14,144 research outputs found

    Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment (AAFEX)

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    The rising cost of oil coupled with the need to reduce pollution and dependence on foreign suppliers has spurred great interest and activity in developing alternative aviation fuels. Although a variety of fuels have been produced that have similar properties to standard Jet A, detailed studies are required to ascertain the exact impacts of the fuels on engine operation and exhaust composition. In response to this need, NASA acquired and burned a variety of alternative aviation fuel mixtures in the Dryden Flight Research Center DC-8 to assess changes in the aircraft s CFM-56 engine performance and emission parameters relative to operation with standard JP-8. This Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment, or AAFEX, was conducted at NASA Dryden s Aircraft Operations Facility (DAOF) in Palmdale, California, from January 19 to February 3, 2009 and specifically sought to establish fuel matrix effects on: 1) engine and exhaust gas temperatures and compressor speeds; 2) engine and auxiliary power unit (APU) gas phase and particle emissions and characteristics; and 3) volatile aerosol formation in aging exhaust plume

    Stress-wave analysis technique study on thick-walled type A302B steel pressure vessels, July 1968 - July 1969

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    Stress wave analysis and crack opening displacement to monitor subcritical crack growth for grade B alloy steel pressure vessel

    Migratory Lawyers in Private Practice: Should California Approve the Use of Ethical Walls

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    Ames Research Center publications, 1977

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    This bibliography lists 786 formal NASA publications, journal articles, books, chapters of books, patents, and contractor reports which appeared during 1977 or which were not included in previous annual bibliographies. Citations are arranged by directorate, type of publication, and author. Each NASA report is identified by a technical report and accession number to facilitate ordering. An author index is provided

    A bibliography on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

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    This report presents a uniform compilation of works dealing with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Entries are by first author, with cross-reference by topic index and by periodical index. This bibliography updates earlier bibliographies on this general topic while concentrating on research related to listening for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence

    Equity research - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

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    Mestrado em FinançasO seguinte trabalho consiste em uma avaliação do valor das ações da Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. para o ano 2020, os pressupostos adotados para a previsão dos próximos cinco anos (2020F-2024F) foram baseados no desempenho histórico dos últimos quatro anos (2016-2019). Este trabalho foi elaborado em conformidade com as recomendações do CFA Institute. Eu escolhi fazer este trabalho sobre a Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. devido a magnitude e presença global da marca através dos seus produtos e serviços nas diversas indústrias e setores onde atua. Além disso, a minha empatia pessoal com a marca que sempre utilizei desde a minha juventude motivou e ajudou-me a tomar esta decisão. O principal método utilizado para a avaliação foi o método do Fluxo de Caixa Descontado, cujo resultado definiu o preço-alvo de €68 624. Também foram utilizados métodos relativos, do qual os resultados encontrados também reforço a recomendação da COMPRA. Apesar da presente situação de pandemia global onde existe algum grau de incerteza quanto ao final do vírus e das suas consequências, o início do uso de tecnologia 5G em diversos países irão valorizar a ação. No entanto, levando em consideração o grau de incerteza causado pelo COVID-19 e o preço alvo alcançado, emitimos uma recomendação de COMPRA com risco médio.The following work consists of an Equity Research of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for the year ending 2020F, the assumptions adopted for the forecast of the next five years (2020F-2024F) were based on the historical performance of the past four years (2016-2019). This work was written in accordance with the recommendations of the CFA Institute. I choose to evaluate Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. on the back of the magnitude and global presences of the brand through its products and services across several industries and sectors where it operates. In addition, my personal empathy with the brand that I have always use since my youth have also motivated and helped me taking this decision. This work was written contemplating public information available until November 3rd, 2020, hence, any information or event after this date has not been considered. The main method used for the valuation was the Discounted Cash Flow method, in which the result set the price target of €8361; 68 624. Relative methods were also used, which reinforced the BUY recommendation. Despite the current situation of global pandemic where some degree of uncertainty regarding the end of the pandemic and its effects, the starting of the 5G utilization in several countries will boost the stock value. Nonetheless, considering the current global pandemic and the target pricing, we issue a BUY recommendation with medium risk.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio