77 research outputs found

    Urban Heat Island (UHI) Simulations in the North Region of Parana State, Brazil

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a ilha de calor urbana (ICU) na região Norte do Paraná e a influência do uso do solo, incluindo especialmente ambientes urbanos, na intensidade e frequência de ocorrência desses eventos. Duas simulações foram feitas com o modelo WRF/Chem com diferentes arquivos de uso do solo (arquivo original e da base de dados do Landsat). As simulações representaram bem os dados observados com correlações superiores a 0,92 para a região de Londrina. A simulação com o uso do solo do Landsat representou melhor as ilhas de calor urbanas (ICU) e o gradiente de temperatura foi bem evidenciado. O modelo subestimou os valores máximos e superestimou os mínimos comparando com os dados observados nas duas simulações

    Child’s body mass index and mother’s obesity: the moderating role of physical fitness

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    The aim of this study was to verify the association between children’s body mass index and their mother’s obesity, considering children’s physical fitness as a possible moderator. Cross-sectional study developed with 1842 children and adolescents, aged seven to 17 years, from Santa Cruz do Sul-RS, Brazil. Body weight and height were assessed to determine body mass index. Cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by the 6-min walk/run test and muscular strength through the lower limb strength test. Mother’s perception of obesity was self-assessed. Moderation was tested through a SPSS program extension. Results indicated that higher children’s body mass index (p < 0.001) and lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (p = 0.001) and muscular strength (p = 0.035) were associated with mother’s obesity. Likewise, higher body mass index (p < 0.001) and lower cardiorespiratory fitness (p < 0.001) in adolescents were associated with maternal obesity. Moreover, physical fitness moderates the relationship between body mass index and mother’s obesity in children (cardiorespiratory fitness: β = − 0.006; 95% CI = (− 0.010, − 0.001); muscular strength: β = − 8.415; 95% CI = (− 12.526, − 4.304)) and in adolescents (cardiorespiratory fitness: β = − 0.004; 95% CI = (− 0.008, − 0.0008); muscular strength: β − 2.958; 95% CI = (− 5.615, − 0.030)). Conclusion: increasing physical fitness is an important strategy to protect youths from high body mass index, when their mothers are obese

    Neighborhood environmental factors associated with leisure walking in adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the associations of leisure walking with perceived and objective measures of neighborhood environmental factors stratified by gender and socioeconomic status (SES) in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a random sample of 1,130 high school students (47.3% girls; aged 14 to 20 years old) from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Leisure walking and SES were self-reported by the adolescents. Perceived environmental factors were assessed through Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Youth (NEWS-Y). Objective measures were evaluated using Geographic Information Systems, with road network calculated around the adolescent’s residential address, using 0.5km and 1.0km buffers. Data collection was carried out in 2017 and generalized linear regression models were used. RESULTS: Leisure walking was positively associated with access to services (0.5 km buffers [Odds ratio (OR) = 2.22] 1.0 km buffers [OR = 2.17]) and lower distance to parks and squares (0.5 km [OR=2.80] 1.0 km [OR = 2.73]) in girls from low SES. Residential density (0.5 km [OR = 1.57] 1.0 km [OR = 1.54]) and walkability index (0.5 km [OR = 1.17] 1.0 km [OR = 1.20]) were associated with leisure walking in girls from middle SES. Boys from low SES showed an inverse association between crime safety and leisure walking (0.5 km [OR = 0.59] 1.0 km [OR = 0.63]). Neighborhood recreation facilities was positively associated with leisure walking in middle SES (0.5 km [OR = 1.55] 1.0 km [OR = 1.60]). Land use mix (0.5 km [OR = 1.81] 1.0 km [OR = 1.81]), neighborhood recreation facilities (0.5 km [OR = 2.32] 1.0 km [OR = 2.28]) and places for walking (0.5 km [OR=2.07] 1.0 km [OR=2.22]) were positively associated with leisure walking in high SES. CONCLUSION: Environmental factors (objectively and subjectively measured) and leisure walking show association in boys and girls of different SES


