7 research outputs found


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    Conduziu-se o presente experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a fertilidade do solo de diferentes usos agroflorestais na região central de Rondônia, Brasil. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: T1: Sistema agroflorestal com cacaueiros e fruteiras perenes; T2: Trilhamento na capoeira com abertura de faixas de plantio de essências florestais; T3: Capoeira enriquecida com essências florestais e T4:  Floresta nativa. O cálcio e o alumínio foram os nutrientes que mais variaram nos diferentes tipos de cobertura e profundidades do solo. As propriedades pH, fósforo e matéria orgânica não apresentaram diferenças entre a floresta e os demais tratamentos

    Contribution of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil to the development of plant cultivars and their impact on agriculture

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    This paper describes the development of breeding programs in northern Brazil and their main impacts on agriculture. Their contribution to the breeding of the species palm oil, acai fruit, cacao, cupuaçu, guarana, tomato, camu-camu, cocona, peach palm, and rubber was laid out in detail. Advances in breeding programs of institutions such as Embrapa, Ceplac, Inpa, and Universities require investments in infrastructure and in human and financial resources to ensure continuity and efficiency in economic, social and environmental gains. The improvement of native species, the main focus of the breeding programs of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil, is a form of exploiting the Amazonian biodiversity for the benefit of society. Therefore, policies to foster research institutions should be a subject of deliberation and action of the scientific and technological community in Brazil

    Variation and its distribution in wild cacao populations from the Brazilian Amazon

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    A sample of 64 progenies (320 cacao trees as a whole) from four Brazilian Amazon basins was collected and evaluated on the basis of 15 fruit and seed traits. Nested univariate analyses of variance showed significant variation across progenies and basins. However, most of the variability appeared to be due to among trees and basins differences. The multivariate analysis showed that the differentiation in cacao populations occurred among basins. Since cacao diversity was predominantly found in trees within basins and among basins, one should optimize the collecting process by taking as many trees as possible starting from few progenies and many river basins. These findings seemed to validate gene conservation efforts made to date to preserve the cacao genetic resources and provide insight into the cacao genetic structure aiming cacao collection, management and improvement

    Evaluation and selection of cacao hybrids in Rondônia

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e selecionar híbridos de cacaueiro, quanto a rendimento e qualidade de sementes, nas condições ecológicas do Município de Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia. A seleção foi feita comparando-se, pelo teste de Duncan, as médias das medidas dos componentes de rendimento avaliados em um ensaio conduzido entre 1986 e 1991. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos completos casualizados. Os melhores desempenhos, quanto aos caracteres avaliados, foram obtidos em cruzamentos que incluíram os clones POUND 7 e BE 10 (número total de frutos coletados), SCA 6 e PA 150 (número total de frutos sadios), PA 150 (peso total de sementes úmidas), IMC 67 e POUND 7 (peso médio de sementes úmidas por fruto). Na análise simultânea dos caracteres, os híbridos SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 e IMC 67 x BE 8 sobressaíram-se, em relação aos demais.The goal of the present work was to evaluate and to select cacao hybrids with respect to seed yield and quality for ecological conditions of municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brazil. The selection was done comparing, by means of Duncan test, the yield measurement average in trial conducted from 1986 to 1991. A randomized complete block design was used. The best performance, considering total number of collected fruits, total number of healthy fruits, total weight of humid seeds and mean weight of humid seeds per fruit, were obtained from crosses involving POUND 7 and BE 10, SCA 6 and PA 150, PA 150, IMC 67 and POUND 7 clones, respectively. The hybrids SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 and IMC 67 x BE 8 were outstanding when compared to the others

    Avaliação e seleção de híbridos de cacaueiro em Rondônia Evaluation and selection of cacao hybrids in Rondônia

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e selecionar híbridos de cacaueiro, quanto a rendimento e qualidade de sementes, nas condições ecológicas do Município de Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia. A seleção foi feita comparando-se, pelo teste de Duncan, as médias das medidas dos componentes de rendimento avaliados em um ensaio conduzido entre 1986 e 1991. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos completos casualizados. Os melhores desempenhos, quanto aos caracteres avaliados, foram obtidos em cruzamentos que incluíram os clones POUND 7 e BE 10 (número total de frutos coletados), SCA 6 e PA 150 (número total de frutos sadios), PA 150 (peso total de sementes úmidas), IMC 67 e POUND 7 (peso médio de sementes úmidas por fruto). Na análise simultânea dos caracteres, os híbridos SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 e IMC 67 x BE 8 sobressaíram-se, em relação aos demais.<br>The goal of the present work was to evaluate and to select cacao hybrids with respect to seed yield and quality for ecological conditions of municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brazil. The selection was done comparing, by means of Duncan test, the yield measurement average in trial conducted from 1986 to 1991. A randomized complete block design was used. The best performance, considering total number of collected fruits, total number of healthy fruits, total weight of humid seeds and mean weight of humid seeds per fruit, were obtained from crosses involving POUND 7 and BE 10, SCA 6 and PA 150, PA 150, IMC 67 and POUND 7 clones, respectively. The hybrids SCA 6 x ICS 1, PA 150 x SIC 328 and IMC 67 x BE 8 were outstanding when compared to the others