847 research outputs found

    Metaphors and Metonymies: Parade’s End Between Prose and Poetry

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    The essay shows how Ford Madox Ford’s tetralogy Parade’s End, though displaying a general metaphoric structure, has ties belonging to the metonymic sphere as well. Metonymies dissolve into metaphors and metaphoric suggestions lead in turn to metonymic associations. Through the use of time shift in interior monologues, Ford can vividly bring forth his characters’ lives and memories, and while metaphors become the means to recover their past, metonymies are essential in evoking it and in setting it in motion again. Il saggio vuole evidenziare come la tetralogia Parade’s End di Ford Madox Ford, pur svelando una struttura generalmente metaforica, abbia un substrato appartenente alla sfera metonimica. Le metonimie si dissolvono in metafore e le suggestioni metaforiche portano a loro volta ad associazioni metonimiche. Attraverso l’uso del time-shift nei monologhi interiori, Ford riprende e porta allo scoperto la vita e le memorie dei suoi personaggi, e mentre le metafore diventano il mezzo per recuperare il passato, le metonimie si rendono essenziali per evocarlo e metterlo nuovamente in moto

    Evoluzione, stasi e regressione nei Dubliners di James Joyce

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    Simbolo della necessità della fuga ma anche della sua impossibilità concreta e quindi di una ribellione solo pensata, i personaggi di Dubliners sono spesso stati definiti esclusivamente dalla loro staticità. Ma mentre appare senz’altro vero che è la paralisi di Dublino a costituire uno dei tratti dominanti, oltre che più evidenti, dell’ambientazione delle storie, una messa a fuoco più esclusiva della competenza dei personaggi - intesa come il volere, potere, sapere, essenziali affinché il personaggio possa attuare la sua performance, il suo/fare/ - rivela invece una rigorosa dinamica trasformazionale, almeno per quanto riguarda una metà dei racconti che si possono considerare quindi come un corpus omogeneo e di cui si propone qui un campione sottoponendolo ad analisi

    An Interview with Lorna Goodison

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    In this long interview with Lorna Goodison, considered one of the most accomplished Caribbean women writer, we tried to highlight the main traits of her poetry. Lorna Goodison is one of the finest artist in contemporary world literature, and her works defies reductive categorizing such as Old World/New World or Western/Eastern. She was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and currently divides her time between Toronto and the United States. She began her artistic career as a painter and still paints most of the covers for her books. We discussed how she succeeded in transferring to the written page the use of light in painting and the \u201cchiaroscuro\u201d technique. Another aspect of her poetry discussed in the interview, is how the memory of the Middle Passage and the uprooting and dispossession of a whole people will always inform her works, even when not openly mentioned. Remembering, as she often repeats, is part of the equipment she has been given as a writer

    The Soil-Cement Brick on Construction with Structural Masonry – An Alternative in the Fight Against Housing Deficit and Environmental Pollution in the State of Rondônia*

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    The Housing Deficit in the State of Rondônia is increasing, not only due to the absence of effective public policies dedicated to the treatment of housing, but also due to the lack of study and application of new technologies in the area of civil construction, which can generate great savings and remarkable rapidity in the construction of housing units. This deficit is characterized by the lack of housing and the existence of those considered inadequate to human occupation with quality and safety, due to its operationality, physical characteristics and location. However, there is a need for greater economy and productivity in the construction of housing, in order to be able to supply part of this demand, without letting the quality levels drop. In the light of Sustainable Development, it will be proposed and directed the correction of this paradigm that tends to hold more weight in the "social" dimension. The application of the Structural Masonry System with the use of the Cement Brick, popularly known as "ecological brick", is the main basis of this study, where it is intended to demonstrate that its option for housing construction can be an excellent response to the housing deficit and environmental pollution, generated by the rubbish of Civil Construction in the State of Rondônia

    Sorveglianza delle gastroenteriti da Norovirus in Italia: comparsa e diffusione della nuova variante GII.4 Sydney 2012

