33 research outputs found

    Video Streaming Service Identification on Software-Defined Networking

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    It is well known that video streaming is the major network traffic today. Futhermore, the traffic generated by video streaming is expected to increase exponentially. On the other hand, SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) has been considered a viable solution to cope with the complexity and increasing network traffic due to its centralised control and programmability features. These features, however, do not guarantee that network performance will not suffer as traffic grows. As result, understanding video traffic and optimising video traffic can aid in control various aspects of network performance, such as bandwidth utilisation, dynamic routing, and Quality of Service (QoS). This paper presents an approach to identify video streaming traffic in SDN and investigates the feasibility of using Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN) in traffic classification. KDN is a networking paradigm that takes advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by using Machine Learning approaches, which allows integrating behavioural models to detect patterns, like video streaming traffic identification, in SDN traffic. In our initial proof-of-concept, we derive the relevant information of network traffic in the form of flows statistics. Then, we used such information to train six ML models that can classify network traffic into three types, Video on Demand (VoD), Livestream, and no-video traffic. Our proof-of-concept demonstrates that our approach is applicable and that we can identify and classify video streaming traffic with 97.5% accuracy using the Decision Tree model

    QoE estimation for different adaptive streaming techniques in mobile networks

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    Video services are becoming more and more popular for mobile network users and require greater and greater resources and provisions from telecommunications service providers. But operators suffer from problems of interoperability between the different adaptive transmissions techniques they employ in an attempt to satisfy the quality of experience (QoE) of the service provided to users and improve network performance. This article presents a comparison of four such streaming techniques - DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) - used in a live video playback by a user in different test scenarios on an emulated long-term evolution (LTE) network. Comparison of performance was carried out using the mean opinion score (MOS) metric calculated based on ITU-T Recommendation P.1203. The streaming techniques that performed best in each of the different test scenarios are revealed.El servicio de video es cada vez más popular por parte de los usuarios de redes móviles, además exige mayores recursos y prestaciones por parte de los proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones. Para satisfacer la calidad de la experiencia del servicio suministrado a los usuarios - QoE y mejorar el rendimiento de las redes, los operadores utilizan diferentes técnicas de transmisión adaptativa, las cuales presentan inconvenientes de interoperabilidad entre ellas.  En este artículo se presenta una comparación de las técnicas de streaming DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) empleadas en la reproducción de vídeo en vivo por parte de un usuario en diferentes escenarios de prueba, en una red LTE emulada. La comparación de desempeño se realiza mediante la métrica de la MOS calculada a partir de la Recomendación ITU-T P.1203. Se presenta para los diferentes escenarios bajo prueba, la técnica de streaming que mejor desempeño obtiene

    QoE estimation for different adaptive streaming techniques in mobile networks

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    Video services are becoming more and more popular for mobile network users and require greater and greater resources and provisions from telecommunications service providers. But operators suffer from problems of interoperability between the different adaptive transmissions techniques they employ in an attempt to satisfy the quality of experience (QoE) of the service provided to users and improve network performance. This article presents a comparison of four such streaming techniques - DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) - used in a live video playback by a user in different test scenarios on an emulated long-term evolution (LTE) network. Comparison of performance was carried out using the mean opinion score (MOS) metric calculated based on ITU-T Recommendation P.1203. The streaming techniques that performed best in each of the different test scenarios are revealed.El servicio de video es cada vez más popular por parte de los usuarios de redes móviles, además exige mayores recursos y prestaciones por parte de los proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones. Para satisfacer la calidad de la experiencia del servicio suministrado a los usuarios - QoE y mejorar el rendimiento de las redes, los operadores utilizan diferentes técnicas de transmisión adaptativa, las cuales presentan inconvenientes de interoperabilidad entre ellas.  En este artículo se presenta una comparación de las técnicas de streaming DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) empleadas en la reproducción de vídeo en vivo por parte de un usuario en diferentes escenarios de prueba, en una red LTE emulada. La comparación de desempeño se realiza mediante la métrica de la MOS calculada a partir de la Recomendación ITU-T P.1203. Se presenta para los diferentes escenarios bajo prueba, la técnica de streaming que mejor desempeño obtiene

