46 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Fitbit Charge 2 for monitoring heart rate

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    Fitness trackers are devices or applications for monitoring and tracking fitness-related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, quality of sleep and heart rate. Since accurate heart rate monitoring is essential in fitness training, the objective of this study was to assess the accuracy and precision of the Fitbit Charge 2 for measuring heart rate with respect to a gold standard electrocardiograph. Fifteen healthy participants were asked to ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes and their heart rate was simultaneously recorded from each device. Results showed that the Fitbit Charge 2 underestimates the heart rate. Although the mean bias in measuring heart rate was a modest -5.9 bpm (95% CI: -6.1 to -5.6 bpm), the limits of agreement, which indicate the precision of individual measurements, between the Fitbit Charge 2 and criterion measure were wide (+16.8 to -28.5 bpm) indicating that an individual heart rate measure could plausibly be underestimated by almost 30 bpm

    Pineus boerneri (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) - pulgão-lanígero-do-pínus - praga introduzida em plantios de Pinus spp. no Brasil.

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    Reconhecimento dos danos causados por formigas cortadeiras do gênero Acromyrmex em plantios iniciais de Pinus taeda no Sul do Brasil.

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    Essigella california (Essig, 1909) (Hemiptera, Aphididae) - praga introduzida em plantios de Pinus spp. no Brasil.

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    Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) espécie potencialmente quarentenária para o Brasil.

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    Eulachnus rikeyi (Williams, 1911) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) - praga introduzida em plantios de Pinus spp. no Brasil.

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    Remote heart rate monitoring - Assessment of the Facereader rPPg by Noldus

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    Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) allows contactless monitoring of human cardiac activity through a video camera. In this study, we assessed the accuracy and precision for heart rate measurements of the only consumer product available on the market, namely the Facereader™ rPPG by Noldus, with respect to a gold standard electrocardiograph. Twenty-four healthy participants were asked to sit in front of a computer screen and alternate two periods of rest with two stress tests (i.e. Go/No-Go task), while their heart rate was simultaneously acquired for 20 minutes using the ECG criterion measure and the Facereader™ rPPG. Results show that the Facereader™ rPPG tends to overestimate lower heart rates and underestimate higher heart rates compared to the ECG. The Facereader™ rPPG revealed a mean bias of 9.8 bpm, the 95% limits of agreement (LoA) ranged from almost -30 up to +50 bpm. These results suggest that whilst the rPPG Facereader™ technology has potential for contactless heart rate monitoring, its predictions are inaccurate for higher heart rates, with unacceptable precision across the entire range, rendering its estimates unreliable for monitoring individuals