81 research outputs found
Relatos de resistencia: Crónicas venezolanas, crisis política y estado de excepción en Venezuela (1992-2021)
During a deep crisis in a historical, political, and social context, the chronicles are published as mechanisms before a state of emergency in Venezuela can be included in the annals, as a close, direct, and plausible reference to the difficult dictatorial political system that the Venezuelans faced for many years. Read from another context, the writing of current Venezuelan chronicles transcends geographical margins and strengthens thought from exile. Therefore, Latin American writers, and especially Venezuelans, continue to assume the commitment to wield the stories that detail what happens in contemporary Venezuela. In this investigation, each chronicle is assumed to be historical and political writing in a state of exception
Respuesta a Carta al Editor: Consideraciones metodológicas sobre el artículo “Pequeño y grande para edad gestacional como factor de riesgo para morbilidad y mortalidad neonatal a término en altura”
Diseño de investigación del método CPM y PERT como propuesta en la gestión del tiempo de sistemas de manejo de edificios (BMS) en una empresa de telecomunicaciones
Identificar el estado actual de gestión del tiempo en proyectos de sistemas de manejo de edificios, así definir la ruta crítica en los proyectos de sistemas de manejo de edificios y establecer una herramienta de gestión del tiempo en proyectos de sistemas
Fish By-Product Valorization as Source of Bioactive Compounds for Food Enrichment: Characterization, Suitability and Shelf Life
Fish processing generates many by-products, which are mainly destined for aquaculture feed. However, these by-products have interesting nutritional properties and could still be used for human consumption, thus promoting circular economy. Therefore, this study focused on evaluating the shelf life of mechanically deboned and dried meat (MDDM) of sea bass based on the lipid oxidation criterion (TBARS). The effect of a tocopherol-based antioxidant was also evaluated, and changes in the fatty acid profile were studied. For that, samples with and without antioxidant were stored at three temperatures (37, 55, and 65 °C) for 50 days. This allowed its modelling according to the Arrhenius model. The results showed a shelf life for MDDM of 220 days at 20 °C without the addition of antioxidant. When antioxidant was added, a high protective effect against oxidation and preservation of unsaturated fatty acids was perceived, avoiding nutritional losses and negative sensory effects, reducing EPA and DHA losses by 75 and 72%, respectively. In conclusion, the stability of MDDM from sea bass was demonstrated, making possible its incorporation into other food matrices
Design of predictive tools to estimate freshness index in farmed sea bream (Sparus aurata) stored in ice
This research studied sea bream freshness evolution through storage time in ice by determining different quality parameters and sensory profiles. Predictive models for freshness index, storage time, and microbial counts were designed from these data. Physico-chemical parameters were assessed to evaluate the quality of fish; microbial growth was controlled to ensure food safety, and sensory analyses were carried out to characterize quality deterioration. Predictive models were developed and improved with the aim of being used as tools for quality management in the seafood industry. Validation was conducted in order to establish the accuracy of models. There was a good relationship between the physico-chemical and microbiological parameters. Sensory analysis and microbial counts allowed for the establishment of a shelf-life of 10 days, which corresponded to a poor quality (according to the European Community''s system of grading fish for marketing purposes), with a freshness index lower than 50%. Sensory profiles showed that gill and flesh texture were the most vulnerable attributes during storage in ice related to spoilage. The predictive models for the freshness index (%) and ice storage time (h) exhibited an accuracy close to 90% following practical validation
Dry cured low-fat rabbit sausage: A much healthier disruptive food that enhances rabbit meat consumption
