1,617 research outputs found

    The coming community: The singular time of the subject

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    We observe that the ideas of community and time in Agamben are strongly linked. At the moment of thinking the community we consider inevitable its interaction with the idea of time, in fact we see that such a correspondence is implicit in the thought of community. Nevertheless it is necessary to demonstrate the nucleus of this correlation, given that it is not possible to talk about the community without referring to the time of the subject. The subject is who does experiment the time and who is able to perceive the own time and to assume it, and for whom to self recognize into the time is possible at well as to experiment (it), to occupy (it) and to live (it) in common is. In the present analysis we will see that the time, as a place for the experience, is itself in the community. In fact, it becomes evident that the community is continuously disclosing1 within the time in which it is. Moreover, the community produces an idea of time that neither is related to a destiny nor is linked with an eventual delimitated future. In this context the time is not only a subjective condition of the subject but it deals with a practice both subjective and intersubjective. Because, at the moment of the time experience, simultaneously occurs that the subject appropriates and communicates it. By this way the community be-comes in the experience of the subject and belongs to the now time of the occurring, where the singular be being and the common future are conjugated.Fil: Campero, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin

    Consideraciones para la cosntrucción de un campo de la crítica cinematográfica argentina desde los inicios del cine hasta los años sesenta : Para una lectura inicial de Cine crítica (1960-1962) y la reflexión acerca del cine nacional

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    El presente trabajo se propone en primera instancia identificar elementos que sirvan para pensar en la construcción de un campo de la crítica cinematográfica argentina desde algunos aportes de la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu. El establecimiento de una periodización que ordena la bibliografía relevada permite por un lado reconocer factores que dan cuenta de la emergencia del campo, a partir de lo cual se indaga qué lugar ocupa la reflexión acerca del cine nacional en los diferentes momentos. En este sentido, se plantea que la incipiente configuración del campo de la crítica cinematográfica a fines de la década del cincuenta posibilita la reflexión acerca del cine nacional en tanto articula -de manera explícita o implícita- una definición y un propósito en torno a éste. Por último, este recorrido nos permitirá abordar la revista especializada Cinecrítica (1960- 1962). Dirigida principalmente a realizadores y personas del ámbito cinematográfico, sus ocho números reflejan la preocupación por construir un cine “realista” con un propósito claro: el de reivindicar la producción local como herramienta de transformación del campo cinematográfico y social.Mesa 2: Crítica de la cultura y sociedad. Problemas en torno a la práctica de una sociología crítica hoyFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    A quasi-experimental evaluation of parents as sexual health educators resulting in delayed sexual initiation and increased access to condoms.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention for parents of first year high school students in the State of Morelos, Mexico, whose aim was to impact adolescents' sexual behavior, knowledge and access to contraception. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quasi-experimental prospective study with eleven control and eleven intervention schools using self-administered questionnaires for parents and adolescents pre- and post-intervention. Parent-child dyads in the control and intervention schools were matched according to parents' propensity score; the average treatment effect (ATE) was estimated for adolescent's outcome variables. RESULTS: At follow-up, we found significant differences for adolescents in the intervention schools: 6.8% delayed initiation of sexual intercourse, 14.4% had correct knowledge about emergency contraception (EC), and 164% reported having received condoms from their parents, when comparing with students in control schools. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that parent-focused interventions could be an innovative and effective strategy to promote adolescents sexual health

    Del infinito a la vida

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    Partimos de la idea de que el sujeto es por sunaturaleza un organismo vivo auto-organizado yes a la vez parte consciente de una organización.Pensamos que el sujeto se hace necesariamente enla experiencia de lo viviente, es decir que su seres su hacer. Sin embargo esto no siempre fue así yen sus orígenes, pensado mecánicamente, el sujeto se constituyó a partir de ser extraído de lavida. Así, cuerpo y mundo concebidos como unamáquina estructuralmente ordenada han puesto alsujeto por fuera de la organización, de lainteracción con el medio y por ello al margen dela propia experiencia vital. En este ensayo proponemos un recorrido analítico por la obra de Descartes en torno a la búsqueda de una preguntav que nos permita indagar al sujeto como viviente,no por fuera de la vida sino en su ensamble activoen-con ella.Fil: Campero, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas; Argentin

