473 research outputs found

    What can quantum cosmology say about the inflationary universe?

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    We propose a method to extract predictions from quantum cosmology for inflation that can be confronted with observations. Employing the tunneling boundary condition in quantum geometrodynamics, we derive a probability distribution for the inflaton field. A sharp peak in this distribution can be interpreted as setting the initial conditions for the subsequent phase of inflation. In this way, the peak sets the energy scale at which the inflationary phase has started. This energy scale must be consistent with the energy scale found from the inflationary potential and with the scale found from a potential observation of primordial gravitational waves. Demanding a consistent history of the universe from its quantum origin to its present state, which includes decoherence, we derive a condition that allows one to constrain the parameter space of the underlying model of inflation. We demonstrate our method by applying it to two models: Higgs inflation and natural inflation.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the DICE14 meeting, Castiglioncello, September 201

    Quantum cosmological consistency condition for inflation

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    We investigate the quantum cosmological tunneling scenario for inflationary models. Within a path-integral approach, we derive the corresponding tunneling probability distribution. A sharp peak in this distribution can be interpreted as the initial condition for inflation and therefore as a quantum cosmological prediction for its energy scale. This energy scale is also a genuine prediction of any inflationary model by itself, as the primordial gravitons generated during inflation leave their imprint in the B-polarization of the cosmic microwave background. In this way, one can derive a consistency condition for inflationary models that guarantees compatibility with a tunneling origin and can lead to a testable quantum cosmological prediction. The general method is demonstrated explicitly for the model of natural inflation.Comment: 1+16 pages, 3 figures. v2: typos corrected, minor improvement of the discussio

    Degeneracy of consistency equations in braneworld inflation

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    In a Randall-Sundrum type II inflationary scenario we compute perturbation amplitudes and spectral indices up to next-to-lowest order in the slow-roll parameters, starting from the well-known lowest-order result for a de Sitter brane. Using two different prescriptions for the tensor amplitude, we show that the braneworld consistency equations are not degenerate with respect to the standard relations and we explore their observational consequences. It is then shown that, while the degeneracy between high- and low-energy regimes can come from suitable values of the cosmological observables, exact functional matching between consistency expressions is plausibly discarded. This result is then extended to the Gauss-Bonnet case.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. v3: major revision. Changed title, updated references, rearranged material, new prescription for the tensor spectrum, new figures, extended and more robust conclusion

    Fractal universe and quantum gravity

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    We propose a field theory which lives in fractal spacetime and is argued to be Lorentz invariant, power-counting renormalizable, ultraviolet finite, and causal. The system flows from an ultraviolet fixed point, where spacetime has Hausdorff dimension 2, to an infrared limit coinciding with a standard four-dimensional field theory. Classically, the fractal world where fields live exchanges energy momentum with the bulk with integer topological dimension. However, the total energy momentum is conserved. We consider the dynamics and the propagator of a scalar field. Implications for quantum gravity, cosmology, and the cosmological constant are discussed.Comment: 4 pages. v2: typos corrected; v3: discussion improved, intuitive introduction added, matches the published versio

    Numerical study of curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation at high-energies

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    We study the evolution of scalar curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation model in a 5D Anti-de Sitter spacetime. The inflaton perturbations are confined to a 4D brane but they are coupled to the 5D bulk metric perturbations. We numerically solve full coupled equations for the inflaton perturbations and the 5D metric perturbations using Hawkins-Lidsey inflationary model. At an initial time, we assume that the bulk is unperturbed. We find that the inflaton perturbations at high energies are strongly coupled to the bulk metric perturbations even on subhorizon scales, leading to the suppression of the amplitude of the comoving curvature perturbations at a horizon crossing. This indicates that the linear perturbations of the inflaton field does not obey the usual 4D Klein-Gordon equation due to the coupling to 5D gravitational field on small scales and it is required to quantise the coupled brane-bulk system in a consistent way in order to calculate the spectrum of the scalar perturbations in a brane-world inflation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Primordial perturbations from slow-roll inflation on a brane

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    In this paper we quantise scalar perturbations in a Randall-Sundrum-type model of inflation where the inflaton field is confined to a single brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. In the high energy regime, small-scale inflaton fluctuations are strongly coupled to metric perturbations in the bulk and gravitational back-reaction has a dramatic effect on the behaviour of inflaton perturbations on sub-horizon scales. This is in contrast to the standard four-dimensional result where gravitational back-reaction can be neglected on small scales. Nevertheless, this does not give rise to significant particle production, and the correction to the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations on super-horizon scales is shown to be suppressed by a slow-roll parameter. We calculate the complete first order slow-roll corrections to the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    A generalised unsteady hybrid DES/BEM methodology applied to propeller-rudder flow simulation

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    A generalised hybrid viscous/inviscid flow model for the hydrodynamic analysis of marine propellers is presented. A Boundary Element Method (BEM) to predict propeller perturbation under inviscid-flow assumptions is combined with a Navier-Stokes solver to describe the viscous, turbulent flow with propeller effects recast as volume-force terms from BEM. In the present study, the viscous flow solution is based on a Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) model valid for unsteady flows. A numerical application is presented by considering a notional propeller-rudder assembly, and results from the hybrid DES/BEM solution are validated by comparisons with full DES. The validation study demonstrates the capability of the proposed hybrid viscous/inviscid flow model to describe transient propeller-induced flow perturbation and of propeller/rudder interaction in spite of the fact that the geometry of propeller blades is not resolved but described via a simple and fast volume force model

    A generalised fully unsteady hybrid RANS/BEM model for marine propeller flow simulations

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    A generalised hybrid RANSE/BEM model for the analysis of hull/propeller interaction in ship hydrodynamics problems at reduced computational cost is presented. Akin to standard hybrid RANSE/BEM models, the coupling between viscous and inviscid- flow solvers is based on a volume-force/effective-inflow approach. The generalization con- sists in coupling a time-accurate solution by BEM of the unsteady flow around the rotating propeller with the solution of the surrounding viscous-flow by unsteady RANSE to account for transient-flow propeller perturbation. The methodology is validated through numeri- cal applications to a simple case study describing a propeller in uniform flow conditions. Numerical results by the proposed hybrid RANSE/BEM model are compared with results by full-RANSE simulations and the capability of the methodology to correctly describe transient propeller flow perturbation to a surrounding viscous flow is investigated

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Slow-roll corrections to inflaton fluctuations on a brane

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    Quantum fluctuations of an inflaton field, slow-rolling during inflation are coupled to metric fluctuations. In conventional four dimensional cosmology one can calculate the effect of scalar metric perturbations as slow-roll corrections to the evolution of a massless free field in de Sitter spacetime. This gives the well-known first-order corrections to the field perturbations after horizon-exit. If inflaton fluctuations on a four dimensional brane embedded in a five dimensional bulk spacetime are studied to first-order in slow-roll then we recover the usual conserved curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales. But on small scales, at high energies, we find that the coupling to the bulk metric perturbations cannot be neglected, leading to a modified amplitude of vacuum oscillations on small scales. This is a large effect which casts doubt on the reliability of the usual calculation of inflaton fluctuations on the brane neglecting their gravitational coupling.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
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