17 research outputs found

    Effect of gypsum and potassium on corn yield and on the exchangeable bases of an acid soil in La Frailesca, Chiapas

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    Objective: To evaluate the residual effect of gypsum in corn crops 2 years after application, in a previously limed soil, as well as the result of a new addition of gypsum combined with potassium in La Frailesca, Chiapas. Design/methodology/approach: Composite factorial: initial arrangement (2017) with four levels of gypsum (0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 t ha-1) and four levels of potassium (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg K2O ha-1). In 2019, the plots treated with gypsum were divided into two, adding the same amount of gypsum applied in 2017 to half of each of them, and leaving the other half to evaluate the residual effect to the initial treatment. The potassium doses were the same as the original ones. Corn kernel yield, pH, exchangeable bases, and percentage of aluminium saturation were measured at depths of 0 to 7 and 7 to 14 cm from groun level. Results: The greatest effect on yield was obtained with 2.5 t ha-1 of gypsum applied in 2017 without significant increases with higher gypsum doses. The exchangeable calcium content and pH increased, but the magnesium, potassium and aluminum in the soil decreased. Limitations on study/implications: The assumed of Asphalt Stain Complex was diagnosed. Findings/conclusions: The authors point out the need to be careful when recommending gypsum as an amendment; an excessive application generates an imbalance in the exchangeable potassium and magnesium of the soil, so the incorporation of these should be considered in the fertilization plan.Objective: To evaluate the residual effect of gypsum in corn crops (2 years after its application in a previously limed soil), as well as the result of a new addition of gypsum combined with potassium in La Frailesca, Chiapas, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: We used a composite factorial design. The initial arrangement (2017) consisted of four levels of gypsum (0, 1.25, 2.5, and 5 t ha-1) and four levels of potassium (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg K2O ha-1). In 2019, the gypsum-treated plots were divided in half: the same amount of gypsum applied in 2017 was added to the first half and the other half was used to assess the residual effect of the initial treatment. The potassium doses were the same as the original. Corn grain yield, pH, exchangeable bases, and aluminum saturation percentage were measured at 0 to 7 and 7 to 14 cm below ground level. Results: The greatest effect on yield was obtained with 2.5 t ha-1 of gypsum applied in 2017; no significant increases were recorded with higher gypsum doses. The exchangeable calcium content and pH level increased, while magnesium, potassium, and aluminum in the soil decreased. Study Limitations/Implications: Suspected presence of Tar Spot Complex was diagnosed. Findings/Conclusions: An excessive application of gypsum generates an imbalance in exchangeable potassium and magnesium in the soil; therefore, producers must exercise caution in the use of these products as part of their fertilization plan

    Technological proposal for a greater irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) pro-duction

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    Objective: Validate the experimental results of irrigated maize production of the Autumn-Winter cycles from the years 2019 to 2022. Design/methodology/approach: Establishment of six validation plots, three in the Cuxtepeques Irrigation District and three in Irrigation Units. Results: The production of corn grain is up to 64% higher with the INIFAP technology compared to the traditional one; however, the average yield obtained in the validation phase was 11.5 t ha-1 compared to 15.9 t ha-1 in the experimental phase. Limitations on study/implications: Findings/conclusions: It is necessary to have machinery for precision planting and fertilization, efficient irrigation infrastructure, access to credit and permanent technical assistance to achieve yields similar to those obtained experimentally. Keywords: Corn; Irrigation; Frailesca, Chiapas.  O Objective: To validate the experimental results of corn (Zea mays L.) production under irrigation during the 2019-2022 autumn-winter cycles. Design/Methodology/Approach: Six validation plots were established, three in the Cuxtepeques irrigation district and three in irrigation systems in Chiapas, Mexico. Results: Corn grain production is 64% higher with the INIFAP technology than the traditional methods; however, the average yield obtained in the validation phase (11.5 t ha-1) was lower than the yield of the experimental phase (15.9 t ha-1). Study Limitations/Implications: None. Findings/Conclusions: Production requires machinery for sowing and precision fertilization, efficient irrigation infrastructure, access to credit, and permanent technical assistance to achieve yields similar to those obtained in the experiment