    QoE estimation for different adaptive streaming techniques in mobile networks

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    Video services are becoming more and more popular for mobile network users and require greater and greater resources and provisions from telecommunications service providers. But operators suffer from problems of interoperability between the different adaptive transmissions techniques they employ in an attempt to satisfy the quality of experience (QoE) of the service provided to users and improve network performance. This article presents a comparison of four such streaming techniques - DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) - used in a live video playback by a user in different test scenarios on an emulated long-term evolution (LTE) network. Comparison of performance was carried out using the mean opinion score (MOS) metric calculated based on ITU-T Recommendation P.1203. The streaming techniques that performed best in each of the different test scenarios are revealed.El servicio de video es cada vez más popular por parte de los usuarios de redes móviles, además exige mayores recursos y prestaciones por parte de los proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones. Para satisfacer la calidad de la experiencia del servicio suministrado a los usuarios - QoE y mejorar el rendimiento de las redes, los operadores utilizan diferentes técnicas de transmisión adaptativa, las cuales presentan inconvenientes de interoperabilidad entre ellas.  En este artículo se presenta una comparación de las técnicas de streaming DASH (dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), HDS (HTTP dynamic streaming), HLS (HTTP2 live streaming) and HSS (HTTP smooth streaming) empleadas en la reproducción de vídeo en vivo por parte de un usuario en diferentes escenarios de prueba, en una red LTE emulada. La comparación de desempeño se realiza mediante la métrica de la MOS calculada a partir de la Recomendación ITU-T P.1203. Se presenta para los diferentes escenarios bajo prueba, la técnica de streaming que mejor desempeño obtiene

    Proposal for a fuzzy logic-based system to determine cardiovascular risk

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    One of the key variables to determine the level of cardiovascular risk is the heart rate variability, which associates different metrics such as average of the RR intervals (average RR), standard deviation of the RR intervals (SDRR) and percentage of differences greater than 50 ms in RR intervals (pRR50). Given that these metrics make use of different measurement units, scales, and ranges, it is necessary to determine an output risk level in intelligible terms, taking as input the values of each one of them. Thus, this article proposes the development of a system based on fuzzy logic to determine the percentage or cardiovascular risk level. The fuzzy system is connected to an Arduino board with a heart rate sensor where the heart rate and heart rate variability values are obtained, so they are used to calculate the risk level metrics. Using the input values of each metric, as well as the 3 membership functions of the inputs, the output membership function, and a total of 18 inference rules defined from the inputs and outputs, the system obtains the output cardiovascular risk level. The fuzzy system was implemented using free hardware and software tools, making it available in medical campaigns for the early identification of heart conditions

    Fuzzy Logic-Based System for the Estimation of the Usability Level in User Tests

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    Starting from the challenge of obtaining the usability level in numerical and linguistic terms within a user test based on the three attributes that define usability, the development of a system based on fuzzy logic is proposed for estimating the level of output usability in a test with users based on the ISO 9241-11 standard. The attributes are effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, which have different metrics and numerical scales. For the development of the system, five methodological stages were defined: characterization of the structure of a usability test, definition of membership functions for the inputs and outputs of the system, design of the inference rules that relate the inputs and outputs, design and implementation of the fuzzy system, and development of the case study. The proposed system was implemented using the FCL (Fuzzy Control Language) and the jFuzzyLogic API that takes as inputs the values calculated for the attributes of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, and obtains the usability level as output considering the membership functions of the inputs and outputs, as well as a set of inference rules defined by a set of experts. As a case study, the proposed fuzzy system was validated from the results obtained in a usability test with 5 users which was developed on the Sigma Electrónica website. From the results obtained in the case study, it could be concluded that the implemented system is adequate in terms of obtaining a level of usability in numerical and linguistic terms in conventional usability tests developed in a usability laboratory considering the attributes of ISO 9241-11

    Caracterización de tráfico para el servicio de Video Streaming en vivo sobre DASH en redes 4G basado en analizadores sintácticos

