708 research outputs found

    Physical and Occupational Risk Factors Towards Complaints of Low Back Pain on Tile Maker Workers in Gedung Rejo Village Bk. 9 Oku Timur

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    Background : Making tiles that is done manually can be risky to low back pain. LBP is the complaint which most often found in workers especially in lifting activities that still done manually and work by wrong body position. LBP complaints can be due to several factors, including physical and occupational risk factors. Methods : This reasearch used cross-sectional quantitative design. Done on tile worker in Gedung Rejo BK.9 Village OKU Timur. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and lasegue test to support LBP diagnosis. Processing data used SPSS to perform univariate, bivariate using chi-square test and photovoice. Results : From 91 respondents there were 67 (73.6%) of workers who had complaints about LBP, and 24 (26.4%) workers did not have complaints about LBP. The results showed that there was no relationship between age and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.015). There is no relationship between the type of Sex with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.116). There was no relationship between obesity and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.152). There was relationship between posture when making tile with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.002). There was a relationship between lifting posture with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.023). There was relationship between load weight lifted with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.001). There was a relationship between years of service with LBP complaints (0.0001). There was relationship between the lifting frequency with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.149) Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between age, work posture when making tile, tile lifting work posture, weight load lifted, years of service and lifting frequency with LBP complaints


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    Improved sanitation is an effort to prevent disease and health problems from environmental risk factors to realize a healthy environmental quality from the physical, chemical, biological, and social aspects. One of the efforts that can be done, namely increasing access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygienic behavior (WASH), is a significant opportunity to improve public health and welfare by preventing the spread of disease and improving nutritional status. This service aims to identify environmental sanitation and efforts to improve public health status. The method used in this service was a survey and observation in 24 residents' houses, then continued with providing education and counseling about environmental health. The results of the service show that the characteristics of most residents' houses still need a ceiling. On average, respondents throw away their garbage and burn it, residents have trash cans, but they are temporary, and the conditions are not strong or tightly closed. Most respondents already have a latrine with a sitting latrine type, but the distance is less than 10 meters, and there is still a lack of clean water sources, so they do not meet the requirements. Almost half of the respondents stated that a family member had been sick in the past year with non-communicable disease. Respondents have implemented clean and healthy living behavior. However, some things need to be implemented optimally, such as the need for more eating vegetables and fruit and many family members still smoking. It is crucial to improve household basic environmental sanitation to improve the health status of the community.  ---  Peningkatan sanitasi merupakan upaya pencegahan penyakit dan atau gangguan kesehatan dari faktor risiko lingkungan untuk mewujudkan kualitas lingkungan yang sehat baik dari aspek fisik, kimia, biologi maupun social. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu meningkatkan akses ke air bersih, fasilitas sanitasi, dan perilaku higienis (WASH) merupakan peluang utama untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan mencegah penyebaran penyakit dan meningkatkan status gizi. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk mengidentifikasi sanitasi lingkungan dan upaya dalam peningkatan status kesehatan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini dilakukan survey dan observasi di 24 rumah warga kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemberian edukasi dan penyuluhan tentang kesehatan lingkungan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik rumah warga mayoritas belum memiliki plafon. Rata-rata responden membuang sampahnya dan dibakar, warga memiliki tempat sampah namun tidak permanen dan kondisinya tidak kuat dan tidak tertutup rapat. Mayoritas responden telah memiliki jamban dengan jenis jamban duduk namun jaraknya < 10 meter serta masih minimnya sumber air bersih sehingga belum memenuhi syarat. Hampir separuh responden menyatakan bahwa terdapat anggota keluarga yang pernah sakit dalam satu tahun terakhir dengan jenis penyakit tidak menular. Responden telah menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat namun masih ada beberapa hal yang belum diterapkan secara maksimal seperti kurangnya makan sayur dan buah serta masih banyaknya anggota keluarga yang merokok. Penting untuk meningkatkan sanitasi lingkungan dasar rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat

    Factors related to road accidents in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and injury worldwide. More than 90% of all road deaths occur in lowand middle-income countries, which own less than half of the world's vehicles. The research aimed was to identify the factors related to road accidents in Palembang, Indonesia. The research method used was qualitative approach by using in-depth interviews and observation. This research was conducted from August to December, 2019. The results showed that the factors related to road accidents were human factor, environmental and climatic factor. From this research, the working areas identified as accidentprone zone were Sukarami II and Ilir Barat I Police Station. Referring to the accident and interviews, it is known that the road locations that have the highest casualties were in the road of Kolonel H. Barlian, Jendral Sudirman, Demang Lebar Daun, Ahmad Yani, and Soekarno Hatta. The conclusion was the accident-prone zone located on the main arterial road in Palembang City, Jendral Sudirman Road with a total of 81 cases of traffic accidents in the last three years that need further investigation to minimize traffic injury


