611 research outputs found

    The Islamic influence on work motivation on the Contractor in West Sulawesi

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    This study uses the al-Quran and Hadits of the Prophet as a paradigm in solving the problems that arise, with a quantitative approach, and analyzed qualitatively and Kasyf. Using a quantitative approach with a survey method. The data was collected using a questionnaire instrument or questionnaire. Populations used were all individual contractors as a unit of analysis that is in the province of West Sulawesi as many as 300 contractors, divided 6 strata / qualifications. The research found 8 findings, but in this article only discusses the one findings. From the test results of t-statistics values amounted to 24.895, which showed a larger number of t-table = 1.96, so Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant positive influence between variables Islamic values ??on work motivation, it means that the better the Islamic values, the better it will work motivation. In other words if the Islamic values ??increased as well, it will be a positive influence on work motivation. Thus, the first hypothesis can be accepted. Keywords: Value of Islam, Working Motivation, Contracto

    Investigación numérica de corres conformadas en frío con rigidizadores longitudinales en cortante

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    Presenta una investigación numérica sobre el pandeo por cortante y la resistencia a cortante de correas de acero conformadas en frío con rigidizadores de alma longitudinal inclinada. Basado en el método de elementos finitos (FEM) y el uso del software ABAQUS/Standard, esta investigación implica el desarrollo de un modelo numérico del novedoso equipo de prueba de actuador dual, que permite el estudio de corte de correas CFS con alta relación de aspecto (corte lapso/profundidad de red). Posteriormente, se han realizado simulaciones FEM-ABAQUIS en canales con rigidizadores de alma longitudinal inclinados y relación de aspecto 2,0. Más precisamente, se simularon cinco canales de alma rigidizados con diferentes alturas de refuerzo y un ancho constante de 5,0 mm junto con un canal de referencia adicional sin rigidizar. La relación entre las entradas, los rigidizadores longitudinales inclinados del alma y las imperfecciones geométricas iniciales, y las salidas, el modo de falla, el pandeo por cortante y la resistencia al cortante, se analizaron en profundidad para comprender mejor el comportamiento a cortante de los canales de alma rigidizada con respecto al canal no rigidizado.In the steel building industry, Cold-formed steel (CFS) members have a variety of applications, being purlins one of particular interest, these structural members are usually used to transfer roof desk loads to the structural frames. CFS enables to manufacture of purlins in different complex shapes, and one of them are channels with longitudinal web stiffeners. It is known that the addition of longitudinal web stiffeners increases the shear strength capacity of CFS channels; however, it is not evident in how much. In that sense, this thesis presents a numerical investigation on shear buckling and shear strength of CFS purlins with inclined longitudinal web stiffeners. This research involves the development of a numerical model of the novel Dual Actuator Test Rig, which enables the shear study of CFS purlins with high aspect ratio (shear span/web depth). This stage of the investigation is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) by using the software ABAQUS/Standard. Afterwards, FEM-ABAQUS simulations have been performed on channels with inclined longitudinal web stiffeners and aspect ratio of 2.0. More precisely, five stiffened web channels with different stiffener depths and a constant width of 5.0 mm were simulated along with an additional reference unstiffened channel. The relationship between the inputs, inclined longitudinal web stiffeners and initial geometric imperfections, and the outputs, failure mode, shear buckling and shear strength, were deeply discussed to understand better the shear behaviour of the stiffened web channels and its correlation with the unstiffened channel. Furthermore, the FEM outcomes were subsequently plotted against Direct Strength Method (DSM) shear curves, to verify the accuracy of the numerical results and the reliability of the current DSM shear equations.Perú. Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (Pronabec). Beca Presidente de la Repúblic

    Historia y proceso de la identidad de Perú. El proceso político-social y la creación del Estado

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    FTAs\u27 Contribution Towards a More Flexible Copyright Space: Possibilities and Limits

