5 research outputs found

    Comunicació política i estratègia electoral: Xavier Trias i les eleccions municipals del 22 de maig del 2011 a Barcelona

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    En les eleccions municipals del 22 de maig del 2011 el candidat de CiU es va imposar a les urnes. En el seu tercer intent des del 2003, el veterà polític Xavier Trias aconseguia derrotar el PSC, que controlava l'Ajuntament des de l'any 1979, quan es van celebrar els primers comicis locals de la nova etapa democràtica. Seguint propostes d'anàlisi provinents de la comunicació política i el màrqueting, aquest article indaga les raons de l'èxit del candidat nacionalista: les fortaleses del candidat (diàleg, empatia, experiència), la selecció d'eslògans rellevants i simples («L'alcalde de les persones», «El canvi en positiu» i «Tu&Trias»), una campanya transversal en la qual es va potenciar l'organització de trobades directes amb públics objectius (reunions, col·loquis, dinars), la difusió d'informació a través de periodistes i mitjans de comunicació tradicionals, i una estratègia activa a Internet i les xarxes socials.In the municipal elections of 22 May 2011, the candidate of the Convergence and Union party (CiU) won in the polls. In his third attempt since 2003, Xavier Trias managed to defeat the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), which had controlled the City Council since 1979 when the first local elections were held in Spain’s new democratic era. Applying analysis proposals based on political communication and marketing, this paper explores the reasons for Trias’s success: his strengths (dialogue, empathy, experience); the use of simple relevant slogans (“The mayor for people”, “Positive change” and, in a play on words in Catalan, “You&Trias”/ “It’s Up to You”), and a transverse campaign focused on personal meetings with target groups through gatherings, discussions and lunches, on the dissemination of information through journalists and traditional communication media, and on an active Internet and social networks strategy

    Political communication and electoral strategy: Xavier Trias and the 22 May 2011 local elections in Barcelona

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    En les eleccions municipals del 22 de maig del 2011 el candidat de CiU es va imposar a les urnes. En el seu tercer intent des del 2003, el veterà polític Xavier Trias aconseguia derrotar el PSC, que controlava l’Ajuntament des de l’any 1979, quan es van celebrar els primers comicis locals de la nova etapa democràtica. Seguint propostes d’anàlisi provinents de la comunicació política i el màrqueting, aquest article indaga les raons de l’èxit del candidat nacionalista: les fortaleses del candidat (diàleg, empatia, experiència), la selecció d’eslògans rellevants i simples («L’alcalde de les persones», «El canvi en positiu» i «Tu&Trias»), una campanya transversal en la qual es va potenciar l’organització de trobades directes amb públics objectius (reunions, col·loquis, dinars), la difusió d’informació a través de periodistes i mitjans de comunicació tradicionals, i una estratègia activa a Internet i les xarxes socials.PARAULES CLAU: campanya electoral, màrqueting, estratègia, Barcelona, comunicació, xarxes socials.In the municipal elections of 22 May 2011, the candidate of the Convergence and Union party (CiU) won in the polls. In his third attempt since 2003, Xavier Trias managed to defeat the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), which had controlled the City Council since 1979 when the first local elections were held in Spain’s new democratic era. Applying analysis proposals based on political communication and marketing, this paper explores the reasons for Trias’s success: his strengths (dialogue, empathy, experience); the use of simple relevant slogans (“The mayor for people”, “Positive change” and, in a play on words in Catalan, “You&Trias”/ “It’s Up to You”), and a transverse campaign focused on personal meetings with target groups through gatherings, discussions and lunches, on the dissemination of information through journalists and traditional communication media, and on an active Internet and social networks strategy. KEYWORDS: electoral campaign, marketing, strategy, Barcelona, communication, social networks

    La prensa nacionalista catalana y vasca ante la Constitución, los Estatutos de Autonomía y la consolidación del autogobierno en Cataluña y Euskadi (1977-1981)

