34 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Tugas akhir ini membahas tentang pengaruh penjadwalan seperti; DropTail, RED (Random Early Detection), dan SFQ (Stochastic Fairness Queuing) terhadap kualitas penerimaan user dalam jaringan HSDPA. Pemodelan arsitektur jaringan HSDPA dalam Network Simulator terdiri dari satu server sebagai sumber/generator trafik, dua router, satu SGSN, satu GGSN, satu RNC, satu NodeB, dan UE. Setiap link wired menggunakan bandwidth sebesar 6 MByte. Tiap-tiap penjadwalan dijalankan melalui tiga scenario; perbedaan background trafik, pengaruh jumlah user, dan pengaruh jarak UE-NodeB. QoS yang diamati meliputi paket loss, throughput, delay, dan jitter. Pada scenario penambahan background trafik, algoritma Droptail menunjukkan level QoS yang paling baik pada mean throughput (44.35845 Kbps), mean packet loss (0.0453046%), mean delay (108.15175 ms), dan mean jitter (2.19676 ms) ketimbang algoritma penjadwalan lainnya. Skenario kedua dimana QoS diteliti melalui perbedaan jumlah user menunjukkan bahwa algoritma SFQ mempunyai level mean throughput tertinggi (22.9329295 Kbps pada 20 users) begitu pula pada mean packet loss terendah (13.30122%), sementara mean delay terendah pada 20 user juga dihasilkan oleh penjadwalan SFQ sebesar 137.5525 ms. Skenario ketiga pada NS yang menggunakan perbedaan radius antara UE – NodeB menunjukkan bahwa pada radius 100m dari NodeB, algoritma penjadwalan SFQ mempunyai level QoS (throughput, delay, packet loss, dan jitter) yang lebih bagus ketimbang penjadwalan lainnya yaitu pada: mean packet loss terendah sebesar 0.5192866%, mean throughput tertinggi sebesar 39.84373 Kbps, mean delay terendah sebesar 173.6617 ms, dan mean jitter sebesar 0.8876892 ms. Sedangka pada radius lain (300m), level QoS dengan mean paket loss terendah sebesar 35.4501%, tidak lagi memenuhi kriteria standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh ITU-T, mean throughput tertinggi pada 4.338774 Kbps, mean delay terendah sebesar 181.884 ms, dan mean delay terendah sebesar 8.687132 ms. Meskipun demikian penjadwalan SFQ masih lebih baik ketimbang kedua penjadwalan lainnya. Kata Kunci : Droptail, RED, SFQ, QoS, Video StreamingABSTRACT: This paper focuses on how does each scheduler; DropTail, RED, and SFQ has an effect on user’s quality received over HSDPA network. The network model of HSDPA system architecture on Network Simulator consist of one server as source of the traffics, two routers, one SGSN, one GGSN, one RNC, one NodeB, and UEs. Each wired links has been set to six MByte bandwidth. The test of the schedulers are divided into three scenarios: different background traffic, the influence of different number of users, and the influence of different distance. The QoS as user’s quality received consist of packet loss, throughput, delay, and jitter. On different background traffic scenario, the DropTail scheduler’s algorithm has better effect over mean throughput (44.35845 Kbps), mean packet loss (0.0453046%), mean delay (108.15175 ms), and mean jitter (2.19676 ms) than the other schedulers. The second scenario which the QoS is observed under the different number of users shows that the SFQ algorithm has advantage on mean throughput (22.9329295 Kbps on 20 users) as well as mean packet loss (13.30122%), also the mean delay on 20 users is best achieved by SFQ algorithm (137.5525 ms). The third scenario on NS which observed the different distance, the result show that SFQ algorithm have better QoS level than other schedulers with lowest mean packet loss of 0.5192866%, highest mean throughput of 39.84373 Kbps, lowest mean delay of 173.6617 ms, and lowest mean jitter of 0.8876892 ms on 100m radius from the NodeB. While on the other distance (300m), with lowest mean packet loss of 35.4501% show a very poor level from the ITU-T’s standard, highest mean throughput of 4.338774 Kbps, lowest mean delay of 181.884 ms, and lowest mean delay of 8.687132 ms. But in other hands the SFQ algorithm have the best performance over the other scheduler. Keyword: Droptail, RED, SFQ, QoS, Video Streamin


