237 research outputs found

    Velocidad de crecimiento tumoral: Definición del valor pronóstico en el carcinoma epidermoide cutáneo y en el melanoma

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    La incidencia del cáncer de piel se ha incrementado exponencialmente en los últimos años debido en parte a la mayor longevidad de la población general a nivel mundial, y en parte atribuible a la modificación del comportamiento social con respecto a la exposición solar con un predominio de un patrón de exposición intenso vacacional desde mediados del siglo XX. Dentro de los diferentes cánceres de piel clasificados en base a la tasa de frecuencia/mortalidad global, el melanoma maligno (MM) y el carcinoma epidermoide cutáneo (CEC) son los más relevantes en el campo de la Dermatología. En los últimos años se han producido grandes avances en la capacidad de predecir el pronóstico y en el tratamiento del MM, y en menor medida del CEC. A pesar de todos los grandes avances en el campo de la investigación básica y translacional, y de los grandes esfuerzos en campañas de prevención social, se ha observado que la incidencia de MM de espesor elevado se ha mantenido estable a lo largo del tiempo, así como la mortalidad. Esto se ha atribuido a la existencia de un grupo de tumores que tienen una tasa elevada de crecimiento que dificulta su diagnóstico precoz y que condiciona una mayor agresividad biológica. Este hecho también se constata desde el punto de vista clínico en el que se observan tumores que han sido detectados de forma relativamente rápida pero que se diagnostican con espesores elevados. Lo mismo ocurre con el CEC, en los que aún teniendo en cuenta los factores pronósticos conocidos, el comportamiento no siempre es predecible y por el contrario parece correlacionarse con la impresión clínica del tumor que crece rápidamente. En el presente trabajo se pretendió evaluar un marcador biológico y dinámico en el cáncer, como es la velocidad de crecimiento tumoral, como parámetro pronóstico de ambas tumoraciones. El estudio de esta variable, sugerida como de mal pronóstico en la literatura relacionada con ambos tumores, permitiría esclarecer la agresividad tumoral clínica y definir biológicamente a la tumoración a fin de caracterizar de una forma más certera ambos tipos de cáncer y con ello mejorar tanto su orientación pronóstica como su actitud terapéutica. Las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de la presente tesis fueron las siguientes: Primera conclusión El melanoma de crecimiento rápido (MCR) es un tumor que típicamente se presenta en el tronco y las regiones acrales de pacientes de edades mayores a los 65 años, sin mostrar predilección por sexo y sin relación con la exposición solar intensa intermitente. Histológicamente, son tumores de mayor espesor tumoral, con una mayor frecuencia de ulceración, un mayor índice mitótico y una mayor frecuencia de afectación del ganglio centinela. Segunda conclusión La velocidad de crecimiento modificada (VCm) es un factor pronóstico independiente del melanoma maligno (MM) principalmente para la supervivencia global, con un valor incluso superior al del índice mitótico. Esto último sugiere que el crecimiento clínico del tumor refleja una agresividad tumoral que no puede ser exclusivamente medida con los factores pronósticos universalmente aceptados del MM. Tercera conclusión Una proporción significativa de casos de MCR(26,5%) portan mutaciones en NRAS. Los MM con mutaciones en NRAS muestran un comportamiento más agresivo que siguen mecanismos probablemente no relacionados con los factores clínico-patológicos pronósticos actualmente bien establecidos. Cuarta conclusión Las mutaciones patogénicas en el promotor de TERT podrían explicar, al menos en parte, la agresividad tumoral del MCR. Su relación se ve modificada por la presencia de un polimorfismo frecuente (rs2853669) en el propio promotor. Quinta conclusión La frecuencia y la severidad de las alteraciones de la respiración durante el sueño en el síndrome de apnea del sueño (SAOS) se asocian de forma independiente con el MCR. A su vez, la gravedad del SAOS se correlaciona con un mayor espesor tumoral, un mayor índice mitótico, y una mayor frecuencia de ulceración, Sexta conclusión La VCm se comporta como un factor pronóstico independiente en el carcinoma epidermoide cutáneo (CEC) que permite su inclusión, junto con la tasa de mitosis y la edad del paciente en un modelo predictivo para definir la probabilidad de adenopatía en el CEC

