53 research outputs found

    Legal and Regulatory Framework of Nuclear Security in Indonesia

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    Nuclear security is one of the most important topics for regulatory purposes in Indonesia. Nuclear security measures exist to prevent, detect, and respond to unauthorized removal of radioactive material and the sabotage of nuclear and radiation facilities. Indonesia participates in bilateral and multilateral cooperation and international events such as the Nuclear Security Summit. Indonesia has also ratified several international instruments related to nuclear security. Based on commitment to international events and ratification, Indonesia has developed nuclear security infrastructures by strengthening legislation and regulation, enhancing building capacity, and strengthening equipment and facilities. Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) is Indonesia’s nuclear energy regulatory agency. Indonesia has issued regulatory acts related to nuclear security as a basis for BAPETEN’s regulatory activities. Indonesia has also issued several government regulations and BAPETEN Chairman Regulations addressing nuclear security. Indonesia is still developing legal and regulatory infrastructures by strengthening international cooperation and coordination with other stakeholders


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    The objective of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference in students’ writing skill between the students taught using communicative cartoon movies and those who are taught without using communicative cartoon movies. This study involved 60 students of second grade of SMPN I Arjosari in the academic year of 2011/2012 that were divided into two groups: class VIII A as the control group and class VIII H as the experimental group. The instrument for collecting data was an essay type test consisting two tasks in which the topics are based on the basic competencies. The data were in the forms of pre-test and post- test scores. The pre-test was given to both groups before the treatment, and the post-test was given at the end of the treatment. During this study, the students of the experimental class were taught us ing communicative cartoon movies, while the students of the control class were taught using conventional media. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The test of normality and homogeneity were done before the test of the hypothesis employed. The data of both pre-test and post-test from the control and experimental classes were also compared. The result of the descriptive statistics of the post-test shows that the mean value of the experimental class is 76.73 and it is categorized into good category and that of the control group was 70.37, and it is also categorized into good category. However, the mean value on the writing skill test of the experimental group is higher than that of the control group. Moreover, the result of the t-test shows that the value of significance is lower than the significance level of this study, i.e. 0.000 < 0.05. It means that there is a significant difference in writing skill between students who are taught using communicative cartoon movies and students taught without communicative cartoon movies. So it can be concluded that communicative cartoon movies give good effects on the improvement of students’ writing skill.   Key Words: Communicative Cartoon Movies, Writing Skill, Teaching Writin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuikarakteristik bio-aktivator dari sumber bahan baku yang berbeda.Metodepenelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) yang terdiri atas empat perlakuan yaitu SB0: EM 4 (Effective Microoorganisme), SB1:PGPR(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterial), SB2: MOL (Mikro Organisme Lokal), dan SB3:Air kelapa fermentasi.Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Teknik Sumberdaya Lahan Dan Air Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, Laboraturium Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian dan Laboraturium Mikrobiologi pangan Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri Universitas Mataram. Parameter yang diuji yaitu Total mikrobia dengan menggunakan metode Plate Count, Total C-Organik diukur dengan menggunakan metode Walkey dan Black( Spektro),Nitrogen Total dengan menggunakan metode (Kjedahl), Pengukuran derajat keasaman ( pH) dengan menggunakan metode pH meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan Total Mikrobia tertinggi terdapa pada perlakuan SB3 sebesar 0,026x102 cfu/ml dan terendah pada perlakuan SB1sebesar 0,017x102cfu/ml, kandungan c-organikpada perlakuan SB2 tertinggi sebesar 2.977 % dan terendah pada perlakuan SB1 0.390 %, kandungan C-organik pada perlakuan SB2 tertinggi sebesar 2.977 % dan terendah pada perlakuan SB1 0.030 %, nilai C/N Ratiopada perlakuan SB1 tertinggi 0.077 % dan yang terendah SB2 0.027%, SB3 0.027% dan pH tertinggi pada SB3 4.1%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nyata terhadap kandungan total mikrobia, C-organik, N-total, C/N ratio dan pH bio-aktivator. Kata kunci :Bio-Aktivator, Limbah Pertanian. Total Mikrobi

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Diri terhadap Kompetensi Psikomotorik Peserta Didik Kelas XI IPS pada Pembelajaran PAI di SMAN 10 Bulukumba

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriktif diperoleh hasil gambaran kepercayaan diri berada pada kategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata 92,7 dari 49 responden (74%). Untuk analisis sementara kompetensi psikomotorik berada pada kategori baik diperoleh nilai rata-rata 62 dari 33 responden (50%). Adapun hasil analisis inferensial dengan uji regresi linear sederhana diperoleh nilai to sebesar 8 dan nila

    The Realization of Speech Act of Requesting: An Analysis of Movie Freedom Writers

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    Language learners are required to be able to use the language they learn in an appropriate context. By mastering pragmatic competence, it is expected that language learners comprehend how to use the language and how to interpret the meaning of the language in a particular setting. This study attempts to explore the realization of the speech act of requesting in a movie entitled Freedom Writers. To be specific, this study aims to figure out strategy types and modification devices of requesting used by the characters in the movie as well as its pedagogical implication for English language learning. By employing a case study design, this study analyzed the script of the movie and classified the request under the framework of A Cross-Cultural Study of Speech Act Realization Patterns (CCSARP). The findings reveal that mood derivable and scope stating are the most frequent strategies used and regarding the modification devices, the characters tend to use internal modifiers such as syntactic downgraders and upgraders. The results of the study suggest teacher to provide some authentic materials to introduce students to the real use of language. Further studies about speech acts focusing on the pedagogical implication are encouraged to be conducted. Keywords: speech act of requesting, CCSARP, pragmatic competenc

    Recount Text in SFL Perspective: Pedagogical Implication based on Student’s Writing Analysis

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    Abstract Recount can be considered as one of the easiest types of text that can be written by students. This might be the reason why the text is learned in both junior and senior high school level. However, there are still a lot of students who cannot produce the text well. This study was aimed to analyze student’s recount text based on three metafunctions in SFL perspective. It is expected that by identifying students’ problems, teachers can decide and design appropriate pedagogical plan. The result of the study reveals that the student’s major problems in producing recount text are the use of subject and verb tense (interpersonal metafunctions), the generic structure of the text, the use of conjunctions, the grammatical errors, and L1 interference. Therefore, considering the problems found in the student’s recount text, POWER strategy is proposed as one of strategies can be applied by teachers in teaching writing, particularly teaching recount text. Keywords: recount text, systemic functional linguistics, metafunction, POWER strateg


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa PJKR Fakultas llmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta angkatan 2016. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PJKR FIK UNY angkatan 2016 yang sudah mengikuti mata kuliah Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) yang berjumlah 180 mahasiswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 52 menggunakan teknik sampling insidental. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes pilihan ganda.Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pemahaman kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa PJKR Fakultas llmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta angkatan 2016 berada pada kategori “sangat rendah” 3,85% (2 mahasiswa), “rendah” sebesar 67,31% (35 mahasiswa), “sedang” sebesar 19,23% (10 mahasiswa), “tinggi” 9,62% (5 mahasiswa) dan “sangat tinggi” 0% (0 mahasiswa). Kategori yang paling dominan pada hasil tingkat pemahaman kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa PJKR FIK UNY angkatan 2016 berada pada kategori “rendah”
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