30 research outputs found

    Origins and evolution of stomatal development

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    The fossil record suggests stomata-like pores were present on the surfaces of land plants over 400 million years ago. Whether stomata arose once or whether they arose independently across newly evolving land plant lineages has long been a matter of debate. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox has been identified that tightly controls stomatal development and patterning. This includes the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, FAMA, and ICE/SCREAMs (SCRMs), which promote stomatal formation. These factors are regulated via a signaling cascade, which includes mobile EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR (EPF) peptides to enforce stomatal spacing. Mosses and hornworts, the most ancient extant lineages to possess stomata, possess orthologs of these Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) stomatal toolbox genes, and manipulation in the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens has shown that the bHLH and EPF components are also required for moss stomatal development and patterning. This supports an ancient and tightly conserved genetic origin of stomata. Here, we review recent discoveries and, by interrogating newly available plant genomes, we advance the story of stomatal development and patterning across land plant evolution. Furthermore, we identify potential orthologs of the key toolbox genes in a hornwort, further supporting a single ancient genetic origin of stomata in the ancestor to all stomatous land plants

    Stomata and sporophytes of the model moss physcomitrium patens

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    Mosses are an ancient land plant lineage and are therefore important in studying the evolution of plant developmental processes. Here, we describe stomatal development in the model moss species Physcomitrium patens (previously known as Physcomitrella patens) over the duration of sporophyte development. We dissect the molecular mechanisms guiding cell division and fate and highlight how stomatal function might vary under different environmental conditions. In contrast to the asymmetric entry divisions described in Arabidopsis thaliana, moss protodermal cells can enter the stomatal lineage directly by expanding into an oval shaped guard mother cell (GMC). We observed that when two early stage P. patens GMCs form adjacently, a spacing division can occur, leading to separation of the GMCs by an intervening epidermal spacer cell. We investigated whether orthologs of Arabidopsis stomatal development regulators are required for this spacing division. Our results indicated that bHLH transcription factors PpSMF1 and PpSCRM1 are required for GMC formation. Moreover, the ligand and receptor components PpEPF1 and PpTMM are also required for orientating cell divisions and preventing single or clustered early GMCs from developing adjacent to one another. The identification of GMC spacing divisions in P. patens raises the possibility that the ability to space stomatal lineage cells could have evolved before mosses diverged from the ancestral lineage. This would have enabled plants to integrate stomatal development with sporophyte growth and could underpin the adoption of multiple bHLH transcription factors and EPF ligands to more precisely control stomatal patterning in later diverging plant lineages. We also observed that when P. patens sporophyte capsules mature in wet conditions, stomata are typically plugged whereas under drier conditions this is not the case; instead, mucilage drying leads to hollow sub-stomatal cavities. This appears to aid capsule drying and provides further evidence for early land plant stomata contributing to capsule rupture and spore release

    Origins and evolution of stomatal development

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    The fossil record suggests stomata-like pores were present on the surfaces of land plants over 400 million years ago. Whether stomata arose once or whether they arose independently across newly evolving land plant lineages has long been a matter of debate. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox has been identified that tightly controls stomatal development and patterning. This includes the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, FAMA, and ICE/SCREAMs (SCRMs), which promote stomatal formation. These factors are regulated via a signaling cascade, which includes mobile EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR (EPF) peptides to enforce stomatal spacing. Mosses and hornworts, the most ancient extant lineages to possess stomata, possess orthologs of these Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) stomatal toolbox genes, and manipulation in the model bryophyte Physcomitrella patens has shown that the bHLH and EPF components are also required for moss stomatal development and patterning. This supports an ancient and tightly conserved genetic origin of stomata. Here, we review recent discoveries and, by interrogating newly available plant genomes, we advance the story of stomatal development and patterning across land plant evolution. Furthermore, we identify potential orthologs of the key toolbox genes in a hornwort, further supporting a single ancient genetic origin of stomata in the ancestor to all stomatous land plants

    Rice SUMO protease Overly Tolerant to Salt 1 targets the transcription factor, OsbZIP23 to promote drought tolerance in rice

