19,890 research outputs found

    Asymptotic enumeration of incidence matrices

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    We discuss the problem of counting {\em incidence matrices}, i.e. zero-one matrices with no zero rows or columns. Using different approaches we give three different proofs for the leading asymptotics for the number of matrices with nn ones as n→∞n\to\infty. We also give refined results for the asymptotic number of i×ji\times j incidence matrices with nn ones.Comment: jpconf style files. Presented at the conference "Counting Complexity: An international workshop on statistical mechanics and combinatorics." In celebration of Prof. Tony Guttmann's 60th birthda

    Biasing MCTS with Features for General Games

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    This paper proposes using a linear function approximator, rather than a deep neural network (DNN), to bias a Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) player for general games. This is unlikely to match the potential raw playing strength of DNNs, but has advantages in terms of generality, interpretability and resources (time and hardware) required for training. Features describing local patterns are used as inputs. The features are formulated in such a way that they are easily interpretable and applicable to a wide range of general games, and might encode simple local strategies. We gradually create new features during the same self-play training process used to learn feature weights. We evaluate the playing strength of an MCTS player biased by learnt features against a standard upper confidence bounds for trees (UCT) player in multiple different board games, and demonstrate significantly improved playing strength in the majority of them after a small number of self-play training games.Comment: Accepted at IEEE CEC 2019, Special Session on Games. Copyright of final version held by IEE

    Learning Policies from Self-Play with Policy Gradients and MCTS Value Estimates

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    In recent years, state-of-the-art game-playing agents often involve policies that are trained in self-playing processes where Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) algorithms and trained policies iteratively improve each other. The strongest results have been obtained when policies are trained to mimic the search behaviour of MCTS by minimising a cross-entropy loss. Because MCTS, by design, includes an element of exploration, policies trained in this manner are also likely to exhibit a similar extent of exploration. In this paper, we are interested in learning policies for a project with future goals including the extraction of interpretable strategies, rather than state-of-the-art game-playing performance. For these goals, we argue that such an extent of exploration is undesirable, and we propose a novel objective function for training policies that are not exploratory. We derive a policy gradient expression for maximising this objective function, which can be estimated using MCTS value estimates, rather than MCTS visit counts. We empirically evaluate various properties of resulting policies, in a variety of board games.Comment: Accepted at the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 201

    No evidence for intense, cold accretion onto YSOs from measurements of Li in T-Tauri stars

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    We have used medium resolution spectra to search for evidence that proto-stellar objects accrete at high rates during their early 'assembly phase'. Models predict that depleted lithium and reduced luminosity in T-Tauri stars are key signatures of 'cold' high-rate accretion occurring early in a star's evolution. We found no evidence in 168 stars in NGC 2264 and the Orion Nebula Cluster for strong lithium depletion through analysis of veiling corrected 6708 angstrom lithium spectral line strengths. This suggests that 'cold' accretion at high rates (M_dot > 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1) occurs in the assembly phase of fewer than 0.5 per cent of 0.3 < M < 1.9 M_sol stars. We also find that the dispersion in the strength of the 6708 angstrom lithium line might imply an age spread that is similar in magnitude to the apparent age spread implied by the luminosity dispersion seen in colour magnitude diagrams. Evidence for weak lithium depletion (< 10 per cent in equivalent width) that is correlated with luminosity is also apparent, but we are unable to determine whether age spreads or accretion at rates less than 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1 are responsible.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013 June 0

    The growth of South African rural black children

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    The growth status of two samples of South African rural black children, from Ubombo, KwaZulu, and Vaalwater, northern Transvaal, was compared with that of samples of American black children and three other rural sub-Saharan groups. All the sub-Saharan black children were shorter, lighter and had less subcutaneous fat than the American children. Their growth curves demonstrated the well-recognised pattern of deviation from American means before adolescence so that, by the start of adolescence, approximately 50% of the children were below the 10th centile of American norms. Adolescence in all groups is delayed and the magnitude of peak velocity reduced. The adolescent growth spurt appears, however, to be extended along the time base so that pre- and post-peak velocities are raised; this leads to apparent catch-up growth in the late teenage years. While the Vaalwater sample demonstrated growth patterns very similar to those of other rural subSaharan black groups, the Ubombo children were consistently taller and heavier than all the others. These data are discussed in relation to the need for national norms that reflect the growth status of black South African children

    Fusion energy from the Moon for the twenty-first century

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    It is shown in this paper that the D-He-3 fusion fuel cycle is not only credible from a physics standpoint, but that its breakeven and ignition characteristics could be developed on roughly the same time schedule as the DT cycle. It was also shown that the extremely low fraction of power in neutrons, the lack of significant radioactivity in the reactants, and the potential for very high conversion efficiencies, can result in definite advantages for the D-He-3 cycle with respect to DT fusion and fission reactors in the twenty-first century. More specifically, the D-He-3 cycle can accomplish the following: (1) eliminate the need for deep geologic waste burial facilities and the wastes can qualify for Class A, near-surface land burial; (2) allow 'inherently safe' reactors to be built that, under the worst conceivable accident, cannot cause a civilian fatality or result in a significant (greater than 100 mrem) exposure to a member of the public; (3) reduce the radiation damage levels to a point where no scheduled replacement of reactor structural components is required, i.e., full reactor lifetimes (approximately 30 FPY) can be credibly claimed; (4) increase the reliability and availability of fusion reactors compared to DT systems because of the greatly reduced radioactivity, the low neutron damage, and the elimination of T breeding; and (5) greatly reduce the capital costs of fusion power plants (compared to DT systems) by as much as 50 percent and present the potential for a significant reduction on the COE. The concepts presented in this paper tie together two of the most ambitious high-technology endeavors of the twentieth century: the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion for civilian power applications and the utilization of outer space for the benefit of mankind on Earth
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