    Effect of the application of potassium on the yield of corn (zea mays L.) in La Frailesca, chiapas Mexico / Efeito da aplica莽茫o de pot谩ssio na produ莽茫o de milho (zea mays L.) em La Frailesca, chiapas, M茅xico

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    In recently soil analysis in La Frailesca Chiapas, it has been detected that most soils have low exchangeable potasium (K) concentrations, therefore maize plants show symptoms of deficiency of this nutrient, which can affect the yield. The maize response was evaluated at four doses of K (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg K2O ha-1) in three locations with non-acid soils. A randomized block design with five replications was used, and potassium chloride (KCl) as a potassium source. KCl was applied by manual broadcasting and was incorporated to the soil 10 and 15 cm deep with a disc harrow. In all three locations a significant positive response was observed (p <0.05) to which a lineal-plateau model was adjusted, with an average increase in yield of 1 964 kg ha-1 (150% higher than without K) with 90 kg K2O ha-1. No response was observed to higher doses. The regression equation for the linear part of the response model is: Yield (kg ha-1) = 3 855 + 22 kg K2O ha-1. The agronomic efficiency of K at the dose of 90 kg K2O ha-1 was higher than the reference range (7 to 15 kg grain.kg-1 K2O). At the same time, this treatment had the highest net benefit and a marginal rate of return of 370%. Under the conditions of this study, the application of 90 kg K2O ha-1 presented the highest yield, economic benefit and agronomic efficiency

    Agronomic evaluation of corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes in the warm dry region of Chiapas, Mexico

