40 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Pyridoxal-6-arylazo-5'-phosphate and Phosphonate Derivatives as P2 Receptor Antagonists.

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    Novel analogs of the P2 receptor antagonist pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-6-phenylazo-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS) were synthesized. Modifications were made through functional group substitution on the sulfophenyl ring and at the phosphate moiety through the inclusion of phosphonates, demonstrating that a phosphate linkage is not required for P2 receptor antagonism. Substituted 6-phenylazo and 6-naphthylazo derivatives were also evaluated. Among the 6-phenylazo derivatives, 5'-methyl, ethyl, propyl, vinyl, and allyl phosphonates were included. The compounds were tested as antagonists at turkey erythrocyte and guinea-pig taenia coli P2Y(1) receptors, in guinea-pig vas deferens and bladder P2X(1) receptors, and in ion flux experiments by using recombinant rat P2X(2) receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Competitive binding assay at human P2X(1) receptors in differentiated HL-60 cell membranes was carried out by using [(35)S]ATP-?-S. A 2'-chloro-5'-sulfo analog of PPADS (C(14)H(12)O(9)N(3)ClPSNa), a vinyl phosphonate derivative (C(15)H(12)O(11)N(3)PS(2)Na(3)), and a naphthylazo derivative (C(18)H(14)O(12)N(3)PS(2)Na(2)), were particularly potent in binding to human P2X(1) receptors. The potencies of phosphate derivatives at P2Y(1) receptors were generally similar to PPADS itself, except for the p-carboxyphenylazo phosphate derivative C(15)H(13)O(8)N(3)PNa and its m-chloro analog C(15)H(12)O(8)N(3)ClPNa, which were selective for P2X vs. P2Y(1) receptors. C(15)H(12)O(8)N(3)ClPNa was very potent at rat P2X(2) receptors with an IC(50) value of 0.82 ?M. Among the phosphonate derivatives, [4-formyl-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-6-(2-chloro-5-sulfonylphenylazo)-pyrid-5-yl]methylphosphonic acid (C(14)H(12)-O(8)N(3)ClPSNa) showed high potency at P2Y(1) receptors with an IC(50) of 7.23 ?M. The corresponding 2,5-disulfonylphenyl derivative was nearly inactive at turkey erythrocyte P2Y(1) receptors, whereas at recombinant P2X(2) receptors had an IC(50) value of 1.1 ?M. An ethyl phosphonate derivative (C(15)H(15)O(11)N(3)PS(2)Na(3)), whereas inactive at turkey erythrocyte P2Y(1) receptors, was particularly potent at recombinant P2X(2) receptors

    Human P2Y 1 Receptor:  Molecular Modeling and Site-Directed Mutagenesis as Tools To Identify Agonist and Antagonist Recognition Sites

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    The molecular basis for recognition by human P2Y1 receptors of the novel, competitive antagonist 2′-deoxy-N6-methyladenosine 3′,5′-bisphosphate (MRS 2179) was probed using site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling. The potency of this antagonist was measured in mutant receptors in which key residues in the transmembrane helical domains (TMs) 3, 5, 6, and 7 were replaced by Ala or other amino acids. The capacity of MRS 2179 to block stimulation of phospholipase C promoted by 2-methylthioadenosine 5′-diphosphate (2-MeSADP) was lost in P2Y1 receptors having F226A, K280A, or Q307A mutations, indicating that these residues are critical for the binding of the antagonist molecule. Mutation of the residues His132, Thr222, and Tyr136 had an intermediate effect on the capacity of MRS 2179 to block the P2Y1 receptor. These positions therefore appear to have a modulatory role in recognition of this antagonist. F131A, H277A, T221A, R310K, or S317A mutant receptors exhibited an apparent affinity for MRS 2179 that was similar to that observed with the wild-type receptor. Thus, Phe131, Thr221, His277, and Ser317 are not essential for antagonist recognition. A computer-generated model of the human P2Y1 receptor was built and analyzed to help interpret these results. The model was derived through primary sequence comparison, secondary structure prediction, and three-dimensional homology building, using rhodopsin as a template, and was consistent with data obtained from mutagenesis studies. We have introduced a “cross-docking” procedure to obtain energetically refined 3D structures of the ligand–receptor complexes. Cross-docking simulates the reorganization of the native receptor structure induced by a ligand. A putative nucleotide binding site was localized and used to predict which residues are likely to be in proximity to agonists and antagonists. According to our model TM6 and TM7 are close to the adenine ring, TM3 and TM6 are close to the ribose moiety, and TM3, TM6, and TM7 are near the triphosphate chain

    BF<sub>3</sub>·Et<sub>2</sub>O-Promoted Decomposition of Cyclic α-Diazo-β-Hydroxy Ketones: Novel Insights into Mechanistic Aspects

