55 research outputs found

    Indemnización por error judicial en la detención preventiva

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    La Libertad Personal como derecho fundamental reconocido en la Carta Magna se ha visto vulnerado en los últimos tiempos, puesto que los Órganos Jurisdiccionales con el argumento de querer asegurar la presencia del procesado en las diligencias procesales, están dictando medidas cautelares de detención preventiva carente de una motivación correcta. Manifiesto estas impresiones porque la detención preventiva sólo debe operar cuando se advierta los requisitos que la Ley exige para su dación, estos son: peligro procesal, que la pena sea superior a un año y que haya suficientes elementos de convicción que permitan al Juzgador estimar razonablemente la comisión de un delito que vincule al imputado como autor o participe de dicho ilícito penal. En esa línea de pensamiento, los autos de detención preventiva no están evaluando correctamente los mencionados requisitos, puesto que después de varios años de que aquel sospechoso fue encarcelado, se demuestra su inocencia, mediante un auto de archivo definitivo o una sentencia absolutoria, por ende, su excarcelación, por lo que cabría aquí varias interrogantes que desarrollar ¿no hubiera sido mejor que el imputado haya sido investigado bajo la medida de comparecencia y no la de detención preventiva? ¿Es justo que una persona sea encarcelada por errores judiciales? ¿Somos conscientes del gran daño causado? Aunado a ello, lo que propongo es que lo mínimo que puede hacer el Estado para resarcir el daño es indemnizar a la persona afectada por dichos errores judiciales. Aquí no se trata de que el Estado se compadezca de las personas afectadas, ni mucho menos se trata de un acto de caridad, lo que se trata aquí es que se cumpla lo que establece los convenios internacionales y la Constitución Política del Perú, toda vez que dichos cuerpos normativos establece que el Estado está en el deber de indemnizar a aquellas personas que son detenidas arbitrariamente por errores judiciales

    Extension of the parallel Sparse Matrix Vector Product (SpMV) for the implicit coupling of PDEs on non-matching meshes

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    The Sparse Matrix Vector Product (SpMV) is one of the main operations of iterative solvers, and, in a parallel context, it is also the siege of point-to-point communications between the neighboring MPI processes. The parallel SpMV is built in such a way that it gives, up to round off errors, the same result as its sequential counterpart. In this regards, nodes on the interfaces (or halo nodes if halo are considered) are duplicated nodes of the same original mesh. It is therefore limited to matching meshes. In this work, we generalize the parallel SpMV to glue the solution of non-matching (non-conforming) meshes through the introduction of transmission matrices. This extension of the SpMV thus enables the implicit and parallel solution of partial differential equations on non-matching meshes, as well as the implicit coupling of multiphysics problems, such as fluid-structure interactions. The proposed method is developed similarly to classical parallelization techniques and can therefore be implemented by modifying few subroutines of an already MPI-based code. According to the proposed framework, the classical parallelization technique appears as a particular case of this general setup.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    SHAPE Project Vortex Bladeless: Parallel multi-code coupling for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Wind Energy Generation

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    Vortex-Bladeless is a Spanish SME whose objective is to develop a new concept of wind turbine without blades called Vortex or vorticity wind turbine. This design represents a new paradigm in wind energy and aims to eliminate or reduce many of the existing problems in conventional generators. Due to the significant difference in the project concept, its scope is different from conventional wind turbines. It is particularly suitable for offshore configuration and it could be exploited in wind farms and in environments usually closed to existing ones due to the presence of high intensity winds. The device is composed of a single structural component, and given its morphological simplicity, its manufacturing, transport, storage and installation has clear advantages. The new wind turbine design has no bearings, gears, etcetera, so the maintenance requirements could be drastically reduced and their lifespan is expected to be higher than traditional wind turbines. It is clear that the proposed device is of prime interest, and that scientific investigation of the response of this wind energy generator under different operation scenarios is highly desirable. Thus, the objective of this SHAPE project is to develop the needed tools to simulate Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems and to reproduce the experimental results for scaled models of the Vortex-Bladeless device. In order to do so the Alya code, developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, is adapted to perform the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problem simulation. The obtained numerical results match satisfactorily with the experimental results reported.This work was financially supported by the PRACE project funded in part by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (2014-2020) under grant agreement 653838.Postprint (published version

    Numerical study of heat transfer from a synthetic impinging jet with a detailed model of the actuator membrane