    Twin axial vortices generated by Fibonacci lenses

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    Optical vortex beams, generated by Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs), are capable of creating optical traps and other multifunctional micromanipulators for very specific tasks in the microscopic scale. Using the Fibonacci sequence, we have discovered a new family of DOEs that inherently behave as bifocal vortex lenses, and where the ratio of the two focal distances approaches the golden mean. The disctintive optical properties of these Fibonacci vortex lenses are experimentally demonstrated. We believe that the versatility and potential scalability of these lenses may allow for new applications in micro and nanophotonics.We acknowledge the financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (grant FIS2011-23175), Generalitat Valenciana (grant PROMETEO2009-077), and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (SP20120569), Spain. L.R. acknowledges a fellowship of "Fundacion CajaMurcia", Spain.Calatayud Calatayud, A.; Ferrando Martín, V.; Remón Martín, L.; WALTER DANIEL FURLAN; Monsoriu Serra, JA. (2013). Twin axial vortices generated by Fibonacci lenses. Optics Express. 21(8):10234-10239. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.21.010234S1023410239218Sakdinawat, A., & Liu, Y. (2007). Soft-x-ray microscopy using spiral zone plates. Optics Letters, 32(18), 2635. doi:10.1364/ol.32.002635Siemion, A., Siemion, A., Makowski, M., Suszek, J., Bomba, J., Czerwiński, A., … Sypek, M. (2012). Diffractive paper lens for terahertz optics. Optics Letters, 37(20), 4320. doi:10.1364/ol.37.004320Saavedra, G., Furlan, W. D., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2003). Fractal zone plates. Optics Letters, 28(12), 971. doi:10.1364/ol.28.000971Davis, J. A., Sigarlaki, S. P., Craven, J. M., & Calvo, M. L. (2006). Fourier series analysis of fractal lenses: theory and experiments with a liquid-crystal display. Applied Optics, 45(6), 1187. doi:10.1364/ao.45.001187Furlan, W. D., Saavedra, G., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2007). White-light imaging with fractal zone plates. Optics Letters, 32(15), 2109. doi:10.1364/ol.32.002109Roux, F. S. (2004). Distribution of angular momentum and vortex morphology in optical beams. Optics Communications, 242(1-3), 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2004.08.006Gbur, G., & Visser, T. D. (2006). Phase singularities and coherence vortices in linear optical systems. Optics Communications, 259(2), 428-435. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2005.08.074Bishop, A. I., Nieminen, T. A., Heckenberg, N. R., & Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H. (2003). Optical application and measurement of torque on microparticles of isotropic nonabsorbing material. Physical Review A, 68(3). doi:10.1103/physreva.68.033802Ladavac, K., & Grier, D. G. (2004). Microoptomechanical pumps assembled and driven by holographic optical vortex arrays. Optics Express, 12(6), 1144. doi:10.1364/opex.12.001144Lee, W. M., Yuan, X.-C., & Cheong, W. C. (2004). Optical vortex beam shaping by use of highly efficient irregular spiral phase plates for optical micromanipulation. Optics Letters, 29(15), 1796. doi:10.1364/ol.29.001796Tao, S. H., Yuan, X.-C., Lin, J., & Burge, R. E. (2006). Sequence of focused optical vortices generated by a spiral fractal zone plate. Applied Physics Letters, 89(3), 031105. doi:10.1063/1.2226995Furlan, W. D., Giménez, F., Calatayud, A., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2009). Devil’s vortex-lenses. Optics Express, 17(24), 21891. doi:10.1364/oe.17.021891Maciá, E. (2012). Exploiting aperiodic designs in nanophotonic devices. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75(3), 036502. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/3/036502Sah, Y., & Ranganath, G. . (1995). Optical diffraction in some Fibonacci structures. Optics Communications, 114(1-2), 18-24. doi:10.1016/0030-4018(94)00600-yGedzelman, S. D., & Vollmer, M. (2011). Crepuscular rays: laboratory experiments and simulations. Applied Optics, 50(28), F142. doi:10.1364/ao.50.00f142Swartzlander, G. A. (2001). Peering into darkness with a vortex spatial filter. Optics Letters, 26(8), 497. doi:10.1364/ol.26.000497Curtis, J. E., & Grier, D. G. (2003). Structure of Optical Vortices. Physical Review Letters, 90(13). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.90.133901Calatayud, A., Rodrigo, J. A., Remón, L., Furlan, W. D., Cristóbal, G., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2012). Experimental generation and characterization of Devil’s vortex-lenses. Applied Physics B, 106(4), 915-919. doi:10.1007/s00340-012-4913-