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    Conjugation of SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier) protein to cellular targets is emerging as a very influential protein modification system. Once covalently bound SUMO conjugation can change the stability or functionality of its cognate target proteins. SUMO protease can rapidly reverse SUMO conjugation making this modification system highly dynamic. A major factor in the variation of SUMO-target function is the balance between the conjugated/de-conjugated forms. The mechanistic role of these regulatory SUMO proteases in mediating stress responses has not been defined in any crops. In this study, we reveal the role of the SUMO protease, OsOTS1 in mediating tolerance to drought in rice. OsOTS1 depleted transgenic plants accumulate more ABA and exhibit more productive agronomic traits during drought whilst OsOTS1 overexpressing lines are drought sensitive but ABA insensitive. Drought and ABA treatment stimulates the degradation of OsOTS1 protein indicating that SUMO conjugation is an important response to drought stress in rice achieved through down-regulation of OTS1/2 activity. We reveal that OsOTS1 SUMO protease directly targets the ABA and drought responsive transcription factor OsbZIP23 for de-SUMOylation affecting its stability. OsOTS-RNAi lines show increased abundance of OsbZIP23 and increased drought responsive gene expression while OsOTS1 overexpressing lines show reduced levels of OsbZIP23 leading to suppressed drought responsive gene expression. Our data reveals a mechanism where rice plants govern ABA dependant drought responsive gene expression by controlling the stability of OsbZIP23 by SUMO conjugation through manipulating specific SUMO protease levels

    Inside‐out: synergising leaf biochemical traits with stomatal‐regulated water fluxes to enhance transpiration modelling during abiotic stress

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    As the global climate continues to change, plants will increasingly experience abiotic stress(es). Stomata on leaf surfaces are the gatekeepers to plant interiors, regulating gaseous exchanges that are crucial for both photosynthesis and outward water release. To optimise future crop productivity, accurate modelling of how stomata govern plant–environment interactions will be crucial. Here, we synergise optical and thermal imaging data to improve modelled transpiration estimates during water and/or nutrient stress (where leaf N is reduced). By utilising hyperspectral data and partial least squares regression analysis of six plant traits and fluxes in wheat (Triticum aestivum), we develop a new spectral vegetation index; the Combined Nitrogen and Drought Index (CNDI), which can be used to detect both water stress and/or nitrogen deficiency. Upon full stomatal closure during drought, CNDI shows a strong relationship with leaf water content (r2 = 0.70), with confounding changes in leaf biochemistry. By incorporating CNDI transformed with a sigmoid function into thermal-based transpiration modelling, we have increased the accuracy of modelling water fluxes during abiotic stress. These findings demonstrate the potential of using combined optical and thermal remote sensing-based modelling approaches to dynamically model water fluxes to improve both agricultural water usage and yields

    Rice plants overexpressing OsEPF1 show reduced stomatal density and increased root cortical aerenchyma formation

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    Stomata are adjustable pores in the aerial epidermis of plants. The role of stomata is usually described in terms of the trade-off between CO2 uptake and water loss. Little consideration has been given to their interaction with below-ground development or diffusion of other gases. We overexpressed the rice EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR1 (OsEPF1) to produce rice plants with reduced stomatal densities, resulting in lowered leaf stomatal conductance and enhanced water use efficiency. Surprisingly, we found that root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) is formed constitutively in OsEPF1OE lines regardless of tissue age and position. Aerenchyma is tissue containing air-spaces that can develop in the plant root during stressful conditions, e.g. oxygen deficiency when it functions to increase O2 diffusion from shoot to root. The relationship with stomata is unknown. We conclude that RCA development and stomatal development are linked by two possible mechanisms: first that reduced stomatal conductance inhibits the diffusion of oxygen to the root, creating an oxygen deficit and stimulating the formation of RCA, second that an unknown EPF signalling pathway may be involved. Our observations have fundamental implications for the understanding of whole plant gas diffusion and root-to-shoot signalling events

    The influences of stomatal size and density on rice abiotic stress resilience

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    A warming climate coupled with reductions in water availability and rising salinity are increasingly affecting rice (Oryza sativa) yields. Elevated temperatures combined with vapour pressure deficit (VPD) rises are causing stomatal closure, further reducing plant productivity and cooling. It is unclear what stomatal size (SS) and stomatal density (SD) will best suit all these environmental extremes. To understand how stomatal differences contribute to rice abiotic stress resilience, we screened the stomatal characteristics of 72 traditionally bred varieties. We found significant variation in SS, SD and calculated anatomical maximal stomatal conductance (gsmax ) but did not identify any varieties with SD and gsmax as low as transgenic OsEPF1oe plants. Traditionally bred varieties with high SD and small SS (resulting in higher gsmax ) typically had lower biomasses, and these plants were more resilient to drought than low SD and large SS plants, which were physically larger. None of the varieties assessed were as resilient to drought or salinity as low SD OsEPF1oe transgenic plants. High SD and small SS rice displayed faster stomatal closure during increasing temperature and VPD, but photosynthesis and plant cooling were reduced. Compromises will be required when choosing rice SS and SD to tackle multiple future environmental stresses

