Conclusions. The prevalence of CLFAs was 7.2%, with the criterion of no culprit coronary lesion. Our findings suggest that different patterns of referral to catheterization laboratories could account for small variations in the prevalence of CLFAs.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Determinar prevalencia, causas y pronóstico de las «falsas alarmas» al laboratorio de hemodinámica (FALH) en una red regional de angioplastia primaria. Métodos. Registro prospectivo de 1.662 pacientes remitidos para angioplastia primaria entre enero de 2003 y agosto de 2008. Se definió FALH como ausencia de lesión coronaria causal. Resultados. En 120 pacientes (7,2%; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 5,9-8,5) no se identificó ninguna lesión coronaria causal. De ellos, 104 (6,3%; IC del 95%, 5,1-7,4) recibieron un diagnóstico alternativo a IAMCEST, 91 (5,5%; IC del 95%, 4,3-6,6) no presentaron enfermedad coronaria significativa y 64 (3,8%; IC del 95%, 2,9-4,8) presentaron marcadores de daño miocárdico negativos. Los diagnósticos alternativos más frecuentes fueron: infarto con onda Q previo (18 casos), alteraciones inespecíficas del segmento ST (11), pericarditis (10) y discinesia apical transitoria (10). La mortalidad a 30 días fue similar en los pacientes con y sin lesión causal (el 5,8 frente al 5,8%; p = 0,99). La prevalencia de FALH fue discretamente superior entre los pacientes remitidos desde los servicios de urgencias de hospitales no intervencionistas sin evaluación previa por un cardiólogo que entre los remitidos por cardiólogos desde el servicio de urgencias del hospital intervencionista (el 9,5 frente al 6,1%; p = 0,02; odds ratio [OR] = 1,64; IC del 95%, 1,08-2,5). No observamos un exceso de FALH entre los pacientes remitidos por médicos de UVI Móviles-061 (7,2%; p = 0,51; OR = 1,37; IC del 95%, 0,79-2,37). Conclusiones. Hemos observado una prevalencia de FALH del 7,2% de acuerdo con el criterio de ausencia de lesión coronaria causal. Nuestros resultados indican que diferentes modelos de activación del laboratorio de hemodinámica podrían justificar discretas variaciones en la prevalencia de FALH