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    Abstract: The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the agronomic performance of experimental genotypes of maize in three agro-ecological environments of the Centro de Chiapas region. During the spring summer 2016 agricultural cycle, six maize genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design with four replications. The genotypes showed significant differences (P <0.05) for grain yield, plant height, ear length and number of rows; the interaction genotype by environment was not significant. The XT-5627 and XT-5610 genotypes showed greater stability and the first showed higher yield. The high yields were obtained in the Francisco Villa, Villaflores environment, of the Frailesca region, Chiapas. Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the agronomic behavior of experimental maize genotypes in three contrasting environments of the Central region of Chiapas. Design/methodology/approach: The experiments were established during the spring-summer 2016 agricultural cycle in the towns of Francisco Villa, Villaflores (730 m); San Luis, Suchiapa (600 m) and in Ocozocoautla (800 m), located in the Central region of the state of Chiapas. In the three sites, the climate is warm subhumid with rains in summer and presence of intra-festival drought during the second half of July and the first half of August.  Genetic material. The experimental genotypes were evaluated: XT-5614, XT-3402, XT-5610, XT-5612, XT-5627 and the BG7415W genotype of the Biogene company, which is used in commercial crops in the Center of Chiapas. All genotypes showed viability greater than 90%. The genotypes were distributed in the three experimental sites, which were used for seeding in a randomized complete block experimental design with four replications. The experimental unit consisted of four rows of 5 m in length each and 0.8 m apart, while the useful plot was formed by the two central rows. Variables evaluated. Days to male flowering (DFM), days to female flowering (DFF), plant height (AP), ear height (AM), ear length (LM), ear diameter (DM), rows per ear (HM) , grains per row and grain yield (REND) at 14% moisture. A combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out and the model of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) was used for the evaluation of the genotype x environment interaction (IGA). The analysis of variance was solved with the SAS system (SAS, 2000) while the GEA-R program was used for the AMMI model (Pacheco et al., 2015). Results: The combined analysis of variance detected differences between genotypes (G) for most of the variables except in grains per row and days to male and female flowering; Between environments (A) there were significant differences for all variables, for the environment genotype interaction (IGA), there were only significant differences for the number of rows per ear (Table 1). The values of the coefficient of variation (CV) were from 1.26 (DFF) to 10% (REND), which indicates an acceptable control (<20%) of the experimental variability. The results show a genetic variation between the evaluated genotypes, which allows selecting the most outstanding ones. The evaluation environments represent the agroecological conditions, where maize is grown in the Central region of Chiapas and because they are contrasting, they showed differential effects and this condition is necessary in the evaluation of germplasm in the process of genetic improvement (C贸rdoba, 1991). Limitations on study/implications: With regard to ear height, the values are acceptable as short plants favor ear rot in hot climates, when there is excess weeds before harvest. The flowering of the genotypes is considered acceptable and they were earlier (55 days) in the Suchiapa site, probably due to the high temperatures of this locality and, in addition, there was the presence of intra-festival drought, compared to the other two experimental sites. The asynchrony between male and female flowering in all genotypes was not significant. Findings/conclusions: Among the genotypes, there were significant differences for grain yield, plant height, ear height, ear length, and number of rows; the genotype-by-environment interaction was not significant. The XT 5627 and XT 5610 genotypes showed higher stability and the former showed higher grain yield. The high yields were presented in the environment of Francisco Villa, Villaflores, of the Frailesca region, Chiapas.Objective. To evaluate the agronomic behavior of corn (Zea mays L.) experimental genotypes in three contrasting environments in the Central region of Chiapas, Mexico. Design / methodology / approach. The experiments took place during the 2016 spring-summer agricultural cycle at Francisco Villa, Villaflores (730 m); San Luis, Suchiapa (600 m) and Ocozocoautla (800 m), at the Central region in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. At the three assessed sites, the climate is warm subhumid with rains in summer and intra-stival drought during the second half of July and the first half of August. The genotypes XT-5614, XT-3402, XT-5610, XT-5612, XT-5627, and BG7415W from the Biogene Company were evaluated, which are used in commercial crops at the Center of Chiapas. All genotypes showed viability greater than 90%. Three experimental sites were evaluated, in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The experimental unit consisted of four 5 m long rows 0.8 m apart. The useful plot was formed by two central furrows. The evaluated variables were: days to male flowering (DMF), days to female flowering (DFF), plant height (PH), cob height (CH), cob length (CL), cob diameter (CD), rows per cob (RC), grains per row and grain yield (YLD) at 14% moisture. These were analyzed with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and for the genotype x environment interaction (GEI) the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) were used, with the SAS statistical software and the GEA-R software. Results: The combined analysis of variance detected differences between genotypes (G) for most of the variables except in grains per row. and days to male and female flowering; there were significant differences between environments (A) for all variables, while for the GEI, there were significant differences for the number of rows per cob. The CV was 1.26 (DFF) at 10% (YLD), which indicates an acceptable control (<20%) of the experimental variability. The results indicated genetic variation between evaluated genotypes, which allows the selection of the most outstanding ones. The evaluation environments showed differential effects and this condition is necessary for the evaluation of germplasm for a genetic improvement process. Study limitations/implications: Cob height registered acceptable values given that short plants favor rotting in hot climates when weeds are present before harvest. The flowering of the genotypes was considered acceptable and was earlier (55 d) at the Suchiapa site. Findings/conclusions: Among the assessed genotypes there were significant differences for grain yield, plant height, cob height, cob length and the number of rows; the genotype-by-environment interaction was not significant. The XT 5627 and XT 5610 genotypes showed higher stability, and the former showed higher grain yield. The highest yields were recorded in the environment from Francisco Villa, Villaflores, at the Frailesca region, Chiapas

    Erosi贸n h铆drica, productividad, captura de carbono y uso de la radiaci贸n solar y agua en tres sistemas de manejo, para la agricultura de ladera en el tr贸pico subh煤medo de M茅xico.