    A Comparison of Dewpoint and Psychrometric Mode in Leaf Water Potential Measurements

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    Leaf water potential of two maize plants (Zea mays L. ) two chlorophytum plants (Chlorophytwn capense , Kuntze), a schefflera (Brassaia actinophylla) and one aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), were measured under laboratory conditions with aluminum block in situ leaf hygrometers and with stainless steel single junction chamber hygrometer using excised entire leaves. Plants were subjected to a drying cycle. The hygrometers were controlled with a dewpoint microvoltmeter and all readouts were recorded on a chart recorder. A typical reading and control schedule included 20 second cooling before a first psychrometric reading allowing the output to return to zero, followed by 20 seconds cooling and switching to DEWPOINT function. Dewpoint was recorded for periods up to 300 seconds. Finally, the instrument was switched directly to READ function and a second psychrometric reading was recorded, again allowing the output to return to zero. The area under the psychrometric trace, measured during evaporation phase, was taken as a measurement of the amount of water condensed on the thermocouple. It was found that the cooling coefficient (Πv) of in situ leaf hygrometers had to be lowered, compared to Πv values found in dry air, as plant water potentials decreased. This lowering was necessary to set the reading at dewpoint temperature without serious drifting. The areas under pre- and post- dewpoint psychrometric outputs were thus nearly equal and the dewpoint could be read for extended periods, confirming that equilibrium conditions were possible. When water potential was measured in both the psychrometric and dewpoint mode with in situ leaf hygrometers, lower water potentials were found in the dewpoint mode than in the psychrometric mode and this difference tended to increase at lower water potentials. Conversely, in the Merrill units the water potentials determined on the psychrometric mode were consistently slightly lower than those based on the dewpoint readings. The greater agreement between psychrometric and dewpoint determinations obtained with Merrill units may well be explained by a manyfold higher leaf surface area exposed to the junction as compared to the limited leaf area sampled by the in situ leaf hygrometers. A greater area would contribute to a lesser total leaf resistance influencing the psychrometric determination. The shape of hygrometer output traces in the psychrometric mode over standard solution generally had the typical, relatively flat shoulder, while over drier leaves it often had a more or less steady decline to zero. This difference was much more pronounced with in situ leaf hygrometers than with the chamber units which sampled larger leaf area. The data suggest that the dewpoint mode, using proper precautions, measures water potential under equilibrium or isopiestic conditions, under which epidermal resistance is not a problem. Nonisopiestic conditions occur in the psychrometric mode. It appears that, immediately after cessation of the cooling current the evaporation of water from the wet junction elevates chamber vapor pressure above that of the mesophyll. This discrepancy would be zero over standard solutions and increases with increasing leaf resistance and with smaller leaf surface in the hygrometer

    Una propuesta didáctica para optimización dinámica: el caso del cálculo de variaciones y la teoría de control

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    El presente artículo presenta las características de un proyecto de evaluación de una propuesta didáctica. Posteriormente se concentra en una parte del mismo correspondiente a la evaluación a través de un cuestionario. Se diseñaron instrumentos didácticos para apoyar la construcción de los estudiantes de los conceptos de funcional y variación, además de las técnicas de solución de problema de Optimización Dinámica, usando la Teoría APOE como marco teórico. Después de la instrucción se usó un cuestionario para analizar las construcciones de los alumnos al final del curso. Los alumnos avanzaron en la construcción de estos conceptos en relación con las observaciones en otros cursos, aunque los resultados relacionados con el concepto de funcional y la relación entre conceptos son menos satisfactorios