344 research outputs found

    Guía de viaje y turismo 2.0: los borrosos confines de un género

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    The trave l guide and touri sm 2.0: The blurr ed boundar ie s of a genre The travel guide is one of the most typical genres in tourism discourse. Among its main constitutive features one may find its prescriptive character and an objective and impersonal style. In the last few decades, the rise of Internet communication has had an important impact on the configuration of this genre and has changed some of its conventional aspects. This paper aims to evaluate the main transformations that have occurred in this genre in the era of tourism 2.0, by means of the analysis of some excerpts extracted from recent tourism texts. First of all, migration to a virtual environment has changed the presentation, distribution and quantity of information transmitted; besides, the boundaries between the traditional descriptive guidebook and the promotional leaflet have become blurred. On the other hand, the social qualities of Web 2.0 generate a new expectation horizon and promote the creation of new \u201ccooperative\u201d travel guides, exploiting the participation of the community of travellers. Due to these transformations, the objective and neutral style of the traditional guidebook has shifted towards subjective evaluation and personal narrative. These new elements, coming both from traditional genres, such as reportage and travel writing, and the new cybergenres, such as forums and blogs, have contributed to intensifying the hybridization between different genres.La gu\ueda de viajes se configura como uno de los g\ue9neros discursivos m\ue1s espec\uedficos del turismo; entre sus reglas constitutivas se destaca, adem\ue1s del car\ue1cter regulativo, el estilo objetivo e impersonal. En las \ufaltimas d\ue9cadas, el advenimiento de la comunicaci\uf3n a trav\ue9s de la Red ha tenido importantes repercusiones en la caracterizaci\uf3n de este g\ue9nero, modificando algunos de sus aspectos convencionales. El objetivo de este art\uedculo es el de evaluar las principales transformaciones ocurridas en el g\ue9nero de las gu\uedas de viaje en la era del Turismo 2.0, mediante el an\ue1lisis de algunos ejemplos extra\ueddos de textos tur\uedsticos recientes. Ante todo, el entorno virtual modifica la presentaci\uf3n, la distribuci\uf3n y la cantidad de las informaciones que se transmiten; asimismo, se esfuma la frontera entre la gu\ueda descriptiva tradicional y los materiales informativos de tipo promocional. Por otra parte, las cualidades sociales de la Web 2.0 crean en el destinatario un nuevo horizonte de expectativas, propiciando la realizaci\uf3n de gu\uedas \u201ccooperativas\u201d, al explotar la participaci\uf3n de la comunidad de los viajeros. Como consecuencia de estas innovaciones, el estilo objetivo, pretendidamente imparcial, propio de la gu\ueda tradicional, se abre a la evaluaci\uf3n subjetiva y al elemento experiencial, ambos procedentes de tradiciones discursivas contiguas (reportaje, literatura de viajes), as\ued como de otros ciberg\ue9neros, tales como el foro y el blog, acentuando la hibridaci\uf3n gen\ue9rica

    Biblioteche, mediazione e cittadinanza culturale

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    La lingua spagnola nell’università italiana (1970-1980)

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    Il presente contributo intende mettere in risalto la funzione degli anni \u201970 come punto di svolta nella storia dell\u2019insegnamento dello spagnolo in Italia, con particolare riguardo per il ruolo svolto dagli ispanisti allora attivi e dall\u2019Associazione Ispanisti Italiani nell\u2019evoluzione delle ricerche di ambito linguistico e glottodidattico. Lo studio aspira ad avere un carattere interpretativo e non solo aneddotico, nel solco della storiografia linguistica \u201cbionarrativa\u201d teorizzata da Xavier Laborda Gil, (2017), che considera i racconti autoreferenziali come fonti insostituibili per rintracciare le mappe dei rapporti istituzionali e i percorsi cognitivi che generano i mutamenti di paradigma nella ricerca scientifica, grazie alla qualit\ue0 interpretativa della narrazione.This paper highlights the the 70s as a turning point in the history of teaching Spanish in Italy, with particular regard to the role played by Hispanists active at that time and by the Italian Hispanic Association in the evolution of research in the fields of linguistics and language teaching. The study aims to have an interpretative and not just anecdotal character, in the wake of linguistic \u201cbionarrative\u201d historiography theorized by Xavier Laborda Gil, (2017), who considers self-referential stories irreplaceable sources for tracing the map of institutional relationships and cognitive paths that generated paradigm shifts in scientific research, thanks to the interpretative quality of the narrative

