21 research outputs found

    Jane Austen: Defensora de la Educación Femenina

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    Jane Austen was an English author from the 19th century, whose writings are studied and read globally.  However, it is usually forgotten that she advocated female education. This analysis´s goal is to emphasize in this matter of the author´s literature. Arguments that prove her advocate for female education were found by investigating other authors with the same opinion regarding her feminism and by the extraction of examples found in her novels.Jane Austen fue una escritora Inglesa del siglo XIX, cuyos escritos son estudiados y leídos globalmente. Sin embargo, suele obviarse que ella buscaba defender la educación de la mujer. Hacer énfasis en este aspecto de la literatura de la autora es el objetivo de este análisis. Mediante la investigación de otros autores con igual opinión respecto a las inclinaciones feministas de Jane Austen y la extracción de ejemplos específicos de las obras de la autora, se consiguieron argumentos que prueban que  defendía la educación de la mujer.

    NutriLive: An Integrated Nutritional Approach as a Sustainable Tool to Prevent Malnutrition in Older People and Promote Active and Healthy Ageing—The EIP-AHA Nutrition Action Group

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    The present document describes a nutritional approach that is nested in the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Aging (EIP-AHA) and aims to provide the first common European program translating an integrated approach to nutritional frailty in terms of a multidimensional and transnational methodology. The document has been developed by the A3 Nutrition Action Area of the EIP-AHA and aims at providing a stepwise approach to malnutrition in older citizens, identifying adequate interventions based on a unified assessment and ICT-supported solutions. "NutriLive" is an integrated nutritional approach, represented by a structured Screening-Assessment-Monitoring-Action-Pyramid-Model (SAM-AP). Its core concept is the stratification of the nutritional needs, considered by the working group as the key for targeted, effective, and sustainable interventions. "NutriLive" tries to close gaps in epidemiological data within an aging population, creating a unified language to deal with the topic of nutrition and malnutrition in Europe. By assembling all the validated screening, assessment, and monitoring tools on malnutrition in a first pyramid, which is interrelated to a second intervention pyramid, the A3 Nutrition WG identifies a common, integrated vision on the nutritional approach to frailty, which applies to the various health care settings

    Impatto ambientale della coltivazione in pieno campo della Canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.): valutazione di differenti itinerari tecnici

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    In questo studio è stata valutata la sostenibilità ambientale di diversi itinerari tecnici nella coltivazione della Canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.) utilizzata per la produzione di seme in ambiente mediterraneo. Sono state considerate le seguenti variabili: tre varietà di Canapa (Epsilon 68, Ferimon, Uso 31) e due livelli di fertilizzazione azotata (50 e 100 kg ha-1). Per valutare gli impatti ambientali è stata applicata la valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA). Dalla studio è stato possibile riscontare come lo scenario con maggiore impatto sia stato quello con la varietà Epsilon 68 concimata con 50 kg ha-1 di azoto, mentre l’itinerario più sostenibile è stato quello con la varietà Ferimon fertilizzata con 100 kg ha-1 di azoto

    Hemp Seed Production: Environmental Impacts of Cannabis sativa L. Agronomic Practices by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Carbon Footprint Methodologies

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    This paper evaluated the environmental impacts of different agronomic practices for a hemp seed crop grown in Mediterranean environment. The following agricultural variables have been considered: seven monoecious hemp varieties(Epsilon68 (E68), Fedora17 (F17), Felina32 (F32), Ferimon (Fe), Futura75 (F75), Santhica27 (S27), Uso31 (U31)), three plant densities (40, 80, and 120 plants m−2 ), and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization (50 and 100 kg ha−1 of N). Life cycle assessment (LCA) and carbon footprint (CF) methodologies have been applied to evaluate impacts. In all hemp genotypes, the impacts grew by decreasing both N fertilizer and plants densities. The scenario most impacting was E68/F75/S27 genotypes cultivated with 50 kg ha−1 of N fertilizer and 40 plants m−2 , while the lowest one was Fe with 100 kg ha−1 of N fertilizer and 120 plants m−2 . The highest CF was found for E68/F75/S27 cultivated with 50 kg ha−1 of N fertilizer and 40 plants m−2 (18.720 kg CO2 eq). This study highlighted the most environmentally sustainable agronomic practices to support farmer and decision maker in Cannabis sativa L. cultivation for seed productio

    Deep sedation for nasal septal surgery: an observational retrospective study with an inverse probability weighting model

