743 research outputs found

    Integrability of a conducting elastic rod in a magnetic field

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    We consider the equilibrium equations for a conducting elastic rod placed in a uniform magnetic field, motivated by the problem of electrodynamic space tethers. When expressed in body coordinates the equations are found to sit in a hierarchy of non-canonical Hamiltonian systems involving an increasing number of vector fields. These systems, which include the classical Euler and Kirchhoff rods, are shown to be completely integrable in the case of a transversely isotropic rod; they are in fact generated by a Lax pair. For the magnetic rod this gives a physical interpretation to a previously proposed abstract nine-dimensional integrable system. We use the conserved quantities to reduce the equations to a four-dimensional canonical Hamiltonian system, allowing the geometry of the phase space to be investigated through Poincar\'e sections. In the special case where the force in the rod is aligned with the magnetic field the system turns out to be superintegrable, meaning that the phase space breaks down completely into periodic orbits, corresponding to straight twisted rods.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    High-throughput synchrotron X-ray diffraction for combinatorial phase mapping

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    Discovery of new materials drives the deployment of new technologies. Complex technological requirements demand precisely tailored material functionalities, and materials scientists are driven to search for these new materials in compositionally complex and often non-equilibrium spaces containing three, four or more elements. The phase behavior of these high-order composition spaces is mostly unknown and unexplored. High-throughput methods can offer strategies for efficiently searching complex and multi-dimensional material genomes for these much needed new materials and can also suggest a processing pathway for synthesizing them. However, high-throughput structural characterization is still relatively under-developed for rapid material discovery. Here, a synchrotron X-ray diffraction and fluorescence experiment for rapid measurement of both X-ray powder patterns and compositions for an array of samples in a material library is presented. The experiment is capable of measuring more than 5000 samples per day, as demonstrated by the acquisition of high-quality powder patterns in a bismuth-vanadium-iron oxide composition library. A detailed discussion of the scattering geometry and its ability to be tailored for different material systems is provided, with specific attention given to the characterization of fiber textured thin films. The described prototype facility is capable of meeting the structural characterization needs for the first generation of high-throughput material genomic searches

    Dementiediagnostiek bij oudere migranten op de geheugenpolikliniek: obstakels en oplossingen

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    De komende tien jaar verdubbelt het aantal niet-westerse allochtone ouderen. Door specifieke risicofactoren (zoals hypertensie en diabetes) zal het aantal oudere migranten met dementie waarschijnlijk toenemen. Geheugenpoliklinieken zijn onvoldoende voorbereid op deze nieuwe patiëntenstroom, omdat zorgprofessionals onvoldoende kennis hebben van de obstakels die bij interculturele dementiediagnostiek een rol spelen. Zij dienen rekening te houden met taalbarrière, cultuurbarrière, het lage opleidingsniveau en analfabetisme van een aanzienlijk aantal patiënten, maar ook met onbekendheid met dementie, schaamte en bijzondere zorgverwachtingen van de patiënten en hun familie. Er worden aanbevelingen gedaan voor het verbeteren van communicatie, (neuropsychologische) testdiagnostiek en zorgadviezen in de klinische praktijk

    Trajectories of long-term exposure to anticholinergic and sedative drugs: A latent class growth analysis

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    Introduction: A variety of drugs, which are frequently prescribed to older people, have anticholinergic and sedative effects whereby they may impair cognitive and physical function. Although substantial inter-individual variation in anticholinergic and sedative exposure has been documented, little is known about subpopulations with distinct trajectories of exposure. Methods: Data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), an ongoing Dutch population-based cohort study, collected over 20 years (1992-2012) at seven occasions, were analyzed. On each occasion, cumulative anticholinergic and sedative exposure was quantified with the Drug Burden Index, a linear additive pharmacological dose-response model. The most likely number of trajectories were empirically derived with Latent Class Growth Analysis using "Goodness of fit" statistics. Trajectories were then compared on physical and cognitive function. Results: A total of 763 participants completed all follow-ups (61% women; mean age 83, ±6). "Goodness of fit" statistics (Bayesian In-formation Criterion = 22916, Bootstrapped Likelihood Ratio Test of 3 vs. 2 classes = 514.12

    Combined Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Transcriptomic Analysis Identifies the P3/P4 Transition as a Key stage in Rice Leaf Photosynthetic Development

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    Leaves are derived from heterotrophic meristem tissue that, at some point, must make the transition to autotrophy via the initiation of photosynthesis. However, the timing and spatial coordination of the molecular and cellular processes underpinning this switch are poorly characterized. Here, we report on the identification of a specific stage in rice (Oryza sativa) leaf development (P3/P4 transition) when photosynthetic competence is first established. Using a combined physiological and molecular approach, we show that elements of stomatal and vascular differentiation are coordinated with the onset of measurable light absorption for photosynthesis. Moreover, by exploring the response of the system to environmental perturbation, we show that the earliest stages of rice leaf development have significant plasticity with respect to elements of cellular differentiation of relevance for mature leaf photosynthetic performance. Finally, by performing an RNA sequencing analysis targeted at the early stages of rice leaf development, we uncover a palette of genes whose expression likely underpins the acquisition of photosynthetic capability. Our results identify the P3/P4 transition as a highly dynamic stage in rice leaf development when several processes for the initiation of photosynthetic competence are coordinated. As well as identifying gene targets for future manipulation of rice leaf structure/function, our data highlight a developmental window during which such manipulations are likely to be most effective

    Factors affecting greenhouse microclimate and its regulating techniques: a review

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    This paper reviews factors affecting greenhouse microclimate and its regulating techniques towards upgrading the greenhouse applications in the area of southeast China which have little or very basic technology integration. The microclimate of greenhouse is apparently influenced by the shape and its orientation, the wind direction, the property of covering material, and the use of insect-proof screen as they eventually affect the total solar radiation, the thermal characterises, and the flow pattern inside. The natural ventilation and sun block are the most common method to cool the greenhouse, but more efficient evaporative cooling such as pad-fan system, misting/fogging system and roof sprinkler are required with extreme temperatures. The earth to air heat exchanger and the heat storage using phase change material may be used for heating or cooling throughout the year which are more economic and energy-saving than other traditional thermal technologies. The reviewed knowledge provides insights into upgrading greenhouse applications in Ningbo area towards more sustainable and efficient greenhouse farming