    Por Don Eximen Perez de Calatayu Zanoguera ... con Don Antonio de Calatayu

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    Sign.: []2, A-G6, H1Pag. errónea entre p. 8-11Port. con grabs. xil. representando a san Miguel Arcagel y el demonio y orlado con 2 esc. heráldico

    Dealing with variability in ecological modelling: An analysis of a random non-autonomous logistic population model

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    This paper presents a methodology to deal with the randomness associated toecological modelling. Data variability makes it necessary to analyse the impactof random perturbations on the fitted model parameters. We conduct suchanalysis for the logistic growth model with a certain sigmoid functional formof the carrying capacity, which was proposed in the literature for the study ofparasite growth during infection. We show how the probability distributions ofthe parameters are set via the maximum entropy principle. Then the randomvariable transformation method allows for computing the density function ofthe population

    CRISPR-Cas12a genome editing at the whole-plant level using two compatible RNA virus vectors

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    [EN] The use of viral vectors that can replicate and move systemically through the host plant to deliver bacterial CRISPR components enables genome editing at the whole-plant level and avoids the requirement for labor-intensive stable transformation. However, this approach usually relies on previously transformed plants that stably express a CRISPR-Cas nuclease. Here, we describe successful DNA-free genome editing of Nicotiana benthamiana using two compatible RNA virus vectors derived from tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus Potyvirus) and potato virus X (PVX; genus Potexvirus), which replicate in the same cells. The TEV and PVX vectors respectively express a Cas12a nuclease and the corresponding guide RNA. This novel two-virus vector system improves the toolbox for transformation-free virus-induced genome editing in plants and will advance efforts to breed more nutritious, resistant, and productive crops.This research was supported by grants BIO2017-83184-R and PID2019-108203RB-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) through the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) and H2020-760331 Newcotiana from the European Commission. M.U. andM.V.-V. are the recipients of fellowships FPU17/05503 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) and APOSTD/2020/096 from the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain), respectivelyUranga, M.; Vázquez-Vilar, M.; Orzáez Calatayud, DV.; Daròs, J. (2021). CRISPR-Cas12a genome editing at the whole-plant level using two compatible RNA virus vectors. The CRISPR Journal. 4(5):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2021.0049194

    El consum recreatiu d'esteroides anabolitzants entre els joves valencians

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    The present study tries to measure the phenomenon of recreational consumption of anabolic steroids amongst youngsters from the city of Valencia by means of the application of qualitative methodology conducted through interviews. The sample was composed by nineteen young men aged between 21 and 34 years, that were selected from fitness centers using the snowball sampling technique. Individuals under use and abuse of anabolic steroids present patterns of consumption similar to other substances of abuse: low risk perception, repeated use and dose increase, as well as the lack of information among them. Therefore, after transcending the sports field, the consumption of anabolic steroids should be studied like any other substance of abuse in order to be able to cope with specific ad hoc designed prevention campaigns in a proper way

    Cantor dust zone plates

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    In this paper we use the Cantor Dust to design zone plates based on a two-dimensional fractal for the first time. The pupil function that defines the coined Cantor Dust Zone Plates (CDZPs) can be written as a combination of rectangle functions. Thus CDZPs can be considered as photon sieves with rectangular holes. The axial irradiances produced by CDZPs of different fractal orders are obtained analitically and experimentally, analyzing the influence of the fractality. The transverse irradiance patterns generated by this kind of zone plates has been also investigated.We acknowledge the financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (grants FIS2011-23175 and TRA2009-0215), Generalitat Valenciana (grant PROMETEO2009-077), and Universitat Politecnica de Valncia (PAID-05-11), Spain.Ferrando Martín, V.; Calatayud Calatayud, A.; Gimenez Palomares, F.; Furlan, WD.; Monsoriu Serra, JA. (2013). Cantor dust zone plates. Optics Express. 21(3):2701-2706. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.21.002701S27012706213Siemion, A., Siemion, A., Makowski, M., Suszek, J., Bomba, J., Czerwiński, A., … Sypek, M. (2012). Diffractive paper lens for terahertz optics. Optics Letters, 37(20), 4320. doi:10.1364/ol.37.004320Sakdinawat, A., & Liu, Y. (2007). Soft-x-ray microscopy using spiral zone plates. Optics Letters, 32(18), 2635. doi:10.1364/ol.32.002635Saavedra, G., Furlan, W. D., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2003). Fractal zone plates. Optics Letters, 28(12), 971. doi:10.1364/ol.28.000971Davis, J. A., Ramirez, L., Rodrigo Martín-Romo, J. A., Alieva, T., & Calvo, M. L. (2004). Focusing properties of fractal zone plates: experimental implementation with a liquid-crystal display. Optics Letters, 29(12), 1321. doi:10.1364/ol.29.001321Monsoriu, J. A., Saavedra, G., & Furlan, W. D. (2004). Fractal zone plates with variable lacunarity. Optics Express, 12(18), 4227. doi:10.1364/opex.12.004227Hai-Tao, D., Xin, W., & Ke-Shu, X. (2005). Focusing Properties of Fractal Zone Plates with Variable Lacunarity: Experimental Studies Based on Liquid Crystal on Silicon. Chinese Physics Letters, 22(11), 2851-2854. doi:10.1088/0256-307x/22/11/035Furlan, W. D., Saavedra, G., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2007). White-light imaging with fractal zone plates. Optics Letters, 32(15), 2109. doi:10.1364/ol.32.002109Ge, X., Wang, Z., Gao, K., Wang, D., Wu, Z., Chen, J., … Wu, Z. (2012). Use of fractal zone plates for transmission X-ray microscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404(5), 1303-1309. doi:10.1007/s00216-012-6126-0Janicijevic, L. J. (1982). Diffraction characteristics of square zone plates. Journal of Optics, 13(4), 199-206. doi:10.1088/0150-536x/13/4/004Alda, J., Rico-García, J. M., Salgado-Remacha, F. J., & Sanchez-Brea, L. M. (2009). Diffractive performance of square Fresnel zone plates. Optics Communications, 282(17), 3402-3407. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2009.05.053Calatayud, A., Ferrando, V., Giménez, F., Furlan, W. D., Saavedra, G., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2013). Fractal square zone plates. Optics Communications, 286, 42-45. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2012.09.002Kipp, L., Skibowski, M., Johnson, R. L., Berndt, R., Adelung, R., Harm, S., & Seemann, R. (2001). Sharper images by focusing soft X-rays with photon sieves. Nature, 414(6860), 184-188. doi:10.1038/35102526Cao, Q., & Jahns, J. (2002). Focusing analysis of the pinhole photon sieve: individual far-field model. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 19(12), 2387. doi:10.1364/josaa.19.002387Xie, C., Zhu, X., Li, H., Shi, L., & Wang, Y. (2010). Feasibility study of hard-x-ray nanofocusing above 20 keV using compound photon sieves. Optics Letters, 35(23), 4048. doi:10.1364/ol.35.004048Xie, C., Zhu, X., Li, H., Shi, L., Hua, Y., & Liu, M. (2012). Toward two-dimensional nanometer resolution hard X-ray differential-interference-contrast imaging using modified photon sieves. Optics Letters, 37(4), 749. doi:10.1364/ol.37.000749Giménez, F., Monsoriu, J. A., Furlan, W. D., & Pons, A. (2006). Fractal photon sieve. Optics Express, 14(25), 11958. doi:10.1364/oe.14.011958Giménez, F., Furlan, W. D., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2007). Lacunar fractal photon sieves. Optics Communications, 277(1), 1-4. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2007.03.086Zhang, B., & Zhao, D. (2010). Square Fresnel zone plate with spiral phase for generating zero axial irradiance. Optics Letters, 35(9), 1488. doi:10.1364/ol.35.001488González, F. J., Alda, J., Ilic, B., & Boreman, G. D. (2004). Infrared antennas coupled to lithographic Fresnel zone plate lenses. Applied Optics, 43(33), 6067. doi:10.1364/ao.43.006067Kelemen, L., Valkai, S., & Ormos, P. (2007). Parallel photopolymerisation with complex light patterns generated by diffractive optical elements. Optics Express, 15(22), 14488. doi:10.1364/oe.15.01448

