2,941 research outputs found

    Relational Spacetime Ontology

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    In the aftermath of the rediscovery of Einstein’s hole argument by Earman and Norton (1987), we hear that the ontological relational/substantival debate over the status of spacetime seems to have reached stable grounds. Despite Einstein’s early intention to cast GR’s spacetime as a relational entity à la Leibniz-Mach, most philosophers of science feel comfortable with the now standard sophisticated substantivalist (SS) account of spacetime. Furthermore, most philosophers share the impression that although relational accounts of certain highly restricted models of GR are viable, at a deep down level, they require substantival spacetime structures. SS claims that although manifold spacetime points do not enjoy the sort of robust existence provided by primitive identity, it is still natural to be realistic about the existence of spacetime as an independent entity in its own right. It is argued that since the bare manifold lacks the basic spacetime structures –such as geometry and inertia- one should count as an independent spacetime the couple manifold +metric (M, g). The metric tensor field of GR encodes inertial and metrical structure so, in a way, it plays the explanatory role that Newtonian absolute space played in classical dynamics. In a nutshell, according to the SS account of spacetime, one should view the metric field of GR as the modern version of a realistically constructed spacetime since it has the properties –or contains the structures- that Newtonian space had. I will try to dismantle the widespread impression that a relational account of full GR is implausible. To do so, I will start by highlighting that when turning back to the original Leibniz-Newton dispute one sees that substantivalism turns out prima facie triumphant since Newton was able to successfully formulate dynamics. However, to give relationalism a fair chance, one can also put forward the following hypothetical questions: What if Leibniz –or some leibnizian- had had a good relational theory? What role would geometry play in this type of theory? Would it be natural to view geometry and inertia as intrinsic properties of substantival space –if not spacetime? Would it still seem natural to interpret the metric field of GR along substantival lines regardless of the fact that it also encodes important material properties such as energy-momentum? After bringing these questions out into the light I will cast some important doubts on the substantival (SS) interpretation of the metric field. Perhaps the metric turns out to be viewed as a relational matter field. Finally, to strengthen the relational account of spacetime I expect to remove the possible remaining interpretative tension by briefly discussing the relevance of two important facts: i) Dynamical variables are usually linked to material objects in physical theories. The metric field of GR is a dynamical object so, I claim, it should be viewed as a matter field. ii) Barbour and Bertotti (BB2, 1982) have provided and alternative formulation of classical dynamics. They provide a “genuinely relational interpretation of dynamics” (Pooley & Brown 2001). Geometry and inertia become –contra SS- relational structures in BB2

    Multipoint rational approximants with preassigned poles

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    20 pages, no figures.-- MSC1991 codes: 41A21, 42C05, 30E10.MR#: MR1820073 (2002i:41021)Zbl#: Zbl 1160.41305Let μ\mu be a finite positive Borel measure whose support S(μ)S(\mu) is a compact regular set contained in R\Bbb R. For a function of Markov type μ^(z)=S(μ)dμ(x)/(zx)\hat\mu(z)=\int_{S(\mu)}d\mu(x)/(z-x), z\in\Bbb C\sbs S(\mu), we consider multipoint Padé-type approximants (MPTAs), where some poles are preassigned and interpolation is carried out along a table of points contained in \overline{\Bbb C}\sbs {\rm Co}(S(\mu)) which is symmetrical with respect to the real line. The main purpose of this paper is the study of the `exact rate of convergence' of the MPTAs to the function μ^\hat\mu.Research by first author (F.C.) partially carried out at the Mathematics Department of Umeå University under Guest Scholarship from the Swedish Institute. Research by second author (G.L.L.) partially supported by Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior under grant PB 96-0120-CO3-01 and by INTAS under grant 93-0219 EXT.Publicad

    The information sources of the first Spanish Newspapers (1618-1635): the construction of information credibility

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    Este trabajo analiza las fuentes de información utilizadas en un corpus numeroso de avisos recogidos en periódicos españoles impresos entre 1618 y 1635. El objetivo de partida es determinar cómo se construye, en términos tanto históricos como retóricos, la credibilidad informativa. Analizaremos la construcción retórica de la credibilidad en el texto mismo de los avisos, concretamente en las fuentes de información que estos declaran u ocultan; para comprobar si existe una intención deliberada de encubrir las fuentes de información, estudiaremos la frecuencia con que aparece la atribución on deep background. La aproximación metodológica que orienta este estudio es la que sostiene el Historical News Discourse, que aplica las conclusiones y métodos de análisis del Análisis Crítico del Discurso a los periódicos del pasado, y contextualiza y explica sus resultados en relación a los planteamientos de la Historia del Periodismo y de la Comunicación (Conboy, Brownlees, Broersma y otros). Defendemos en este trabajo que el análisis del discurso de los primeros impresos informativos resulta fundamental para conocer cómo se consolida en España la profesión periodística, gracias a una nueva forma de auctoritas basada en la competencia discursiva. El gacetero o periodista aparece como una nueva modalidad de escritor, cuya credibilidad y reputación dependen de su capacidad para acceder, organizar y declarar –de acuerdo a patrones retóricos reconocibles para sus lectores– las fuentes de información a las que tiene acceso.This paper analyses the information sources used in a large corpus of news items published in Spanish printed newspapers between 1618 and 1635. The initial aim is to determine how information credibility was constructed in both historical and rhetorical terms. To this end, the rhetorical construction of credibility in the news stories are analysed by focusing on the information sources that these reveal or conceal. And in order to determine whether or not these sources were deliberately concealed, the frequency with which ‘on deep background’ attribution appears is examined. The methodological approach on which this study is based is Historical News Discourse, which applies the conclusions and methods of critical discourse analysis to newspapers of the past, in addition to contextualising and explaining the results in terms of journalism history and communication approaches (Conboy, Brownlees and Broersma, among others). In this work, we contend that the discourse analysis of the first printed newspapers is essential for gaining further insights into how the journalistic profession consolidated its position in Spain thanks to a new form of auctoritas based on discourse competence. The gazetteer or journalist emerged as a new kind of writer, whose credibility and reputation depended on his ability to access, organise and reveal –according to rhetorical patterns recognisable to readers– the information sources available to him