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    In the 2012-2013 winter season, global surveillance for norovirus circulation evidenced the onset of a new norovirus GII.4 variant, termed Sydney 2012. In Italy, ISGEV hospital-based surveillance revealed that this variant already circulated at low frequency in the winter season 2011-2012 and emerged definitively only in the late 2012. This lag-time pattern mirrors the findings reported elsewhere and suggests that the novel variant circulated at low prevalence before spreading globally

    Role of artificial intelligence in fighting antimicrobial resistance in pediatrics

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of science and engineering concerned with the computational understanding of what is commonly called intelligent behavior. AI is extremely useful in many human activities including medicine. The aim of our narrative review is to show the potential role of AI in fighting antimicrobial resistance in pediatric patients. We searched for PubMed articles published from April 2010 to April 2020 containing the keywords “artificial intelligence”, “machine learning”, “antimicrobial resistance”, “antimicrobial stewardship”, “pediatric”, and “children”, and we described the different strategies for the application of AI in these fields. Literature analysis showed that the applications of AI in health care are potentially endless, contributing to a reduction in the development time of new antimicrobial agents, greater diagnostic and therapeutic appropriateness, and, simultaneously, a reduction in costs. Most of the proposed AI solutions for medicine are not intended to replace the doctor’s opinion or expertise, but to provide a useful tool for easing their work. Considering pediatric infectious diseases, AI could play a primary role in fighting antibiotic resistance. In the pediatric field, a greater willingness to invest in this field could help antimicrobial stewardship reach levels of effectiveness that were unthinkable a few years ago

    Detection of potential enteric pathogens in children with severe acute gastroenteritis using the filmarray: Results from a three - years hospital-based survey in Northern Italy

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    Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children. Therefore, rapid pathogens identification is needed. The AGE aetiology was investigated from 2018 to 2020 in 2,066 children in Parma (Italy) by FilmArray Gastrointestinal Panel and Enterovirus-targeting RT-PCR. Pathogens were detected in 1,162 (56.2%) stool samples from as many children; 798 (68.7%) were single and 364 (31.3%) mixed infections (68.7% vs 31.3%, P < 0.0001). Children aged 0–5 years showed the highest infection incidence (66.1%). The most frequent pathogens were Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC; 19.14%), Clostridioides difficile (10.42%), Norovirus (10.36%), Enterovirus (9.44%), and Campylobacter (9.21%). EPEC, Campylobacter, enteroaggregative E. coli, Norovirus, and Rotavirus showed seasonality. The incidence of pathogens detected decreased between 2018 and 2020 (42.7% vs 20.8%, P < 0.0001), seemingly for the preventive measures imposed by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 pandemic. A putative aetiology in half the children examined and an estimate of enteric pathogens epidemiology were assessed

    Host-cell dependent role of phosphorylated keratin 8 during influenza A/NWS/33 virus (H1N1) infection in mammalian cells

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    In this study, we investigated the involvement of keratin 8 during human influenza A/NWS/33 virus (H1N1) infection in semi-permissive rhesus monkey-kidney (LLC-MK2) and permissive human type II alveolar epithelial (A549) cells. In A549 cells, keratin 8 showed major expression and phosphorylation levels. Influenza A/NWS/33 virus was able to subvert keratin 8 structural organization at late stages of infection in both cell models, promoting keratin 8 phosphorylation in A549 cells at early phases of infection. Accordingly, partial colocalizations of the viral nucleoprotein with keratin 8 and its phosphorylated form were assessed by confocal microscopy at early stages of infection in A549 cells. The employment of chemical activators of phosphorylation resulted in structural changes as well as increased phosphorylation of keratin 8 in both cell models, favoring the influenza A/NWS/33 virus's replicative efficiency in A549 but not in LLC-MK2 cells. In A549 and human larynx epidermoid carcinoma (HEp-2) cells inoculated with respiratory secretions from pediatric patients positive for, respectively, influenza A virus or respiratory syncytial virus, the keratin 8 phosphorylation level had increased only in the case of influenza A virus infection. The results obtained suggest that in A549 cells the influenza virus is able to induce keratin 8 phosphorylation thereby enhancing its replicative efficiency
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