7 research outputs found

    Pilot-scale biofiltration at a materials recovery facility: The impact on bioaerosol control

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    This study investigated the performance of four pilot-scale biofilters for the removal of bioaerosols from waste airstreams in a materials recovery facility (MRF) based in Leeds, UK. A six-stage Andersen sampler was used to measure the concentrations of four groups of bioaerosols (Aspergillus fumigatus, total fungi, total mesophilic bacteria and Gram negative bacteria) in the airstream before and after passing through the biofilters over a period of 11 months. The biofilters achieved average removal efficiency (RE) of 70% (35 to 97%) for A. fumigatus, 71% (35 to 94%) for total fungi, 68% (47 to 86%) for total mesophilic bacteria and 50% (-4 to 85%) for Gram negative bacteria, provided that the inlet concentration was high (103–105 - cfu m�3), which is the case for most waste treatment facilities. The performance was highly variable at low inlet concentration with some cases showing an increase in outlet concentrations, suggesting that biofilters had the potential to be net emitters of bioaerosols. The gas phase residence time did not appear to have any statistically significant impact on bioaerosol removal efficiency. Particle size distribution varied between the inlet and outlet air, with the outlet having a greater proportion of smaller sized particles that represent a greater human health risk as they can penetrate deep into the respiratory system where gaseous exchange occurs. However, the outlet concentrations were low and would further be diluted by wind in full scale applications. In conclusion, this study shows that biofilters designed and operated for odour degradation can also achieve significant bioaerosol control in waste gas

    Promoting Waste Degrowth and Environmental Justice at a Local Level: The Case of Unit-Pricing Schemes in Spain

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    This paper investigates the introduction of unit-pricing (UP) schemes in waste management with regard to grassroots initiatives promoting bottom-up participatory processes in local communities, addressing several issues concerning environmental justice and degrowth. As waste service charges and fees increase in proportion of waste generated in presence of UP schemes, the paper explores and evaluates the socio-economic impact of these schemes at a local level, analysing data and information gathered from four municipalities in Spain. Findings indicate that UP schemes can provide a more balanced payment system for local residents, and help reducing free-rider behaviours associated with illegal and improper disposal practices. In addition, findings provide empirical evidence of the importance of grassroots initiatives in relation to increasing awareness regarding environmental issues among the public, and in view of facilitating change towards more sustainable practices within local communities. Conclusions gathered from this study offer valuable insights to local and national policymakers with regard to the design and delivery of UP schemes in waste management services

    Anàlisi preliminar del valor de conservació i riquesa de l’avifauna a l’abocador de la vall de Joan

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    A l’antic abocador de la vall de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona) i davant la imminent restauració de la segona fase (zona de pastura) similar a la feta el 2001 (zona aforestada), es van analitzar la riquesa d’aus i valor de conservació ICUTS de les dues zones per tal d’ajudar en la presa de decisions. Es van recollir dades d’aquestes dues variables durant 13 jornades la primavera del 2015 i es van analitzar les diferències entre les dues zones. Els nostres resultats mostren que a la zona oberta no restaurada hi ha una riquesa significativa més gran i un valor més alt de conservació ICUTS de l’avifauna que a la zona restaurada. Considerant la davallada generalitzada de les aus d’espais oberts, es proposa que qualsevol actuació hauria de considerar el manteniment d’aquest hàbitat obert per tal d’evitar una reducció de la riquesa de les espècies que hi habiten i del valor de conservació ICUTS de l’espai. Paraules clau Avifauna mediterrània, monitoreig, espais oberts, valor de conservació, abocadorsEn el antiguo vertedero del valle de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona) y ante la inminente segunda fase de la restauración (zona de pasto) similar a la realizada en 2001 (zona forestada), se analizó la riqueza de aves y el valor de conservación ICUTS de las dos zonas con el objetivo de ayudar en la toma de decisiones. Se recogieron datos de ambas variables durante 13 jornadas en la primavera del 2015 y se analizaron las diferencias entre las dos zonas. Nuestros resultados muestran que en la zona abierta no restaurada hay una mayor riqueza significativa y un mayor valor de conservación ICUTS de la avifauna que en la zona restaurada. Considerando la disminución generalizada de las aves de espacios abiertos, se propone que cualquier actuación tendría que considerar el mantenimiento de este hábitat abierto de cara a evitar una reducción de la riqueza de las especies que lo habitan y del valor de conservación ICUTS del espacioGiven the future restoration of one pasture area (2nd phase) in the closed landfill of the Vall de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona), similar to the restoration carried out at 1st phase in 2001 (forestation), we evaluated two parameters, bird richness and the ICUTS value (conservation value), in the two zones (open and forested areas) to help in decision-making. Data from both parameters were collected during 13 days in spring 2015 in order to analyze differences between the two zones. Our results show that richness and ICUTS conservation value is greater in the open area (not restored) tah in the forestedarea. Considering the general decrease of birds in open lands, we propose that any future restoration should consider to maintain the open habitat in order to avoid a decreased in bird richness and ICUTS conservation value of the space

    The role of environmental organisations on urban transformation: The case of waste management in Esporles (Mallorca)

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    The study presented in this paper explores and examines the role of grassroots environmental organisations in promoting schemes aimed at reducing the impact of waste production at a local level. Focusing on the Spanish municipality of Esporles, in the Balearic island of Mallorca, the authors investigate how participatory forums can increase involvement and engagement among residents in the implementation of waste management policies. Esporles introduced and implemented the first unit-pricing (UP) scheme in Spain, making the municipality a countrywide icon of environmental-friendly urban transformation. Due to its success, the scheme quickly became a model for other Spanish municipalities with regard to designing and developing local waste management solutions. Findings from this study demonstrate how increasing participation and involvement of local residents in public consultations and debates can effectively support the design and implementation of more sustainable waste management policies. In addition, findings illustrate how local authorities can empower residents in transforming urban environment through changing their behaviours and practices towards waste management. The role of grassroots environmental organisations appears important with regard to developing innovative instruments and delivering effective environmental policies to address waste management at a local level, and to achieve sustainable urban transformation

