10 research outputs found

    Literature Review of the Effectiveness of Using Aggregate Planing in the Msme Industry

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    This research investigates the effectiveness of using Aggregate Planning in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) industry. Through a literature review using national and international scientific journal articles from 2018-2023, this research identified three main approaches to aggregate planning: Level Strategy, Chase Strategy, and Mixed Strategy. Level Strategy maintains production levels at a constant level, using inventory as a buffer to deal with fluctuations in demand. Chase Strategy adjusts production directly to market demand, minimizing inventory and carrying costs. Mixed Strategy, a combination of Chase Strategy and Level Strategy, combines the flexibility of Chase Strategy with the stability of Level Strategy to optimize production and inventory costs. This research describes how MSMEs in the children's clothing industry implement these three strategies. In Level Strategy, production is kept at a constant level, using inventory as a buffer. In the Chase Strategy, production is matched directly to demand, reducing inventory and carrying costs. In Mixed Strategy, the combination of strategies allows flexible response to demand fluctuations, minimizing inventory costs. The calculation results show that using Mixed Strategy allows companies to optimize production, reduce inventory costs, and respond quickly to variations in market demand. The total costs during this period were the result of production costs, inventory costs, overtime costs, and worker salaries, reaching a total of IDR 124,900,000. This research provides insight into how MSMEs can utilize aggregate planning with various strategies to increase their operational efficiency and flexibility in facing market dynamics

    Pemilihan Lokasi Pusat Distribusi Pt Wahana Lentera Raya Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    PT Wahana Lentera Raya merupakan salah satu industri yang bergerak pada bidang furnitur yang memiliki ruang lingkup pasar yaitu nasional dan internasional. Meningkatnya permintaan pasar akan furnitur pada masing -masing area menyebabkan pusat distribusi yang ada tidak maksimal dalam melakukan penyaluran barang. Sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan terhadap pemilihan lokasi pusat distribusi agar barang diterima oleh pelanggan secara tepat waktu. Oleh karena itu PT Wahana Lentera Raya melakukan pengambilan keputusan pusat distribusi dengan beberapa kriteria menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengambil keputusan terhadap alternatif yang akan dipilih oleh pengambil keputusan dengan efektif. Data pada awal penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner AHP untuk alternatif lokasi yang sudah ditentukan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mendiskusikan hasil kuesioner dan akhirnya memutuskan bobot secara kolaboratif. Hasil yang diperoleh prioritas proses kualifikasi adalah kota Pekalongan dengan bobot tertinggi, kriteria Pasar dan Biaya menjadi parameter penilaian ini, disusul kota Solo dan kota Semarang. Dan Ketika dilakukan pengujian sensitifitas terhadap hasil akhir, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rangking alternatif tersebut konsisten atau tidak sensitif terhadap perubahan nilai. ========================================================== ========================================== PT Wahana Lentera Raya is one of the industries engaged in the furniture sector which has national and international market scope. The increasing market demand for furniture in each area has resulted in the distribution center being not maximal in distributing goods. So it is necessary to develop the selection of distribution center locations so that the goods are received by customers on time. Therefore, PT Wahana Lentera Raya made a distribution center decision with several criteria using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). It aims to make decisions on alternatives that will be chosen by decision makers effectively. Data at the beginning of this study were collected using AHP questionnaires for alternative locations that had been determined, then continued with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss the results of the questionnaire and finally decide on the weight collaboratively. The results obtained by the priority of the qualification process are the city of Pekalongan with the highest weight, the criteria for Market and Cost as the parameters of this assessment, followed by the city of Solo and the city of Semarang. And when the sensitivity test is carried out on the final result, it can be concluded that the alternative ranking is consistent or not sensitive to changes in value

    Translation Process of Core Values, Vision, and Mission into The Prescribed Curriculum