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    Synthetic jets are produced by the oscillatory movement of a membrane inside a cavity, causing the fluid to enter and leave through a small orifice. The present study is focused on investigating the cooling capabilities of a synthetic jet enclosed between two parallel isothermal plates with an imposed temperature difference. The unsteady three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations have been solved for a range of Reynolds numbers from 50 to 1000 using time-accurate numerical simulations. A detailed model based on an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation is used to account for the movement of the actuator membrane. All the resulting flows are inherently three-dimensional and dominated by two major vortices, which find their counterparts inside the actuator cavity. A new structure, which is not found in open cavities, appears as an interaction of the synthetic jet flow with the bottom wall and results in a change on the jet's heat transfer mechanisms. Analysis of the outlet temperature has shown that assuming a uniform profile is reasonable if the Reynolds number is high enough, however, the outlet jet temperature is significantly higher than the cold plate temperature. Finally, this study proposes correlations for the heat transfer at the hot wall and the outlet temperature with the Reynolds number, which can be used to account for the cavity effects without the computationally expensive ALE model.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Wall‐modeled large‐eddy simulation in a finite element framework

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    This work studies the implementation of wall modeling for large‐eddy simulation in a finite element context. It provides a detailed description of how the approach used by the finite volume and finite differences communities is adapted to the finite element context. The new implementation is as simple and easy to implement as the classical finite element one, but it provides vastly superior results. In the typical approach used in finite elements, the mesh does not extend all the way to the wall, and the wall stress is evaluated at the first grid point, based on the velocity at the same point. Instead, we adopt the approach commonly used in finite differences, where the mesh covers the whole domain and the wall stress is obtained at the wall grid point, with the velocity evaluated at the first grid point off the wall. The method is tested in a turbulent channel flow at R e τ =2003, a neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow, and a flow over a wall‐mounted hump, with significant improvement in the results compared to the standard finite element approach. Additionally, we examine the effect of evaluating the input velocity further away from the walThis work was supported by the Energy oriented Centre of Excellence II (EoCoE‐II), grant agreement number 824158, funded within the Horizon2020 framework of the European Union. We would also like to acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to the following resources: GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (www.lrz.de), Marconi at CINECA (http://www.hpc.cineca.it/), and TGCC Curie at CEA‐GENCI (http://www‐hpc.cea.fr). The authors thankfully acknowledges the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (RES‐AECT‐2018‐3‐0028).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallel mesh partitioning based on space filling curves

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    Larger supercomputers allow the simulation of more complex phenomena with increased accuracy. Eventually this requires finer and thus also larger geometric discretizations. In this context, and extrapolating to the Exascale paradigm, meshing operations such as generation, deformation, adaptation/regeneration or partition/load balance, become a critical issue within the simulation workflow. In this paper we focus on mesh partitioning. In particular, we present a fast and scalable geometric partitioner based on Space Filling Curves (SFC), as an alternative to the standard graph partitioning approach. We have avoided any computing or memory bottleneck in the algorithm, while we have imposed that the solution achieved is independent (discounting rounding off errors) of the number of parallel processes used to compute it. The performance of the SFC-based partitioner presented has been demonstrated using up to 4096 CPU-cores in the Blue Waters supercomputer.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project (grant agreement No. 689772). This work is also part of the PRAC "Simulations of Aircraft Engines" supported by the National Science Foundation. It has also been financially supported by the PRACE preparatory access projects funded in part by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (2014-2020) under grant agreement 653838. J.C. Cajas acknowledges the nancial sup- port of the `Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog a (CONACyT, M exico)' grant number 231588 290790. Ricard Borrell and Daniel Mira acknowledge the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grants with codes IJCI-2014-21034 and IJCI-2015-26686, respectively.Postprint (author's final draft

    Large-eddy simulations of the vortex-induced vibration of a low mass ratio two-degree-of-freedom circular cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers

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    The vortex induced vibration phenomenon of a low mass ratio () two-degree-of-freedom circular cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers ( 5300, 11,000) has been investigated by means of large-eddy simulations. A low-dissipative spatial and time discretisation finite element schemes have been implemented and combined with the Wall-Adapting Local-Eddy viscosity (WALE) subgrid-scale model to solve the filtered incompressible flow equations. Several values of the reduced velocity in the range 3 ⩽ U* ⩽ 12 have been considered. The numerical results are extensively compared with available experimental and numerical data. Particular interest has been placed in the region of maximum cross-flow amplitudes, the super-upper branch, where previous high-fidelity numerical simulations have underestimated the peak amplitudes compared with experimental results. The transition between the super-upper and lower branches is also shown and described. The numerical simulations successfully reproduce the three-branch response maximum oscillation amplitudes and associated vortex formation modes. The 2T vortex formation mode, i.e. two triplets of vortices per oscillation period, has been observed to occur in the super-upper branch, for the three different values of the Reynolds number investigated. These results contradict the claim made in previous works [27] that the vortex formation mode in the super-upper branch is Reynolds number dependent. Beats are observed to appear prior the transition from the super-upper to the lower branch. It is argued that they may be related with the coherence and strength of the third vortex shed at the shoulder of the cylinder each half-cycle, which is finally suppressed in the transition to the lower branch.We acknowledge Red Española de Surpercomputación (RES) for awarding us access to the MareNostrum IV machine based in Barcelona, Spain (Ref. FI-2017-2-0016). J.C. Cajas acknowledges the financial support of the ‘Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT, México)’ grant numbers 231588/290790. D. Pastrana acknowledges support of the CONACyT-SENER graduate fellowship program to study abroad 278102/439162.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the wake dynamics of an oscillating cylinder via proper orthogonal decomposition

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    The coherent structures and wake dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom vibrating cylinder with a low mass ratio at Re=5300 are investigated by means of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) of a numerical database generated using large-eddy simulations. Two different reduced velocities of U*=3.0 and U*=5.5, which correspond with the initial and super-upper branches, are considered. This is the first time that this kind of analysis is performed in this kind of system in order to understand the role of large coherent motions on the amplification of the forces. In both branches of response, almost 1000 non-correlated in-time velocity fields have been decomposed using the snapshot method. It is seen that a large number of modes is required to represent 95% of the turbulent kinetic energy of the flow, but the first two modes contain a large percentage of the energy as they represent the wake large-scale vortex tubes. The energy dispersion of the high-order modes is attributed to the cylinder movement in the inline and cross-stream directions. Substantially different POD modes have been found in the two branches. While the first six modes resemble those observed in the static cylinder or in the initial branch of a one-degree of freedom cylinder in the initial branch, the modes not only contain information about the wake vortexes in the super-upper branch but also about the formation of the 2T vortex pattern and the Taylor–Görtler structures. It is shown that the 2T vortex pattern is formed by the interplay between the Taylor–Görtler stream-wise vortical structures and the cylinder movement and is responsible for the increase in the lift force and larger elongation in the super-upper branch.This work has been partially financially supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain (Ref. PID2020-116937RB-C21, PID2020-116937RB-C22), and by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 956104. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Spain, France, Germany. O. Lehmkuhl work is financed by a Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral contract by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain (RYC2018-025949-I).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A parallel coupled algorithm for the solution of deformable two-body contact problem

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    This work presents a parallel iterative method for numerical solving frictionless contact problem for two elastic bodies. Each iterative step consists of a Dirichlet problem for the one body and a Neumann problem for the other in order to enforce the contact boundary conditions.Peer Reviewe

    Aspect ratio influence on the vortex induced vibrations of a pivoted finite height cylinder at low Reynolds number

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    The effect of the aspect ratio on the vortex induced vibrations (VIV) of a pivoted finite length circular cylinder is investigated. A fixed value of the Reynolds number Re = 100 with four values of the aspect ratio AR=2, 3, 5, 7 is considered. Different values of the reduced velocity u∗r in the range 2≤u∗r≤11 were used for each AR value with a fixed value of the reduced mass m∗r=5⁠. Results on the oscillatory response of the cylinder, hydrodynamic forces, and wake structures are reported. In order to compare the VIV of the different length cylinders, the displacement of the center of mass (which coincides on each case) was analyzed. It is found that the maximum oscillation amplitudes, the extent of the synchronization region, and the wake structures are influenced by the aspect ratio. Also, a steady symmetrical flow is obtained for the small AR=2, 3 cases with relatively low values of u∗r⁠, which is found to be unstable when increasing u∗r⁠.J. C. Cajas acknowledges the financial support of UNAM DGAPA through Project No. PAPIIT-IA106120 and the access to supercomputing resources at Miztli through Project No. LANCAD-UNAM-DGTIC-379 and at Hipatia through Project No. CONACyT-CF21088; the technical support of Joaquín Morales (“Departamento de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Computación” ENES Mérida) is also acknowledged.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft