321 research outputs found
Besouros indicadores (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae) na avaliação de alteração ambiental em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica contíguos a cultivos de milho convencional e transgênico
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em EcologiaOs besouros da subfamília Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) são organismos extremamente importantes no funcionamento dos ecos-sistemas tropicais. A maioria das espécies se alimenta de fezes (copró-fagos), principalmente de mamíferos, ou de carcaças (necrófagos). Os escarabeíneos apresentam estruturas de comunidades que os tornam bons indicadores de diversidade. Algumas espécies possuem alta especificidade de habitat e são fortemente influenciadas pela fragmentação e perda de habitat. O presente trabalho visa estudar a composição e a estrutura de comunidades de besouros escarabeíneos que habitam áreas de fragmentos florestais nativos em meio a cultivos de milho convencional e de milho transgênico, com a finalidade de detectar possíveis impactos da fragmentação e do uso dos transgênicos em orga-nismos associados por meio da cadeia trófica. O estudo foi realizado na região de Campos Novos /SC onde foram estabelecidas vinte áreas a-mostrais de fragmentos de Mata Atlântica: dez áreas contíguas a cultivos de milho transgênico e dez áreas contíguas a cultivo de milho conven-cional. As coletas dos besouros escarabeíneos foram realizadas de forma intensiva durante fevereiro de 2011, com 200 armadilhas iscadas com fezes humanas (100) e com carne em decomposição (100). Para cada fragmento foram feitas medidas de complexidade ambiental, do tama-nho do fragmento e da distância aos demais fragmentos. Foram coleta-dos 1502 besouros de 33 espécies: 805 escarabeíneos de 27 espécies em 10 fragmentos adjacentes a milho convencional e 697 escarabeíneos de 27 espécies em 10 fragmentos adjacentes a milho transgênico. Houve diferenças na estrutura das comunidades de escarabeíneos provenientes dos dois tipos de ambientes. O tamanho, a distância e a complexidade ambiental dos fragmentos influenciaram, mas não explicaram as dife-renças da comunidade nos dois tipos de cultivo. O grupo funcional dos residentes teve grande importância nos fragmentos em meio ao milho transgênico e houve uma perda dos escavadores e rodadores nos frag-mentos em meio ao milho transgênico, o que pode estar alterando o papel dos escarabeíneos na regeneração da floresta. As espécies tunelei-ras Onthophagus tristis, Uroxys aff. terminalis, Ontherus sulcator e a roladora Canthon chalybaeus foram indicadoras de fragmentos em meio a milho convencional e Eurysternus francinae e Eurysternus parallelus, ambas residentes, foram indicadoras de fragmentos em meio ao milho transgênico. A diminuição dos besouros escavadores e rodadores nos fragmentos em meio ao milho transgênico poderá vir a afetar os serviços ecossistêmicos dos escarabeíneos, o que em longo prazo pode ter efeitos na ciclagem de nutrientes e na regeneração da florestaThe beetles of the subfamily Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) are important organisms that participate in the cycle of decomposition of tropical ecosystems. Most species feed on feces (dung) or carcasses (carrion) and are associated with animals that produce their food re-sources. Dung beetles are divided into three functional groups, depend-ing on the behavior of resource allocation during the reproduction: the rollers, tunnellers and dwellers. Some species of Scarabaeinae have high habitat specificity and are strongly influenced by habitat loss and frag-mentation. This study aimed to investigate the composition and structure of dung beetle communities (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) inhabiting areas of forest fragments within conventional and transgenic maize plantations; the purpose was to detect possible impacts of the use of transgenic in non-target organisms associated through the food chain. The study was conducted in the region of Campos Novos/SC where they were established twenty sample areas of Atlantic Forest fragments. Samplings of dung beetles were conducted with 200 traps "pit-fall," 100 baited with human feces and 100 baited with carrion. In each fragment were also made measurements of fragment size and environmental com-plexity. Were collected 1502 dung beetles, divided into six tribes, 12 genera and 33 species: 805 dung beetles of 27 species in 10 fragments adjacent to the conventional maize and 697 dung beetles of 27 species in 10 fragments adjacent to transgenic maize. With the Levins index 11 species were classified as coprophagous, ten generalists and two necrophagous. There were significant differences in the community structure of the two types of fragments. The size, distance between fragments and environmental complexity of the fragments influenced, but did not explain the differences of the community in both types of crops. The functional group dwellers was more representative in the fragments in the midst of transgenic maize with Eurysternus francinae and Eurysternus parallelus (dwellers) was indicator in the fragments of transgenic maize and Onthophagus tristis, Uroxys aff. terminalis, Ontherus sulcator (tunnellers) and Canthon chalybaeus (roller) were indicator in fragments in the midst of conventional maize. The decrease of the tunnellers and rollers in fragments in the midst of the transgenic maize result in loss of ecosystem services and their role in nutrient cy-cling and forest regeneration may be being modificate
Ripening of household slow sand filter by adding fish food