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    Context: Mobile data traffic generated by video services increases daily. To address this situation, telecommunication service providers must know the behavior of video traffic and thus adjust network resources to meet and maintain the quality levels required by users. Traffic characterization studies in 4G networks for Live Video Streaming (LVS) services are scarce, and those available are obtained from simulation scenarios in which the real operating conditions of these types of networks are not considered. Method: This work focuses on finding a model that characterizes traffic from the probability density functions of LVS services under the adaptive streaming DASH technique in LTE networks. The traces analyzed to carry out the modeling study were acquired in real emulation scenarios considering the operating conditions frequently presented in the actual provision of the service, for which five test scenarios were defined. Results: Based on the parameterization of a number of probability density functions found, a description of different traffic models of the service under study is presented, as well as for each of the pre-established test scenarios in a 4G-LTE network. Conclusions: From the results, it is concluded that the traffic model depends on the conditions of each scenario, and that there is no single model that describes the general behavior of LVS services under the adaptive streaming DASH technique in an emulated LTE network.Contexto: El tráfico de datos móviles generado por los servicios de video aumenta a diario. Para enfrentar dicha situación, los proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones deben conocer el comportamiento del tráfico de video y así ajustar los recursos de la red que permitan satisfacer y mantener los niveles de calidad requeridos por los usuarios. Los estudios de caracterización de tráfico en redes 4G para el servicio Live Video Streaming (LVS) son escasos y los disponibles son obtenidos a partir de escenarios de simulación en los cuales no se consideran las condiciones reales de funcionamiento de este tipo de redes. Método: Este trabajo se centra en encontrar un modelado que caracterice el tráfico a partir de las funciones de densidad de probabilidad del servicio LVS bajo la técnica de streaming adaptativo DASH en redes LTE. Las trazas analizadas para realizar el estudio del modelado fueron adquiridas en escenarios reales de emulación considerando las condiciones de funcionamiento frecuentemente presentadas en la prestación real del servicio, para lo cual se definieron cinco escenarios de prueba. Resultados: Se presenta la descripción, a partir de la parametrización de algunas funciones de densidad de probabilidad encontradas, de diferentes modelos de tráfico del servicio bajo estudio y para cada uno de los escenarios de prueba preestablecidos en una red 4G-LTE. Conclusiones: A partir de los resultados, se concluye que el modelo de tráfico depende de las condiciones de cada escenario y que no existe un modelo único que describa el comportamiento general del servicio LVS bajo la técnica de streaming adaptativo DASH en una la red LTE emulada

    Construction of a Video Transmission Scenario in Software-Defined Networks for QoE Estimation

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    The services supported by data networks have become widespread, so the architectures of the new data networks are service-oriented. They are endowed with intelligence, flexibility, and programmability. The preceding is with the aim of providing acceptability by users. Thus, this paper presents the construction of a video transmission scenario over a software-defined network (SDN, Software-Defined Networking) using free software and modifying its behavior with background traffic, on which the Quality of Experience (QoE) is estimated. Subjective and objective metrics were used for the QoE estimation. For the first one, the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) was used, while the second one was studied with the Full Reference Image Quality Assessment (FR-IQA). Finally, a correlation between the two types of metrics was proposed

    Construcción de Servicios Interactivos en Entornos de Televisión Digital

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    Context: In order to expand the range of virtual education opportunities, it’s important to consider two technological aspects: the great potential of TV penetration and the Web 2.0 services boom in social networks and Internet communities, spaces in which users share and generate knowledge around a topic. So, it’s necessary to define how to implement and deploy these interactive services in television environments, given the particularcharacteristics of this scenario.Method: For the purpose of guiding the building process of interactive services, in this paper we propose a scheme of service consumption in scenarios of interactive digital television (iDTV), which has been adapted from the REST-JSON (Representational State Transfer – Javascript Object Notation) architectural style.Results: As a result of the use of the proposed scheme, we implemented the message board, chat and e-mail services, in the television scenarios of digital terrestrial television (DTT) and Mobile TV of the ST-CAV project (T-Learning services for the support of virtual academic communities). Likewise, another result obtained in the present paper, was the evaluation of the implemented services through network traffic and memory consumptiontests.Conclusions: According to processing and response times obtained in the evaluation of implemented interactive services, the presented scheme can be considered as a viable alternative for the design and building of services in iDTV scenarios, allowing convergence with Internet applications (Web 2.0).Contexto: Con el fin de ampliar el abanico de oportunidades de la educación virtual, es importante considerar dos aspectos tecnológicos relevantes: el gran potencial de la penetración de la televisión y el auge de servicios de la web 2.0 en redes sociales y comunidades en Internet, espacios en los cuales los usuarios comparten y generan conocimiento alrededor de una temática. Así, se hace necesario definir la forma adecuada de implementar y desplegar estos servicios interactivos en entornos de televisión, dadas las características particulares de este escenario.Método: Con el propósito de guiar el proceso de construcción de servicios interactivos de televisión, en este artículo se propone un esquema para el consumo de servicios para escenarios de televisión digital interactiva (TVDi), el cual fue adaptado a partir del estilo arquitectónico REST-JSON (Representational State Transfer – Javascript Object Notation).Resultados: Como resultados del uso del esquema propuesto, se construyeron los servicios de chat, tablón de mensajes y acceso a correo electrónico, en los escenarios de televisión digital terrestre (TDT) y TV Móvil del proyecto ST-CAV (Servicios de T-Learning para el soporte de Comunidades Académicas Virtuales). Así mismo, otro de los resultados del presente artículo fue la evaluación de los servicios implementados, mediante pruebas de tráfico de red y consumo de memoria.Conclusiones: De acuerdo a los tiempos de procesamiento y respuesta obtenidos en la evaluación de los servicios interactivos implementados, es posible concluir que el esquema planteado en este artículo, puede considerarse como una alternativa adecuada para el diseño y construcción de servicios en escenarios de TVDi, permitiendo la convergencia con aplicaciones de Internet (web 2.0)

    Pruebas de estrés para servicios de videostreaming basados en el protocolo RTSP

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    Video-streaming is a technology with major implications these days in such diverse contexts as education, health and the business sector; all of this regarding the ease it provides for remote access to live or recorded media content, allowing communication regardless of geographic location. One standard protocol that enables implementation of this technology is real time streaming protocol, or RTSP. However, since most application servers and Internet services are supported on HTTP requests, very little research has been done on generating tools for carrying out stress tests on streaming servers. This paper presents a stress measuring tool called Hermes, developed in Python, which allows calculation of response times for establishing RTSP connections to streaming servers, as well as obtaining RAM memory consumption and CPU usage rate data from these servers. Hermes was deployed in a video-streaming environment where stress testing was carried out on the LIVE555 server, using calls in the background to VLC and OpenRTSP open source clients. El videostreaming es una de las tecnologías que actualmente tiene repercusiones importantes en diferentes contextos como la educación, la salud y el sector empresarial; todo lo anterior gracias a las facilidades que esta brinda para el acceso a contenidos multimedia de manera remota, ya sea en vivo o en diferido, permitiendo la comunicación independientemente de la ubicación geográfica. Uno de los protocolos estándar que permite la implementación de esta tecnología es RTSP, sin embargo dado que la mayoría de servidores de aplicaciones y servicios en internet están soportados en peticiones HTTP, es poco el trabajo que se ha realizado en cuanto a la generación de herramientas,  para realizar pruebas de estrés sobre servidores de streaming. Este artículo presenta una herramienta de medición de estrés llamada Hermes, desarrollada en el lenguaje Python, la cual permite el cálculo de los tiempos de respuesta en el establecimiento de conexiones RTSP a servidores de streaming, así como la obtención de datos de consumo de memoria RAM y porcentaje de uso de CPU de estos  servidores. Hermes fue desplegada dentro de en un entorno de videostreaming, sobre el cual se realizó la evaluación de estrés para el servidor LIVE555, usando para ello invocaciones en segundo plano a los clientes libres VLC y OpenRTSP