    Anàlisi preliminar del valor de conservació i riquesa de l’avifauna a l’abocador de la vall de Joan

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    A l’antic abocador de la vall de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona) i davant la imminent restauració de la segona fase (zona de pastura) similar a la feta el 2001 (zona aforestada), es van analitzar la riquesa d’aus i valor de conservació ICUTS de les dues zones per tal d’ajudar en la presa de decisions. Es van recollir dades d’aquestes dues variables durant 13 jornades la primavera del 2015 i es van analitzar les diferències entre les dues zones. Els nostres resultats mostren que a la zona oberta no restaurada hi ha una riquesa significativa més gran i un valor més alt de conservació ICUTS de l’avifauna que a la zona restaurada. Considerant la davallada generalitzada de les aus d’espais oberts, es proposa que qualsevol actuació hauria de considerar el manteniment d’aquest hàbitat obert per tal d’evitar una reducció de la riquesa de les espècies que hi habiten i del valor de conservació ICUTS de l’espai. Paraules clau Avifauna mediterrània, monitoreig, espais oberts, valor de conservació, abocadorsEn el antiguo vertedero del valle de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona) y ante la inminente segunda fase de la restauración (zona de pasto) similar a la realizada en 2001 (zona forestada), se analizó la riqueza de aves y el valor de conservación ICUTS de las dos zonas con el objetivo de ayudar en la toma de decisiones. Se recogieron datos de ambas variables durante 13 jornadas en la primavera del 2015 y se analizaron las diferencias entre las dos zonas. Nuestros resultados muestran que en la zona abierta no restaurada hay una mayor riqueza significativa y un mayor valor de conservación ICUTS de la avifauna que en la zona restaurada. Considerando la disminución generalizada de las aves de espacios abiertos, se propone que cualquier actuación tendría que considerar el mantenimiento de este hábitat abierto de cara a evitar una reducción de la riqueza de las especies que lo habitan y del valor de conservación ICUTS del espacioGiven the future restoration of one pasture area (2nd phase) in the closed landfill of the Vall de Joan (Gavà, Barcelona), similar to the restoration carried out at 1st phase in 2001 (forestation), we evaluated two parameters, bird richness and the ICUTS value (conservation value), in the two zones (open and forested areas) to help in decision-making. Data from both parameters were collected during 13 days in spring 2015 in order to analyze differences between the two zones. Our results show that richness and ICUTS conservation value is greater in the open area (not restored) tah in the forestedarea. Considering the general decrease of birds in open lands, we propose that any future restoration should consider to maintain the open habitat in order to avoid a decreased in bird richness and ICUTS conservation value of the space

    Primary and secondary tumors of the peritoneum: key imaging features and differential diagnosis with surgical and pathological correlation

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    Abstract Peritoneal malignancies represent a diagnostic challenge for abdominal radiologists, oncologists, surgeons and pathologists in multidisciplinary teams, who must address their differential diagnosis, staging and treatment. In this article, we explain the pathophysiology of these processes and lay out the role of different imaging techniques in their evaluation. Then, we review the clinical and epidemiological aspects, the main radiological features and the therapeutic approaches for each primary and secondary peritoneal neoplasm, with surgical and pathological correlation. We further describe other rare peritoneal tumors of uncertain origin and a variety of entities that may mimic peritoneal malignancy. Finally, we summarize the key imaging findings of each peritoneal neoplasm to facilitate an accurate differential diagnosis that may impact patient management. Clinical relevance statement Imaging plays an essential role in the evaluation of peritoneal malignancies, assessing their extension, detecting unfavorable sites of involvement and facilitating an accurate differential diagnosis, helping to choose the best therapeutic approach. Graphical abstrac

    Novel (60%) and recurrent (40%) androgen receptor gene mutations in a series of 59 patients with a 46,XY disorder of sex development.

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    Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't;BACKGROUND Androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations are the most frequent cause of 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) and are associated with a variety of phenotypes, ranging from phenotypic women [complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)] to milder degrees of undervirilization (partial form or PAIS) or men with only infertility (mild form or MAIS). OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to characterize the contribution of the AR gene to the molecular cause of 46,XY DSD in a series of Spanish patients. SETTING We studied a series of 133 index patients with 46,XY DSD in whom gonads were differentiated as testes, with phenotypes including varying degrees of undervirilization, and in whom the AR gene was the first candidate for a molecular analysis. METHODS The AR gene was sequenced (exons 1 to 8 with intronic flanking regions) in all patients and in family members of 61% of AR-mutated gene patients. RESULTS AR gene mutations were found in 59 individuals (44.4% of index patients), of whom 46 (78%) were CAIS and 13 (22%) PAIS. Fifty-seven different mutations were found: 21.0% located in exon 1, 15.8% in exons 2 and 3, 57.9% in exons 4-8, and 5.3% intronic. Twenty-three mutations (40.4%) had been previously described and 34 (59.6%) were novel. CONCLUSIONS AR gene mutation is the most frequent cause of 46,XY DSD, with a clearly higher frequency in the complete phenotype. Mutations spread along the whole coding sequence, including exon 1. This series shows that 60% of mutations detected during the period 2002-2009 were novel.This work was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain [PI06/0903 and CIBERER (Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases)] and from AGAUR (University and Research Management and Evaluation Agency), Barcelona, Spain (SGR02 00042 and SGR05 00908).Yes2011-0