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    The case study is intended to describe how Core Values, Vision, and Mission of English Education Department in Widya Mandala Catholic University’s Graduate School (Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris or “MPBI”) are translated into the syllabi (prescribed curriculum) using the Value Sharing Model as the framework and Actor Network Theory (ANT) to explain the process within this framework. The research questions are: first, do the course syllabi reflect the Vision, Mission and Core Values of MPBI? And second, how the vision, mission and core values are translated into the prescribed curriculum (syllabi)? This study was conducted by analyzing the syllabi using document analysis parameters and triangulated by conducting interviews to some lecturers and students in MPBI-19. The results are: first, the syllabi were reflecting the core values, vision and mission statements. Second, there are four ways to deliver values. Third, syllabus should be seen as a part of a curriculum not as a separated unit of course. Fourth, all courses are crystallized in Teaching Practice course (in practical term) and Thesis Writing (in theoretical form). The suggestions were: first, using a generalized format of syllabus to help lecturers state their values explicitly. Second, there are opportunities to research further the same topic in the scope of enacted curriculum. And third, lecturers should maintain their internalization processes

    The translation process of vision, mission and core values in MPBI into the prescribed curriculum

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    Nowadays, the vision, mission, and core values of an organization are considered as one of the important things which makes the organization unique than the others. It also serves as a guideline for the organization business process. The purpose of this research is to provide a description about the translation process of Vision, Mission, and Core Values in MPBI (Graduate School of English Education) in Widya Mandala Catholic University into the prescribed curriculum using the Value Sharing Model as the framework and Actor Network Theory (ANT) to explain the process within this framework. The research questions stated in this research deal with whether the course syllabi reflect the Vision, Mission and Core Values of Widya Mandala Catholic University and how the vision, mission and core values are translated into the prescribed curriculum (syllabi). This case study was conducted by analyzing their syllabi using document analysis parameters and the data were triangulated by conducting interviews to some lecturers and students in MPBI. The results are as follows: first, the syllabi were reflecting the core values, vision and mission statements (the lecturers had undergone the internalization processes; commitment is the easiest value to be found while enthusiasm is the most difficult value to be found in the syllabi, beside PeKA the lecturers had their own values to be shared with their students; the syllabi were reflected on three missions but with different emphasis). Second, there are four ways to deliver values (through activities in the classroom, attendances and assignments, description in the course objective, and through written rules and commitment required in the course (beside these four the lecturers also had their own ways to deliver the values). Third, syllabus should be seen as a part of a curriculum not as a single separated unit of course. Fourth, all the courses are crystallized in the form of Teaching Practice course (in practical term) and Thesis Writing (in theoretical form). The suggestions were: first, using a generalized/new format of syllabus to make it easier for lecturers to state their values explicitly. Second, there are opportunities to researching further the same topic but in the scope of enacted curriculum. And third, lecturers should always maintain the internalization processes

    The translation process of vision, mission and core values in MPBI into the prescribed curriculum

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    Nowadays, the vision, mission, and core values of an organization are considered as one of the important things which makes the organization unique than the others. It also serves as a guideline for the organization business process. The purpose of this research is to provide a description about the translation process of Vision, Mission, and Core Values in MPBI (Graduate School of English Education) in Widya Mandala Catholic University into the prescribed curriculum using the Value Sharing Model as the framework and Actor Network Theory (ANT) to explain the process within this framework. The research questions stated in this research deal with whether the course syllabi reflect the Vision, Mission and Core Values of Widya Mandala Catholic University and how the vision, mission and core values are translated into the prescribed curriculum (syllabi). This case study was conducted by analyzing their syllabi using document analysis parameters and the data were triangulated by conducting interviews to some lecturers and students in MPBI. The results are as follows: first, the syllabi were reflecting the core values, vision and mission statements (the lecturers had undergone the internalization processes; commitment is the easiest value to be found while enthusiasm is the most difficult value to be found in the syllabi, beside PeKA the lecturers had their own values to be shared with their students; the syllabi were reflected on three missions but with different emphasis). Second, there are four ways to deliver values (through activities in the classroom, attendances and assignments, description in the course objective, and through written rules and commitment required in the course (beside these four the lecturers also had their own ways to deliver the values). Third, syllabus should be seen as a part of a curriculum not as a single separated unit of course. Fourth, all the courses are crystallized in the form of Teaching Practice course (in practical term) and Thesis Writing (in theoretical form). The suggestions were: first, using a generalized/new format of syllabus to make it easier for lecturers to state their values explicitly. Second, there are opportunities to researching further the same topic but in the scope of enacted curriculum. And third, lecturers should always maintain the internalization processes