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    En el tr贸pico subh煤medo de M茅xico, la mayor parte de la agricultura se lleva a cabo en peque帽as unidades de producci贸n en laderas abruptas truncadas donde la erosi贸n del suelo es la principal causa de los bajos rendimientos e ingresos econ贸micos. Con el objetivo de encontrar alternativas tecnol贸gicas sostenibles, se evaluaron a nivel de microcuenca los sistemas: ma铆z en labranza cero con pastoreo (MLCP); ma铆z en barreras de muro vivo (MBMV) y milpa intercalada con 谩rboles frutales (MIAF), en t茅rminos del control de la erosi贸n, productividad, uso del agua y radiaci贸n solar, y captura de carbono. En los tres sistemas se determin贸 la relaci贸n entre la posici贸n del suelo en la ladera en funci贸n de la pendiente con las condiciones de fertilidad del mismo, lo cual indic贸 que es conveniente considerar diferentes dosis de fertilizaci贸n. Tambi茅n se determin贸 que los sistemas MIAF y MBMV contribuyeron a mejorar la fertilidad del suelo. Este efecto fue mayor sobre las 谩reas receptoras establecidas aguas arriba del filtro de escurrimientos por efecto del incremento en la acumulaci贸n de sedimentos, nutrimentos y la infiltraci贸n del agua de lluvia. El sistema MIAF y MBMV redujeron en 36% la entrega de sedimentos en las microcuencas con respecto al sistema MLCP, a la vez el sistema MIAF contribuy贸 a disminuir la p茅rdida de f贸sforo y nitr贸geno en el escurrimiento y MBMV s贸lo el del f贸sforo. El sistema MIAF present贸 mayor rentabilidad y eficiencia relativa de la tierra, uso m谩s eficiente de la radiaci贸n solar y del agua, as铆 como mayor captura de carbono por unidad de 谩rea con respecto a los sistemas MBMV y MLCP. Esto se debe a la interacci贸n agron贸mica positiva entre los 谩rboles frutales, ma铆z y frijol que permite una mayor eficiencia en el uso de los recursos, lo que da lugar a una productividad sostenible de las peque帽as unidades de producci贸n, contribuyendo adem谩s con servicios ambientales. _______________ WATER EROSION, PRODUCTIVITY, CARBON CAPTURE, AND USE OF SOLAR RADIATION AND WATER IN THREE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR HILLSIDE AGRICULTURE IN THE MEXICAN SUB-HUMID TROPICS. ABSTRACT: In the Mexican sub-humid tropics, most agriculture is done in small production units on broken hillsides, where soil erosion is the main cause of low yields and low economic incomes. With the objective of finding sustainable technological alternatives, the following systems were evaluated at the micro-basin level: corn with no tilling and grazing (MLCP), corn in live fence barriers (MBMV), and mixed crops with fruit trees (MIAF). They were evaluated with regard to: erosion control, productivity, use of water and solar radiation and carbon capture. In all three systems, the relationship between the position of the land on the hillside with regard to the hillside and its fertility conditions was determined. This indicated that it is convenient to consider different fertilization doses. Also determined was that the MIAF and MBMV systems contributed to improve soil fertility. This effect was greater in receptor areas located upstream from the seepage filter by effect of the increase in sediment and nutrient accumulation, as well as rainwater infiltration. The MIAF and MBMV systems reduced sediment delivery in micro-basins by 36%, with regard to the MLCP system. Also, the MIAF system contributed to decrease phosphorus and nitrogen loss due to seepage, while the MBMV system only did so with phosphorus. The MIAF system showed a greater profitability and relative land efficiency, a more efficient use of solar radiation and water, and greater carbon capture per area unit than did MBMV or MLCP. This is because of the positive agronomic interaction between the trees and corn and beans, which allows for a greater efficiency in the use of resources. This, in turn, means a sustainable productivity for small production units, also contributing with environmental services.Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias, especialista en Edafolog铆a).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2011.Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agr铆colas y Pecuarias. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CONACyT)

    La produccio虂n de grano mediante el modelo granos del sur y su contribucio虂n a la soberani虂a alimentaria

