283 research outputs found

    Optimal Quantum Metrology of Distant Black Bodies

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    Measurements of an object's temperature are important in many disciplines, from astronomy to engineering, as are estimates of an object's spatial configuration. We present the quantum optimal estimator for the temperature of a distant body based on the black body radiation received in the far-field. We also show how to perform separable quantum optimal estimates of the spatial configuration of a distant object, i.e. imaging. In doing so we necessarily deal with multi-parameter quantum estimation of incompatible observables, a problem that is poorly understood. We compare our optimal observables to the two mode analogue of lensed imaging and find that the latter is far from optimal, even when compared to measurements which are separable. To prove the optimality of the estimators we show that they minimise the cost function weighted by the quantum Fisher information---this is equivalent to maximising the average fidelity between the actual state and the estimated one.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Quantifying magic for multi-qubit operations

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    The development of a framework for quantifying ‘non-stabilizerness’ of quantum operations is motivated by the magic state model of fault-tolerant quantum computation and by the need to estimate classical simulation cost for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. The robustness of magic was recently proposed as a well-behaved magic monotone for multi-qubit states and quantifies the simulation overhead of circuits composed of Clifford + T gates, or circuits using other gates from the Clifford hierarchy. Here we present a general theory of the ‘non-stabilizerness’ of quantum operations rather than states, which are useful for classical simulation of more general circuits. We introduce two magic monotones, called channel robustness and magic capacity, which are well-defined for general n-qubit channels and treat all stabilizer-preserving CPTP maps as free operations. We present two complementary Monte Carlo-type classical simulation algorithms with sample complexity given by these quantities and provide examples of channels where the complexity of our algorithms is exponentially better than previously known simulators. We present additional techniques that ease the difficulty of calculating our monotones for special classes of channels

    Optimising trotter-suzuki decompositions for quantum simulation using evolutionary strategies

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    One of the most promising applications of near-term quantum computing is the simulation of quantum systems, a classically intractable task. Quantum simulation requires computationally expensive matrix exponentiation; Trotter-Suzuki decomposition of this exponentiation enables efficient simulation to a desired accuracy on a quantum computer. We apply the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm to optimise the Trotter-Suzuki decompositions of a canonical quantum system, the Heisenberg Chain; we reduce simulation error by around 60%. We introduce this problem to the computational search community, show that an evolutionary optimisation approach is robust across runs and problem instances, and find that optimisation results generalise to the simulation of larger systems

    Tailoring term truncations for electronic structure calculations using a linear combination of unitaries

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    A highly anticipated use of quantum computers is the simulation of complex quantum systems including molecules and other many-body systems. One promising method involves directly applying a linear combination of unitaries (LCU) to approximate a Taylor series by truncating after some order. Here we present an adaptation of that method, optimized for Hamiltonians with terms of widely varying magnitude, as is commonly the case in electronic structure calculations. We show that it is more efficient to apply LCU using a truncation that retains larger magnitude terms as determined by an iterative procedure. We obtain bounds on the simulation error for this generalized truncated Taylor method, and for a range of molecular simulations, we report these bounds as well as exact numerical results. We find that our adaptive method can typically improve the simulation accuracy by an order of magnitude, for a given circuit depth

    Hybrid quantum computing with ancillas

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    In the quest to build a practical quantum computer, it is important to use efficient schemes for enacting the elementary quantum operations from which quantum computer programs are constructed. The opposing requirements of well-protected quantum data and fast quantum operations must be balanced to maintain the integrity of the quantum information throughout the computation. One important approach to quantum operations is to use an extra quantum system - an ancilla - to interact with the quantum data register. Ancillas can mediate interactions between separated quantum registers, and by using fresh ancillas for each quantum operation, data integrity can be preserved for longer. This review provides an overview of the basic concepts of the gate model quantum computer architecture, including the different possible forms of information encodings - from base two up to continuous variables - and a more detailed description of how the main types of ancilla-mediated quantum operations provide efficient quantum gates.Comment: Review paper. An introduction to quantum computation with qudits and continuous variables, and a review of ancilla-based gate method

    Single-shot error correction of three-dimensional homological product codes

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    Single-shot error correction corrects data noise using only a single round of noisy measurements on the data qubits, removing the need for intensive measurement repetition. We introduce a general concept of confinement for quantum codes, which roughly stipulates qubit errors cannot grow without triggering more measurement syndromes. We prove confinement is sufficient for single-shot decoding of adversarial errors and linear confinement is sufficient for single-shot decoding of local stochastic errors. Further to this, we prove that all three-dimensional homological product codes exhibit confinement in their X components and are therefore single shot for adversarial phase-flip noise. For local stochastic phase-flip noise, we numerically explore these codes and again find evidence of single-shot protection. Our Monte Carlo simulations indicate sustainable thresholds of 3.08(4)% and 2.90(2)% for three-dimensional (3D) surface and toric codes, respectively, the highest observed single-shot thresholds to date. To demonstrate single-shot error correction beyond the class of topological codes, we also run simulations on a randomly constructed family of 3D homological product codes