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    Abstract Background Septoplasty, a common surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum, can be performed under either general anesthesia or deep sedation anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia can influence the duration of anesthesia and surgical outcomes, impacting the feasibility of outpatient procedures. Methods The institutional review board approved the protocol, and we obtained written informed consent from all participants. This retrospective, single-center observational study analyzed data from 586 patients who underwent rhino septoplasty at Santo Stefano Hospital in Prato, Italy, from 2017 to 2021. Patients received either general anesthesia or deep sedation anesthesia. Propensity score matching and inverse probability weighting were used to balance patient characteristics. The main outcome variable was discharge time, with anesthesia time and surgical time as covariates. Statistical analysis was conducted using R software. Results Patients who received deep sedation anesthesia had a significantly shorter duration of anesthesia compared to those who received general anesthesia. A multivariate linear regression model showed that the type of anesthesia had a strong positive association with discharge time, while anesthesia time had a weaker negative association, although not statistically significant. Conclusions Deep sedation anesthesia is associated with a shorter duration of anesthesia compared to general anesthesia during nasal septal surgery, suggesting it could be a more feasible option for outpatient procedures. However, the choice of anesthesia should be tailored to individual patient factors and surgical requirements. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the potential benefits of sedation anesthesia in outpatient nasal septal surgery. Question How do general anesthesia and deep sedation anesthesia compare in terms of duration of anesthesia and surgical outcomes during nasal septal surgery? Findings Our study found that deep sedation anesthesia was associated with a shorter duration of anesthesia compared to general anesthesia in patients undergoing nasal septal surgery. However, there were no significant differences in the duration of the surgical procedure. Meaning The findings suggest that deep sedation anesthesia could potentially make nasal septal surgery more feasible as an outpatient procedure

    Online Comprehensive RPLC × RPLC with Mass Spectrometry Detection for the Analysis of Proteome Samples

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    LC-MS-based shotgun proteomics relies both on the power of the separation techniques and the sensitivity of detection methods. As a viable alternative to classical approaches in this field, we developed a fully automated, comprehensive 2D LC system, in which RPLC × RPLC was coupled to MS detection, for the first time, and applied for the analysis of tryptic digests obtained from α-casein and dephosphorylated α-casein. The use of a significantly different pH in the two dimensions allowed us to attain high peak capacity, despite the employment of novel identical stationary phases. Furthermore, such a combination addresses compatibility issues, thus allowing straightforward interfacing in online 2D LC configuration, as well as direct linkage to a mass spectrometer. A theoretical peak capacity of ca. 8500 was calculated for the setup, employing four serially coupled C18 columns in the first dimension (600 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm d.p.), operated under basic conditions, and 3 cm length of the same stationary phase (30 × 4.6 mm, 2.7 μm d.p. column), under acidic conditions, for fast second dimension analysis

    Morphiceptin analogues containing a dipeptide mimetic structure: An investigation on the bioactive topology at the mu-receptor

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    We describe the design, the conformational behavior, and the biological activity at they-opioid receptor of new morphiceptin analogues. In these analogues a recently described dipeptide mimetic structure replaces both the N- and the C-terminal Xaa-Pro dipeptide of morphiceptin. Conformational investigation on the most active analogue, compared to the parent peptide, indicates a high degree of structural tolerance within the μ-opioid receptor binding site. In fact, our results indicate that only the location and the relative orientation of the side chains of the aromatic pharmacophoric residues represent the indispensable structural features for μ-receptor binding. To reach such topological arrangement, opioid peptides can adopt different conformations and configurations. In particular, opioid peptides bearing a proline residue as spacer between the two aromatic residues can adopt, in the active state, both cis and trans configurations at the Tyr(1)-Pro(2) amide bond, each of them with the appropriate backbone and side chains orientations

    Morphiceptin Analogues Containing a Dipeptide Mimetic Structure: An Investigation on the Bioactive Topology at the m-Receptor

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    We describe the design, the conformational behavior, and the biological activity at the μ-opioid receptor of new morphiceptin analogues. In these analogues a recently described dipeptide mimetic structure replaces both the N- and the C-terminal Xaa-Pro dipeptide of morphiceptin. Conformational investigation on the most active analogue, compared to the parent peptide, indicates a high degree of structural tolerance within the μ-opioid receptor binding site. In fact, our results indicate that only the location and the relative orientation of the side chains of the aromatic pharmacophoric residues represent the indispensable structural features for μ-receptor binding. To reach such topological arrangement, opioid peptides can adopt different conformations and configurations. In particular, opioid peptides bearing a proline residue as spacer between the two aromatic residues can adopt, in the active state, both cis and trans configurations at the Tyr1-Pro 2 amide bond, each of them with the appropriate backbone and side chains orientation