The main objective of this research was to develop a fuet from rabbit meat with reduced fat and salt content to encourage rabbit consumption and to find out consumer preference for this innovative food compared to retail fuet. Two products were designed: F5, containing fat and F4, where fatty tissue was substituted by konjac gum. In both, salt was partially substituted by KCl. These products, in comparison to commercial ones (pork, chicken and turkey), showed a reduction of at least 40% in the total energy value while protein raised on average 57.81% because of the lower fat content of rabbit and konjac gum use. In addition, there was a decrease in the salt content of approximately 19.50%. The above represents a huge competitive advantage for these new products from a nutritional point of view. The rabbit fuets were characterised by a spicy taste, slightly sour smell, and succulence, lower than in commercial fuets. It could be concluded that the rabbit fuet had a higher protein and lower fat and salt content than commercial fuets. However, they were less juicy and less succulent and therefore consumers preferred the commercial ones. The use of konjac gum does not seem to have any effect on this type of cured product
América en el pensamiento político-internacional de Rufino Blanco-Fombona y César Zumeta
Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos, curso 2019-2021.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el pensamiento político-internacional de Rufino Blanco-Fombona y César Zumeta a través de los usos y definiciones del concepto de América. Para mostrar las conceptualizaciones de América que se aprecian en sus obras y que revelan sus pensamientos políticos-internacionales empleamos las herramientas teórico-metodológicas de la historia del pensamiento político-internacional, la historia conceptual y los mecanismos de análisis sobre las configuraciones, percepciones y construcciones simbólicas de conceptos espaciales. Al aplicar dichas metodologías descubrimos en los discursos de Blanco-Fombona y Zumeta distintas interpretaciones y significados del concepto de América. Señalamos de Blanco-Fombona sus argumentos sobre el contraste entre la América latina y la América sajona, las relaciones internacionales de Hispanoamérica y los elementos de la política hispanoamericana, y su formulación de una teoría del patriotismo racial como factor elemental para la unificación de España y América. De Zumeta evidenciamos sus consideraciones sobre un modus vivendi americano, perspectivas sobre la unión de América con otras entidades sustentadas tanto en argumentos raciales como geográficos y políticos, y el empleo de metáforas del cuerpo político para representar a América. A partir de las ideas que manejaban sobre el concepto contrastamos los razonamientos de ambos autores para percibir aspectos generalizados en el discurso político-internacional venezolano o característico de alguno de los autores. Esto nos permitió comprender algunas ideas sobre lo político-internacional que se esgrimían en Venezuela en el contexto intelectual de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, como la noción de la política internacional con base en referentes étnico-culturales, la conceptualización de América en oposición a Estados Unidos y las distintas formas de entender la unión americana.[EN] This paper aims to determine the international political thought of Rufino Blanco-Fombona and César Zumeta through the uses and definitions of the concept of America. To exhibit the conceptualizations of America that can be appreciated in their works and reveal their international political thoughts we employed the theoretical and methodological tools provided by the history of international political thought, conceptual history, and the mechanism of analysis on the America unity. As of Zumeta´s discourse we underlined his reflections on an American modus vivendi, his perspectives on American union with other entities based on racial, geographical and political arguments and the uses of the body politic metaphor to represent America. Based on the ideas about the concept we contrasted the arguments of both authors to appreciate general aspects of Venezuelan international political discourse or those specific to one of the authors. This allowed us to comprehend several ideas held in Venezuela in the intellectual context of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century on international affairs, such as the ethnic-cultural notion of international politics, the conceptualization of America in opposition to the United States and the varying ways of understanding American union
Propuestas de optimización de los controles del Osinergmin y la concesionaria Seal para la gestión del riesgo eléctrico grave generado por la construcción de edificaciones cerca de redes de distribución primaria, caso Sistema Eléctrico Arequipa
