144 research outputs found

    Scaffolding small groups at the group level: Improving the scaffolding behavior of mathematics teachers during mathematical discussions

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    Background: Supporting students during collaborative learning in mathematics is challenging for teachers. We developed the Small-Group Scaffolding Tool (SGS-Tool) to assist teachers regarding how and when to offer support. The tool is based on three characteristics of scaffolding small groups at the group level: contingency to the group, phasing out content support when the group can continue independently, and transferring responsibility for learning to the group.Method: We investigated whether the scaffolding behavior of teachers using the SGS-Tool was more adapted to the group level than that of teachers not using the tool. Participants were four teachers and their seventh grade classes. The topic was Early Algebra. We analyzed teachers’ scaffolding behavior with one group during five lessons.Findings: The SGS-Tool offered teachers support when the groups discussed mathematics, but adaptations of the tool are needed. Overall, the SGS-Tool seems to be a promising tool for supporting mathematics teachers in scaffolding groups at the group level.Contribution: Our study provides insight into what scaffolding small groups at the group level entails and how teachers can apply it.<br/

    Necessidade, oportunidade e ilegalidade em habitação – alojamento local e tendências contemporâneas

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    O arrendamento de curta duração de habitação está num processo rápido de mudança para um novo paradigma setorial onde as plataformas online (como o Airbnb) têm um papel preponderante. A imposição de restrições à atividade faz parte da agenda social e política da maioria dos países europeus. Contudo, conforme demonstram as primeiras tentativas, regulamentar não é suficiente, visto os promotores ignorarem muitas vezes as regras impostas. A monitorização e a fiscalização acarretam grandes dificuldades para a administração pública. Este artigo foca-se nas regras desenhadas para o alojamento local e no alcance das medidas implementadas em Portugal. Traça um esboço da ilegalidade urbanística nesta área na era da economia partilhada, abordando as estratégias de regulação e os resultados alcançados. A conclusão aponta para o facto de a verificação do cumprimento das obrigações legais de registo ou fiscais ser uma questão de justiça e responsabilidade social.Short-term housing rentals are in a rapid shift to a new sectorial paradigm where online platforms (such as Airbnb) play a significant role. The restrictions on the rentals of entire apartments are on the social and political agenda of most European countries. However, as the first attempts demonstrate, regulation is not enough, as owners often ignore it. The monitoring and enforcement of such rules entails great difficulties for public administrations. This article focuses on the rules designed and measures for short-term rentals implemented in Portugal. It outlines the urbanistic illegalities in this field in the age of shared economy, addressing the regulatory strategies adopted and the results achieved. The conclusions point out that the compliance with registration and taxation rules is a matter of justice and social responsibility

    Effects of a Scaffolding Model for small groups in mathematics

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    International audienceWe investigated whether teachers’ use of the Small-Group Scaffolding model (SGS model), when supporting heterogeneous student-groups in a collaborative setting in math lessons, raised students’ mathematical level more than teacher support without use of the model. Participants were eight teachers and 266 students of two schools working collaboratively in 73 small heterogeneous student-groups on the topic of Early Algebra. The five teachers in the experimental condition were taught to scaffold the groups in their classes according to the SGS model (give support adapted to student-groups’ needs). The three teachers in the control condition were not given prior instruction of how to support the students. Analysis of a pre- and post-test on mathematical level raising showed that more mathematical level raising occurred in the Scaffolding condition than in the control condition. We concluded that using the SGS model can lead to more mathematical level raising

    A ilegalidade urbanística e o sistema de planeamento territorial. Perspetiva comparada sobre políticas e práticas de controlo urbanístico de obras particulares

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    A ilegalidade urbanística constitui um desafio para o sistema de planeamento. Nos países Mediterrâneos onde a fiscalização é leniente e a administração não consegue prevenir, demolir ou fazer legalizar todas as edificações ilegais, o incumprimento de planos é um problema

    Phylogeny and revision of the Neotropical genus Grumichella Müller (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including nine new species and a key

