24 research outputs found

    The model equal opportunity employer.

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    When looked at by occupation, there is a great deal of employment discrimination. Employment gaps ranged from -33 percent in the female dominated clerical occupations to 32 percent in the male dominated skilled craft occupations. By occupation, the earnings gaps ranged from 18 percent in the clerical occupations to 32 percent in the skilled craft occupations.The analysis by state revealed that states with the best employment records generally had the largest income gaps and vice versa. And, the presence or absence of state equal employment or equal pay legislation made no significant difference in the employment pattern.The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of employtment opportunity of white women employed in state and local government. Two facets of employment opportunity were analyzed, employment and earnings. Employment and income gaps were determined by occupation and by state for the years 1973-76.The data base used for this study was gathered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. All state and local governments with 15 or more employees are required by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and amended in 1972, to file EEO-4 reports on a periodic basis. Employment and income data by sex and race are included on the EEO-4 report

    Investigating Elementary School Teachers\u27 Interactions Relating to Newcomer Emergent Bilingual Students

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    ABSTRACT Five of the top 16 counties in the United States with the fastest growth in the Latino population from 2000 to 2007 are in Georgia (Pew Hispanic Research Center, 2015). The Georgia metropolitan area where the study occurred has more Latinos than Austin, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, or Tucson (Pew Hispanic Research Center, 2015). Particularly following the New Latino Diaspora (Hamann, Wortham, & Murillo, 2002; Murillo, 2002; and Villenas, 2002) schools in the Southeastern United States have more and more Spanish-speaking students (Pew Hispanic Research Center, 2015). However, most classroom teachers have not received specialized training or professional development relating to these students (Ballantyne, Sanderman, & Levy, 2008; Barrera & Jiménez, 2000; Carrasquillo & Rodríguez, 2002; Dove & Honigsfeld, 2010; Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006; Kim, 2010; Walker, Shafer, & Iiams, 2004). My study’s purpose was to explore the interactions between an English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher (myself) and classroom teachers in my school relating to newcomer emergent bilingual students. The main research question guiding this study was: What happens when an ESOL teacher and classroom teachers intentionally gather to focus on newcomer emergent bilingual students? Teachers attended 12 weekly gatherings which were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed. This study exemplifies practitioner research and thematic analysis of the data. Sociocultural theory (Vygotsky, 1978, 1986) and critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970) frame this study and were used as interpretive lenses for data analysis. Five major themes emerged: newcomers, resources, connections with classroom experiences, perceptions, and professional development. Findings related to teachers’ sense of self-efficacy relating to newcomers, their awareness of linguistic and cultural issues, and the importance of the social-emotional climate. A kit for classroom teachers of newcomers was prepared. Recommendations include support for classroom teachers who receive newcomer students—resources for the first days with a newcomer and ongoing interaction with other teachers for discussing strategies and reflecting on classroom experiences. Additional research is needed to increase awareness of the transition for classroom teachers and students when a newcomer arrives

    Examen especial a los procesos de contratación pública de bienes y servicios de subasta inversa electrónica, al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Guamote, periodo 2020

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    El objetivo de la investigación radicó en efectuar un Examen Especial a los procesos de contratación pública de bienes y servicios de subasta inversa electrónica al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón Guamote, periodo 2020, a través del análisis al proceso de subasta inversa a fin de verificar el cumplimiento de la normativa vigente. Así se elaboró la auditoría mediante la aplicación de sus respectivas fases: Planificación (preliminar y específico), ejecución y comunicación de resultados. La metodología empleada según el contexto de la investigación fue no experimental, de tipo bibliográfico y de campo, valiéndose de los métodos inductivo-deductivos y análisis-síntesis. Además, se utilizó la técnica de la entrevista, cuestionarios de control interno COSO I y la aplicación del Check List con la finalidad de determinar los hallazgos, lo que permitió desarrollar el informe borrador de auditoría de forma detallada. La información analizada demostró que existen falencias en algunos procesos de subasta inversa en el GADMCG pues en algunos casos no se cumplen con lo estipulado en la ley y reglamento del Sistema Nacional de Contratación Pública por ende no se han logrado adjudicar exitosamente todos los procesos planificados, esto se suscitó por la ausencia de socializaciones para actualizar los conocimientos acerca de los procesos de contratación pública a los miembros de la Subdirección de compras públicas. Por consiguiente, se recomienda ejecutar los procesos de compras públicas por SI con base a lo regido en la normativa vigente del SNCP para lo que se requiere que se capacite con frecuencia a las personas que laboran en el áreaThe objective of the investigation was to conduct a Special Examination of the public procurement processes of goods and services of the electronic reverse auction to the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of Canton Guamote, period 2020, through the analysis of the reverse auction process in order to verify compliance with current regulations. Thus, the audit was elaborated through the application of its respective phases: Planning (preliminary and specific), execution, and communication of results. The methodology used according to the research context was non-experimental, bibliographic and field type, using the inductive-deductive and analysis-synthesis methods. In addition, the following techniques were used to determine the conclusions: the interview technique, the COSO I internal control questionnaires, and the checklist application. Applying these techniques made it possible to prepare the draft audit report in detail. The information analyzed showed deficiencies in some reverse auction processes in the GADMCG. In some cases, they do not comply with the stipulations of the law and the regulations of the National Public Procurement System. Therefore, it has yet to be possible to satisfactorily award all the planned processes due to the need for greater socialization to update the knowledge of the members of the Public Contracting Sub-Directorate on public contracting processes. Consequently, it is recommended that public contracting processes be carried out by SI based on the current regulations of the SNCP, for which frequent training of the people working in the area is required

