369 research outputs found

    Diving behavior of the Emperor Penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri

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    Multi-layered control of Galectin-8 mediated autophagy during adenovirus cell entry through a conserved PPxY motif in the viral capsid.

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    Cells employ active measures to restrict infection by pathogens, even prior to responses from the innate and humoral immune defenses. In this context selective autophagy is activated upon pathogen induced membrane rupture to sequester and deliver membrane fragments and their pathogen contents for lysosomal degradation. Adenoviruses, which breach the endosome upon entry, escape this fate by penetrating into the cytosol prior to autophagosome sequestration of the ruptured endosome. We show that virus induced membrane damage is recognized through Galectin-8 and sequesters the autophagy receptors NDP52 and p62. We further show that a conserved PPxY motif in the viral membrane lytic protein VI is critical for efficient viral evasion of autophagic sequestration after endosomal lysis. Comparing the wildtype with a PPxY-mutant virus we show that depletion of Galectin-8 or suppression of autophagy in ATG5-/- MEFs rescues infectivity of the PPxY-mutant virus while depletion of the autophagy receptors NDP52, p62 has only minor effects. Furthermore we show that wildtype viruses exploit the autophagic machinery for efficient nuclear genome delivery and control autophagosome formation via the cellular ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2 resulting in reduced antigenic presentation. Our data thus demonstrate that a short PPxY-peptide motif in the adenoviral capsid permits multi-layered viral control of autophagic processes during entry

    Traffic Equations and Granular Convection

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the convective instability of granular materials by two dimensional traffic equations. In the absence of vibrations the traffic equations assume two distinctive classes of fixed bed solutions with either a spatially uniform or nonuniform density profile. The former one exists only when the function V(\rho) that monitors the relaxation of grains assumes a cut off at the closed packed density, \rho_c, with V(\rho_c)=0, while the latter one exists for any form of V. Since there is little difference between the uniform and nonuniform solution deep inside the bed, the convective instability of the bulk may be studied by focusing on the stability of the uniform solution. In the presence of vibrations, we find that the uniform solution bifurcates into a bouncing solution, which then undergoes a supercritical bifurcation to the convective instability. We determine the onset of convection as a function of control parameters and confirm this picture by solving the traffic equations numerically, which reveals bouncing solutions, two convective rolls, and four convective rolls. Further, convective patterns change as the aspect ratio changes: in a vertically long container, the rolls move toward the surface, and in a horizontally long container, the rolls move toward the walls. We compare these results with those reported previously with a different continuum model by Hayakawa, Yue and Hong[Phys. Rev. Lett. 75,2328, 1995]. Finally, we also present a derivation of the traffic equations from Enskoq equation.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Gambling: Electronic friends or a threat to one's health and personal development?

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    Gambling has become quite common in Sweden. The Swedish National Institute of Public Health (2010) has reported that about 70% of the Swedish population has gambled at least once during the last 12 months. Half of the population had gambled with money by 18 years of age and about 11% had gambled for the first time when they were 12-years-old or younger. In the report from the Swedish National Institute of Public Health, gambling problems are related to health problems and risky alcohol consumption. The highest problem rate is found among men aged 18 to 24; almost 1 in 10 had some gambling problems. The share of problem gamblers is found to be twice as high among the under-age gamblers as it is among the population as a whole. Young people gamble less but develop gambling problems to a larger extent than adult gamblers. In this article young people's gambling and their gambling careers are analysed as a natural part of their internalisation of other adult habits

    Nonradioactive heteroduplex tracking assay for the detection of minority-variant chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Strains of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>genetically resistant to chloroquine (CQ) due to the presence of <it>pfcrt </it>76T appear to have been recently introduced to the island of Madagascar. The prevalence of such resistant genotypes is reported to be low (< 3%) when evaluated by conventional PCR. However, these methods are insensitive to low levels of mutant parasites present in patients with polyclonal infections. Thus, the current estimates may be an under representation of the prevalence of the CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates on the island. Previously, minority variant chloroquine resistant parasites were described in Malawian patients using an isotopic heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA), which can detect <it>pfcrt </it>76T-bearing <it>P. falciparum </it>minority variants in individual patients that were undetectable by conventional PCR. However, as this assay required a radiolabeled probe, it could not be used in many resource-limited settings.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study describes a digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled chemiluminescent heteroduplex tracking assay (DIG-HTA) to detect <it>pfcrt </it>76T-bearing minority variant <it>P. falciparum</it>. This assay was compared to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and to the isotopic HTA for detection of genetically CQ-resistant parasites in clinical samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty one clinical <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates (15 primary isolates and 16 recurrent isolates) from 17 Malagasy children treated with CQ for uncomplicated malaria were genotyped for the <it>pfcrt </it>K76T mutation. Two (11.7%) of 17 patients harboured genetically CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>strains after therapy as detected by HTA. RFLP analysis failed to detect any <it>pfcrt </it>K76T-bearing isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings indicate that genetically CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>are more common than previously thought in Madagascar even though the fitness of the minority variant <it>pfcrt </it>76T parasites remains unclear. In addition, HTAs for malaria drug resistance alleles are promising tools for the surveillance of anti-malarial resistance. The use of a non-radioactive label allows for the use of HTAs in malaria endemic countries.</p