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    The systematics of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Grumichella Müller (Leptoceridae: Grumichellinae) are reviewed. Diagnoses, descriptions and illustrations are provided for four previously described species, G. aequiunguis Flint, 1983, G. flaveola (Ulmer, 1911), G. pulchella (Banks, 1910) and G. rostrata Thienemann, 1905, and nine new species: G. blahniki sp. nov. (Peru), G. boraceia sp. nov. (Brazil), G. cressae sp. nov. (Venezuela), G. jureia sp. nov. (Brazil), G. leccii sp. nov. (Brazil), G. muelleri sp. nov. (Brazil), G. paprockii sp. nov. (Brazil), G. parati sp. nov. (Brazil) and G. trujilloi sp. nov. (Venezuela). The monophyly of the genus is corroborated (16 synapomorphies) and the phylogenetic relationships of its included species, based on analysis of 66 adult, larval, and pupal characters, are inferred as (G. aequiunguis ((G. boraceiae (G. leccii, G. parati)) (G. rostrata ((G. flaveola, G. pulchella) (G. muelleri, G. paprockii)) (G. jureia (G. trujilloi (G. cressae, G. blahniki)))))). A taxonomic key to the males of the species is presented

    Ultrasonic study of the gelation of gelatin: phase diagram, hysteresis and kinetics

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    We map the ultrasonic (8 MHz) speed and attenuation of edible-grade gelatin in water, exploring the key dependencies on temperature, concentration and time. The ultrasonic signatures of the sol-gel transition, confirmed by rheological measurements, and incomplete gel formation at low concentrations, enable a phase diagram of the system to be constructed. Sensitivity is also demonstrated to the kinetics of gel formation and melting, and associated hysteresis effects upon cyclic temperature sweeps. Furthermore, simple acoustic models of the sol and gel state enable estimation of the speed of sound and compressibility of gelatin. Our results demonstrate the potential of ultrasonic measurements to characterise the structure and visco-elasticity of gelatin hydrogels.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure


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    Neste trabalho, averígua-se o fenômeno das novas percepções da cultura da mediação com o objetivo de compreender se o novo paradigma proposto, pautado na cooperação e desenvolvimento de habilidades, rompe eficazmente com as teorias totalitárias, inaugurando uma nova forma de encarar-se o conflito e as relações humanas. Cumpre-se, desta forma, o objetivo geral de responder ao questionamento acerca da eficiência da mediação na inauguração de um novo paradigma que coaduna de melhor maneira com as novas formulações a respeito da realização do ser e do empoderamento social. Para tanto, utiliza-se de metodologia descritiva e exploratória, por meio de técnica de levantamento bibliográfico, atingindo conclusões no sentido da necessidade de se desenvolver uma contribuição mais efetiva no que compete aos novos modelos trazidos pela cultura da mediação, difundindo novas ideias as quais promovam o auxílio na busca por soluções em diversos âmbitos que apresentam problemas enfrentados na atualidade, como as crises no ensino jurídico, na formação das elites judiciais, no número de demandas recorrentes no poder judiciário dentre outros fatos que justificam o trabalho

    Recomendaciones para la implementación del Cupo Laboral Trans en el ámbito público, privado y el tercer sector

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    A raíz de la sanción del decreto presidencial Nro. 721/2020 y la posterior sanción en julio de 2021 de la Ley Nro. 27637 de Promociòn del Acceso al Empleo Formal para personas Travestis, Transexuales y Transènero “Diana Sacayan- Lohana Berkins” se reactivó un tema que desde el activismo trans estaba puesto en agenda y la provincia de Buenos Aires fue precursora en su reconocimiento legislativo ya que en el año 2015 sancionó la ley 14.783: el cupo laboral trans Diana Sacayan. Dichas normas tienen como principio rector el derecho a la no discriminación por identidad de género y son sus destinatari*s las personas travestis, transexuales y transgénero, mayores de 18 años de edad, hayan o no accedido a los beneficios de la Ley N° 26.743 y que reúnan las condiciones de idoneidad para el cargo que deben ocupar de acuerdo a sus antecedentes laborales y educativos.Instituto de Cultura JurídicaMujeres Trans ArgentinaFuria Travest