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    Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have often been considered instruments for heightened intellectual property rights protection, thereby in detriment of a more flexible copyright space. However, since the adoption of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, some FTAs have been incorporating a clause on the “Balance in Copyright and Related Rights Systems.” Among these, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and, more recently, the 2021 Australia-U.K. FTA contain such a clause. In addition, more discrete FTAs, such as the AustraliaPeru FTA, also incorporate similar provisions. This article considers what incorporating such clauses in FTAs means for the interpretation of the three-step test embedded in Article 13 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), which is key for enabling a more flexible copyright space. This article seeks to understand whether FTAs’ clauses on “Balance in Copyright and Related Rights Systems” can support a more flexible interpretation of the three-step test in the context of the World Trade Organization dispute settlement system

    An approach to environmental services assessment: functional biodiversity in tropical agroforestry systems (The case of Tomé-Açú, Northern Brazil)

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    Agriculture is one of the main sources of income in developing countries and at the same time one of the major drivers causing environmental conflicts like loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry, which combines agricultural with forestry components at plot, community and landscape level, through a component-specific management can satisfy a series of multiple demands, among them, biodiversity conservation and in general the provision of environmental services. Since environmental services are proposed as alternative compensation schemes to prevent and remediate negative environmental impacts, incentives that support ecologically sound agricultural management practices are therefore needed. These incentives (e.g., compensation payments) have to be based on an adequate understanding and evaluation of the services provided by the agricultural systems. For this purpose, the concept of biodiversity in land-use systems has been revised. ‘Functional biodiversity’, in contrast to traditional approaches, emphasizes the system’s dynamics at various levels and the implications of these on its functioning as a whole. To operationalize such a concept, an assessment protocol based on multicriteria analysis has been developed. The approach combines productive, ecological and operational indicators to describe functional biodiversity, and aims at the identification of those management decisions and interventions that support this. The suitability of the evaluation protocol was tested with 70 farms in the Brazilian Amazon region divided in three groups, which had been defined based on the time of settlement, property size, technological know-how, organization and access to market, i.e., 'CAMTA partners' long-ago established farmers, 'immigrated' some time ago and recently immigrated farmers 'newcomers'. The analyses reveal that the most relevant factors supporting functional biodiversity in agroforestry systems are: (1) the farmers' technical qualification, (2) their preference for low impact techniques, (3) their capacity to adapt to environmental, social and political changes, (4) the diversification of species composition at plot level, (5) the increase in the use of perennial species; and (6) the financial profitability of the system. Concerning the differences among groups, the ‘CAMTA partners’ farmers are significantly superior to the two other groups only in agricultural practices related to production. As the functional biodiversity concept is based on an integrative approach, its outputs provide a supportive platform for the proposed assessment framework. In turn, the developed protocol can be used to optimize biodiversity roles on farms and support decisions regarding compensation payments. Nevertheless, its further validation, testing and adaptation as a monitoring tool are necessary.Die Bewertung von Umweltserviceleistungen: funktionale Biodiversität in tropischen Agroforstsystemen (Das Beispiel Tomé-Açú, Nordbrasilien) Landwirtschaft ist eine der Haupteinnahmequellen in den Entwicklungsländern und gleichzeitig einer der größten Verursacher von Umweltkonflikten wie z. B. Biodiversitätsverlust. Agroforstwirtschaft, die landwirtschaftliche und forstliche Komponenten auf Feld-, Gemeinde- und Landschaftsebene verbindet, kann durch flächenspezifisches Management vielfältige Anforderungen erfüllen, unter anderem den Erhalt von Biodiversität und ganz allgemein die Bereitstellung von Umweltdienstleistungen. Da Umweltdienstleistungen dazu beitragen können, Umweltprobleme zu verhindern oder zu lösen, sind Anreize notwendig, die ein ökologisch sinnvolles Landmanagement unterstützen. Diese Anreize (z.B. Ausgleichszahlungen) müssen sich auf eine fundierte Kenntnis und auf die Bewertung der Umweltleistungen von Landnutzungssystemen stützen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Konzept erarbeitet, das auf der funktionellen Rolle der Biodiversität in Landnutzungssystemen basiert. ‘Funktionelle Biodiversität’, im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Ansätzen, betrachtet auf verschiedenen Ebenen die Dynamik des Systems sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Funktionieren des Systems als Ganzes. Als wesentlicher Bestandteil des Konzeptes wurde auf der Grundlage einer 'Multicriteria Analysis' ein Bewertungsprotokoll entwickelt. Dieser Ansatz verbindet produktive, ökologische und operationale Indikatoren mit dem Ziel, funktionelle Biodiversität zu beschreiben und Managemententscheidungen und -eingriffe zu ermitteln, die diese unterstützen. Die Eignung des Bewertungsprotokolls wurde auf 70 Farmen in der brasilianischen Amazonasregion überprüft. Die Farmen wurden in folgende drei Gruppen eingeteilt: (1) Zeitpunkt der Niederlassung des Farmers, (2) Größe der Farm, und (3) technologisches Know-how, Organisation und Zugang zum Markt. Die untersuchten Farmen gehörten Farmern, die sich (1) vor Jahrzehnten ('CAMTA Partner'), (2) vor längerem ('immigrated'), und (3) vor kurzem niedergelassen hatten ('newcomers'). Die Analysen ergaben, dass (1) die technische Qualifikation der Farmer, (2) minimale Bodenbearbeitung, (3) die Fähigkeit der Farmer, sich an ökologische, gesellschaftliche und politische Veränderungen anzupassen, (4) die Artendiversifizierung auf der Fläche, (5) der verstärkte Einsatz von mehrjährigen Arten, und (6) die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Systems zur Aufrechterhaltung der funktionellen Biodiversität in agroforstlichen Systemen beitragen. Hinsichtlich-- der Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen, heben sich die lang etablierten Farmer ('CAMTA Partner') signifikant von den anderen beiden Gruppen nur in den produktionsspezifischen landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten ab. Da das Konzept der funktionellen Biodiversität auf einem integrativen Ansatz beruht, liefern die Ergebnisse eine Grundlage für den vorgeschlagenen Bewertungsrahmen. Das entwickelte Protokoll kann zur Optimierung der Rolle der Biodiversität auf der Farm und als Entscheidungshilfe hinsichtlich Ausgleichszahlungen eingesetzt werden. Weitere Validierungen und Anpassungen als Monitoringinstrument sind notwendig