La presente investigación se realiza a causa de la gran importancia que representa garantizar la seguridad pública para el Osinergmin y las concesionarias del país; toda vez que, las personas en su quehacer diario conviven con las redes de distribución primaria, dado que estas se encuentran instaladas a lo largo de las vías públicas, y es justamente que en el desarrollo de diversas actividades, entre ellas las construcciones de edificaciones, interactúan con estas, encontrándose expuestas al peligro que representa la energía eléctrica y al riesgo que implica el contacto con ella. Los accidentes de terceros y las situaciones de Riesgo Eléctrico Grave que las empresas concesionarias de distribución reportan al Osinergmin, demuestran que, a pesar de los controles que son aplicados por el Osinergmin y las concesionarias, durante años de manera recurrente ocurren eventos de este tipo y es justamente cuando ocurren los accidentes que se registran pérdidas, siendo la más obvia el daño a los terceros (incapacitante o mortal), consecuentemente a la propiedad (infraestructura eléctrica) y/o al proceso (continuidad del servicio). Por lo antes señalado, la presente tesis a través de un análisis de la causa raíz con un enfoque de madurez preventiva basada en mejora continua, busca identificar como están constituidas las causas que permiten que ocurran este tipo de eventos y seguidamente en base a los resultados obtenidos establecer propuestas que optimicen los controles existentes del Osinergmin y las concesionarias, utilizando para tal efecto la observación longitudinal y retrospectiva de la evidencia empírica que presenta la data histórica de la supervisión ejercida por el Osinergmin en el periodo 2012-2017, siendo el objeto de estudio debido a la amplitud de la problemática nacional, la zona geográfica de la poligonal del Sistema Eléctrico Arequipa sector típico 2, bajo responsabilidad de la empresa Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste S.A. Asimismo, debe resaltarse que este estudio no analiza el Riesgo Eléctrico Grave en lo relativo a la prevención de riesgos laborales.Tesi
Transforming ‘Bonito del Norte’ Tuna By-Products into Functional Ingredients for Nutritional Enhancement of Cereal-Based Foods
The fishing industry produces a significant number of by-products. This study explored two methods of transforming these by-products: fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) and Fishmeal (FM). Physicochemical characterization of these products was conducted and their potential inclusion in biscuits was investigated due to the lack of high biological value protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids of this product. The results identified colour disparities between FPH and FM, with FM displaying lower brightness and a more reddish hue. In FPH, there was also a noticeable decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids, probably associated with the temperature reached in spray-drying. While the incorporation of these by-products in biscuits was feasible, there were challenges, particularly the fishy taste and rancid odour, which were more pronounced in FM biscuits due to the higher fat content. This correlated with the oxidation indexes, such as TBARS and acidity index. Nonetheless, FPH biscuit attributes like typical colour or flavour received positive feedback, attributed to the Maillard reaction. Scanning electron microscopy revealed microstructural differences, which correlated with the results of hardness and fracturability, probably due to the higher fat content in FM. This study revealed the possibility of nutritionally enriching cookies with ingredients derived from fish by-products. However, it would be necessary to go a step further and study alternatives that allow better preservation of saturated fatty acids
Enriched fresh pasta with a sea bass by-product, a novel food: fatty acid stability and sensory properties throughout shelf life
A by-product from the filleting of sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax) was used to manufacture enriched pasta. The research aimed at achieving an increase of protein and unsaturated fatty acid contents, making innovative and healthy pasta products that are able to step up fish consumption. Two different kind of cereals were used to make fresh pasta, which were subjected to frozen storage with the addition or not of a rosemary antioxidant. The developed pastas were analyzed by physicochemical methods. Proximal analysis demonstrated an improvement of nutritional values on those of a common pasta. Fatty acid profiles, acidity indices, and TBARS (Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) index confirmed the stability of fat and effective protection against oxidation, especially in pasta with added antioxidant. The cooking time for pasta was set at 90 s, and color parameters were modified due to the incorporation of fish in the pasta-making process. An enrichment in fatty acids ¿-3 and ¿-6 was also confirmed. The conversion of a-linolenic acid (ALA) in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in frozen storage was detected, which remained stable during 90 days. Finally, sensory profiles of enriched pasta were found to be adequate and improved following the addition of an antioxidant due to a decrease of negative attributes associated with oxidation
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