11 research outputs found

    Cockayne Syndrome: The many challenges and approaches to understand a multifaceted disease

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    The striking and complex phenotype of Cockayne syndrome (CS) patients combines progeria-like features with developmental deficits. Since the establishment of the in vitro culture of skin fibroblasts derived from patients with CS in the 1970s, significant progress has been made in the understanding of the genetic alterations associated with the disease and their impact on molecular, cellular, and organismal functions. In this review, we provide a historic perspective on the research into CS by revisiting seminal papers in this field. We highlighted the great contributions of several researchers in the last decades, ranging from the cloning and characterization of CS genes to the molecular dissection of their roles in DNA repair, transcription, redox processes and metabolism control. We also provide a detailed description of all pathological mutations in genes ERCC6 and ERCC8 reported to date and their impact on CS-related proteins. Finally, we review the contributions (and limitations) of many genetic animal models to the study of CS and how cutting-edge technologies, such as cell reprogramming and state-of-the-art genome editing, are helping us to address unanswered questions

    Quantification of DNA damage induced by acetaldehyde. Potential biomarker for environmental pollution

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    O acetaldeído é um comprovado agente mutagênico e carcinogênico, pode ser produzido endogenamente pela oxidação do álcool ingerido em bebidas alcoólicas e alimentos ou exogenamente, inalado como poluente, advindo da oxidação de combustíveis fósseis e etanol. O efeito do acetaldeído foi avaliado em modelos celulares e animais com o propósito de avaliarmos o aumento do estresse oxidativo, por lipoperoxidação, fragmentação do DNA, e a formação de adutos DNA, tais como 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2-desoxiguanosina, além de, 1,N2-eteno-2-desoxiguanosina e 1,N2-propano-2-desoxiguanosina que foram analisados por HPLC acoplado a espectrometria de massa com a utilização de metodologia ultra-sensível e reprodutiva. O tratamento de fibroblastos pulmonares humanos normais (IMR-90) com diversas concentrações de acetaldeído (58 µM a 711 µM) resultou em aumentos de morte celular, lipoperoxidação, fragmentação do DNA, cálcio intracelular e adutos de DNA. O efeito protetor do licopeno (20 µM) foi comprovado minimizando todos os efeitos deletérios promovidos pelo acetaldeído. O tratamento dos ratos Wistar por 8 e 30 dias com 150 mg/kg e 60 mg/kg via intra-peritoneal ou gavage, evidenciaram os efeitos tóxicos provocados pelo acetaldeído, como aumento significativo de lipoperoxidação, adutos e fragmentação de DNA no fígado e cérebro destes animais. A detecção dos adutos de DNA se mostrou uma ferramenta importante para a detecção dos efeitos provocados por exposição ao aldeído. No tratamento de animais por inalação com variadas concentrações de acetaldeído, que expôs os animais a quantidades do aldeído similares às encontradas em atmosferas poluídas, foi observado aumento de lipoperoxidação, sendo este dose dependente no fígado e pulmão. Já no cérebro, os níveis de MDA foram significativamente maiores em 10 ppb e 30 ppb em relação a 0 ppb e controle, e diminuíram significativamente em 90 ppb. Em relação aos níveis de fragmentação do DNA, observamos no pulmão aumento foi dose dependente em relação à concentração de aldeído. A quantificação de 1,N2-εdGuo e 1,N2-propanodGuo mostrou aumentos de ambos os adutos no pulmão de todos animais expostos ao acetaldeído . No fígado, também, foram detectados aumentos nos níveis de 1,N2-propanodGuo. A formação de 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2-desoxiguanosina, 1,N2-eteno-2-desoxiguanosina e 1,N2-propano-2-desoxiguanosina na urina de moradores da cidade de São Paulo, também foi investigada, com o desenvolvimento de metodologia ultra-sensível e reprodutiva por HPLC e espectrometria de massa, que indicou a presença dos três adutos nas urinas analisadas. A detecção do 1,N2-propanodGuo na urina é inédita. Nossos resultados comprovam que o acetaldeído é um forte agente citotóxico e genotóxico, mesmo em concentrações muito baixas, podendo contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos de desenvolvimento de doenças atribuídas ao aldeído, como o câncer. Além disso, o desenvolvimento de metodologias ultra-sensíveis para detecção e quantificação de adutos na urina e DNA isolado contribui para o emprego destes adutos, em especial o 1,N2-propano- 2-desoxiguanosina, como possível biomarcador de exposição ao acetaldeído presente em atmosferas poluídas e em patologias associadas ao estresse redox e abuso de bebidas alcoólicas.Acetaldehyde is a known mutagen and carcinogen that can be produced endogenously by ethanol oxidation or directly inhaled as an air pollutant produced by fuel oxidation. The toxicity of acetaldehyde was evaluated in vitro and in vivo models, by means of oxidative stress parameters such as lipid peroxidation (measured as malonaldialdehyde -MDA), DNA fragmentation and DNA adducts such as 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-desoxiguanosine, 1,N2-eteno-2-desoxiguanosine and 1,N2-propano-2-desoxiguanosine, this adducts were analyzed by an ultra-sensible and reproducible HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry assay. Treatment of human normal fibroblast (IMR-90) with a wide range of concentrations (58 µM to 711 µM) resulted in an increase in citotoxicity, lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, intracellular calcium release and DNA adducts. Furthermore, lycopene (20 µM) presented a protective effect against the cellular deleterious properties of acetaldehyde. Treatment of Wistar rats for 8 and 30 days with 150 mg/kg and 60 mg/kg intra-peritonially or by gavage resulted in increased toxicity, measured by lipid peroxidation and DNA damage in liver and brain. The detection of DNA adducts was shown an important tool for the identification of deleterious effects induced by exposure to the aldehyde. Animals treated by inhalation, of amounts commonly found in polluted air samples, presented increased levels of lipid peroxidation in a dose dependent manner in liver and lungs. Nevertheless, in the brain of those animals the higher concentration was devoid of toxic effect measured as MDA levels. Lung tissue presented increased levels of DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, increased levels of 1,N2-εdGuo and 1,N2-propanodGuo was also observed in lungs of all animals. In DNA from livers, 1,N2-propanodGuo presented increased levels. Formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-desoxiguanosine, 1,N2-eteno-2-desoxiguanosine and 1,N2-propano-2-desoxiguanosine in urine samples of people living in the city of São Paulo were also investigated using a newly developed and ultra-sensible methodology base in HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry. This methodology enabled us to detect, for the first time, the presence of 1,N2-propanodGuo in urine samples. In summary, our results demonstrate the acetaldehyde is a strong cytotoxic and genotoxic agent even at low concentrations, being able to contribute to the development of pathology such as cancer. Furthermore, the development of a very ultra-sensitive methodology for the detection of these adducts, mainly ,N2-propano- 2-desoxiguanosine, enables its use as a possible biomarker of acetaldehyde exposure in polluted air samples and in pathologies associated with redox unbalance and ethanol consumption