    Hierarchies of resources for measurement-based quantum computation

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    For certain restricted computational tasks, quantum mechanics provides a provable advantage over any possible classical implementation. Several of these results have been proven using the framework of measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC), where nonlocality and more generally contextuality have been identified as necessary resources for certain quantum computations. Here, we consider the computational power of MBQC in more detail by refining its resource requirements, both on the allowed operations and the number of accessible qubits. More precisely, we identify which Boolean functions can be computed in non-adaptive MBQC, with local operations contained within a finite level in the Clifford hierarchy. Moreover, for non-adaptive MBQC restricted to certain subtheories such as stabiliser MBQC, we compute the minimal number of qubits required to compute a given Boolean function. Our results point towards hierarchies of resources that more sharply characterise the power of MBQC beyond the binary of contextuality vs non-contextuality

    Single-shot error correction of three-dimensional homological product codes

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    Single-shot error correction corrects data noise using only a single round of noisy measurements on the data qubits, removing the need for intensive measurement repetition. We introduce a general concept of confinement for quantum codes, which roughly stipulates qubit errors cannot grow without triggering more measurement syndromes. We prove confinement is sufficient for single-shot decoding of adversarial errors and linear confinement is sufficient for single-shot decoding of local stochastic errors. Further to this, we prove that all three-dimensional homological product codes exhibit confinement in their X components and are therefore single shot for adversarial phase-flip noise. For local stochastic phase-flip noise, we numerically explore these codes and again find evidence of single-shot protection. Our Monte Carlo simulations indicate sustainable thresholds of 3.08(4)% and 2.90(2)% for three-dimensional (3D) surface and toric codes, respectively, the highest observed single-shot thresholds to date. To demonstrate single-shot error correction beyond the class of topological codes, we also run simulations on a randomly constructed family of 3D homological product codes

    Cellular-automaton decoders for topological quantum memories

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    We introduce a new framework for constructing topological quantum memories, by recasting error recovery as a dynamical process on a field generating cellular automaton. We envisage quantum systems controlled by a classical hardware composed of small local memories, communicating with neighbours and repeatedly performing identical simple update rules. This approach does not require any global operations or complex decoding algorithms. Our cellular automata draw inspiration from classical field theories, with a Coulomb-like potential naturally emerging from the local dynamics. For a 3D automaton coupled to a 2D toric code, we present evidence of an error correction threshold above 6.1% for uncorrelated noise. A 2D automaton equipped with a more complex update rule yields a threshold above 8.2%. Our framework provides decisive new tools in the quest for realising a passive dissipative quantum memory

    Statistical phase estimation and error mitigation on a superconducting quantum processor

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    Quantum phase estimation (QPE) is a key quantum algorithm, which has been widely studied as a method to perform chemistry and solid-state calculations on future fault-tolerant quantum computers. Recently, several authors have proposed statistical alternatives to QPE that have benefits on early fault-tolerant devices, including shorter circuits and better suitability for error-mitigation techniques. However, experimental investigations of the algorithm on real quantum processors are lacking. Here, we implement statistical phase estimation on Rigetti’s superconducting processors. Specifically, we use a modification of the Lin and Tong [PRX Quantum 3, 010318 (2022)] algorithm with the improved Fourier approximation of Wan et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 030503 (2022)] and apply a variational-compilation technique to reduce the circuit depth. We then incorporate error-mitigation strategies including zero-noise extrapolation and readout-error mitigation with bit-flip averaging. We propose a new method to estimate energies from the statistical phase estimation data, which is found to improve the accuracy in the final energy estimates by 1–2 orders of magnitude with respect to prior theoretical bounds, reducing the cost of performing accurate phase-estimation calculations. We apply these methods to chemistry problems for active spaces up to four electrons in four orbitals, including the application of a quantum embedding method, and use them to correctly estimate energies within chemical precision. Our work demonstrates that statistical phase estimation has a natural resilience to noise, particularly after mitigating coherent errors, and can achieve far higher accuracy than suggested by previous analysis, demonstrating its potential as a valuable quantum algorithm for early fault-tolerant devices
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