    Leveraging Factors of Self-Efficacy and Motivation to Optimize Stroke Recovery

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    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework recognizes that an individual's functioning post-stroke reflects an interaction between their health condition and contextual factors encompassing personal and environmental factors. Personal factors significantly impact rehabilitation outcomes as they determine how an individual evaluates their situation and copes with their condition in daily life. A key personal factor is self-efficacy—an individual's belief in their capacity to achieve certain outcomes. Self-efficacy influences an individual's motivational state to execute behaviors necessary for achieving desired rehabilitation outcomes. Stroke rehabilitation practice and research now acknowledge self-efficacy and motivation as critical elements in post-stroke recovery, and increasing evidence highlights their contributions to motor (re)learning. Given the informative value of neuroimaging-based biomarkers in stroke, elucidating the neurological underpinnings of self-efficacy and motivation may optimize post-stroke recovery. In this review, we examine the role of self-efficacy and motivation in stroke rehabilitation and recovery, identify potential neural substrates underlying these factors from current neuroimaging literature, and discuss how leveraging these factors and their associated neural substrates has the potential to advance the field of stroke rehabilitation

    A metric for characterizing the arm nonuse workspace in poststroke individuals using a robot arm

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    An over-reliance on the less-affected limb for functional tasks at the expense of the paretic limb and in spite of recovered capacity is an often-observed phenomenon in survivors of hemispheric stroke. The difference between capacity for use and actual spontaneous use is referred to as arm nonuse. Obtaining an ecologically valid evaluation of arm nonuse is challenging because it requires the observation of spontaneous arm choice for different tasks, which can easily be influenced by instructions, presumed expectations, and awareness that one is being tested. To better quantify arm nonuse, we developed the Bimanual Arm Reaching Test with a Robot (BARTR) for quantitatively assessing arm nonuse in chronic stroke survivors. The BARTR is an instrument that utilizes a robot arm as a means of remote and unbiased data collection of nuanced spatial data for clinical evaluations of arm nonuse. This approach shows promise for determining the efficacy of interventions designed to reduce paretic arm nonuse and enhance functional recovery after stroke. We show that the BARTR satisfies the criteria of an appropriate metric for neurorehabilitative contexts: it is valid, reliable, and simple to use.Comment: Accepted to Science Robotics at https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adf7723 on November 15th, 202

    West Nile Virus Infection among the Homeless, Houston, Texas1

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    Among 397 homeless participants studied, the overall West Nile virus (WNV) seroprevalence was 6.8%. Risk factors for WNV infection included being homeless >1 year, spending >6 hours outside daily, regularly taking mosquito precautions, and current marijuana use. Public health interventions need to be directed toward this high-risk population

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Captura de Petromyzon marinus lo en las Marismas del GuadalquivirEstudio sobre la Lagartiia de Valverde Algyroides marchi (Reptilia, Lacertidae)Dimorfismo sexual en Psammodromuus algirus (Reptilia, Lacertidae)Mecanismos de parasitización por Clamator glandarius y defensa por Pica pica.Nidificación de Cyanopica cyana en Doñana.Reproducción de la Urraca (P.pica) en DoñanaNesting relationship between Columba palambus and Milvus migransBiometría y dimorfismo sexual en el Calamón (Polphyrio porphyrio).Sobre sexo, mecanismos y proceso de reproducciónen el Buitre Leonado (Gyps fulvus)Aves anilladas por la Estación Biológica de Doñana. Informe Nº 1. (Años 1964 a 1971)Dimorfismo sexual y diferenciación de edades en Sturnus unicolor Temm.Contribución al estudio de la biología y ecología del Lirón Careto, Eliomys quercinus Linnaeus 1766, en Iberia Central, Parte 1: Crecimiento, Reproducción y Nidificación.Sobre el Lobo (Canis lupus) ibérico:1. Dimorfismo sexual en cráneosMorfología y dimorfismo sexual de la pelvis de Pitymys duodecimcostatusAlgunos aspectos del diformismo sexual en el cráneo de las Ginetas españolas, (Genetta genetta) (L.) 1758Peer reviewe

    Defining the ABC of gene essentiality in streptococci

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    Background Utilising next generation sequencing to interrogate saturated bacterial mutant libraries provides unprecedented information for the assignment of genome-wide gene essentiality. Exposure of saturated mutant libraries to specific conditions and subsequent sequencing can be exploited to uncover gene essentiality relevant to the condition. Here we present a barcoded transposon directed insertion-site sequencing (TraDIS) system to define an essential gene list for Streptococcus equi subsp. equi, the causative agent of strangles in horses, for the first time. The gene essentiality data for this group C Streptococcus was compared to that of group A and B streptococci. Results Six barcoded variants of pGh9:ISS1 were designed and used to generate mutant libraries containing between 33,000-66,000 unique mutants. TraDIS was performed on DNA extracted from each library and data were analysed separately and as a combined master pool. Gene essentiality determined that 19.5% of the S. equi genome was essential. Gene essentialities were compared to those of group A and group B streptococci, identifying concordances of 90.2% and 89.4%, respectively and an overall concordance of 83.7% between the three species. Conclusions The use of barcoded pGh9:ISS1 to generate mutant libraries provides a highly useful tool for the assignment of gene function in S. equi and other streptococci. The shared essential gene set of group A, B and C streptococci provides further evidence of the close genetic relationships between these important pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the ABC of gene essentiality reported here provides a solid foundation towards reporting the functional genome of streptococci