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    The Grains of the South corn production model, implemented by INIFAP in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, during the Autumn-Winter 2015-2016 cycle, consists of four elements for its operation: technological supply, supplies and timely technical assistance, a multimedia transfer strategy for the development of capacities and the management of agro seed companies. Eighteen irrigated plots were established with different sources of supply, a characterization of producers and production units was carried out and two commercial hybrids generated by INIFAP were tested, with the aim of contributing to food security through the production of corn in irrigation units; the results indicate that in spite of the conditions of depletion of the aquifer mantles of the artesian wells, and the prevailing environmental conditions of high temperatures and precipitation decreased by 65%, the hybrids are statistically superior to the commercial hybrids of transnational companies, so that if at least three of the four elements of the model are met, it is possible to have an impact on approximately 6 million units of production and there by contribute to the reduction of imports of corn grains and have food security and thus sovereignty necessary for the almost 120 million Mexicans. Keywords:corn, food security, southeast of Mexico, transferEl modelo de produccio虂n de mai虂z Granos del Sur, implementado por el INIFAP en el estado de Chiapas, Me虂xico, durante el ciclo oton虄o-invierno 2015- 2016, consta de cuatro elementos para su funcionamiento: oferta tecnolo虂gica, insumos y asistencia te虂cnica oportuna, una estrategia multimedia de transferencia para el desarrollo de capacidades y la gestio虂n de agro empresas semilleras. Se establecieron 18 parcelas en riego con diferentes fuentes de abastecimiento, se realizo虂 una caracterizacio虂n de productores y de las unidades de produccio虂n y se probaron dos hi虂bridos comerciales generados por el INIFAP, con el objetivo de contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria mediante la produccio虂n de mai虂z en unidades de riego, los resultados indican que a pesar de las condiciones de abatimiento de los mantos acui虂feros de los pozos artesianos, y las condiciones ambientales prevalecientes de altas temperaturas y precipitacio虂n disminuida 65%, los hi虂bridos son superiores estadi虂sticamente a los hi虂bridos comerciales de compan虄i虂as transnacionales, por lo que si se cumplen al menos tres de los cuatro elementos del modelo, se esta虂 en posibilidades de impactar en aproximadamente 6 millones de unidades de produccio虂n y con ello contribuir a la disminucio虂n de importacio虂n de granos de mai虂z y tener seguridad alimentaria y con ello la soberani虂a alimentaria necesaria para los casi 120 millones de mexicanos. Palabras clave: mai虂z, seguridad alimentaria, sureste de Me虂xico, transferenci

    Implicaciones pr谩cticas y te贸ricas de la nueva ruralidad en la Frailesca, Chiapas, M茅xico

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    The new rurality as concept has been used in many ways, in academia some authors uses it to describe and categorize a different situation to conceive and operationalize the development towards rural population. In the political line, the new rurality has as premise that programs and actions of development favor social groups and also of beneficiaries historically be ne fite d wi th the de ve l opme nt actio ns . On the legal front, the new rurality emerged as an emerging concept to define and formalize de centralization of institutional activities towards the field, and the announcement of the collaboration, integration and operationalization of institutional activities with actors that from their perspective channeled actions to rural development. Hence the concept of new rurality has become popular from the recognition of the state that in rural there are not just agricultural activities developed for grown men and that not only he is the promoter of developmentLa nueva ruralidad como concepto ha sido utilizado de muchas maneras, en el 谩mbito acad茅mico algunos autores(as) lo utilizan para describir y englobar una situaci贸n diferente de concebir y operacionalizar el desarrollo hacia la poblaci贸n rural. En el rengl贸n pol铆tico, la nueva ruralidad tiene como premisa, que los programas y acciones de desarrollo favorezcan a m谩s grupos sociales y que adem谩s de los beneficiados hist贸ricamente, tambi茅n esos resulten beneficiados con las acciones de desarrollo. En el 谩mbito legal, la nueva ruralidad surgi贸 como un concepto emergente para definir y oficializar una descentralizaci贸n de actividades institucionales hacia el campo, y el anuncio de la colaboraci贸n, integraci贸n y la operacionalizaci贸n de actividades institucionales con actores que desde su propia perspectiva canalizan acciones de desarrollo hacia la poblaci贸n rural. Por ello el concepto de nueva ruralidad se ha popularizado a partir del reconocimiento del Estado de que en el medio rural no s贸lo hay actividades agropecuarias desarrolladas por hombres adultos y que no s贸lo 茅l es el promotor del desarroll