212 research outputs found

    Portuguese in Germany: considering issues of heritage language development and biliteracy

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    [Excerpt] Introduction: Germany has a strong tradition of immigration, which became an important feature of the German society from the early fifties on, when the country had to be rebuilt after its almost complete destruction during World War II. In the fifties and sixties, Germany signed bilateral recruitment agreements with several countries like Italy (1960), Turkey (1961) and Portugal (1964), allowing unqualified guest workers in the industrial sector to take positions with minimal training requirements (Feld et. al., 2017).[...

    O léxico do Candomblé em Portugal

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    This article intends to introduce “Candomblé”, an afrobrazilian religion that is becoming more common in Portugal, and to analyze if there were any lexical contribution in Brazilian Portuguese or in European Portuguese. The methods used were interview and linguistic knowledge questionnaire. Based on the collected data, we concluded that the lexicon of “Candomblé” in Portugal did not go out of its religion context to achieve the popular lexicon, as it happened in Brazil.Este artigo pretende apresentar o candomblé, religião afro-brasileira que vem se tornando presente em Portugal e analisar possíveis contribuições lexicais deste ao Português brasileiro e ao europeu. Os métodos de pesquisa empregados foram entrevista e levantamento de conhecimento linguístico através de questionário. Baseado nos dados coletados chegou-se à conclusão de que o léxico do candomblé em Portugal não se deslocou do âmbito religioso para o cotidiano popular, como acontece no Brasil

    HIV testing: knowledge, meanings and experiencesof pregnant women

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    Objective: To learn the knowledge, meanings and experiences of pregnant women on anti-HIV serological testing during pregnancy. Methods: This was an exploratory qualitative study was conducted in five Basic Health Units Iguatu, Ceará, with 20 pregnant women through semi-structured interview in December 2010and January 2011, after signing the agreement. We used analysis technique of the content. Results: Knowledge of the purpose of the review was limited by some, but attributed meanings representing maternal instinct, social responsibility and prevention of vertical transmission. All serology performed without difficulties of access, although some did not want to do it for fear of discovery of the disease. Conclusion: It is considered that these rological testis always offered to minimize the transmission of HIV

    Microagulhamento e seus benefĂ­cios nas cicatrizes atrĂłficas de acne

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    Acne é um distúrbio que resulta da inflamação na unidade pilossebácea. Isso pode levar ao desenvolvimento de cicatrizes de acne, como as cicatrizes atróficas que fazem com que a pele fique deprimida devido à perda de colágeno. A técnica de microagulhamento é atualmente empregada para tratar cicatrizes de acne, onde um aparelho de roller é usado para criar pequenas rupturas na pele. Essas micro-lesões estimulam uma resposta inflamatória e reparadora que promove a formação de novas fibras de colágeno e elastina, reduzindo o aspecto da cicatriz. O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar os efeitos do microagulhamento nas cicatrizes atróficas de acne através da revisão de literatura, utilizando duas bases de dados: Pubmed e Scielo, com artigos que variaram de 2006 a 2022. Pesquisas indicam que o microagulhamento sozinho é eficaz na redução de cicatrizes de acne. No entanto, quando usado em conjunto com plasma rico em plaquetas e peeling, produz melhor resultado. A conclusão tirada é que o microagulhamento é benéfico no tratamento de cicatrizes de acne atrófica, mas quando utilizado em combinação com outras técnicas, produz resultados superiores

    Epigenetic Variation in Mangrove Plants Occurring in Contrasting Natural Environment

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    , a mangrove species, occurs in naturally contrasting habitats where it is subjected daily to salinity and nutrient variations leading to morphological differences. This work aims at unraveling how CpG-methylation variation is distributed among individuals from two nearby habitats, at a riverside (RS) or near a salt marsh (SM), with different environmental pressures and how this variation is correlated with the observed morphological variation.) methods that estimate population structure showed significantly greater differentiation among locations for epigenetic than genetic data. Co-Inertia analysis, exploring jointly the genetic and epigenetic data, showed that individuals with similar genetic profiles presented divergent epigenetic profiles that were characteristic of the population in a particular environment, suggesting that CpG-methylation changes may be associated with environmental heterogeneity. from salt marsh and riverside presented little genetic but abundant DNA methylation differentiation, suggesting that epigenetic variation in natural plant populations has an important role in helping individuals to cope with different environments

    Investigando os impactos da COVID-19 no ensino remoto da computação: uma análise no nordeste do Brasil / Investigating COVID-19's impacts on remote computing teaching: an analysis in northeastern Brazil

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    A pandemia da Covid-19 trouxe grandes desafios para diversas áreas, como política, economia e educação. Os altos índices de contágios e mortes causados por essa doença, assim como os efeitos relacionados à saúde mental dos indivíduos, causaram impactos em toda a sociedade. Na educação, a crise afetou o ensino em todos os níveis. Alunos e professores têm vivenciado um cenário desafiador, devido à adaptação do ensino tradicional para o ensino remoto emergencial. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as limitações que um grupo específico de docentes enfrentou durante esse processo, investigando as principais dificuldades relacionadas às mudanças no trabalho docente e se isto afetou a saúde mental de cada um deles. Para isso, foi conduzido um questionário para coleta de dados, respondido por professores que atenderam a critérios específicos de inclusão, como: ser professor de Computação e áreas afins, lecionar no Ensino Superior, atuar no Nordeste do Brasil e estar ministrando aulas remotas durante o semestre suplementar excepcional, implementado por suas instituições de ensino. A região Nordeste foi escolhida devido às limitações de infraestrutura e investimento governamental, que podem ter sido agravadas com o surgimento da Covid-19. Os resultados apontaram desafios relacionados não apenas ao planejamento do trabalho remoto, mas também ao aumento da quantidade de trabalho e estresse vivenciados

    Performance of Hevea brasiliensis under drought conditions on osmoregulation and antioxidant activity through evaluation of vacuolar invertase and reducing sugars

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    Rubber tree cultivation is limited in many regions by abiotic factors such as drought. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms responsible for responses to, and recovery from, drought conditions during the establishment phase of four high latex producing rubber tree clones (RRIM600, IAC40, PR255 and GT1). Five-month-old plants were exposed to 32 days of water restriction, followed by 15 days of soil rehydration. Leaf area, as well as their osmolyte accumulations, saccharolytic enzyme activity, and oxidative stress markers, were accompanied. Although clones IAC40 and PR255 responded more precociously to drought conditions, halting leaf expansion before clones GT1 and RRIM600, they demonstrated slow recuperation after reestablishing irrigation. The greater tolerances of clones RRIM600 and GT1 to drought conditions were related to greater vacuolar invertase (VINV) activity in their leaves, which guaranteed more significant accumulations of vacuolar reducing sugars (RS). Similar to RS, glycine betaine accumulations were related to osmoprotection and to reducing oxidative damage (lipidic peroxidation) caused by water deficit conditions. The observed decreases in cytosol neutral invertase (AINV) and cell wall insoluble invertase (CWINV) activities, which resulted in cytosol hexose decreases, may be related to increases in antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) activities in the leaves in response to water deficit conditions. As such, the introduction of specific sugars (RS) and the modulation of key carbon metabolism enzymes, such as VINV, are promising strategies for promoting drought tolerance in rubber tree clones
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