390 research outputs found

    Terahertz electrical writing speed in an antiferromagnetic memory

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    The speed of writing of state-of-the-art ferromagnetic memories is physically limited by an intrinsic gigahertz threshold. Recently, realization of memory devices based on antiferromagnets, in which spin directions periodically alternate from one atomic lattice site to the next has moved research in an alternative direction. We experimentally demonstrate at room temperature that the speed of reversible electrical writing in a memory device can be scaled up to terahertz using an antiferromagnet. A current-induced spin-torque mechanism is responsible for the switching in our memory devices throughout the 12-order-of-magnitude range of writing speeds from hertz to terahertz. Our work opens the path toward the development of memory-logic technology reaching the elusive terahertz band

    III-V semiconductor waveguides for photonic functionality at 780 nm

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    Photonic integrated circuits based on III-V semiconductor polarization-maintaining waveguides were designed and fabricated for the first time for application in a compact cold-atom gravimeter1,2 at an operational wavelength of 780 nm. Compared with optical fiber-based components, semiconductor waveguides achieve very compact guiding of optical signals for both passive functions, such as splitting and recombining, and for active functions, such as switching or modulation. Quantum sensors, which have enhanced sensitivity to a physical parameter as a result of their quantum nature, can be made from quantum gases of ultra-cold atoms. A cloud of ultra-cold atoms may start to exhibit quantum-mechanical properties when it is trapped and cooled using laser cooling in a magneto-optical trap, to reach milli-Kelvin temperatures. The work presented here focuses on the design and fabrication of optical devices for a quantum sensor to measure the acceleration of gravity precisely and accurately. In this case the cloud of ultra-cold atoms consists of rubidium (87Rb) atoms and the sensor exploits the hyperfine structure of the D1 transition, from an outer electronic state of 5 2S ½ to 5 2P3/2 which has an energy of 1.589 eV or 780.241 nm. The short wavelength of operation of the devices dictated stringent requirements on the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and device fabrication in terms of anisotropy and smoothness of plasma etch processes, cross-wafer uniformities and alignment tolerances. Initial measurements of the optical loss of the polarization-maintaining waveguide, assuming Fresnel reflection losses only at the facets, suggested a loss of 8 dB cm-1, a loss coefficient, α, of 1.9 (±0.3) cm-1

    Near infrared integrated photonic switches for portable quantum sensors

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    A novel integrated semiconductor photonic switch, based on carrier-induced refractive index changes, has been designed and fabricated for use at near infrared wavelengths (890-920 nm, 750-780 nm and 745-775 nm). These switches are intended for use in quantum sensors which rely on the spectroscopy of caesium, rubidium or potassium atoms respectively. The beam-steering properties of the 890-920 nm device are presented and its extinction ratio measured to be 13.4 dB. This measurement was limited by coupling efficiency. Subsequent changes made to the testing equipment include the implementation of an automated testing routine. This new experimental setup will facilitate the full characterisation of the 890-920 nm device and the newly fabricated optical switches, designed for operation in the wavelength ranges 750-780 nm and 745-775 nm respectively

    Second-order phase transition at the phase boundary through the FeRh first-order metamagnetic phase transition

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    The phase coexistence present through first-order phase transitions implies the presence of phase boundary walls, which can be of finite size. Better understanding of the phase boundary wall properties will provide an insight into the dynamics of first-order phase transitions. Here, by combining x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy investigations with magnetometry measurements of magnetic relaxation through the thermally activated first-order metamagnetic phase transition present in the B2-ordered FeRh alloy, we are able to isolate the dynamic behaviour of the phase boundary wall present in this system. These investigations reveal a change in the nature of the dynamic behaviour and critical scaling of the relaxation time centred around the point of maximum phase coexistence within the phase transition. All of this behaviour can be attributed to the introduction of exchange coupling across the phase boundary wall and raises questions about the role of latent heat in dynamic behaviour of this region

    Terahertz probing of anisotropic conductivity and morphology of CuMnAs epitaxial thin films

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    Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films have attracted attention since the discovery of the manipulation of their magnetic structure via electrical, optical, and terahertz pulses of electric fields, enabling convenient approaches to the switching between magnetoresistive states of the film for the information storage. However, the magnetic structure and, thus, the efficiency of the manipulation can be affected by the film morphology and growth defects. In this study, we investigate the properties of CuMnAs thin films by probing the defect-related uniaxial anisotropy of electric conductivity by contact-free terahertz transmission spectroscopy. We show that the terahertz measurements conveniently detect the conductivity anisotropy, that are consistent with conventional DC Hall-bar measurements. Moreover, the terahertz technique allows for considerably finer determination of anisotropy axes and it is less sensitive to the local film degradation. Thanks to the averaging over a large detection area, the THz probing also allows for an analysis of strongly non-uniform thin films. Using scanning near-field terahertz and electron microscopies, we relate the observed anisotropic conductivity of CuMnAs to the elongation and orientation of growth defects, which influence the local microscopic conductivity. We also demonstrate control over the morphology of defects by using vicinal substrates.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Molecular beam epitaxy of CuMnAs