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    This study aims to examine the effect of learning orientation on innovative performance and its impact on the Marketing personnel performance with internal audit supervision as moderation. The problem of research is how to improve the marketing personnel performance through learning    orientation    and    innovative performance with internal audit supervision as moderation? The sample of this research is all marketing personnel who work in PT. BPR Nusamba Cepiring with a total of 101 respondents. Regression analysis is run with Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) software to analyze the data. The result of the analysis shows that learning orientation has significant effect on innovative performance in improving the Marketing personnel performance by strengthening internal    audit    supervision. These    empirical    findings    indicate that learning orientation has a significant effect on innovative performance; learning orientation has a significant effect on the Marketing personnel performance; innovative performance has a significant effect on the Marketing personnel performance; and internal audit supervision can strengthen the effect of innovative performance on the Marketing personnel performance which also have a significant effect on team performance.Keywords : learning orientation, innovative performance, Marketing personnel performance and internal audit supervisio

    The Effectiveness of Zakah, Infaq, Sadaqah (ZIS) Management by BAZDA to Improve the Welfare of Society in Central Java

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    The big potential of Zakah, infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Central Java is one of the instruments for reducing poverty and improving the welfare of the society. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of management ZIS optimally so as to make a significant contribution to poverty reduction and improved well-being. Regulation No. 23 of 2011 on the management of Zakah has provided the legal basis which is very strong in the management of Zakah, by collecting, distributing, and accountability of it.The unit of analysis in this study is the Bazda in Central Java Province.  The sample is four districts/cities, including: the city and regency of Semarang, Jepara and Demak district. In addition, the study respondents aremanagers of Bazda, muzzaki, and mustahik in four districts/cities.The findings show that all Bazda have already had database on muzaki and mustahik, but still incomplete, so it cannot be done for the sake of collecting and mapping the distribution of ZIS effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the condition of the building, infrastructure and operational funds sourced budgets have not been able to support the operations and performance of the collection, distribution and reporting effectively and efficiently. Distribution and utilization of ZIS is dominated for the fulfillment of consumer needs and focused on the areas of health, education and social, while, empowering productive business activities is still slightly low, so that it is necessary to have a paradigm shift in the management of the ZIS to make mustahikbecome more productive. It is required a coordinated and integrated cooperation between Bazda District/City, Baz Districts, the regency/state, enterprises, SOEs and private agencies in order to collect ZIS effectively and efficiently and not only dominated merely by the civil servants. Reporting and accountability system, so far, has been conducted in a transparent and accountable through a written report to the District / City Government and Parliament, but some Bazdado not provide it to mustahikin detail, either in book form or through the WEB. Only the district of Jepara which has a complete reporting system, regular, detailed and printed in book form to be sent to the Government, Parliament, and the muzaki of related parties


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    This study aims to analyze the capacity of family micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to absorb and manage relevant information from their immediate environment, and incorporate it into their innovative activities. This research also seeks to improve our understanding of the role of diversity in the generation of corporate management. This research was conducted on 126 family MSME owners in Central Java Province who are respondents with criteria that have been operating for 2 years or more and are managed by family members. The type of data in this study was obtained from primary data. Primary data obtained directly from the main source by filling out questionnaires in the form of online (google form) distributed through MSME communities and offline (print out sheets) by visiting the location of MSME families. Data analysis method used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect on absorptive capacity on innovation performance and knowledge management capability in family MSMEs, while the role of generational diversity (multi-generation) did not have a moderating effect in strengthening the relationship between absorptive capacity and innovation performance


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    This research is intended to test the effect of workload and family work conflict on HR performance with social capital as moderation. The problem is how to improve HR performance through the reduction of workload, family work conflict and work stress with social capital as moderation. The sample of this study is employees of Regional financial agency of Semarang as many as 117 respondents. Regression Analysis was done by software package for statistical social science (spss). The analysis showed that the workloads and family work conflict have significant effect on HR performance with social capital as moderation. The empirical findings indicated that workload has significant effect on HR performance; family work conflict has a significant effect on HR performance; workload has significant effect on work stress; family work conflict has significant effect on work stress; social capital moderates workload to affect HR performance; and social capital moderates the effect of family work conflict to affect HR performance.Keywords : workload, family work conflict, work stress, social capital and HR performance