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    Hemotropic mycoplasmas, also known as hemoplasmas, are bacteria that attach to the red blood cells and are the causative agents of feline infectious anemia (AIF). AIF can be mild or severe and can eventually lead to death. The hemoplasmas have been described in several countries, including Brazil; however, studies on the frequency of infection in central Rio Grande do Sul state is yet unknown. The aim of this study was to report the prevalence of hemoplasmas in this region as well as to evaluate the hematological changes and risk factors such age and sex, associated with infection. For this, 192 blood samples from domestic cats were collected and analyzed by species-specific conventional &nbsp; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. Overall, 14,6% cats were infected by at least one hemoplasma, but structures morphologically compatible with hemoplasmas were not identified in blood smears. Concerning age, animals aged ≤3 years had a higher incidence of infection than cats older than 3 years of age with 75% of infected samples being males. There was no statistical difference in hematological variables between infected and uninfected cats. Thus, we conclude that the prevalence of hemotropic mycoplasmas in Central Rio Grande do Sul state is 14.6% and that infection was not correlated with the presence of anemia and young male cats were more likely to be infected.Os micoplasmas hemotróficos também conhecidos como hemoplasmas são bactérias que se aderem aos eritrócitos e podem levar ao desenvolvimento de uma doença conhecida como anemia infecciosa felina (AIF). A AIF pode ser leve ou grave e pode levar à morte. Os hemoplasmas foram descritos em vários países, incluindo o Brasil, contudo, estudos sobre a frequência de infecção na região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, não foram descritos até o momento. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de hemoplasmas nessa região, bem como avaliar alterações hematológicas, e fatores de risco para infecção, como idade e sexo. Para isso, 192 amostras de sangue de gatos domésticos foram coletadas e analisadas através da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), método de escolha para diagnóstico de infecção. Dos felinos testados, 14,6% apresentaram-se positivos para infecção por hemoplasmas, no entanto, não foram identificadas estruturas compatíveis com micoplasmas na superfície de eritrócitos na avaliação do esfregaço sanguíneo. Em relação à idade, animais com idade ≤3 anos apresentaram maior incidência de infecção do que felinos com mais de 3 anos de idade. Sendo que, 75% das amostras infectadas eram de machos. Não houve diferença nas variáveis hematológicas entre felinos infectados e não infectados. Assim, conclui-se que a prevalência de micoplasmas hemotrópicos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul é de 14,6% e que a infecção não está relacionada à anemia, além de ser mais frequente em animais jovens e machos

    Relações entre a atividade física e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em crianças e adolescentes durante o distanciamento social COVID-19

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la relación entre la actividad física (AF) y los dominios de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (QVRS) en niños y jóvenes durante la distancia social COVID-19. Se aplicó un estudio transversal y analítico con enfoque cuantitativo en una muestra de 119 niñas y 121 niños. Se aplicaron cuestionarios y métodos estadísticos.La correlación entre AF y HQOL fue más fuerte enlos niños (46,9%) que en las niñas (14,5%), lo que puede explicarse porque existe una relación considerable y más fuerte entre la edad y el grado escolar con HQOL en las niñas.En conclusión, la actividad física se asoció con la QVRS de los niños y adolescentes durante la distancia social COVID-19. Estos hallazgos muestran la importancia de que esta población se mantenga físicamente activa para que los parámetros de salud no se vean afectados durante este período.This study aimed to verify the relationship between physical activity (PA) with health-related quality (HQOL) of life domains in children and adolescents during COVID-19 social distancing. A Cross-sectional and analytical study with a quantitative approach in a sample of 119 girls and 121 boys. Questionnaires and statistical methods were applied.The correlation between PA and HQOL was stronger in boys (46.9%) than girls (14.5%), which may be explained because there is a considerable and stronger relationship between age, and the school grade with HQOL in girls. In conclusion, physical activity was associated with the quality of life of children and adolescents during social distance due to the COVID-19. These findings show the importance of this population to remain physically active so that health parameters are not affected during this period.Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relação da atividade física (AF) com domínios da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) em crianças e jovens durante o distanciamento social COVID-19. Foi aplicado um estudo transversal e analítico com abordagem quantitativa em uma amostra de 119 meninas e 121 meninos. Questionários e métodos estatísticosforam aplicados.A correlação entre AF e QVRS foi mais forte nos meninos (46,9%) do que nas meninas (14,5%). Isso foi explicado porque há uma relação considerável e mais forte entre idade e ano escolar com QVRS em meninas.Em conclusão, a atividade física se associou à qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes durante o distanciamento social COVID-19. Esses achados mostram a importância dessa população se manter fisicamente ativa para que os parâmetros de saúde não sejam afetados nesse período

    Association of organized physical activity and levels of cardiorespiratory fitness with indicators of mental health in children

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    To verify the associations between organized physical activity out of school (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with indicators of mental health in children. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 226 students (47% girls) of public school in the south of Brazil aged between 6 to 11 years-old (8.36 ± 1.46). The cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by running and walking-test in six minutes, following the procedures of the “Brazil Sports Project”. PA was evaluated through a question and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire assessed mental health indicators. Generalized linear regressions were used with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: Total difficulties (β = 2.691; 95%CI, 0.181 to 5.200) and emotional symptoms (β = 1.528; 95%CI, 0.609 to 2.448) were inversely associated with PA. Total difficulties (β = -0.013; 95%CI, -0.022 to -0.003), hyperactivity/attention deficit (β = -0.002; 95%CI, -0.010 to -0.002), and peer relationship problems (β = -0.002; 95%CI, -0.003 to -0.001) were associated with CRF in boys. Conclusion: A total of difficulties and emotional problems presented an inverse association with PA. Further, CRF was inversely associated with total difficulties, hyperactivity-inattention, and peer relationship problems

    Air quality simulations for Londrina region, Brazil

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    The objective of this work were apply and provide a preliminary evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) performance, for Londrina region. We performed comparison with measurements obtained in meteorological stations. The model was configured to run with three domains with 27,9 and 3 km of grid resolution, using the ndown program and also was realized a simulation with the model configured to run with a single domain using a land use file based in a classified image for region of MODIS sensor. The emission files to supply the chemistry run were generated based in the work of Martins et al., 2012. RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM modal aerosol models were used in the simulations. The results demonstrated that model was able to represent coherently the formation and dispersion of the pollution in Metropolitan Region of Londrina and also the importance of using the appropriate land use file for the region.CNPqAraucária Foundatio