    Pemilihan Lokasi Pusat Distribusi PT. Wahana Lentera Raya Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    PT Wahana Lentera Raya merupakan salah satu industri yang bergerak pada bidang furnitur yang memiliki ruang lingkup pasar yaitu nasional dan internasional. Meningkatnya permintaan pasar akan furnitur pada masing -masing area menyebabkan pusat distribusi yang ada tidak maksimal dalam melakukan penyaluran barang. Sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan terhadap pemilihan lokasi pusat distribusi agar barang diterima oleh pelanggan secara tepat waktu. Oleh karena itu PT Wahana Lentera Raya melakukan pengambilan keputusan pusat distribusi dengan beberapa kriteria menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengambil keputusan terhadap alternatif yang akan dipilih oleh pengambil keputusan dengan efektif. Data pada awal penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner AHP kepada 30 responden untuk mencari alternatif lokasi yang sudah ditentukan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mendiskusikan hasil kuesioner dan akhirnya memutuskan bobot secara kolaboratif. Hasil yang diperoleh prioritas proses kualifikasi adalah kota Pekalongan dengan bobot tertinggi, kriteria Pasar dan Biaya menjadi parameter penilaian ini, disusul kota Solo dan kota Semarang. Dan Ketika dilakukan pengujian sensitifitas terhadap hasil akhir, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rangking alternatif tersebut konsisten atau tidak sensitif terhadap perubahan nila


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    Company X is a manufacturing company integrated with production segments ranging from spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finishing. The company has contributed to advancing the Indonesian textile industry as an important element in the domestic production sector. However, during the production process defects often occur or the results of goods that are not in accordance with company standards often occur. The purpose of this research is to identify the causes of defects, as well as to form priority recommendations for improvement with the aim of maintaining product quality according to company standards. Data analysis applied in this study uses the Failure Modes Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. The results of this study indicate that there are 7 types of defects with the highest frequency, namely colour spots/chemical defects which are the priority for improvement in the quality system. There are 9 failure modes with the highest RPN, namely 360 in the imperfect Drug Dissolution Failure Mode. There are 5 factors that cause defects and suggestions for improvements to each problem in these factors


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    This study intends to explain the profit optimization model for UMKM to find out the profit optimization model for UMKM Kue Dongkal Awug Akang by using the simplex linear programming method. The population in this study was obtained from data from the results of the economic census, there were 142 business actors in the culinary field of food and beverages 508 MSMEs This research uses a single sampling technique namely the method of taking one MSME representing a number of the population More specifically, the sample chosen in this research is the UMKM Dongkal Awug Kang Cake The results of the study concluded that profit optimization can be applied to UMKM Dongkal Awug Kang Cakes which in actual conditions produce 24 portions of Traditional Dongkal Cakes (x1) and 37 portions of Contemporary Dongkal Cakes (x2) Then after optimization, it was found that there was an increase in production of 7 portions at optimal conditions. As well as the results of trimming waste on production factors efficiently so that it can increase optimal profit results


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    In the era of economic digitalization, global business and industry competition is very tight and moves fast. Fashion, trends, and innovations are growing vigorously so that all business and industry players continue to increase their productivity in all fields. The increase in productivity is in line with the company's efforts to increase profits along with optimal product and service quality to consumers. However, efforts to increase it will be hampered by several aspects of waste, this is what is felt by small and medium business actors such as SBRC Furniture which is engaged in the production of carving frames. This research aims to identify various wastes that occur by changing them through the Kaizen method to provide constructive notes to increase business productivity