    The relative roles of DNA damage induced by UVA irradiation in human cells

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    UVA light (320–400 nm) represents approximately 95% of the total solar UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface. UVA light induces oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in skin cells. These photoproducts such as pyrimidine dimers (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, CPDs, and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts, 6-4PPs) are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER). In this repair pathway, the XPA protein is recruited to the damage removal site; therefore, cells deficient in this protein are unable to repair the photoproducts. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in UVA-induced cell death. In fact, similar levels of oxidative stress and oxidised bases were detected in XP-A and NER-proficient cells exposed to UVA light. Interestingly, CPDs were detected in both cell lines; however, 6-4PPs were detected only in DNA repairdeficient cells. XP-A cells were also observed to be significantly more sensitive to UVA light compared to NER-proficient cells, with an increased induction of apoptosis, while necrosis was similarly observed in both cell lines. The induction of apoptosis and necrosis in XP-A cells using adenovirus-mediated transduction of specific photolyases was investigated and we confirm that both types of photoproducts are the primary lesions responsible for inducing cell death in XP-A cells and may trigger the skin-damaging effects of UVA light, particularly skin ageing and carcinogenesis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESPConselho Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPqCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nível superior, CAPE

    Transcription blockage by DNA damage in nucleotide excision repair-related neurological dysfunctions

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    Human genetic syndromes deficient in nucleotide excision repair (NER), such as xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome, may present neurological abnormalities and premature aging symptoms. Unrepaired endogenously generated DNA damage that hampers transcription is a strong candidate that contributes to the development of these severe effects in neuronal tissue. Endogenous lesions include those generated due to byproducts of cellular metabolisms, such as reactive oxygen species. This review presents much of the evidence on the mechanisms related to neurodegenerative processes associated with DNA damage responses. The primary focus is on the effects of the transcription machinery, including the accumulation of DNA•RNA hybrids (R-loops) that, in turn, influence DNA damage and repair metabolism. Moreover, several neuronal tissues present higher expression of long genes, a genomic subset more affected by DNA lesions, which may explain part of the neurological abnormalities in these patients. Also, neuronal tissues have different DNA repair capabilities that might result in different neurological consequences, as observed in patients and NER deficient animal models. The better understanding of how the accumulation of transcription blocking lesions can lead to neurological abnormalities and premature aging-like phenotypes may assist us in finding potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets that might improve the lives of these patients, as well as other neurological disorders in the general population.This work was supported under the International Collaboration Research Funding from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, SP, Brazil) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research – NWO (Grant #2019/19435-3). Financial support was also received from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Grant #308868/2018-8) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES, Brasília, DF, Brazil, financial code 001)

    Chloroquine - induced glioma cells death is associated with mitochondrial membrane potential loss, but not oxidative stress.

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    Chloroquine (CQ), a quinolone derivative widely used to treat and prevent malaria, has been shown to exert a potent adjuvant effect when combined with conventional glioblastoma therapy. Despite inducing lysosome destabilization and activating p53 in human glioma cells, the mechanisms under lying cell death induced by this drug are poorly under stood. Here, we analyzed inatime – anddose – dependent manner, the effects of CQ up on mitochondria integrity, autophagy regulation and redox processes in four human glioma cell lines that differin their resistance to this drug. NAC – containing media protected cells against CQ-induced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), autophagyic vacuoles (LC3II) accumulation and loss of cell viability induced by CQ. However, we noticed that part of this protection was due to media acidification in NAC preparations, alerting for problems in experimental procedures using NAC. The results indicate that although CQ induces accumulation of LC3II, mitochondria, and oxidative stress, neither of these events is clearly correlated to cell death induced by this drug. The only event elicited in all cell lines at equitoxic doses of CQ was the loss of MMP, indicating that mitochondrial stability is important for cells resistance to this drug. Finally, the data indicate that higher steady-state MMP values can predict cell resistance to CQ treatment

    Glutathione depletion sensitizes cisplatin- and temozolomide-resistant glioma cells in vitro and in vivo.

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    Malignant glioma is a severe type of brain tumor with a poor prognosis and few options for therapy. The main chemotherapy protocol for this type of tumor is based on temozolomide (TMZ), albeit with limited success. Cisplatin is widely used to treat several types of tumor and, in association with TMZ, is also used to treat recurrent glioma. However, several mechanisms of cellular resistance to cisplatin restrict therapy efficiency. In that sense, enhanced DNA repair, high glutathione levels and functional p53 have a critical role on cisplatin resistance. In this work, we explored several mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in human glioma. We showed that cellular survival was independent of the p53 status of those cells. In addition, in a host-cell reactivation assay using cisplatin-treated plasmid, we did not detect any difference in DNA repair capacity. We demonstrated that cisplatin-treated U138MG cells suffered fewer DNA double-strand breaks and DNA platination. Interestingly, the resistant cells carried higher levels of intracellular glutathione. Thus, preincubation with the glutathione inhibitor buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) induced massive cell death, whereas N-acetyl cysteine, a precursor of glutathione synthesis, improved the resistance to cisplatin treatment. In addition, BSO sensitized glioma cells to TMZ alone or in combination with cisplatin. Furthermore, using an in vivo model the combination of BSO, cisplatin and TMZ activated the caspase 3–7 apoptotic pathway. Remarkably, the combined treatment did not lead to severe side effects, while causing a huge impact on tumor progression. In fact, we noted a remarkable threefold increase in survival rate compared with other treatment regimens. Thus, the intracellular glutathione concentration is a potential molecular marker for cisplatin resistance in glioma, and the use of glutathione inhibitors, such as BSO, in association with cisplatin and TMZ seems a promising approach for the therapy of such devastating tumors

    Data_Sheet_1_Hatchery tanks induce intense reduction in microbiota diversity associated with gills and guts of two endemic species of the São Francisco River.doc

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    The São Francisco River (SFR), one of the main Brazilian rivers, has suffered cumulative anthropogenic impacts, leading to ever-decreasing fish stocks and environmental, economic, and social consequences. Rhinelepis aspera and Prochilodus argenteus are medium-sized, bottom-feeding, and rheophilic fishes from the SFR that suffer from these actions. Both species are targeted for spawning and restocking operations due to their relevance in artisanal fisheries, commercial activities, and conservation concerns. Using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we characterized the microbiome present in the gills and guts of these species recruited from an impacted SFR region and hatchery tanks (HT). Our results showed that bacterial diversity from the gill and gut at the genera level in both fish species from HT is 87% smaller than in species from the SFR. Furthermore, only 15 and 29% of bacterial genera are shared between gills and guts in R. aspera and P. argenteus from SFR, respectively, showing an intimate relationship between functional differences in organs. In both species from SFR, pathogenic, xenobiont-degrading, and cyanotoxin-producer bacterial genera were found, indicating the critical pollution scenario in which the river finds itself. This study allowed us to conclude that the conditions imposed on fish in the HT act as important modulators of microbial diversity in the analyzed tissues. It also raises questions regarding the effects of these conditions on hatchery spawn fish and their suitability for restocking activities, aggravated by the narrow genetic diversity associated with such freshwater systems.</p

    Table_1_Hatchery tanks induce intense reduction in microbiota diversity associated with gills and guts of two endemic species of the São Francisco River.XLSX

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    The São Francisco River (SFR), one of the main Brazilian rivers, has suffered cumulative anthropogenic impacts, leading to ever-decreasing fish stocks and environmental, economic, and social consequences. Rhinelepis aspera and Prochilodus argenteus are medium-sized, bottom-feeding, and rheophilic fishes from the SFR that suffer from these actions. Both species are targeted for spawning and restocking operations due to their relevance in artisanal fisheries, commercial activities, and conservation concerns. Using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we characterized the microbiome present in the gills and guts of these species recruited from an impacted SFR region and hatchery tanks (HT). Our results showed that bacterial diversity from the gill and gut at the genera level in both fish species from HT is 87% smaller than in species from the SFR. Furthermore, only 15 and 29% of bacterial genera are shared between gills and guts in R. aspera and P. argenteus from SFR, respectively, showing an intimate relationship between functional differences in organs. In both species from SFR, pathogenic, xenobiont-degrading, and cyanotoxin-producer bacterial genera were found, indicating the critical pollution scenario in which the river finds itself. This study allowed us to conclude that the conditions imposed on fish in the HT act as important modulators of microbial diversity in the analyzed tissues. It also raises questions regarding the effects of these conditions on hatchery spawn fish and their suitability for restocking activities, aggravated by the narrow genetic diversity associated with such freshwater systems.</p

    Complete genome sequence and analysis of Alcaligenes faecalis strain Mc250, a new potential plant bioinoculant.

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    Here we present and analyze the complete genome of Alcaligenes faecalis strain Mc250 (Mc250), a bacterium isolated from the roots of Mimosa calodendron, an endemic plant growing in ferruginous rupestrian grasslands in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The genome has 4,159,911 bp and 3,719 predicted protein-coding genes, in a single chromosome. Comparison of the Mc250 genome with 36 other Alcaligenes faecalis genomes revealed that there is considerable gene content variation among these strains, with the core genome representing only 39% of the protein-coding gene repertoire of Mc250. Mc250 encodes a complete denitrification pathway, a network of pathways associated with phenolic compounds degradation, and genes associated with HCN and siderophores synthesis; we also found a repertoire of genes associated with metal internalization and metabolism, sulfate/sulfonate and cysteine metabolism, oxidative stress and DNA repair. These findings reveal the genomic basis for the adaptation of this bacterium to the harsh environmental conditions from where it was isolated. Gene clusters associated with ectoine, terpene, resorcinol, and emulsan biosynthesis that can confer some competitive advantage were also found. Experimental results showed that Mc250 was able to reduce (~60%) the virulence phenotype of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri when co-inoculated in Citrus sinensis, and was able to eradicate 98% of juveniles and stabilize the hatching rate of eggs to 4% in two species of agricultural nematodes. These results reveal biotechnological potential for the Mc250 strain and warrant its further investigation as a biocontrol and plant growth-promoting bacterium