    Body fat percentage, cardiorespiratory ftness and arterial blood pressure in children and adolescents : a longitudinal analysis

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    Background: A better understanding of how cardiorespiratory ftness (CRF) and adiposity interact to associate with arterial blood pressure over time remains inconclusive. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine whether changes in CRF moderates the association between body fat percentage (BF%) and arterial blood pressure in children and adolescents. Methods: This is an observational longitudinal study with 407 children and adolescents aged 8–17 years followed-up for three years from a city in Southern Brazil. Participants were evaluated in 2011 and 2014. CRF was measured by validated feld-based tests following the Projeto Esporte Brazil protocols and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was estimated. BF% was determined by the measures of tricipital and subscapular skinfolds using equations according to sex. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) were measured with a sphygmomanometer according to standard procedures. Moderation analyses included multiple linear regression models adjusted for sex, age, pubertal status, height, socioeconomic level, skin color, and the arterial blood pressure variable itself at baseline. Results: It was observed a signifcant inverse association between VO2peak at baseline with SBP (β=−0.646 CI95%=−0.976 −0.316) and DBP (β=−0.649 CI95%=−0.923 −0.375) at follow-up and a positive association between BF% at baseline with SBP (β=0.274; CI95%=0.094 0.455) and DBP (β=0.301; CI95%=0.150 0.453) at follow-up. In addition, results indicated a signifcant interaction term between changes in VO2peak and BF% at baseline with both SBP (p=0.034) and DBP at follow-up (p=0.011), indicating that an increase of at least 0.35 mL/kg/min and 1.78 mL/kg/min in VO2peak attenuated the positive relationship between BF% with SBP and DBP. Conclusion: CRF moderates the relationship between BF% and SBP and DBP in children and adolescents

    From pregnancy to breastfeeding : adequate maternal body mass index is essential to prevent a high body mass index in your children

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    Objectives: To verify the associations between prenatal and perinatal factors with offspring body mass index (BMI) and the moderator role of maternal BMI in this relationship. Methods: Cross-sectional study developed with 1,562 children and adolescents aged between 6 and 17 years, as well as their mothers, from southern Brazil. The prenatal and perinatal factors, weight, and height for the calculation of maternal BMI were self-reported. For the calculation of BMI, weight and height of the child/adolescent were measured on an anthropometric scale with a coupled stadiometer. Linear regression models were used for the moderation analysis. All analyzes were adjusted for the mother’s and child’s age, sex, sexual maturation, skin color/race, and educational level. Results: cesarean as type of delivery (β=0.66; 95% CI=0.22 1.04; p=0.002) and pregnancy complications (β=0.60; 95% CI=0.15 1.04; p=0.002) were positively associated with offspring BMI. Schoolchildren who were breastfed for 4–6 months showed −0.56 kg/m2 of BMI (95% CI=−1.06– 0.06; p=0.02). Birth weight was also associated with BMI, with low weight being inversely (β=−0.59; 95% CI=−1.03– 0.15; p=0.008), while overweight was positively related (β=0.84; 95% CI=0.08 1.60; p=0.02). The moderation analysis indicated a positive interaction between the mother’s BMI and cesarean, pregnancy complications, and smoking with the offspring’s BMI. On the other hand, there was an inverse association between breastfeeding from 7 to 12 months and the offspring BMI, only in mothers with high BMI. Conclusions: Adequate maternal BMI is essential to prevent a high BMI in their children, especially when considering the influence of prenatal and perinatal risk factors

    Multicomponent intervention efect on cardiometabolic risk factors among overweight/obese Brazilian children: a mediation analysis

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    Purpose To verify whether percentage of body fat, physical ftness, physical activity and calorie intake mediates the multicomponent intervention efect on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight/obese children, and present the relative contribution of each mediator. Methods This is an intervention study, developed with 35 overweight/obese school-aged children (control group=17 and intervention group=18), aged between 7 and 13 years (9.05±1.90). A 12-week multicomponent intervention was performed, consisting of physical exercise, nutritional education sessions and parental support. The following variables were evaluated at baseline and post-intervention: anthropometric measures and percentage of body fat, physical ftness, physical activity assessed by accelerometer, total calorie intake and biochemical assays. For statistical analysis, generalized linear models were used. Results The intervention efect on glucose was mediated by percentage of body fat (24%), muscular ftness (22%) and total calorie intake (40%). The same was observed for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), with a mediation proportion of 26, 31 and 35%, respectively, as well as for HDL-C (percentage of body fat −30%, muscular ftness −30% and total calorie intake −33%); while vigorous physical activity mediated the intervention efect on glucose (40%), HDL-C (39%) LDL-C (43%) and total cholesterol (37%). Conclusion Interventions strategies should focus on reducing percentage of body fat and calorie intake, and enhancing muscular ftness and vigorous physical activity to achieve efective changes on cardiometabolic risk factors