    Design and evaluation of a genomics variant analysis pipeline using GATK Spark tools

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    Scalable and efficient processing of genome sequence data, i.e. for variant discovery, is key to the mainstream adoption of High Throughput technology for disease prevention and for clinical use. Achieving scalability, however, requires a significant effort to enable the parallel execution of the analysis tools that make up the pipelines. This is facilitated by the new Spark versions of the well-known GATK toolkit, which offer a black-box approach by transparently exploiting the underlying Map Reduce architecture. In this paper we report on our experience implementing a standard variant discovery pipeline using GATK 4.0 with Docker-based deployment over a cluster. We provide a preliminary performance analysis, comparing the processing times and cost to those of the new Microsoft Genomics Services

    Il progetto \ue8 stato selezionato in Israele PARCO DELLA MEMORIA. Ancora un successo per gli architetti Lucentini e Cal\ue0, autori del lavoro su \uabPizzolungo\ubb.

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    Continuano a mietere successi i due architetti siciliani Giovanni Lucentini e Marcello Cal\ue0, dei quali ci siamo occupati su queste stesse pagine la scorsa primavera a proposito del progetto gi\ue0 in fase di cantiere per il parco della memoria di Pizzolungo. Dopo avere vinto il concorso a gennaio, il progetto (al quale hanno partecipatio anche i consulenti Lucia Gitto, paesaggista, e Marcello Ziino, architetto) si \ue8 aggiudicato un World Architecture Community Award ad aprile ed \ue8 stato selezionato, il 23 luglio scorso, dopo una partecipazione ad un bando internazionale dal sito www.bezalel-architecture.com sito ufficiale del dipartimento di architettura (accademia) di Gerusalemme Bezalel considerato la pi\uf9 importante istituzione universitaria culturale israeliana. Il bando di Bezalel prevedeva la selezione di progetti che avevano come tema il reale in Architettura. L'idea dei promotori \ue8 \uabche oggi esista un Architettura del Reale come gi\ue0 da loro studiato ed analizzato nell'arte Ebraica e che tale architettura abbia ormai una portata globale. L'architettura del reale, " secondo il loro giudizio" , per la capacit\ue0 di cogliere i cambiamenti repentini politici e sociali nel mondo oggi permette di dare risposte immediate e qualificanti alle necessit\ue0 che si stanno andando a determinare con i cambiamenti dei sistemi mondiali\ubb. \uabOggi - secondo quanto rilevato in un articolo del gruppo Lg=mC sul numero trimestrale della rivista www.bezalelarchitecture.org sito ufficiale dell'accademia (Universit\ue0) Bezalel di Gerusalemme - il progetto \ue8 una finestra sul mare con un giardino di piante spontanee e l'ombra di un vecchio albero di ulivo. Il giardino \ue8 delimitato da un muro di pietra con gabbioni in metallo contenenti terreno che definiscono la frontiera con un piano inclinato che da chi viene dal mare \ue8 visto come un fronte che si estende tra la terra e il mare, che guarda il cielo e che riprende la sagoma spigolosa delle montagne\ubb. Marcello Cal\ue0 \ue8 nato a San Cataldo (Cl) il 23 giugno del 1979. Le vicende della sua adolescenza ruotano tutte intorno alla musica che coltiva con passione frequentando il Conservatorio di musica in chitarra classica e si dedica anche alla fotografia. Si \ue8 laureato a Palermo dove si laurea con lode nel 2007 con una tesi sull'architettura per la musica. Giovanni Lucentini \ue8 nato a Castelvetrano (Tp) il 7 giugno del 1967. E' approdato agli studi universitari in architettura laureandosi a Palermo nel 1997. Nel 2004 ha vinto il concorso internazionale del Waterfront di Palermo, progetto dove fondamentali sono state le scelte progettuali anche di natura socio-economiche e di pianificazione urbana che risulteranno vincenti e che gli valgono un incarico di consulenza e una partecipazione alla biennale sezione Palermo-Porto