    Rice stomatal mega-papillae restrict water loss and pathogen entry

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) is a water-intensive crop, and like other plants uses stomata to balance CO2 uptake with water-loss. To identify agronomic traits related to rice stomatal complexes, an anatomical screen of 64 Thai and 100 global rice cultivars was undertaken. Epidermal outgrowths called papillae were identified on the stomatal subsidiary cells of all cultivars. These were also detected on eight other species of the Oryza genus but not on the stomata of any other plant species we surveyed. Our rice screen identified two cultivars that had “mega-papillae” that were so large or abundant that their stomatal pores were partially occluded; Kalubala Vee had extra-large papillae, and Dharia had approximately twice the normal number of papillae. These were most accentuated on the flag leaves, but mega-papillae were also detectable on earlier forming leaves. Energy dispersive X-Ray spectrometry revealed that silicon is the major component of stomatal papillae. We studied the potential function(s) of mega-papillae by assessing gas exchange and pathogen infection rates. Under saturating light conditions, mega-papillae bearing cultivars had reduced stomatal conductance and their stomata were slower to close and re-open, but photosynthetic assimilation was not significantly affected. Assessment of an F3 hybrid population treated with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola indicated that subsidiary cell mega-papillae may aid in preventing bacterial leaf streak infection. Our results highlight stomatal mega-papillae as a novel rice trait that influences gas exchange, stomatal dynamics, and defense against stomatal pathogens which we propose could benefit the performance of future rice crops

    Induced genetic variations in stomatal density and size of rice strongly affects water use efficiency and responses to drought stresses

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important food crop relied upon by billions of people worldwide. However, with increasing pressure from climate change and rapid population growth, cultivation is very water-intensive. Therefore, it is critical to produce rice that is high-yielding and genetically more water-use efficient. Here, using the stabilized fast-neutron mutagenized population of Jao Hom Nin (JHN) - a popular purple rice cultivar - we microscopically examined hundreds of flag leaves to identify four stomatal model mutants with either high density (HD) or low density (LD) stomata, and small-sized (SS) or large-sized (LS) stomata. With similar genetic background and uniformity, the stomatal model mutants were used to understand the role of stomatal variants on physiological responses to abiotic stress. Our results show that SS and HD respond better to increasing CO2 concentration and HD has higher stomatal conductance (gs) compared to the other stomatal model mutants, although the effects on gas exchange or overall plant performance were small under greenhouse conditions. In addition, the results of our drought experiments suggest that LD and SS can better adapt to restricted water conditions, and LD showed higher water use efficiency (WUE) and biomass/plant than other stomatal model mutants under long-term restricted water treatment. Finally, our study suggests that reducing stomata density and size may play a promising role for further work on developing a climate-ready rice variety to adapt to drought and heat stress. We propose that low stomata density and small size have high potential as genetic donors for improving WUE in climate-ready rice

    Schmidt-hammer exposure ages from periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles) in Jotunheimen, Norway, and their interpretative problems

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    © 2016 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles and polygons) along an altitudinal profile at Juvflya in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway, is investigated using Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD). The patterned ground surfaces exhibit R-value distributions with platycurtic modes, broad plateaus, narrow tails, and a negative skew. Sample sites located between 1500 and 1925 m a.s.l. indicate a distinct altitudinal gradient of increasing mean R-values towards higher altitudes interpreted as a chronological function. An established regional SHD calibration curve for Jotunheimen yielded mean boulder exposure ages in the range 6910 ± 510 to 8240 ± 495 years ago. These SHD ages are indicative of the timing of patterned ground formation, representing minimum ages for active boulder upfreezing and maximum ages for the stabilization of boulders in the encircling gutters. Despite uncertainties associated with the calibration curve and the age distribution of the boulders, the early-Holocene age of the patterned ground surfaces, the apparent cessation of major activity during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) and continuing lack of late-Holocene activity clarify existing understanding of the process dynamics and palaeoclimatic significance of large-scale sorted patterned ground as an indicator of a permafrost environment. The interpretation of SHD ages from patterned ground surfaces remains challenging, however, owing to their diachronous nature, the potential for a complex history of formation, and the influence of local, non-climatic factors