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    We report novel insights into the cascade rearrangement of destabilized vinyl cations deriving from the BF3&#183;Et2O-induced decomposition of cyclic &#945;-diazo-&#946;-hydroxy ketones in turn prepared by aldol-type condensation of cycloalkanones with diazoacetone. Complexation of the hydroxy group of the &#945;-diazo-&#946;-hydroxy compound with the Lewis acid is the first event, followed by the generation of the cycloalkanylidenediazonium salt that, after nitrogen loss, produces the highly reactive vinyl cation. The subsequent ring expansion results in the formation of a cycloalkenyl vinyl cation that affords the allylic cation by 1,2-methylene shift and ring contraction. The cation can then trap the solvent, the fluoride or the hydroxide released from the [BF3OH]&#8722; to afford different reaction products. The effect of both solvent and substrate ring size on products types and ratios were analyzed and discussed from a mechanistic point of view

    2-Substituted N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine derivatives as high affinity agonists at human A(3) adenosine receptors

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    A number of 2-substituted 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) derivatives was investigated for their affinity and selectivity at human A3 adenosine receptors. The compounds were tested in radioligand competition studies and modulation of adenylyl cyclase activity on membranes from CHO cell lines stably transfected with the four human adenosine receptor subtypes. In binding studies the most potent compound, 2-(3-hydroxy-3-phenyl)propyn-1-yl-NECA (PHPNECA), exhibited a subnanomolar affinity for A3 adenosine receptors with a Ki value of 0.4 nM. As opposed to the limited A3 selectivity of PHPNECA, a 100-fold selectivity compared to both A1 and A2A receptors was found for 2-(2-phenyl)ethynyl-NECA (PENECA; Ki 6 nM). The EC50 values for activation of adenylyl cyclase via A2A adenosine receptors were in good agreement with the respective Ki values from binding experiments. In contrast, IC50 values for A1 and A3 receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase were shifted to higher values compared to the respective affinities determined in radioligand competition studies. Similar discrepancies between binding and functional data have been observed for the inhibitory A1 adenosine receptor in previous studies. Therefore, the same A3 selectivity of PENECA compared to A1 receptors was found in binding and adenylyl cyclase inhibition whereas the selectivity compared to A2A receptors that was detected in ligand binding was obscured in the functional assay. The series of compounds presented in this study identifies 2-substitution of the purine system as a promising target for the development of A3-selective high-affinity ligands

    Multi-Gram Scale Synthesis and Characterization of Mometasone Furoate EP Impurity C

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    Mometasone furoate is a synthetic corticosteroid used in the treatment of skin inflammatory conditions, hay fever and asthma. The industrial manufacturing routes to mometasone furoate are generally accompanied by the formation of numerous process impurities that need to be detected and quantified, as requested by regulatory authorities. The ready availability of such impurities in the required quantity and purity is therefore essential for toxicological studies, analytical method development and process validation. Herein, we report the multi-gram scale preparation of 21′-chloro-(16′α-methyl-3′,11′,20′-trioxo-pregna-1′,4′-dien-17′-yl)-furan-2-carboxylate (mometasone furoate EP impurity C), one of the known impurities of mometasone furoate. This study also includes the systematic investigation of the final acylation step, as well as the characterization of the difuroate enol ether intermediate and its conversion to the target impurity C

    A Green Nanostructured Pesticide to Control Tomato Bacterial Speck Disease

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    Bacterial speck disease, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst), is one of the most pervasive biological adversities in tomato cultivation, in both industrial and in table varieties. In this work synthesis, biochemical and antibacterial properties of a novel organic nanostructured pesticide composed of chitosan hydrochloride (CH) as active ingredient, cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) as nanocarriers and starch as excipient were evaluated. In order to study the possibility of delivering CH, the effects of two different types of starches, extracted from a high amylose bread wheat (high amylose starch—HA Starch) and from a control genotype (standard starch—St Starch), were investigated. Nanostructured microparticles (NMP) were obtained through the spray-drying technique, revealing a CH loading capacity proximal to 50%, with a CH release of 30% for CH-CNC-St Starch NMP and 50% for CH-CNC-HA Starch NMP after 24 h. Both NMP were able to inhibit bacterial growth in vitro when used at 1% w/v. Moreover, no negative effects on vegetative growth were recorded when NMP were foliar applied on tomato plants. Proposed nanostructured pesticides showed the capability of diminishing Pst epiphytical survival during time, decreasing disease incidence and severity (from 45% to 49%), with results comparable to one of the most used cupric salt (hydroxide), pointing out the potential use of CH-CNC-Starch NMP as a sustainable and innovative ally in Pst control strategies