1,248 research outputs found

    A Robust Constrained Reference Governor Approach using Linear Matrix Inequalities

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine and provide a solution to the output reference tracking problem for uncertain systems subject to input saturation. As well-known, input saturation and modelling errors are very common problems at industry, where control schemes are implemented without accounting for such problems. In many cases, it is sometimes difficult to modify the existing implemented control schemes being necessary to provide them with external supervisory control approaches in order to tackle problems with constraints and modelling errors. In this way, a cascade structure is proposed, combining an inner loop containing any proper controller with an outer loop where a generalized predictive controller (GPC) provides adequate references for the inner loop considering input saturations and uncertainties. Therefore, the contribution of this paper consists in providing a state space representation for the inner loop and using linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to obtain a predictive state-vector feedback in such a way that the input reference for the inner loop is calculated to satisfy robust tracking specifications considering input saturations. Hence, the final proposed solution consists in solving a regulation problem to a fixed reference value subjected to a set of constraints described by several LMI and bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI). The main contribution of the paper is that the proposed solution is a non-linear setpoint tracking approach, that is, it is allowed that the system goes into saturation facing the problem of setpoint tracking instead of regulating to the origin. An illustrative numerical example is presented.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2004-07444-C04-01/0

    Resultados de la investigación sobre el cultivo de la soya en Colombia. 1: Adaptación de variedades.

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    Una vez señalada la importancia del cultivo de esta leguminosa en el mundo y en Colombia, se incluyen datos sobre resultados de estudios de adaptación de variedades en el Valle del Cauca y en zonas bajas y cálidas, como el Departamento del Tolima y la Costa AtlánticaSoya-Soja- Glycine ma

    Varianzas genéticas y heredabilidad de características vegetativas y reproductoras de la soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr).

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    Se obtuvieron estimativos sobre varianza genética, heredabilidad y avance genético de periodo reproductivo y altura de planta en dos generaciones de un cruzamiento. Se estudiaron las poblaciones F3 y F4 del cruzamiento Hill x PI 274.454, Hill es una variedad de altura mediana y ciclo de crecimiento corto, PI 274.454 es de altura y ciclo de crecimiento prolongado. Los estimativos de varianza aditiva y varianza debida a dominancia fueron significativamente mayores que cero en las dos características, pero la varianza de dominancia fué mayor que la aditiva en ambos casos. En los estimativos de herdabilidad se obtuvieron valores de 50.1 y 40.6 por ciento para período reproductivo y altura de planta, respectivamente. El avance genético observado fué igual al esperado en la primera de estas características pero inferior en la segunda. Aunque la heredabilidad fue relativamente baja, el avance genético observado indica que la magnitud de la varianza aditiva fue suficiente para conseguir un progreso satisfactorio mediante la selección de progenieSoya-Soja- Glycine ma

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of trisilane using infrared C O2 laser pulses

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    The plasma produced in trisilane (Si3 H8) at room temperature and pressures ranging from 50 to 103 Pa by laser-induced breakdown (LIB) has been investigated. The ultraviolet-visible-near infrared emission generated by high-power IR C O2 laser pulses in Si3 H8 has been studied by means of optical emission spectroscopy. Optical breakdown threshold intensities in trisilane at 10.591 μm for laser pulse lengths of 100 ns have been measured as a function of gas pressure. The strong emission observed in the plasma region is mainly due to electronic relaxation of excited atomic H and Si and ionic fragments Si+, Si2+, and Si3+. An excitation temperature Texc =5600±300 K was calculated by means of H atomic lines assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium. The physical processes leading to LIB of trisilane in the power density range 0.28 GW cm-2 <J<3.99 GW cm-2 have been analyzed. From our experimental observations we can propose that, although the first electrons must appear via multiphoton ionization, electron cascade is the main mechanism responsible for the breakdown in trisilane. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC Project No. CTQ2007-60177/BQU. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the excellent technical support of A. Magro. This work is dedicated in memory of Professor Antonio Pardo Martinez.Peer Reviewe

    Hybrid Controller based on Null Space and Consensus Algorithms for Mobile Robot Formation

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    This work presents a novel hybrid control approach based on null space and consensus algorithms to solve the scalability problems of mobile robot formation and improve leader control through multiple control objectives. In previous works, the training of robots based on the null space requires a rigid training structure based on a geometric shape, which increases the number of agents in the formation. The scheme of the control algorithm, which does not make formation scalability possible, must be changed; therefore, seeking the scalability of training based on null space is a challenge that could be solved with the inclusion of consensus algorithms, which allow the control structure to be maintained despite increasing or decreasing the number of robot followers. Another advantage of this proposal is that the formation of the followers does not depend on any geometric figure compared to previous works based on the null space; this new proposal does not present singularities as if the structure is based on geometric shape, the latter one is crucial since the formation of agents can take forms that cannot be achieved with a geometric structure, such as collinear locations, that can occur in many environments. The proposed hybrid control approach presents three tasks: i) leader position task, ii) leader shape task, and iii) follower formation task. The proposed algorithm is validated through simulations, performing tests that use the kinematic model of non-holonomic mobile robots. In addition, linear algebra and Lyapunov theory are used to analyze the stability of the method. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-03-01 Full Text: PD

    Coupled channel effects in the scattering of 6,7Li BY 58Ni

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    Using a single-particle description of 6,7Li and Woods-Saxon generated wavefunctions for 58Ni matter density distribution, the diagonal and transition densities are calculated. Folding these densities with the M3Y effective interaction, the coupling and diagonal potentials are obtained. Coupled channel calculations for 6,7Li on 58Ni at bombarding energies in a range from 12 to 74 MeV are performed. It is shown that the predictions of the coupled channel calculations are consistent with those of optical model calculations using folded potentials renormalized by a factor 0.6 in the entire range of energies

    Optical Breakdown in Gases Induced by High-power IR CO2 Laser Pulses

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    This chapter reviews some fundamentals of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and describes some experimental studies developed in our laboratory on gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and air. LIBS of these gases at different pressures, in the spectral range ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR), was excited by using a high-power transverse excitation atmospheric (TEA) CO2 laser (¿=9.621 or 10.591 ¿m; tFWHM=64 ns; and different laser power densities). The spectra of the generated plasmas are dominated by emission of strong atomic, ionic species and molecular bands. Excitation temperatures are estimated from the intensities of atomic and ionic lines. Electron number densities are deduced from the Stark broadening of several ionic lines. The characteristics of the spectral emission intensities from different species have been investigated as functions of the gas pressure and laser irradiance. Optical breakdown threshold intensities in different gases have been experimentally measured. The physical processes leading to laser-induced breakdown of gases have been analyzed. Plasma characteristics of LIBS in air are examined in detail on the emission lines of N+, O+ and C by using time-resolved optical-emission spectroscopy (OES) technique. The results show a faster decay of continuum and ionic spectral species than of neutral atomic and molecular ones. The velocity and kinetic energy distributions for the different species are obtained from time-of-flight (TOF) OES measurements. Excitation temperatures and electron densities in the laser-induced plasma are estimated from the analysis of spectral data at various times from the laser pulse incidence. Temporal evolution of electron density has been used for the estimation of the three-body recombination rate constant.Peer Reviewe

    Temporal evolution of the laser-induced plasma generated by IR CO 2 pulsed laser on carbon targets

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    Time-resolved optical emission analysis was carried out for the plasma plume, produced by high-power tunable IR CO2 pulsed laser ablation of graphite, at λ=10.591 μm and in a regime of relatively high laser fluences (123-402 J/ cm2). Wavelength-dispersed spectra of the plasma plume, at medium-vacuum conditions (4 Pa) and at 9.0 mm from the target, show ionized species (C+, C2+, C3+, C4+, N2 +, N+, and O+), neutral atoms (C, H, N, and O), and neutral diatomic molecules (C2, CN, OH, CH, and N2). In this work, we focus our attention on the temporal evolution of different atomic/ionic and molecular species over a broad spectral range from 190 to 1000 nm. The results show a faster decay for ionic fragments than for neutral atomic and molecular species. The velocity and kinetic energy distributions for different species were obtained from time-of-flight measurements using time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy. Possible mechanisms for the production of these distributions are discussed. Excitation temperature, electron density, and vibrational temperature in the laser-induced plasma were estimated from the analysis of spectral data at various times from the laser pulse incidence. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewe