85 research outputs found

    Applications of the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire: A Review

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    Sustainability seeks to provide economically viable products in an environmentally friendly way while respecting worker rights. Physical wellbeing forms part of these rights. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) diminish productivity, cause absence from work, impose costs on the public health system and can cast doubt on the sustainability of a company or a product. The objective of the present work is to review the literature on the application of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) on a worldwide level. In this work, the use of the NMQ has been classified by categories of knowledge, countries and years. The search was made using “Web of Science-Core Collection”. In total, 259 articles were chosen from scientific journals and conferences related, according to the title and or abstract, to the practical application of the questionnaire. In conclusion, the NMQ has been applied mainly in three sectors: “activities related to treating human health and social issues”, “manufacturing industries”, and “agriculture, livestock, fishing, and forestry”. The NMQ is an indirect method commonly used individually or complemented with other methods for evaluating the MSD and possible associated psychosocial and labour risks. The use of NMQ can help in the evaluation of the sustainability of a company

    Assessment of Postural Load during Melon Cultivation in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    Health and safety at work directly influence the development of sustainable agriculture. In the agricultural sector, many farm workers suffer musculoskeletal disorders caused by forced posture. The objective of this research is to assess working postures during melon cultivation in Almería-type greenhouses. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) has been used with pictures of the tasks. The variables studied by multiple correspondence analysis were as follows: Subtask, Posture code, Back, Arms, Legs, Load, Risk, and Risk combination. The OWAS analysis showed that 47.57% of the postures were assessed as risk category 2, 14.32% as risk category 3, 0.47% as risk category 4, and the rest as risk category 1. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately, as soon as possible, or in the near future, depending on the risks detected

    Repetitive Movements in Melon Cultivation Workers under Greenhouses

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    Musculoskeletal disorders cause serious problems that affect workers in many sectors. The objective of this study is the ergonomic analysis of melon cultivation farmers in Almeria-type greenhouses. For this, the rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) method has been applied after carrying out a detailed process of observing the farmers’ tasks. The study shows that 65% of the postures have a very-high-risk level, 26% high, 9% average, and no posture is found with a low risk. They also show that in 69.57% of the postures, the upper limbs are less affected than the others such as the neck, trunk, and lower limbs. Measures are proposed to improve the working conditions for workers

    Modeling the Calorific Value of Biomass from Fruit Trees Using Elemental Analysis Data

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    Pruning of fruit trees produces a great quantity of biomass each year that can be used for energy production. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out an energy characterization of these pruned wastes, where the determination of heating value is significant. This value is usually measured by an adiabatic or isoperibolic calorimeter, which causes high economic costs and wastes time. The present study is focused on the development of indirect models for heating value prediction of biomass from orange trees Citrus × sinensis Osbeck, almond trees Prunus dulcis (Mill) D.A. Webb, and olive trees Olea europaea L. from an elemental analysis in order to reduce the time of determination as well as the economic costs. Residual biomass was classified and characterized according to CEN regulations such as received, without drying. Also, moisture content wet basis, bark ratio, density, heating value, and elemental composition (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur) were measured. The influence of these variables on the heating value was analyzed. Finally, mathematical models were developed to predict this value for this studied species. These models showed coefficients of determination between 0.83 and 0.97, being suitable for industrial use

    Mechanized methods for harvesting residual biomass from Mediterranean fruit tree cultivations

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    [EN] This study evaluates the technology and work systems used in order to harvest residual biomass from pruning in the specific conditions of Mediterranean fruit orchards (narrow distances between crop-rows). Harvesting has been divided into several types of operations pruning, biomass alignment between crop tracks, biomass concentration in piles, chipping and bundling - which have been analyzed in five Mediterranean cultivations for three years. Altogether, three types of pruning have been analyzed: Manual, previous mechanical followed by manual, and fully mechanical; Two types of alignment: Manual and mechanical; Three concentration systems: Manual, tractor with a rake and a forwarder; Four chipping work organization systems: chipper driven inside orchard and manually fed by operators, mobile chipper driven inside orchard with pick-up header, mobile chipper fed by means of mechanical crane, chipper mounted on a truck fed by means of mechanical crane, which was working in a fixed position in a border of the plot after wood concentration. Also two bundling organization systems were checked: bundler machine working in a fixed position after wood concentration and working inside the plot driven among the crops. Previous concentration of the materials was the best alternative for their chipping or bundling in the studied conditions. Regression models have been calculated to predict the time of work of machinery and labor for each alternative. These equations were used to implement logistic planning as the Borvemar model, which defines a logistics network for supplying bio-energy systems.The research shown in this paper was developed by the project AGL2007-62328 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, and FEDER funds of European Union.Velázquez Martí, B.; Fernández-González, E.; Callejón-Ferre, ÁJ.; Estornell Cremades, J. (2012). Mechanized methods for harvesting residual biomass from Mediterranean fruit tree cultivations. Scientia Agricola. 69(3):180-188. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-90162012000300002S18018869

    An Overview of REBA Method Applications in the World

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    The objective of this work is to review literature, worldwide, in which the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) ergonomic assessment method was applied and count the number of times that REBA was applied together with other methods and subsequent incidence. The database used was the “Web of Science—Core Collection”. Only scientific articles and bibliographic reviews were included, analysing a total of 314 documents and selecting only 91. The use of the REBA method is indicated in terms of knowledge, country, year and journal sectors. It was most used in the knowledge areas of “Manufacturing” (24.18%), “Agriculture, forestry and fishing” (21.98%) and in “Other activities” (19.78%). One of the benefits of REBA is that it evaluates different body parts: upper limbs (arm, forearm and wrist), lower extremities, trunk and neck. It is a useful method to identify the forced postures adopted by workers to thus develop improvement measures if necessary. It is concluded that REBA method use has increased over the last decade, probably due to the digitization of knowledge. It is almost always applied in combination with other methods, and its use can be a positive indicator of company sustainability

    Soporte a tres alturas para equipos de medida de parámetros ambientales

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    Número de publicación: 2 661 542 Número de solicitud: 201600846 51 Int. CI.: F16M 11/42 (2006.01) B25H 1/10 (2006.01)Soporte para equipos de medida de parámetros ambientales, del tipo de los que permiten la colocación de equipos de medida en tres alturas y ajustar dichas posiciones en altura. El soporte incorpora un mástil (1) vertical y tres barras-soporte (2) colocadas en posición horizontal y a distintas alturas. Dichas barras-soporte (2) pueden desplazarse verticalmente por medio de sus respectivos mecanismos piñón-cremallera (3). El mecanismo piñón-cremallera (3) incorpora un gatillo (8) para evitar el desplazamiento de la barra-soporte (2) debido a su propio peso. La barra-soporte (2) presenta en toda su longitud una multitud de agujeros (9) destinados a la ubicación de instrumentos de medida.UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍ

    Método de instalación del film plástico de cubierta para invernaderos

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    Número de publicación: ES2362831 A1 (13.07.2011) También publicado como: ES2362831 B2 (30.05.2012 Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200803151(10.10.2008)Método de instalación del film plástico de cubierta para invernaderos. La presente invención pretende aumentar la seguridad laboral en las labores de renovación del film plástico con su mecanización. El método contempla el empleo simultáneo de una plataforma y un equipo cambiador de plástico. La plataforma portará un rodillo devanador (1) donde se dispondrá la bobina de film plástico (2) y otro superior (3) que facilitará el devanado y desplegado del film. Como base de trabajo se empleará el equipo cambiador, que se adaptará perfectamente a la fisonomía de cubierta, de tal forma que se podrá emplear como base de apoyo para efectuar el conjunto de las labores que implica la renovación del film plástico, previas, de extendido y, posteriores, de tensado y fijación a la estructura metálica.Universidad de Almerí

    Equipo para disposición del plástico de cubierta de invernaderos

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    Número de publicación: ES2362767 A1 (13.07.2011) También publicado como: ES2362767 B2 (30.05.2012 Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200802891(03.10.2008)Equipo para disposición del plástico de cubierta de invernaderos. Este mecaniza las labores de disposición del film de plástico de cubierta de invernaderos multitúnel. Comprende el uso coordinado de una plataforma (P) y un equipo cambiador (EC). La plataforma (P) está provista de un sistema devanador-desplegador que abastece de film plástico al equipo cambiador (EC), empleándose para la extensión, tensado y fijación del plástico. La plataforma (P) se compone de un doble bastidor rectangular (1) articulado linealmente en su zona central mediante barras extensibles con mecanismo de bloqueo (2).A la estructura base, se acopla un torno devanador inferior (10), un torno devanador-desplegador superior (5) y, en ambos laterales, escaleras fijas (6), polipastos (7), barandillas de seguridad desmontables (8) y barandillas de seguridad fijas (9). El equipo cambiador (EC) se compone de un doble pórtico curvo (11) enlazado mediante peldañeado (12), que descansa sobre parejas de ruedas de rodadura (14).Universidad de Almerí

    Análisis estructural 3D de los invernaderos multitunel del sudeste de España. Elementos verticales

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    Este trabajo analiza la capacidad estructural de los elementos verticales que componen el pórtico resistente más limitativo de la variante de invernadero multitúnel más utilizada en el sudeste de España. Se estudia la influencia de la longitud y anchura del invernadero en la distribución de tensiones que se produce en dichos elementos. Se ha realizado un modelo tridimensional de elementos finitos con el programa ROBOT MILLENNIUM en su versión 20.1 en el que se ha representado la estructura de barras que conforma el invernadero. Se han analizado los resultados de tensiones normales máximas de 16 estructuras con geometría de túnel similar, pero de diferente anchura y longitud, de tal forma que la superficie en planta oscila entre los 600 m 2 y los 38.400 m 2 . El cálculo de las acciones existentes sobre los invernaderos se ha realizado según la norma UNE-EN 13031-1. Los resultados numéricos obtenidos han sido estudiados para determinar la influencia de las dimensiones del invernadero en la distribución de tensiones. Aunque se observan significativas reducciones en las tensiones con la adición de túneles, no se puede generalizar la influencia del aumento de las dimensiones del invernadero en los cambios tensionales del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos se consideran de gran utilidad para la optimización de las estructuras de los invernaderos multitúnel así como para garantizar la seguridad mecánica de las misma