    Embedded bleeding detector into a PMMA applicator for electron intraoperative radiotherapy

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is to present a ready to industrialize low-cost and easy-to-install bleeding detector for use in intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT). The detector works in stand-alone mode and is embedded into a translucent polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) applicator avoiding any contact with the patient, which represent a novelty compared to previous designs. The use of this detector will prevent dose misadministration during irradiation in the event of accumulation of fluids in the applicator. Methods: The detector is based on capacitive sensor and wireless power-supply electronics. Both sensor and electronics have been embedded in the applicator, so that any contact with the patient would be avoided. Since access to the tumor can be done through different trajectories, the detector has been calibrated for different tilting angles. Results: The result of the calibration provides us with a fit curve that allows the interpolation of the results at any angle. Comparison of estimated fluid height vs real height gives an error of 1 mm for tilting angles less than 10º and 2 mm for tilting angles greater than 15º. This accuracy is better than the one required by clinic. Conclusions: The performance of the bleeding detector was evaluated in situ. No interference was observed between the detector and the beam. In addition, a user-friendly mobile application has been developed to help the surgical team making decisions before and during irradiation. The measurement provided by the mobile application was stable during the irradiation process

    Bifocal Fibonacci Diffractive Lenses

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    The focusing properties of diffractive lenses designed using the Fibonacci sequence are studied. It is demonstrated that these lenses present two equal intensity foci and that the ratio of the two focal distances approaches the golden mean. This distinctive optical characteristic is experimentally confirmed. It is suggested that the versatility and potential scalability of these lenses may allow for new applications ranging from X-ray microscopy to THz imaging.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Grants FIS2011-23175 and TRA2009-0215, by the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant PROMETEO2009-077, and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, under Grants PAID-05-11 and SP20120569. The work of L. Remon was supported by a fellowship of "Fundacion Cajamurcia," Spain. Corresponding author: J. A. Monsoriu (e-mail: [email protected]).Monsoriu Serra, JA.; Calatayud Calatayud, A.; Remón Martín, L.; Furlan, WD.; Saavedra, G.; Andrés Bou, P. (2013). Bifocal Fibonacci Diffractive Lenses. IEEE Photonics Journal. 5(3):34001061-34001067. https://doi.org/10.1109/JPHOT.2013.2248707S34001061340010675

    Knee Extensor Muscle Strength Is More Important Than Postural Balance for Stair-Climbing Ability in Elderly Patients with Severe Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease which damages articular cartilage. In its severe stages, it results in impairments in balance and muscle strength loss, which affect daily life activities such as walking or climbing stairs. This study sought to investigate associated factors with stair-climbing ability in this population, with special interest in measuring the relevance of postural balance for this task. Forty-four patients scheduled to undergo unilateral total knee arthroplasty were assessed. Timed up and go test, stair ascent–descent test, three different isometric strength tests (knee flexion, knee extension and hip abduction), active knee extension and flexion range of movement and static postural balance assessment were evaluated. Spearman’s correlation coefficients and multiple linear regression analysis determined the strength of association between the different variables and stair-climbing time. No significant association between the stair-climbing time and static balance was found. Significant associations were found between stair-climbing time and timed up and go (r = 0.71; p < 0.0001) and maximal knee extensor strength (r = –0.52; p = 0.0003). One-year increase in age was associated with 0.15 s (95% CI 0.00 to 0.30) slower stair-climbing time. In conclusion, muscle strength is more important than postural balance for stair-climbing ability in this population