4,523 research outputs found

    KELT-17: a chemically peculiar Am star and a hot-Jupiter planet

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    Context. The detection of planets orbiting chemically peculiar stars is very scarcely known in the literature. Aims. To determine the detailed chemical composition of the remarkable planet host star KELT-17. This object hosts a hot-Jupiter planet with 1.31 MJup detected by transits, being one of the more massive and rapidly rotating planet hosts to date. We aimed to derive a complete chemical pattern for this star, in order to compare it with those of chemically peculiar stars. Methods. We carried out a detailed abundance determination in the planet host star KELT-17 via spectral synthesis. Stellar parameters were estimated iteratively by fitting Balmer line profiles and imposing the Fe ionization balance, using the program SYNTHE together with plane-parallel ATLAS12 model atmospheres. Specific opacities for an arbitrary composition and microturbulence velocity vmicro were calculated through the Opacity Sampling (OS) method. The abundances were determined iteratively by fitting synthetic spectra to metallic lines of 16 different chemical species using the program SYNTHE. The complete chemical pattern of KELT-17 was compared to the recently published average pattern of Am stars. We estimated the stellar radius by two methods: a) comparing the synthetic spectral energy distribution with the available photometric data and the Gaia parallax, and b) using a Bayesian estimation of stellar parameters using stellar isochrones. Results. We found overabundances of Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, and Ba, together with subsolar values of Ca and Sc. Notably, the chemical pattern agrees with those recently published of Am stars, being then KELT-17 the first exoplanet host whose complete chemical pattern is unambiguously identified with this class. The stellar radius derived by two different methods agrees to each other and with those previously obtained in the literature.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, A&A accepte

    Spanish study of anticoagulation in haemodialysis

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    This study's objectives were to determine which anticoagulation methods are commonly used in patients who are undergoing haemodialysis (HD) in Spain, on what criteria do they depend, and the consequences arising from their use. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Ours was a cross-sectional study based on two types of surveys: a "HD Centre Survey" and a "Patient Survey". The first survey was answered by 87 adult HD units serving a total of 6093 patients, as well as 2 paediatric units. Among these units, 48.3% were part of the public health system and the remaining 51.7% units were part of the private health system. The patient survey analysed 758 patients who were chosen at random from among the aforementioned 78 HD units. RESULTs: A) HD Centre Survey: The majority of adult HD units (n=61, 70.2%) used both kinds of heparin, 19 of them (21.8%) only used LMWH and 7 of them (8%) only used UFH. The most frequently applied criteria for the use of LMWH were medical indications (83.3% of HD units) and ease of administration (29.5%). The most frequently used methods for adjusting the dosage were clotting of the circuit (88.2% of units), bleeding of the vascular access after disconnection (75.3%), and patient weight (57.6%). B) Patient Survey: The distribution of the types of heparin used was: UFH: 44.1%, LMWH: 51.5%, and dialysis without heparin in 4.4% of patients. LMWH was more frequently used in public medical centres (64.2% of patients) than in private medical centres (46.1%) (P<.001). LMWH was more frequently used in on-line haemodiafiltration (HF) than in high-flux HD (P<.001). Antiplatelet agents were given to 45.5% of patients, oral anticoagulants to 18.4% of patients, and both to 5% of patients. Additionally, 4.4% of patients had suffered bleeding complications during the previous week, and 1.9% of patients suffered thrombotic complications. Bleeding complications were more frequent in patients with oral anticoagulants (P=.001), although there was no association between the type of heparin and the occurrence of bleeding or thrombotic complications. CONCLUSIONS: We are able to conclude that there is a great amount of disparity in the criteria used for the medical prescription of anticoagulation in HD. It is advisable that each HD unit revise their own results as well as those from other centres, and possibly to create an Anticoagulation Guide in Haemodialysis

    Effect of topical berberine in murine cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions

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    Objectives: More effective topical treatments remain an unmet need for the localized forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a topical berberine cream in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major parasites. Methods: A cream containing 0.5% berberine-β-glycerophosphate salt and 2.5% menthol was prepared. Its physicochemical and stability properties were determined. The cream was evaluated for its capacity to reduce lesion size and parasitic load as well as to promote wound healing after twice-a-day administration for 35 days. Clinical biochemical profile was used for estimating off-target effects. In vitro time-to-kill curves in L. major-infected macrophages and skin and plasma pharmacokinetics were determined, aiming to establish pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships. Results: The cream was stable at 40°C for 3 months and at 4°C for at least 8 months. It was able to halt lesion progression in all treated mice. At the end of treatment, parasite load in the skin was reduced by 99.9% (4 log) and genes involved in the wound healing process were up-regulated compared with untreated mice. The observed effects were higher than expected from in vitro time-to-kill kinetic and plasma berberine concentrations, which ranged between 0.07 and 0.22 μM. Conclusions: The twice-a-day administration of a topical berberine cream was safe, able to stop parasite progression and improved the appearance of skin CL lesions. The relationship between drug plasma levels and in vivo effect was unclear