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    We present a detailed study of the growth of the tetragonal polymorph of antiferromagnetic CuMnAs by the molecular beam epitaxy technique. We explore the parameter space of growth conditions and their effect on the microstructural and transport properties of the material. We identify its typical structural defects and compare the properties of epitaxial CuMnAs layers grown on GaP, GaAs and Si substrates. Finally, we investigate the correlation between the crystalline quality of CuMnAs and its performance in terms of electrically induced resistance switching.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and supplementary materia

    Experimental electronic structure of the electrically switchable antiferromagnet CuMnAs

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    Tetragonal CuMnAs is a room temperature antiferromagnet with an electrically reorientable N\'eel vector and a Dirac semimetal candidate. Direct measurements of the electronic structure of single-crystalline thin films of tetragonal CuMnAs using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) are reported, including Fermi surfaces (FS) and energy-wavevector dispersions. After correcting for a chemical potential shift of 390\approx-390 meV (hole doping), there is excellent agreement of FS, orbital character of bands, and Fermi velocities between the experiment and density functional theory calculations. Additionally, 2x1 surface reconstructions are found in the low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and ARPES. This work underscores the need to control the chemical potential in tetragonal CuMnAs to enable the exploration and exploitation of the Dirac fermions with tunable masses, which are predicted to be above the chemical potential in the present samples.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review X. 20 pages. 9 figure

    Magneto-Acoustic Waves in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs excited by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    Magnetoelastic effects in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs are investigated by applying dynamic strain in the 0.01% range through surface acoustic waves in the GaAs substrate. The magnetic state of the CuMnAs/GaAs is characterized by a multitude of submicron-sized domains which we image by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism combined with photoemission electron microscopy. Within the explored strain range, CuMnAs shows magnetoelastic effects in the form of N\'eel vector waves with micrometer wavelength, which corresponds to an averaged overall spin-axis rotation up to 2.4 deg driven by the time-dependent strain from the surface acoustic wave. Measurements at different temperatures indicate a reduction of the wave amplitude when lowering the temperature. However, no domain wall motion has been detected on the nanosecond timescal

    Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains

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    Antiferromagnets have several favourable properties as active elements in spintronic devices, including ultra-fast dynamics, zero stray fields and insensitivity to external magnetic fields. Tetragonal CuMnAs is a testbed system in which the antiferromagnetic order parameter can be switched reversibly at ambient conditions using electrical currents. In previous experiments, orthogonal in-plane current pulses were used to induce 90° rotations of antiferromagnetic domains and demonstrate the operation of all-electrical memory bits in a multi-terminal geometry. Here, we demonstrate that antiferromagnetic domain walls can be manipulated to realize stable and reproducible domain changes using only two electrical contacts. This is achieved by using the polarity of the current to switch the sign of the current-induced effective field acting on the antiferromagnetic sublattices. The resulting reversible domain and domain wall reconfigurations are imaged using X-ray magnetic linear dichroism microscopy, and can also be detected electrically. Switching by domain-wall motion can occur at much lower current densities than those needed for coherent domain switching

    Asymmetric magnetic relaxation behavior of domains and domain walls observed through the FeRh first-order metamagnetic phase transition

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    The phase coexistence present through a first-order phase transition means there will be finite regions between the two phases where the structure of the system will vary from one phase to the other, known as a phase boundary wall. This region is said to play an important but unknown role in the dynamics of the first-order phase transitions. Here, by using both x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and magnetometry techniques to measure the temporal isothermal development at various points through the thermally activated first-order metamagnetic phase transition present in the near-equiatomic FeRh alloy, we are able to isolate the dynamic behavior of the domain walls in this system. These investigations reveal that relaxation behavior of the domain walls changes when phase coexistence is introduced into the system and that the domain-wall dynamics is different to the macroscale behavior. We attribute this to the effect of the exchange coupling between regions of either magnetic phase changing the dynamic properties of domain walls relative to bulk regions of either phase. We also believe this behavior comes from the influence of the phase boundary wall on other magnetic objects in the system