48 research outputs found

    Lasting effects of butyrate and low FM/FO diets on growth performance, blood haematology/biochemistry and molecular growth-related markers in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    Four isoproteic/isolipidic plant protein-based diets were formulated to assess the lasting effects of feed additives and low fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO) diet formulations on gilthead sea bream growth performance. FM was included at 23% in the control diet (D1) and at 3% in the other three diets (D2, D3, D4). Added oil was either FO (D1) or a blend of vegetable oils replacing 58% (D2) and 84% (D3, D4 diets) of FO. A commercial sodium butyrate preparation (NOREL, 70-BP) was added to the D4 diet at 0.4%. Each diet was allocated to triplicate groups of juvenile fish fed to satiety over an 8-month feeding trial (May-December). All fish grew efficiently from 15. g of initial body weight to 296-320. g with an overall feed efficiency (FE) of 0.95-1.01, although fish fed D3 and D4 diets showed transient growth impairments over the course of the first four weeks of the trial. Data on biometric indexes, whole body composition, haematology and blood biochemistry revealed a strong effect of sampling time in fish sampled at mid-summer (August) and late autumn (December). In contrast, the diet effect was mostly reduced to a few blood parameters. Low inclusion levels of FM reduced plasma haemoglobin levels (D2, D3), but these effects were reversed by butyrate supplementation (D4). The same phenomena occurred for total cholesterol with the highest circulating concentration of choline and IGF-I in fish fed the D4 diet during their summer growth spurt. At the transcriptional level, gene expression profiling of liver and skeletal muscle with a PCR-array of 87 growth markers provided additional evidence for an overall well-growth condition in all of the experimental groups. Up to 73 genes were found at detectable levels in the liver tissue, but only 13 were differentially expressed. Likewise, 84 genes were actively transcribed in the skeletal muscle, but only nine were differentially expressed in at least one experimental group. Butyrate supplementation reversed the up-regulated expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNFα) and muscle markers of cellular morphogenesis and protein breakdown (CDH15, CAPN3, PSMA5, PSMB1, UBE2N) in the muscle of fish fed the extreme D3 diet. These results support the use of low FM/FO diets alone or supplemented with feed additives, which have the potential to improve or reverse metabolic steady-states. Statement of relevance: Butyrate effect on low fish meal/fish oil diets.This study was funded by the European Union (ARRAINA, FP7-KBBE-2011-5-288925, Advanced research initiatives for nutrition and aquaculture) projects. Additional funding was obtained from the Spanish MINECO (MI2-Fish, AGL2013-48560) and from Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO FASE II-2014/085).Peer Reviewe

    The effects of nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strain used as probiotic on Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) growth, gut microbiota, and transcriptional response.

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    The present research tested the effects of dietary nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis on growth performance, feed utilization, intestinal morphology, transcriptional response, and microbiota in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). A feeding trial was conducted with fish weighting 70-90 g. Fish were tagged with passive, integrated transponders and distributed in nine 500-L tanks with 40 fish each. Fish were fed for 12 weeks with either a control (diet A) or experimental diets (diets B and C) in triplicate (3 tanks/diet). Extruded pellets of diets B and C were supplemented with a low (2 x 109 CFU/kg) and a high (5 x 109 CFU/kg) dose of probiotic, respectively. No significant differences were found between groups for the feed conversion ratio or specific growth rates. However, the final body weight of fish fed diet C was significantly higher than the control group with intermediate values for fish fed diet B. Histological analysis conducted using a semi-quantitative scoring system showed that probiotic did not alter the morphology of the intestine and did not trigger inflammation. With regard to the transcriptomic response, a customized PCR array layout was designed to simultaneously profile a panel of 44 selected genes. Significant differences in the expression of key genes involved in innate and acquired immunity were detected between fish fed probiotic and control diets. To analyze the microbiota associated to the feeds and the gut autochthonous microbial communities, we used the Illumina MiSeq platform for sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and a metagenomics pipeline based on VSEARCH and RDP databases. The analysis of gut microbiota revealed a lack of colonization of the probiotic in the host\u2019s intestinal mucosa. However, probiotic did modulate the fish gut microbiota, confirming that colonization is not always necessary to induce host modification. In fact, diets B and C were enriched with Actinomycetales, as compared to diet A, which instead showed a higher percentage of Pseudomonas, Sphyngomonas, and Lactobacillus genera. These results were confirmed by the clear separation of gut bacterial community of fish fed with the probiotic from the bacterial community of control fish group in the beta-diversity and PLS-DA (supervised partial least-squares discriminant analysis) analyses