    Cirugía derivativa más radioterapia intraoperatoria y externa en el carcinoma de páncreas localizado e irresecable

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    Presentamos una serie de 25 casos de carcinomas de páncreas localmente avanzados e irresecables, sin metástasis a distancia, tratados con cirugía derivativa, radioterapia intraoperatoria e irradiación externa: 18 tumores de cabeza (16 con ictericia obstructiva) y 7 de cuerpo. Se realizó derivación biliar en 18 y gastroyeyunostomía en 19. La mortalidad operatoria fue nula, con una morbilidad del 16%. A largo plazo se produjeron 3 hemorragias digestivas, 2 ictericias obstructivas, una colangitis y una obstrucción intestinal. Se obtuvo un 72% de control local de la enfermedad y todos los fallecidos por progresión tumoral desarrollaron metástasis hepáticas y/o peritoneales. Presentaban dolor pancreático 22 pacientes y 20 experimentaron remisión del mismo en una a 2 semanas. La analgesia fue definitiva en 12 y reapareció el dolor tardíamente en ocho. La supervivencia media fue de 9 meses (rango 4-24). La revisión de la literatura pone de manifiesto la indicación de la radioterapia externa tanto en el carcinoma de páncreas irresecable y no metastásico como en los resecados. La asociación de radioterapia intraoperatoria tiene, así mismo, un papel importante en cuanto a supervivencia, paliación del dolor y de la progresión local. El 5-fluorouracilo asociado al tratamiento radioterápico prolonga significativamente la supervivencia con una morbilidad razonable

    Gene expression profiling identifies IL-13 receptor alpha 2 chain as a therapeutic target in prostate tumor cells overexpressing adrenomedullin

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    Human adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52 amino acid peptide, which shares homology with the calcitonin gene-related peptide. Overexpression of AM in the prostate carcinoma cell line PC-3 results in growth inhibition with a 20% (for human AM) and 35% (for rat AM) increase in doubling time compared to parental or mock-transfected cells. We demonstrate by gene expression profiling that AM overexpression results in the dysregulation of approximately 100 genes. Examples of such genes include many involved in the formation of the cytoskeleton, cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix, as well as regulators of the cell cycle and apoptosis, cytokines and transcription factors. Several genes related to cell growth arrest, such as GADD45, IGF-BP6 and RUNX-3, are upregulated by AM. Interestingly, interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2 (IL-13R alpha 2) transcripts were significantly increased in clones overexpressing AM, which was confirmed by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. In addition, PC-3 cells treated with AM showed an overexpression of IL-13R alpha 2, which was abolished when cells were preincubated with an anti-AM blocking antibody. When PC-3 cells overexpressing AM and the IL-13R alpha 2 were treated with the highly specific IL13-PE38 cytotoxin, which binds to this receptor, a concentration-dependent inhibition of protein synthesis was observed. The IC(50) (concentration of cytotoxin inhibiting protein synthesis by 50%) ranged from 1 to 4 ng/ml. This cytotoxicity was specific as it was neutralized by the excess of IL-13 and confirmed by clonogenic assays. This study describes a novel AM-induced mechanism of tumor sensitization through the upregulation of functional IL-13R alpha 2 chain, an ideal target for the highly specific recombinant chimeric cytotoxin IL13-PE38

    More, smaller bacteria in response to ocean's warming?

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    Heterotrophic bacteria play a major role in organic matter cycling in the ocean. Although the high abundances and relatively fast growth rates of coastal surface bacterioplankton make them suitable sentinels of global change, past analyses have largely overlooked this functional group. Here, time series analysis of a decade of monthly observations in temperate Atlantic coastal waters revealed strong seasonal patterns in the abundance, size and biomass of the ubiquitous flow-cytometric groups of low (LNA) and high nucleic acid (HNA) content bacteria. Over this relatively short period, we also found that bacterioplankton cells were significantly smaller, a trend that is consistent with the hypothesized temperature-driven decrease in body size. Although decadal cell shrinking was observed for both groups, it was only LNA cells that were strongly coherent, with ecological theories linking temperature, abundance and individual size on both the seasonal and interannual scale. We explain this finding because, relative to their HNA counterparts, marine LNA bacteria are less diverse, dominated by members of the SAR11 clade. Temperature manipulation experiments in 2012 confirmed a direct effect of warming on bacterial size. Concurrent with rising temperatures in spring, significant decadal trends of increasing standing stocks (3% per year) accompanied by decreasing mean cell size (-1% per year) suggest a major shift in community structure, with a larger contribution of LNA bacteria to total biomass. The increasing prevalence of these typically oligotrophic taxa may severely impact marine food webs and carbon fluxes by an overall decrease in the efficiency of the biological pump.Versión del editor5,064