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    Dimensions of social capital described everything that makes people allied to achieve a common goal based on unity, and bounded by the values and norms that grow and obeyed, as well as the social relations inherent in social structures and social networks in a community that creates wide range of social obligations, creating a climate of mutual trust, bring information channels, and establish norms and social sanctions for members of the community (Coleman , 1999). However, Fukuyama ( 2000) says that not necessarily the norms and shared values are guided by reference behave, act, and behave it automatically becomes social capital. However, only the norms and shared values based on trust. Where trust is build from expectations, honesty, and cooperative behavior emerging from within a community based on shared norms shared by its members. The population consisted of tobacco farmers, community leaders, and government officials from eight districts and rural villages are selected as samples. While the number of respondents were 104 people , consisting of 80 tobacco farmers, 16 community leaders, 16 of the village, sub-district and 2 devices. Variables research includes the study of economic, socialcultural, demographic, tobacco farmers, and the effectiveness of social capital. Data collection using focus group discussions ( FGD ) with the respondent, and field observations. The results showed that the values of trust in social capital is dominant as the basis for rural communities to be used as based on improvement of other functions, such as increased respect and mutual benefit. Problems in the optimization problem concerning the nature of social capital, human resource issues, and management issues. The main problems to optimize the role of social capital in rural areas need the support of various stakeholders, and the demands of rural communities regarding the importance of mentoring programs to improve the competence of rural communities by improving farming skills, and improve agricultural diversification. In addition, the need for transformational leadership support to improve the optimization of the role of social capital .Keywords : social capital, welfare, transformational leadership, mentorin


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    The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of environmental initiative, employee involvement, and supplier integration on the environmental performance and corporate performance Semarang municipality. This study uses environmental initiative, employeeinvolvement, and supplier integation as an exogenous variable, and such intervening variables as environmental performance, and dependen variable is corporate performance. The first step of the study is to investigate the influence of environmental initiative, employee involvement, and supplier integtarion on environmental performance. The second step is to investigate the influence of environmental performance on corporate performance. The third step is to investigate new model of environment management based on the trimming theory. The population of this study consists of 85 corporetes where operations on industrial centre in Semarang municipality. All of the variables are measured with four indicators for every indicators. The analysis data using path analysis that solved by multiple regression. The result of the study shows that, first: the independent variables environmental initiative and employee involvement have significant influence on environmental performance. Second, supplier integration has direct effect on corpporate performance. Third, environmental management has a significant influence on corporate performance. At last, the result of trimmed model show that environmental performance as a mediating variables from correlations amoong environment initiative, employee involvement on corporate performance.Keywords:Environmenalt Initiative, Employee Involvement, Supplier Integration, Environmental Performance, and Corporate Performance

    Peran Modal Sosial dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Petani Tembakau di Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Dimensi modal sosial menggambarkan segala sesuatu yang membuat masyarakat bersekutu untuk mencapai tujuan bersama atas dasar kebersamaan, serta didalamnya diikat oleh nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang tumbuh dan dipatuhi, serta sosial inheren dalam struktur relasi sosial dan jaringan sosial di dalam suatu masyarakat yang menciptakan berbagai ragam kewajiban sosial, menciptakan iklim saling percaya, membawa saluran informasi, dan menetapkan norma-norma, serta sangsi-sangsi sosial bagi para anggota masyarakat tersebut (Coleman, 1999). Namun demikian Fukuyama (2000) dengan tegas menyatakan, belum tentu norma-norma dan nilai-nilai bersama yang dipedomani sebagai acuan bersikap, bertindak, dan bertingkah-laku itu otomatis menjadi modal sosial. Akan tetapi hanyalah norma-norma dan nilai-nilai bersama yang dibangkitkan oleh kepercayaan (trust). Dimana trust ini adalah merupakan harapan- harapan terhadap keteraturan, kejujuran, dan perilaku kooperatif yang muncul dari dalam sebuah komunitas masyarakat yang didasarkan pada norma-norma yang dianut bersama oleh para anggotanya. Populasi dalam penelitian terdiri dari petani tembakau, tokoh masyarakat, dan aparat pemerintah kecamatan dan desa dari delapan desa yang terpilih sebagai sampel. Sementara itu jumlah responden sebanyak 104 orang, yang terdiri dari 80 petani tembakau, 16 tokoh masyarakat, 16 perangkat desa, dan 2 orang perangkat kecamatan. Variabel penelitian meliputi kajian ekonomi, sosial budaya, kajian demografi, karakteristik petani tembakau, dan efektivitas modal sosial. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan focus group discussion (FGD) dengan responden, dan observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kepercayaan dalam modal sosial sangat dominan sebagai dasar bagi masyarakat pedesaan untuk dijadikan modal dalam peningkatan fungsi yang lain, seperti peningkatan respek dan keuntungan bersama. Permasalahan dalam optimalisasi modal sosial menyangkut masalah alam, masalah sumber daya manusia, dan masalah manajemen. Sementara itu untuk mengoptimalkan peran modal sosial di pedesaan perlu adanya dukungan dari berbagai pihak, seiring dengan tuntutan masyarakat pedesaan terkait dengan pentingnya program pendampingan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi masyarakat pedesaan dengan meningkatkan ketrampilan bertani, dan meningkatkan diversivikasi pertanian. Selain itu juga perlunya dukungan kepemimpinan transformasional untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi peran modal sosial.


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    This study discusses the relationship between lifestyle and individual preferences in choosing local or foreign brands. The sample consisted of 250 people, taken randomly through surveys in several public places in Surakarta - Indonesia, including the department stores, traditional markets, or other public areas, where many people were there and were willing to become research participants. Fur­thermore, the collected data is processed using factor analysis to reduce lifestyle dimensions, and logistic regression analysis is used to explain the relationship between lifestyle dimensions and pre­ferences in choosing a local brand or foreign brand, in this case represented by Wong Solo Grilled Chicken (WSGC) or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).The test results indicate 13 dimensions of lifestyle, and only 5 dimensions are significantly related to brand preference: (1) individuals who have a fashion consciousness lifestyle tend to choose KFC rather than WSGC, (2) individuals with health consciousness lifestyles tend to choose WSGC rather than KFC, (3) individuals with leadership lifestyles tend choosing KFC rather than WSGC, (4) individuals with attentiveness lifestyle tend to choose WSGC rather than KFC, and (5) individuals with extroversion lifestyles tend to choose KFC rather than WSGC. This study also discusses the implications of studies related to the contribution of theory, practitioners, and possibilities for future studie

    The Effectiveness of Zakah, Infaq, Sadaqah (ZIS) Management by BAZDA to Improve the Welfare of Society in Central Java

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    The big potential of Zakah, infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Central Java is one of the instruments for reducing poverty and improving the welfare of the society. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of management ZIS optimally so as to make a significant contribution to poverty reduction and improved well-being. Regulation No. 23 of 2011 on the management of Zakah has provided the legal basis which is very strong in the management of Zakah, by collecting, distributing, and accountability of it.The unit of analysis in this study is the Bazda in Central Java Province. The sample is four districts/cities, including: the city and regency of Semarang, Jepara and Demak district. In addition, the study respondents aremanagers of Bazda, muzzaki, and mustahik in four districts/cities.The findings show that all Bazda have already had database on muzaki and mustahik, but still incomplete, so it cannot be done for the sake of collecting and mapping the distribution of ZIS effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the condition of the building, infrastructure and operational funds sourced budgets have not been able to support the operations and performance of the collection, distribution and reporting effectively and efficiently. Distribution and utilization of ZIS is dominated for the fulfillment of consumer needs and focused on the areas of health, education and social, while, empowering productive business activities is still slightly low, so that it is necessary to have a paradigm shift in the management of the ZIS to make mustahikbecome more productive. It is required a coordinated and integrated cooperation between Bazda District/City, Baz Districts, the regency/state, enterprises, SOEs and private agencies in order to collect ZIS effectively and efficiently and not only dominated merely by the civil servants. Reporting and accountability system, so far, has been conducted in a transparent and accountable through a written report to the District / City Government and Parliament, but some Bazdado not provide it to mustahikin detail, either in book form or through the WEB. Only the district of Jepara which has a complete reporting system, regular, detailed and printed in book form to be sent to the Government, Parliament, and the muzaki of related parties