    Serum metabolomics tells the story of disease degree in a fish enteritis model

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    Comunicación presentada en la 19th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, celebrada en Oporto (Portugal) del 9 al 12 de septiembre de 2019.[Introduction]: In animal production, enteritis is responsible for serious economic losses, being intestinal parasitism a major stress factor leading to malnutrition and lowered performance and production efficiency. The intestinal myxozoan parasite Enteromyxum leei dwells between gut epithelial cells and causes severe desquamative enteritis in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) that impairs nutrient absorption causing anorexia, cachexia, growth impairment, reduced marketability and increased mortality. This study aimed to outline the gut failure produced in this fish-parasite model using a multifaceted approach and to find and validate serum non-lethal markers of gut barrier dysfunction.[Methodology]: Intestinal integrity was studied in parasitized and non-parasitized fish by immunohistochemistry with specific markers for cellular adhesion (E-cadherin) and tight junctions (Tjp-1 and Cldn3) and by functional studies of permeability (oral administration of FITC-dextran) and electrophysiology (Ussing chambers). Serum samples from parasitized and non-parasitized fish were analyzed using non-targeted metabolomics and some significantly altered metabolites were selected to be validated using commercial kits.[Results]: The expression of the tight junction proteins Tjp-1 and Cldn3 was significantly lower in parasitized fish along all the intestine, while no differences were found in E-cadherin labeling. Some parasitized fish showed a significant increase in paracellular uptake measured by FITC-dextran detection in serum. Electrophysiology studies showed a decrease in transepithelial resistance in infected animals, which showed a diarrheic profile when compared to the normal absorptive profile of the control animals. Serum metabolomics revealed 3702 ions, from which the differential expression of 20 identified compounds significantly separated control from infected groups in multivariate analyses (PLS-DA), and even separated groups by intensity of infection. Of these compounds, inosine and creatine were identified as relevant and tested with commercial kits in serum samples.[Conclusion]: This study demonstrates the loss of barrier function induced by the enteric parasite E. leei and underlines key markers to differentiate control and infected fish. The untargeted serum metabolomics approach did not reveal specific effects by the parasite, but more a profile typical of absorption dysfunction and anorexia, which are, of course, part of the disease signs.Funding: ParaFishControl H2020 project (634429), Aquaexcel2020 (652831, TNA AE10004-INTEBREAM), AGL2013-48560-R

    Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination: a multinational case series

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    Background: Inflammatory adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination are being reported amidst the growing concerns regarding vaccine’s immunogenicity and safety, especially in patients with pre-existing inflammatory conditions. Methods: Multinational case series of patients diagnosed with an ocular inflammatory event within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination collected from 40 centres over a 3 month period in 2021. Results: Seventy patients presented with ocular inflammatory events within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination. The mean age was 51 years (range, 19–84 years). The most common events were anterior uveitis (n = 41, 58.6%), followed by posterior uveitis (n = 9, 12.9%) and scleritis (n = 7, 10.0%). The mean time to event was 5 days and 6 days (range, 1–14 days) after the first and second dose of vaccine, respectively. Among all patients, 36 (54.1%) had a previous history of ocular inflammatory event. Most patients (n = 48, 68.6%) were managed with topical corticosteroids. Final vision was not affected in 65 (92.9%), whereas 2 (2.9%) and 3 (4.3%) had reduction in visual acuity reduced by ≤3 lines and > 3 lines, respectively. Reported complications included nummular corneal lesions (n = 1, 1.4%), cystoid macular oedema (n = 2, 2.9%) and macular scarring (n = 2, 2.9%). Conclusion: Ocular inflammatory events may occur after COVID-19 vaccination. The findings are based on a temporal association that does not prove causality. Even in the possibility of a causal association, most of the events were mild and had a good visual outcome

    Successful cryopreservation in biodegradable containers of sperm from aquaculture Mediterranean fishes

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    We aimed to evaluate the efficiency of hard-gelatin and hard-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules as biodegradable alternative containers to plastic straws in European eel (Anguilla anguilla), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sperm cryopreservation. Sperm samples from each European eel (n = 12) were diluted 1:8:1 (sperm: extender P1+5 % egg yolk: methanol). Gilthead seabream (n = 12) samples were individually diluted in a cryoprotectant solution of 5 % Me2SO + NaCl 1 % plus BSA (10 mg mL−1) at a ratio of 1:6 (sperm: cryoprotectant solution). European sea bass (n = 10) sperm from each male was diluted in non-activating medium (NAM) at a ratio of 1:5.7 (sperm: NAM), and 5 % of Me2SO was added. The diluted European eel and sea bass sperm aliquots (0.5 mL) were individually filled in plastic straws (0.5 mL), hard-gelatin, and HPMC capsules (0.68 mL). Gilthead seabream diluted sperm (0.25 mL) were filled in plastic straws (0.25 mL) and identical capsules described. All samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor and stored in a liquid nitrogen tank. Sperm kinetic parameters were evaluated by CASA-Mot software. Sperm membrane integrity was performed using a Live and Dead KIT and an epifluorescence microscope. To quantify DNA damage, the alkaline comet assay was performed and TailDNA (TD-%) and Olive Tail Moment (OTM) were evaluated by CaspLab software. Sperm cryopreservation of the three Mediterranean species in straws, gelatin, or HPMC capsules reduced the kinetic parameters and cell membrane integrity. Generally, the post-thawing samples cryopreserved in straws and capsules did not differ for the kinetic parameters and cell membrane integrity, except for European sea bass sperm, where the samples stored in gelatin capsules showed higher velocities (VCL - 100; VSL - 76; VAP - 90 μm s−1) than the sperm stored in HPMC capsules (VCL - 87; VSL - 59; VAP - 73 μm s−1). The cryopreservation process did not damage the sperm DNA of European eel and European sea bass, regardless of the containers used. On the other hand, gilthead seabream sperm cryopreserved in gelatin (TD - 9.8 %; OTM - 9.7) and HPMC (TD - 11.1 %; OTM - 11.2) capsules showed higher DNA damage than fresh samples (TD - 3.6 %; OTM - 2.7) and the sperm stored in straws (TD - 4.4 %; OTM - 5.2). The hard-gelatin and HPMC biodegradable capsules can be used as an alternative to straws for European eel, gilthead seabream, and European sea bass sperm cryopreservation.This study was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat Valenciana (THINKINAZUL/2021/012; THINKINAZUL/2021/024; THINKINAZUL/2021/042) including the contract of FF-G. WAG-L has a Margarita Salas postdoctoral contract (RD 289/2021. UAB) by the Spanish Ministry of Universities. LF has a PhD contract from Generalitat Valenciana (GRISOLIAP/2020/063). TSF (141717/2019-0 and 200285/2021-1) and MPS (200452/2022-3) have fellowships from Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).Peer reviewe

    Aquamax: Sustainable aquafeeds to maximize the health effects of farmed fish for consumers

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    Jornada de Divulgación Proyecto Europeo AQUAMAX celebrada en el Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal (Castellón) el 24 de noviembre de 2010.El Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal del CSIC organiza una jornada que tiene como objetivo divulgar la investigación sobre el proyecto europeo AQUAMAX. Este proyecto centra su investigación en reemplazar en lo posible los piensos basados en pescado y el aceite de pescado usado actualmente para alimentar a los peces por recursos alternativos libres de contaminantes. Se conseguiría así maximizar el crecimiento, mejorar la conversión del alimento e incrementar la salud y el bienestar de los peces criados en piscifactorías. Además aumentaría la seguridad y calidad del producto que llega finalmente a los consumidores. La jornada contará con la participación del Doctor S. Kaushik del Instituto Nacional para la Investigación Agronómica de Francia, el Doctor Marc Berntssen del Instituto Nacional de Nutrición e Investigación del Alimento Marino de Noruega y el Profesor Jaume Pérez del Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal del CSIC. En las diferentes intervenciones se tratarán temas del proyecto AQUAMAX como la calidad de los alimentos, la seguridad en la alimentación, así como diversas investigaciones basadas en las doradas.Peer Reviewe

    Long -term feeding with high plant protein based diets in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L.) leads to changes in the inflammatory and immune related gene expression at intestinal level