    PLoS Pathog

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    Cells employ active measures to restrict infection by pathogens, even prior to responses from the innate and humoral immune defenses. In this context selective autophagy is activated upon pathogen induced membrane rupture to sequester and deliver membrane fragments and their pathogen contents for lysosomal degradation. Adenoviruses, which breach the endosome upon entry, escape this fate by penetrating into the cytosol prior to autophagosome sequestration of the ruptured endosome. We show that virus induced membrane damage is recognized through Galectin-8 and sequesters the autophagy receptors NDP52 and p62. We further show that a conserved PPxY motif in the viral membrane lytic protein VI is critical for efficient viral evasion of autophagic sequestration after endosomal lysis. Comparing the wildtype with a PPxY-mutant virus we show that depletion of Galectin-8 or suppression of autophagy in ATG5-/- MEFs rescues infectivity of the PPxY-mutant virus while depletion of the autophagy receptors NDP52, p62 has only minor effects. Furthermore we show that wildtype viruses exploit the autophagic machinery for efficient nuclear genome delivery and control autophagosome formation via the cellular ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2 resulting in reduced antigenic presentation. Our data thus demonstrate that a short PPxY-peptide motif in the adenoviral capsid permits multi-layered viral control of autophagic processes during entry

    Three SRA-Domain Methylcytosine-Binding Proteins Cooperate to Maintain Global CpG Methylation and Epigenetic Silencing in Arabidopsis

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    Methylcytosine-binding proteins decipher the epigenetic information encoded by DNA methylation and provide a link between DNA methylation, modification of chromatin structure, and gene silencing. VARIANT IN METHYLATION 1 (VIM1) encodes an SRA (SET- and RING-associated) domain methylcytosine-binding protein in Arabidopsis thaliana, and loss of VIM1 function causes centromere DNA hypomethylation and centromeric heterochromatin decondensation in interphase. In the Arabidopsis genome, there are five VIM genes that share very high sequence similarity and encode proteins containing a PHD domain, two RING domains, and an SRA domain. To gain further insight into the function and potential redundancy among the VIM proteins, we investigated strains combining different vim mutations and transgenic vim knock-down lines that down-regulate multiple VIM family genes. The vim1 vim3 double mutant and the transgenic vim knock-down lines showed decreased DNA methylation primarily at CpG sites in genic regions, as well as repeated sequences in heterochromatic regions. In addition, transcriptional silencing was released in these plants at most heterochromatin regions examined. Interestingly, the vim1 vim3 mutant and vim knock-down lines gained ectopic CpHpH methylation in the 5S rRNA genes against a background of CpG hypomethylation. The vim1 vim2 vim3 triple mutant displayed abnormal morphological phenotypes including late flowering, which is associated with DNA hypomethylation of the 5′ region of FWA and release of FWA gene silencing. Our findings demonstrate that VIM1, VIM2, and VIM3 have overlapping functions in maintenance of global CpG methylation and epigenetic transcriptional silencing

    CD(8+ )T lymphocytes in lung tissue from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have implicated a role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of lung damage in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Parenchymal lung damage leads to defects in mechanics and gas exchange and clinically manifests with exertional dyspnea. Investigations of inflammatory cells in IPF have shown that eosinophils, neutrophils and CD(8+ )TLs may be associated with worse prognosis. We wished to investigate by quantitative immunohistochemistry infiltrating macrophages, neutrophils and T lymphocytes (TLs) subpopulations (CD(3+), CD(4+ )and CD(8+)) in lung tissue of patients with IPF and their correlation with lung function indices and grade of dyspnoea. METHODS: Surgical biopsies of 12 patients with IPF were immunohistochemically stained with mouse monoclonal antibodies (anti-CD(68 )for macrophages, anti-elastase for neutrophils, and anti-CD(3), anti-CD(4), anti-CD(8 )for CD(3+)TLs, CD(4+)TLs, and CD(8+)TLs respectively). The number of positively stained cells was determined by observer-interactive computerized image analysis (SAMBA microscopic image processor). Cell numbers were expressed in percentage of immunopositive nuclear surface in relation to the total nuclear surface of infiltrative cells within the tissue (labeling Index). Correlations were performed between cell numbers and physiological indices [FEV(1), FVC, TLC, DLCO, PaO(2), PaCO(2 )and P(A-a)O(2))] as well as dyspnoea scores assessed by the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. RESULTS: Elastase positive cells accounted for the 7.04% ± 1.1 of total cells, CD(68+ )cells for the 16.6% ± 2, CD(3+ )TLs for the 28.8% ± 7, CD(4+ )TLs for the 14.5 ± 4 and CD(8+ )TLs for the 13.8 ± 4. CD(8+)TLs correlated inversely with FVC % predicted (r(s )= -0.67, p = 0.01), TLC % predicted (r(s )= -0.68, p = 0.01), DLCO % predicted (r(s )= -0.61, p = 0.04), and PaO(2 )(r(s )= -0.60, p = 0.04). Positive correlations were found between CD(8+)TLs and P(A-a)O(2 )(r(s )= 0.65, p = 0.02) and CD(8+)TLs and MRC score (r(s )= 0.63, p = 0.02). Additionally, CD(68+ )cells presented negative correlations with both FVC % predicted (r(s )= -0.80, p = 0.002) and FEV(1 )% predicted (r(s )= -0.68, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: In UIP/IPF tissue infiltrating mononuclear cells and especially CD(8+ )TLs are associated with the grade of dyspnoea and functional parameters of disease severity implicating that they might play a role in its pathogenesis

    Evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural adaptation to climate change in preindustrial society

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    The effectiveness of agricultural adaptation determines the vulnerability of this sector to climate change, particularly during the preindustrial era. However, this effectiveness has rarely been quantitatively evaluated, specifically at a large spatial and long-term scale. The present study covers this case of preindustrial society in AD 1500–1800. Given the absence of technological innovations in this time frame, agricultural production was chiefly augmented by cultivating more land (land input) and increasing labor input per land unit (labor input). Accordingly, these two methods are quantitatively examined. Statistical results show that within the study scale, land input is a more effective approach of mitigating climatic impact than labor input. Nonetheless, these observations collectively improve Boserup's theory from the perspective of a large spatial and long-term scale.postprin