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    La presente tesis doctoral analiza el comportamiento político de la prensa nacionalista catalana y vasca durante la Transición a la democracia y en especial, en relación a la aprobación de la Constitución, los Estatutos de Autonomía de Sau y Gernika y la puesta en marcha del autogobierno catalán y vasco. El estudio cubre el periodo 1977-1981 y se centra en los diarios El Correo Catalán y Avui, por la parte catalana, y Deia y Egin, por la parte vasca. El estudio describe el papel jugado por estos cuatro medios de comunicación en el proceso de construcción de un nuevo Estado democrático, el cual dejase atrás el carácter centralista y unitario y diese cabida a nacionalidades históricas como Cataluña y País Vasco, que desde el franquismo habían luchado para preservar su identidad histórica, social y cultural. La investigación describe también el comportamiento político y profesional de periodistas relacionados con los medios estudiados.The following PhD investigation analyzes the political behavior of Catalan and Basque nationalist newspapers during the Transition to democracy in Spain and, especially, in relation to the approval of the new Constitution, the Statutes of Autonomy of Sau and Gernika and the launch of the Catalan and Basque self-governments. The study covers the period between 1977 and 1981, and is focused on the Catalan daily papers El Correo Catalan and Avui, and the Basques Deia and Egin. The aim of this investigation is to discuss the role played by these papers in the process of building a new democratic State, one which overcame centralism and a rigid united structure in order to include historical nationalities such as Catalonia and the Basque Country. During Franco’s regime, these nationalities had fought to preserve their historical, social and cultural identities. Furthermore, the paper examines the political and professional behavior of journalists which were linked to the mentioned nationalist newspapers

    La prensa nacionalista catalana y vasca ante la Constitución, los Estatutos de Autonomía y la consolidación del autogobierno en Cataluña y Euskadi (1977-1981)

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    La presente tesis doctoral analiza el comportamiento político de la prensa nacionalista catalana y vasca durante la Transición a la democracia y en especial, en relación a la aprobación de la Constitución, los Estatutos de Autonomía de Sau y Gernika y la puesta en marcha del autogobierno catalán y vasco. El estudio cubre el periodo 1977-1981 y se centra en los diarios El Correo Catalán y Avui, por la parte catalana, y Deia y Egin, por la parte vasca. El estudio describe el papel jugado por estos cuatro medios de comunicación en el proceso de construcción de un nuevo Estado democrático, el cual dejase atrás el carácter centralista y unitario y diese cabida a nacionalidades históricas como Cataluña y País Vasco, que desde el franquismo habían luchado para preservar su identidad histórica, social y cultural. La investigación describe también el comportamiento político y profesional de periodistas relacionados con los medios estudiados.The following PhD investigation analyzes the political behavior of Catalan and Basque nationalist newspapers during the Transition to democracy in Spain and, especially, in relation to the approval of the new Constitution, the Statutes of Autonomy of Sau and Gernika and the launch of the Catalan and Basque self-governments. The study covers the period between 1977 and 1981, and is focused on the Catalan daily papers El Correo Catalan and Avui, and the Basques Deia and Egin. The aim of this investigation is to discuss the role played by these papers in the process of building a new democratic State, one which overcame centralism and a rigid united structure in order to include historical nationalities such as Catalonia and the Basque Country. During Franco’s regime, these nationalities had fought to preserve their historical, social and cultural identities. Furthermore, the paper examines the political and professional behavior of journalists which were linked to the mentioned nationalist newspapers

    Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb−1 of √s= 8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector

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    © 2014, The Author(s). A search for supersymmetry (SUSY) in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, at least one hadronically decaying tau lepton and zero or one additional light leptons (electron/muon), has been performed using 20.3fb−1of proton-proton collision data at √ s= 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed in the various signal regions and 95% confidence level upper limits on the visible cross section for new phenomena are set. The results of the analysis are interpreted in several SUSY scenarios, significantly extending previous limits obtained in the same final states. In the framework of minimal gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models, values of the SUSY breaking scale Λ below 63 TeV are excluded, independently of tan β. Exclusion limits are also derived for an mSUGRA/CMSSM model, in both the R-parity-conserving and R-parity-violating case. A further interpretation is presented in a framework of natural gauge mediation, in which the gluino is assumed to be the only light coloured sparticle and gluino masses below 1090 GeV are excluded