68 research outputs found

    Cell-signalling dynamics in time and space

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    The specificity of cellular responses to receptor stimulation is encoded by the spatial and temporal dynamics of downstream signalling networks. Computational models provide insights into the intricate relationships between stimuli and responses and reveal mechanisms that enable networks to amplify signals, reduce noise and generate discontinuous bistable dynamics or oscillations. These temporal dynamics are coupled to precipitous spatial gradients of signalling activities, which guide pivotal intracellular processes, but also necessitate mechanisms to facilitate signal propagation across a cell

    Prevalência de síndrome pré-menstrual em atletas Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in athletes

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    A síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM) é um conjunto de sintomas emocionais e físicos que afeta negativamente as atividades diárias das mulheres durante o período pré-menstrual. Embora seja um tema bastante estudado na população em geral, existe uma lacuna na literatura a respeito da presença de SPM em atletas. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a prevalência de SPM em atletas. Foi desenvolvido um estudo do tipo inquérito, com 57 atletas, com idade entre 18 e 47 anos, de 11 modalidades esportivas. Para identificar a presença de SPM, utilizou-se uma ficha autoaplicável baseada nos critérios do American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, 2000); a confirmação diagnóstica foi feita através do preenchimento de um diário de sintomas durante dois ciclos menstruais consecutivos (baseado no ACOG, 2000). Para análise dos dados utilizou-se teste de Shapiro-Wilk e teste exato de Fisher, adotando P < 0,05. A prevalência de SPM estimada de forma retrospectiva foi de 68%, enquanto a avaliada pelo acompanhamento com os diários foi de 48%. Mastalgia, explosão de raiva, ansiedade e irritabilidade foram os sintomas mais citados. Foram observadas associações significativas entre SPM e volume de treinamento semanal (P = 0,041), número de sintomas totais (P < 0,0001), número de sintomas físicos (P = 0,004), mastalgia (P = 0,028) e desconforto abdominal (P = 0,015). A prevalência de SPM em atletas foi considerada alta e a análise retrospectiva a superestimou em relação ao acompanhamento diário. A alta prevalência, bem como a associação entre SPM e maior volume de treinamento semanal, instiga que o treinamento esportivo pode ter algum impacto na prevalência de SPM em atletas.<br>The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of emotional and physical symptoms that adversely affects the daily activities of women during the pre-menstrual period. Despite being a theme quite discussed in the general population, there is still a gap in the literature concerning the presence of PMS in athletes. Thus, the objective of the study was to analyze the prevalence of PMS in athletes. An inquiry study with 57 athletes age range of 18 and 47 years from 11 sport modalities was developed. A self-applicable sheet based on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists criteria (ACOG, 2000) was used to identify the presence of PMS ; the diagnostic confirmation was performed through the answer of a symptoms diary during two consecutive menstrual cycles (based on ACOG, 2000). Shapiro Wilks test and Fisher's exact test, adopting a P<0.05 were used for the data analysis. The prevalence of PMS retrospectively estimated was of 68% while the estimated prevalence through the follow-up with the diaries was of 48%. Breast soreness, anger burst, anxiety and irritability were the mostly frequent mentioned symptoms. Significant associations were observed between PMS and weekly training volume (P = 0.041), total amount of symptoms (P < 0,0001), amount of physical symptoms (P = 0,004), breast soreness (P = 0,028) and abdominal discomfort (P = 0,015). The prevalence of PMS in athletes was considered high and the retrospective analysis overestimated the prevalence of PMS in relation to the daily follow-up. The high prevalence as well as the association between PMS and the higher volume of weekly training suggest that the sports training may have some impact in the prevalence of PMS in athletes

    Comportamento masculino diante da mulher com Síndrome Pré-Menstrual: narrativas de mulheres Comportamiento masculino delante de la mujer con Síndrome Premenstrual: narrativas de mujeres Male behavior in front of women with Premenstrual Syndrome: narratives of women

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as percepções de mulheres com Síndrome Pré-Menstrual a respeito do comportamento de seus parceiros diante delas. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com desenvolvimento das cinco etapas do método de análise da narrativa para conhecer as representações a respeito dessa experiência. RESULTADOS: As experiências das 20 mulheres entrevistadas estão representadas nas categorias: Dificuldades para identificar a síndrome e adotar práticas de cuidado; Falta de conhecimento e sensibilidade dos homens e suas consequências sobre a relação entre o casal. CONCLUSÃO: Orientações sistematizadas sobre a Síndrome Pré-Menstrual devem ser fornecidas a todas as pessoas, em momento anterior à menarca, para evitar o surgimento de problemas decorrentes do desconhecimento da síndrome e suas consequências nas esferas pessoal, familiar e social das mulheres.<br>OBJETIVO: Describir las percepciones de las mujeres con Síndrome Premenstrual a respecto del comportamiento de sus compañeros delante de ellas. MÉTODOS: Investigación de abordaje cualitativo con desarrollo de las cinco etapas, del método análisis de narrativa, para conocer las representaciones a respecto de esa experiencia. RESULTADOS: Las experiencias de las 20 mujeres entrevistadas están representadas en las categorías: Dificultades para identificar el síndrome y adoptar prácticas de cuidado; falta de conocimiento y de sensibilidad de los hombres y, sus consecuencias sobre la relación de la pareja. CONCLUSIÓN: Es necesario ofrecer orientaciones sistematizadas sobre el Síndrome Premenstrual a todas las personas, en un momento anterior a la menarca, para evitar el surgimiento de problemas provenientes del desconocimiento del síndrome y de sus consecuencias en las esferas personal, familiar y social de las mujeres.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the perceptions of women with premenstrual syndrome regarding the behavior of their spouses in face of this event. METHODS: It is a qualitative research, with the method of the five stages of narrative analysis to know the representations of the women that experience the conjugal behavior. RESULTS: The experiences of 20 women interviewed are represented in the following categories: Difficulties in identifying the syndrome and in adopting care practices, lack of knowledge and sensitivity of men and, its impact on the couple relationship. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to provide systematized guidance on Premenstrual Syndrome to all people, before menarche, to avoid problems arising from the ignorance of the syndrome and its consequences in the women's person, family and social areas

    The adhesive removal test: a sensitive method to assess sensorimotor deficits in mice.

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    International audienceLong-term functional deficits after a brain injury are difficult to assess in the mouse. If no deficit is observed, researchers could conclude either that the animal has fully recovered or that the tests they used were not appropriate or sensitive enough to the modality of the deficits. We present here a detailed protocol describing how to conduct an adhesive removal test for this species. It consists of applying adhesive tape on each forepaw of the animal and measuring the time-to-contact and the time-to-remove them. This behavior implies correct paw and mouth sensitivity (time-to-contact) and correct dexterity (time-to-remove). To decrease interindividual differences, we recommend a training session (1 week, 1 trial per day) before surgical procedures so that mice to reach optimal performances
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