21 research outputs found

    Subjetividade e formação do leitor: o problema da ausência da leitura literária nos livros didáticos do Ciclo 1 do Ensino Fundamental

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    A formação do leitor exige processos de subjetivação. Não há possibilidade de enlaçar o sujeito à prática leitora sem que seja tocada sua memória afetiva, tramada a partir dos muitos discursos que a constituem, vários deles tensionados pela linguagem poética. Logo, compreende-se que a leitura significativa apenas se efetiva quando é permitido ao leitor atuar por meio da subjetividade, fazendo verter do texto lido o encontro de si com outras possibilidades discursivas. Nesse sentido, a presença do texto literário desde os primeiros anos do ensino fundamental torna-se fulcral, na medida em que se trata de campo privilegiado para o reposisionamento subjetivo pela apropriação dos letramentos de prestígio. Entretanto, boa parte da ação escolar que objetiva a formação de leitores parece desconsiderar a vinculação entre subjetividade e leitura e, consequentemente, a relevância da leitura literária em seu espaço. Tal concepção conduz à aplicação de atividades centradas na apropriação de operações que habilitam a criança a esquadrinhar os textos sem comprometê-la efetivamente com a leitura em seu potencial formativo. Submetem, portanto, os sujeitos à condição de leitores funcionais, imobilizando posições discursivas construídas historicamente. Essas constatações resultam de pesquisa focada nas propostas de leitura veiculadas pelos livros didáticos (LD) de língua portuguesa do ciclo 1 do Ensino Fundamental. Tendo em vista que o LD é importante objeto difusor de discursos, a pesquisa alerta para a necessidade de rever os fundamentos das abordagens concernentes à formação do leitor, sobretudo no momento inaugural de sua jornada

    Characteristics of muscle satellite cell donors.

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    <p>Data are means ± SD. OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.</p>***<p>P = <0.0001 vs. young subjects.</p><p>(¤)P = 0.07 vs. middle-aged active subjects.</p

    Effect of aging and physical activity on insulin signaling pathway.

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    <p>Satellite cells were isolated from vastus lateralis biopsies from young or middle-aged volunteers: sedentary or active. Cells were grown in culture until mature myotubes were formed. Myotubes were treated with insulin (100 nM) for 30 mins before measuring glucose uptake into myotubes expressed as pmol/min/mg protein (A) or fold change from basal (B). (C) Immunoblotting of total protein lysate for phosphorylation of Akt Serine473 or GSK3 Serine21/9 and total protein amount of Akt. Equal gel loading was ascertained by immunoblotting with an antibody against β-tubulin. Protein expression of (D) Akt phosphorylation and (E) GSK3 phosphorylation were quantified and expressed as arbitrary units. Open bars = young, gray bars = middle-aged sedentary and black bars = middle-aged active. Values shown are the mean ±S.E.M from cells from 5 individuals for each group. An asterisk denotes a significant difference basal for each group (*P<0.05, **P<0.01). A ¤ denotes a significant change from young basal (¤¤ P<0.01).</p

    Effect of aging and physical activity on GLUT1 and GLUT4 expression.

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    <p>Satellite cells were isolated from vastus lateralis biopsies from young or middle-aged volunteers: sedentary or active. Cells were grown in culture until mature myotubes were formed. Expression of (A) GLUT1 mRNA and (C) GLUT4 mRNA were measured by qPCR and using the delta CT method (AU). Expression of (B) GLUT1 and (D) GLUT4 mRNA in the middle-aged groups was normalized to expression level in young group. (E) Representative immunoblot and quantification (arbitrary units) of GLUT4 protein. Values shown are the mean ±S.E.M from cells from 5 individuals for each group. An asterisk denotes a significant difference from young (*P<0.05, **P<0.01). A # denotes a significant difference from middle-aged sedentary (P<0.05, t-test). A (#) denotes a trend towards a significant difference from middle-aged sedentary (P = 0.07, t-test). The outlier in GLUT4 is shown with a circle around the value (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066628#pone-0066628-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3C</a>).</p

    Effect of aging and physical activity on insulin-stimulated GLUT4 localisation.

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    <p>Satellite cells were isolated from vastus lateralis biopsies from young or middle-aged volunteers: sedentary or active. Cells were grown in culture until mature myotubes were formed. Myotubes were treated with insulin (100 nM) for 30 mins before fixation and immunofluorescence staining. (A) Representative immunofluorescence images of myotubes stained with anti-GLUT4 and anti-wheat germ agglutinin (Scale bar 20 µm). The plasma membrane region is a 2× zoom of the merged image. Quantification of membrane fluorescence intensity in basal state (B) or after insulin treatment as a fold change from basal (C). (B and C) Open bars = young, gray bars = middle-aged sedentary and black bars = middle-aged active. Values are mean ± S.E.M from cells from 5 individuals for each group. An asterisk denotes a significant difference from basal (*P<0.05, **P<0.01). A (*) denotes a trend towards a significant difference from young (P = 0.058).</p

    Alterations in ci-miRNAs in plasma immediately after an acute exercise bout.

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    <p>Eight ci-miRNAs were down regulated after a single 60 min aerobic exercise bout at 65% Pmax. Ci-miRNAs below the Dunn-bonferroni corrected p-value P<0.00032 was considered as significant altered.</p

    Alterations in ci-miRNAs in plasma in response to 12 weeks of endurance training.

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    <p>Two ci-miRNAs were up regulated and seven were down regulated in response to 12 weeks endurance training when Dunn-bonferroni correction of the significance level 0.05 was performed (P<0.00032). Additional four miRNAs were borderline significant (BS) down regulated at significance level 0.001.</p

    Alterations in ci-miRNAs in plasma three hours after an acute exercise bout.

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    <p>One ci-miRNA was up regulated 3 hour after a 60 min aerobic exercise bout at 65% Pmax when Dunn-bonferroni correction of the significance level 0.05 was performed (P<0.00032). Additional three miRNAs were borderline significant (BS) up regulated at significance level 0.001.</p