Vulnerable communities can improve their quality of life using point-of-use water treatment technologies. Among these technologies, household slow sand filters (HSSF), which are filters adapted to domestic operations, stand out as one of the most effective and sustainable alternatives. However, some technical issues are not fully understood, such as the ripening process, which may take a long time to take place. In this context, this research evaluated the performance of a HSSF, in real scale and operated in continuous flow when a source of nutrients (fish food) was added to influent water, as a potential ripening agent. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were evaluated to estimate the filter efficiency. According to the results, the HSSF reached a partial ripeness level in a short time with target parameter reduction in filtered water. Nevertheless, the instability observed in the filtered water quality reveals the significant health risks associated with human consumption when the HSSF is not yet ripened
Dark Tourism in the land of Sunshine: An intercultural business model for the routes of death and disaster in Portugal
The main goal of this dissertation is the creation and subsequent implementation of dark tourism routes in Portugal, following a business model that already exists in other cultures. This typology of tourism is an extension of cultural tourism and is classified by the search for places where once disasters, suffering and death occurred. Thus, concentration camps, inactive prisons, serial killers' homes, cemeteries, and all other places that fit into the patterns of death, tragedy and suffering can be considered dark tourism sites.
In Portugal, there are some places associated with the practice of dark tourism, although this type of business is not yet sufficiently explored. Therefore, this dissertation intends to use the country’s heritage, which is one of the levers for promoting tourism and an important factor of development, thus justifying the elaboration of a conceptual map associated with tourism.
With the delineation of routes in this dissertation, we intend not only to introduce this market niche in the country, but also to contribute innovatively to the tourist dynamics, in order to blur the existing seasonality, which arises from the demand for sun and sea tourism.
With the conception and design of these routes, we intend to make a pioneering contribution to the creation of a platform to promote dark tourism in the country. The creation of a business model and a marketing plan results from the need to assess the viability of the implementation of this project, and to discuss the best strategies for implementing it
Este trabalho compreende a análise de um processo de formação continuada realizado com professores da educação básica, da região carbonífera do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo foi identificar quais saberes compreendem o trabalho docente sobre educação ambiental. Buscamos na prática contribuir com a reflexão sobre práticas de educação ambiental na escola. A atividade foi organizada em formato de curso, dividido em quatro (4) etapas nas quais trabalhou-se os Princípios da Educação Ambiental, as Políticas da Educação Ambiental para a escola, as Interfaces da Educação Ambiental na escola e Projetos de Educação Ambiental na Escola. O trabalho contou com a participação de professores oriundos da escola básica, dos quais a maioria já havia realizado atividades ambientais, embora este não tenha sido um requisito para realizarem o curso. Dentre os ministrantes do curso, especialistas e pesquisadores da área os quais além de compartilhar suas experiências trouxeram a motivação, a reflexão e ideias criativas de introdução do tema transversal na escola. A pesquisa realizada durante o processo de formação revelou que os docentes participantes, conhecem pouco sobre os referenciais teóricos da Educação Ambiental, defendem a introdução de uma disciplina específica sobre o tema na escolar. Identificamos resistências profundas em integrar os conhecimentos científicos e ainda, de conceber uma escola com um espaço de formação de sujeitos a partir dos valores humanos. Entendem que valores ensina-se apenas em casa. Entretanto, todos consideraram a experiência de formação continuada válida e declararam ser esta uma ação pioneira na região pela abordagem dada exclusivamente ao âmbito escolar
Introduction: Strength training (ST) is one of the most widely practiced forms of exercise today, for individuals of different ages, of both sexes and with different levels of physical fitness. There are several reasons arising from the TF practice, however, there is a large component dedicated to aesthetics, especially to muscle hypertrophy. Objective: To analyze the acute responses of blood lactate (LAC) in different strength training methods. Methods: We evaluated 12 men with experience in strength training (age 27 ± 1.2 years, body mass 80.15 ± 6.5 kg and practice time of 4.5 ± 1.4 years). The study protocol was given by:1) anamnesis and explanation of the research; 2) 1RM test for the bench press exercise; 3) familiarization with the training protocols; 4) perform of isodynamic method (ISO), 5) perform of negative repetitions method (NGT); 6) perform of decreasing pyramid method (PRD); 7) perform of decreasing interval method (ITD); 8) perform of the rest-pause method (RST); 9) perform of wave method (OND). For the analysis of LAC in the methods, they were observed pre and post exercise which was removed 0.1 ml of blood from the right ear lobe of individuals and measured using a calibrated portable device. Results: it was observed that the acute response was statistically significant after the exercises (p <0.05), however there was no difference between exercises and types of stress induced by the same (Metabolic, Tension and Mixed - p> 0, 12). Conclusion: Acute responses after realization of different training methods for muscle hypertrophy increased significantly LAC. Regarding the types of stress induced by exercise (TEM, TE and MIS), the LAC was no significant difference between them; however, it was observed that the methods that induce metabolic stress had greater changes in LAC. Article visualizations
La presente Tesis “Responsabilidad del Contador Público en el Cumplimiento de las
Obligaciones Tributarias en Chiclayo, 2018” tuvo como propósito identificar la relación entre
la responsabilidad del profesional contable con el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias
en Chiclayo, 2018. Estudio de tipo Descriptivo-Correlacional. Diseño No experimental,
Transversal correlacionales-causales.
En la presente investigación, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por los
contadores de las instituciones que pertenecen a la Cámara de Comercio Lambayeque siendo
653 empresas formales activas y la muestra de 65 contadores.
Luego de procesar la información, se tiene evidencia que existe un nivel de correlación
positivo bueno (r = 0,850) entre la actuación del profesional contable y el cumplimiento de las
obligaciones tributarias en Chiclayo, 2018 afirma que si el contador actúa con responsabilidad,
brindando un servicio profesional íntegro, ético, mayor será el cumplimiento de las obligaciones
tributarias. Asimismo, el nivel de responsabilidad del contador para cumplir con sus pagos
tributarios es deficiente, el 56% no actúa con ética al ejecutar sus responsabilidades, pues no
brinda una información transparente y oportuna al momento de declarar los impuestos, llegando
a cometer faltas tributarias, no se encuentra actualizado profesionalmente, generando
observaciones, reparos y sanciones para la empresa y el nivel de cumplimiento de las
obligaciones tributarias es bajo, representado en un 50%.Tesi
Currently in Brazil, futsal is one of the most practiced and growing modalities, due to the passion of the Brazilian by the modality, the increase of blocks in the urban areas and the ease to its practice (because it is a sport that uses a reduced space and few players). Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify how adapted games (reduced games) can influence some tactical and technical factors of the modality (ball possession, passes and finalizations). Ten male subjects aged 12 to 13 years participated in the study, who underwent a training periodization composed of 16 sessions based on reduced games only. Before and after the training, games (Game 1 and Game 2) were carried out, which were filmed and were used for scout analysis. Descriptive statistics were used. It was observed after the period of the training sessions increase in the time of possession of total ball during the match, time of possession of defensive ball, certain passes, certain finalizations, and goals scored in favor. In contrast, there was a reduction in offensive ball possession time, number of wrong passes, total number of finalizations and number of wrong finishes. It is observed that the training with reduced games can be effective for the improvement of several technical and tactical components in collective sports games, especially in futsal. As this research approached the descriptive analysis component, we cannot affirm that there were significant changes from Game 1 to Game 2, however, in a simple analysis, small beneficial modifications were observed. Article visualizations
Antinociceptive Activity of Trichilia catigua Hydroalcoholic Extract: New Evidence on Its Dopaminergic Effects
Trichilia catigua is a native plant of Brazil; its barks are used by some local pharmaceutical companies to prepare tonic drinks, such as Catuama. The present study was addressed to evaluate the effects of T. catigua hydroalcoholic extract in mouse nociception behavioral models, and to evaluate the possible mechanisms involved in its actions. Male Swiss mice were submitted to hot-plate, writhing and von Frey tests, after oral treatment with T. catigua extract (200 mg kg−1, p.o.). The extract displayed antinociceptive effect in all three models. For characterization of the mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive action of the extract, the following pharmacological treatments were done: naloxone (2.5 mg kg−1, s.c.), SR141716A (10 mg kg−1, i.p.), SCH23390 (15 μg kg−1, i.p.), sulpiride (50 mg kg−1, i.p.), prazosin (1 mg kg−1, i.p.), bicuculline (1 mg kg−1, i.p.) or dl-p-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester (PCPA, 100 mg kg−1, i.p.). In these experiments, the action of T. catigua extract was evaluated in the hot-plate test. The treatment with SCH23390 completely prevented the antinociceptive effect, while naloxone partially prevented it. The possible involvement of the dopaminergic system in the actions of T. catigua extract was substantiated by data showing the potentiation of apomorphine-induced hypothermia and by the prevention of haloperidol-induced catalepsy. In conclusion, the antinociceptive effects of T. catigua extract seem to be mainly associated with the activation of dopaminergic system and, to a lesser extent, through interaction with opioid pathway
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