    Ricardo Palma y el 98: el problema cubano, el americanismo y el hispanismo.

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    En el Perú post-independiente también hubo un sentimiento-actitud antihispánico. El escritor Ricardo Palma no fue ajeno a esta tendencia, pero valoró los múltiples vínculos del Perú y su ex metrópoli, sobre todo el idioma. Palma libró tenaz campaña para lograr el reconocimiento de muchas voces americanas por la Real Academia de la Lengua Española, aplaudió la Independencia de Cuba pero vio con temor el ascenso de los Estados Unidos, y tuvo puntos de coincidencia con un gran intelectual del 98, Miguel de Unamuno.In post independent Peru there was a great feeling of antagonism toward Spain and the Spaniards. Ricardo Palma, the Peruvian writer, participated in this tendency, although he observed many links between Peru and the old metropolis, specially the language. Palma battled in order to obtain the recognition of many Spanish American words by the Spanish Academy, applauded Cuban Independence but feared the rise of the United States of America, and was in agreement with Miguel de Unamuno, an outstanding intellectual of 98

    Defining and documenting execution viewpoints for a large and complex software-intensive system

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    An execution view is an important asset for developing large and complex systems. An execution view helps practitioners to describe, analyze, and communicate what a software system does at runtime and how it does it. In this paper, we present an approach to define and document viewpoints that guide the construction and use of execution views for an existing large and complex software-intensive system. This approach includes the elicitation of the organization's requirements for execution views, the initial definition and validation of a set of execution viewpoints, and the documentation of the execution viewpoints. The validation and application of the approach have helped us to produce mature viewpoints that are being used to support the construction and use of execution views of the Philips Healthcare MRI scanner, a representative large software-intensive system in the healthcare domain. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    SHIFT Las Vegas: Redefining the Wellness Experience

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    SHIFT is integrated to be operating on its passive systems when the weather is permissible. It will be a variable system where a primary and secondary system exists. Overall it creates an environment that is pleasant and enriches a guests experience.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/arch_grad_capstones/1037/thumbnail.jp