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    The era of globalization, the industrial world is increasingly developing, there are many companies engaged in the industry that manage various kinds of products, there will be more competitive competition. The development of the company is increasing rapidly, with the level of use and need for raw materials that are relatively large and increasing consumer demand. Raw material inventory control system for its role is needed in companies with existing theories. The author intends to analyze "Evaluation Of The Internal Control System For Raw Material For The Smoothness Of The Production Prosess (Case Study at UD. XYZ di Sidoarjo)". The purpose of this study is to find out how the internal control system for raw material inventory can be used to facilitate all production processes or processing of raw materials at UD. Light Plastic Sidoarjo. The data analysis technique used and carried out is a qualitative descriptive technique, which is to compare the collected data on a theoretical basis as a reference material that provides several suggestions for problem solvers in writing. Based on the results of research that can be done that the processing process in the company includes: the stage of purchasing raw materials, the stage of storing raw materials, the processing stage, the distribution stage. The research was conducted using a case study approach with qualitative methods. Data collection methods are carried out, namely interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the internal control system for raw material inventory can expedite the processing or production process in the company which is said to be good, but there are still some weaknesses, namely concurrency in work, lack of monitoring of the production process or processing time and the entry and exit of goods in the company

    Application of Radiation Safety in Radiology Installation Hospital of Lung in South Sumatra 2013

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    Background : The high use of radiation for medical activities is the contribution of the second largest source of radiation we receive. Besides radiation gives benefits, it can also cause danger for radiation workers, people, and the environment. So that radiology services should pay attention to safety aspects of radiation according to Peraturan Kepala BAPETEN No.8 in 2011. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application and implementation of radiation safety in Department of Radiology, Pulmonary Special Hospital Hospital, South Sumatra. Methods : A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was implemented in this study. Methods for obtaining information were in-depth interview, observation technique, and document review. Source of information was obtained from six informants, one of them was a key informant. Results : The results showed that implementation of radiation safety in Department of Radiology was not optimal. The other findings were the absence of radiation protection organization structure, lack of training for radiation workers, no radiologist, lack of availability of radiation protection equipment. Moreover, the results of worker radiation film badge has not yet been reported continuously to Batan, health monitoring has not yet been done specially for radiographers, lack of supervision or fast responsiveness to issues of Radiology at the hospital, as well as lack of coordination between the hospitals with radiological installations. Conclusion : It is concluded overview of the application of radiation safety at the Hospital for Special Pulmonary South Sumatra province have increased the awareness of the importance of safety for each radiation worker and also in terms of coordination between hospitals and radiology installations. Expected to be formed for SSR Lung structure and functioning of the organization of radiation protection, giving a reprimand or sanctions for employees who do not work in accordance with the SOP, specific medical examination immediately, and make plans for the training of radiographers

    Determinantanalysis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Cts) in the Farmers Tapper Rubber Trees at Karang Manik Village South Sumatera

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    Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a disorder that caused by entrapment of medianus nerve in the carpal tunnel at wrist with principal symptom of tingling and the pains that spread into fingers and the hand that is innervated by the nerves medianus, accompanied think benumbed, was muscular weakness, rigidity and the possibility of muscle atrophy. Research conducted in Purbalingga showed 47.2 % of the respondents experienced two to five complaints scene Carpal Bone Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The purpose of this research analyze determinan scene Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) the farmers tappers trees at Karang Manik village. Methods: Design study in this research was cross-sectional with total sample101 farmers tappers rubber trees. Technique sampling in this study is Proportional Stratified Random Sampling that consider inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was obtained by questionnaire interviews and observations. The study was conducted in the Karang Manik village of OKU Timur. Result: Significant relationship between the gender (p=0,011), working period (p=0,020), work duration (p=0,013) posture hand (p=0,017), and the repetitive motion (p=0,036) with the incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). While ages (p=0,057) have no meaningful relationship with the incidence of CTS. Conclusion: Respondents who experienced complaints CTS the farmers tappers rubber trees showed 68 (67,3 %) respondents, to avoid complaints scene CTS, suggested farmers do break regular, do sports hands with stretching on the wrist

    Analysis Factors Associated with Fatigue in Operators of Sugar Factory in Pt.pn VII Cinta Manis 2013

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    Background: Based on previous study (first survey) toward 18 operators of sugar factory in PT.PN VII Cinta Manis found the result that 83,33% operators whose got fatigue. It can make the possibility of accident in work, then to avoid the accident happened it is important to know the factors of fatigue. Method: Used cross sectional design. The sample of research were 63 operators from total number of 138 operators. Statistic test used was Chi square to find out the relationship between independent variable (age, time of work, illness history, nutrient, noisy, temperature, and shift in work) with dependent variable (fatigue) and Regression Logistics test used to find out the main factors of fatigue. Result: The result of statistics test showed that most of the operators got fatigue (71,4%). The result of Chi Square showed that noisiness (p value=0,008), temperature (p value= 0,001), shift work (p value = 0,0480 have connection with fatigue. The result of Chi square also showed that age (p value = 0,599), work experience (p value = 0,535), nutrient status (p value = 1.000), illness history (p value = 0,195), have no connection with fatigue. While, the result of Regression Logistics Test showed that shift work was the main factor that related with fatigue (RP = 11, 900). Conclusion: The variables that related to fatigue were noisiness, temperature, and shift work. The variable that not related to fatigue were age, work experience, nutrient status, and illness history. The factor that most related to fatigue was shift work