    La Correspondencia entre Carmen Martín Gaite y Juan Benet: ensayos de un género

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    The correspondence between Carmen Mart\uedn Gaite and Juan Benet (published in 2011) is one of the few collections of letters written by the authors of the 1950s. This volume allows the reader to reconstruct the features of a deep intellectual friendship, in the historical background of its strengthening and progressive dissolution. The letters stand out for the stylistic intentions and the metaliterary character of the reflections shared by the two writers, searching for new literary expressions. This paper aims to analyze some properties of the letters, as well as the discursive recontextualization offered by the present day edition.La Correspondencia cursada entre Carmen Mart\uedn Gaite y Juan Benet (2011) es uno de los pocos epistolarios publicados de autores de la generaci\uf3n de los 50. Su lectura permite recomponer el perfil de una profunda amistad intelectual, en el marco hist\uf3rico de su establecimiento y progresiva disoluci\uf3n. Se aprecia, en particular, la voluntad de estilo y el car\ue1cter metaliterario de las reflexiones que van desgranando los dos autores, en busca de nuevas formas expresivas. En este trabajo se analizar\ue1n algunas de las propiedades del epistolario, as\ued como la recontextualizaci\uf3n discursiva que se lleva a cabo en la edici\uf3n actual

    Lingua, memoria e identità nei racconti di migranti ispanoamericani

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    In a wide-ranging theoretical framework, principally based upon discourse analysis and the studies on language and identity, this article explores the construction of identity in a corpus of oral narratives collected among the Spanish speaking communities in Milan, by means of sociolinguistic and biographic interviews, seen as a complex event in which both parties act as active participant-observers. The study focuses on the features of these life stories, taking into account the ways in which the immigrants compare the two worlds an collocates themselves between the two cultures, the function of code-switching, the linguistic expression of ‘agency’ (Giddens 1979) and the use of deictics

    Ana Pano Alamán e Fabio Regattin, Tradurre un classico della scienza. Traduzioni e ritraduzioni dell’Origin of Species di Charles Darwin in Francia, Italia e Spagna

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    Ana Pano Alamán e Fabio Regattin, Tradurre un classico della scienza. Traduzioni e ritraduzioni dell’Origin of Species di Charles Darwin in Francia, Italia e Spagna (Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2015, 376 pp. ISBN 978-88-6923-047-9)di Maria Vittoria Calv

    Español e italiano en el paisaje lingüístico de Milán : ¿Traducción, mediación o translanguaging

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    Taking as a starting point the well-known definition of Linguistic Landscape (LL) (Landry and Bourhis 1997), this paper aims at proposing a model to describe the relationship between the different languages used in the LL units which can be observed in immigration contexts. After a brief overview of Latin American immigration in Milan and a review of the different approaches in this field of research, a theoretical and methodological framework will be set up, combining different perspectives, from discourse analysis, critical sociolinguistics of globalization and social constructivism. Subsequently, the photographic data which constitutes the basis of a research project on the Milanese LL will be presented, describing the methodological approach used in collecting and analysing data. Finally, the model concerning the management of multilingualism in LL will be outlined and some examples will be discussed, in order to demonstrate its sustainability and to highlight the actors\u2019 metapragmatic awareness (Caffi 2017). As it will be illustrated, the main modalities used to manage the contact between Italian and Spanish are translanguaging, hybridization, translation and mediation; some monolingual items in Spanish will also be considered

    La voz del experto y la voz del paciente en la narración de la pandemia: la construcción discursiva de la COVID persistente

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    This paper aims to explore the role of personal narratives of long COVID patients within the discursive landscape of the media and social networks. The study is based on a flexible notion of personal narrative, understood as a diffuse and scalar modality (Page) and as a social practice, i.e. as a social activity within a given context, in which different relations of power and ideology converge (De Fina). After defining the features of journalistic news on Facebook, using a socio-cognitive approach to discursive genres (Bhatia; Carranza 2012; Hanks), I will analyse some news about long COVID and the different narrative accounts introduced by both journalists and participants in the virtual communities. Among the results, we will highlight the prominence of the personal narrative in the social debate around health and in the discursive construction of a new disease (Bañón Hernández).Este trabajo se propone evaluar la función de las narrativas personales de los enfermos de COVID persistente dentro del escenario discursivo de los medios de comunicación y de las redes sociales. El estudio se asienta en una noción flexible de la narrativa personal, entendida como una modalidad difusa y escalar (Page) y como una práctica social, es decir, como una actividad social dentro de un contexto determinado, en el que confluyen distintas relaciones de poder e ideología (De Fina). Tras definir los rasgos de la noticia periodística en Facebook, mediante un enfoque sociocognitivo de los géneros discursivos (Bhatia; Carranza 2012; Hanks), se analizarán algunas noticias sobre la COVID persistente y los distintos testimonios narrativos introducidos tanto por los periodistas dentro de las noticias como por los participantes en las comunidades virtuales. Entre los resultados, se destaca la prominencia de la narrativa personal en el debate social en torno a la salud y en la construcción discursiva de una nueva enfermedad (Bañón Hernández)


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