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    [EN] Background: In order to ensure sustainability of aquaculture production of carnivourous fish species such as the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L.), the impact of the inclusion of alternative protein sources to fishmeal, including plants, has been assessed. With the aim of evaluating long-term effects of vegetable diets on growth and intestinal status of the on-growing gilthead seabream (initial weight = 129 g), three experimental diets were tested: a strict plant protein-based diet (VM), a fishmeal based diet (FM) and a plant protein-based diet with 15% of marine ingredients (squid and krill meal) alternative to fishmeal (VM+). Intestines were sampled after 154 days. Besides studying growth parameters and survival, the gene expression related to inflammatory response, immune system, epithelia integrity and digestive process was analysed in the foregut and hindgut sections, as well as different histological parameters in the foregut. Results: There were no differences in growth performance (p = 0.2703) and feed utilization (p = 0.1536), although a greater fish mortality was recorded in the VM group (p = 0.0141). In addition, this group reported a lower expression in genes related to pro-inflammatory response, as Interleukine-1 beta (il1 beta, p = 0.0415), Interleukine-6 (il6, p = 0.0347) and cyclooxigenase-2 (cox2, p = 0.0014), immune-related genes as immunoglobulin M (igm, p = 0.0002) or bacterial defence genes as alkaline phosphatase (alp, p = 0.0069). In contrast, the VM+ group yielded similar survival rate to FM (p = 0.0141) and the gene expression patterns indicated a greater induction of the inflammatory and immune markers (il1 beta, cox2 and igm). However, major histological changes in gut were not detected. Conclusions: Using plants as the unique source of protein on a long term basis, replacing fishmeal in aqua feeds for gilthead seabream, may have been the reason of a decrease in the level of different pro-inflammatory mediators (il1 beta, il6 and cox2) and immune-related molecules (igm and alp), which reflects a possible lack of local immune response at the intestinal mucosa, explaining the higher mortality observed. Krill and squid meal inclusion in vegetable diets, even at low concentrations, provided an improvement in nutrition and survival parameters compared to strictly plant protein based diets as VM, maybe explained by the maintenance of an effective immune response throughout the assay.The research has been partially funded by Vicerrectorat d'Investigacio, Innovacio i Transferencia of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, which belongs to the project Aquaculture feed without fishmeal (SP20120603). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.Estruch-Cucarella, G.; Collado, MC.; Monge-Ortiz, R.; Tomas-Vidal, A.; Jover Cerdá, M.; Peñaranda, D.; Perez Martinez, G.... (2018). Long -term feeding with high plant protein based diets in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L.) leads to changes in the inflammatory and immune related gene expression at intestinal level. BMC Veterinary Research. 14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-018-1626-6S14Hardy RW. Utilization of plant proteins in fish diets: effects of global demand and supplies of fishmeal. Aquac Res. 2010;41:770–6.Martínez-Llorens S, Moñino AV, Vidal AT, Salvador VJM, Pla Torres M, Jover Cerdá M, et al. Soybean meal as a protein source in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) diets: effects on growth and nutrient utilization. Aquac Res. 2007;38(1):82–90.Tacon AGJ, Metian M. 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    Mejora de la competitividad del sector de la dorada (Sparus aurata) a través de la selección genética. PNA PROGENSA-III

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura, celebrado en Zaragoza (España), del 3 al 5 de octubre de 2017[EN] This project promotes technology developments for gilthead sea bream industrial sector of Spain, to facilitate and normalize the implementation of genetic selection schemes in this species, by defining new technological traits of commercial interest, with new standardized and extensible technological developments that permit, in an economical manner, normalized measuring methods, to study genetic parameters (growth,morphology, carcass and resistance disease), genotype-environment interaction to extend the Spanish production, and guarantee the production levels to the whole production chain. At the same time, improving the breeders management under industrial conditions, the validation of feeding efficiency during the selection processes and location of biomarkers linked and applied in genomic selection.[ES] Con la presente propuesta se pretende desarrollar metodología transferible al sector industrial de dorada en España que facilite y normalice la implementación de esquemas de selección genética en esta especie, mediante la definición de caracteres de interés comercial con nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos que estandaricen y hagan extensible a todo el sector, de manera económica, la medición de caracteres a escala industrial, el estudio de parámetros genéticos para caracteres de interés comercial (crecimiento, morfología, rendimiento y resistencia a enfermedades) en stocks de reproductores de la industria española, la estimación de la interacción genotipo-ambiente para permitir de manera garante la expansión de los rendimientos productivos de la industria Española, la gestión de reproductores bajo los propios condicionantes de la industria, así como la validación de la eficiencia alimenticia de los procesos de selección y búsqueda de biomarcadores asociados y aplicables en los modelos de selección.Este trabajo ha sido financiado a través de las Ayudas a la investigación de los Planes Nacionales de Acuicultura 2016 por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medioambiente (MAPAMA) y el Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca (FEMP).Peer reviewe

    Mejora de la competitividad del sector de la dorada (Sparus aurata) a través de la selección genética. PNA PROGENSA-III

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    This project promotes technology developments for gilthead sea bream industrial sector of Spain, to facilitate and normalize the implementation of genetic selection schemes in this species, by defining new technological traits of commercial interest, with new standardized and extensible technological developments that permit, in an economical manner, normalized measuring methods, to study genetic parameters (growth, morphology, carcass and resistance disease), genotype-environment interaction to extend the Spanish production, and guarantee the production levels to the whole production chain. At the same time, improving the breeders management under industrial conditions, the validation of feeding efficiency during the selection processes and location of biomarkers linked and applied in genomic selectionCon la presente propuesta se pretende desarrollar metodología transferible al sector industrial de dorada en España que facilite y normalice la implementación de esquemas de selección genética en esta especie, mediante la definición de caracteres de interés comercial con nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos que estandaricen y hagan extensible a todo el sector, de manera económica, la medición de caracteres a escala industrial, el estudio de parámetros genéticos para caracteres de interés comercial (crecimiento, morfología, rendimiento y resistencia a enfermedades) en stocks de reproductores de la industria española, la estimación de la interacción genotipo-ambiente para permitir de manera garante la expansión de los rendimientos productivos de la industria Española, la gestión de reproductores bajo los propios condicionantes de la industria, así como la validación de la eficiencia alimenticia de los procesos de selección y búsqueda de biomarcadores asociados y aplicables en los modelos de selección