9 research outputs found

    Lung sound classification using multiresolution Higuchi fractal dimension measurement

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    Lung sound is one indicator of abnormalities in the lungs and respiratory tract. Research for automatic lung sound classification has become one of the interests for researchers because lung disease is one of the diseases with the most sufferers in the world. The use of lung sounds as a source of information because of the ease in data acquisition and auscultation is a standard method in examining pulmonary function. This study simulated the potential use of Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) as a feature extraction method for lung sound classification. HFD calculations were run on a series of k values to generate some HFD values as features. According to the simulation results, the proposed method could produce an accuracy of up to 97.98% for five classes of lung sound data. The results also suggested that the shift in HFD values over the selection of a time interval k can be used for lung sound classification

    Optical Camera Communications: Principles, Modulations, Potential and Challenges

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    Optical wireless communications (OWC) are emerging as cost-effective and practical solutions to the congested radio frequency-based wireless technologies. As part of OWC, optical camera communications (OCC) have become very attractive, considering recent developments in cameras and the use of fitted cameras in smart devices. OCC together with visible light communications (VLC) is considered within the framework of the IEEE 802.15.7m standardization. OCCs based on both organic and inorganic light sources as well as cameras are being considered for low-rate transmissions and localization in indoor as well as outdoor short-range applications and within the framework of the IEEE 802.15.7m standardization together with VLC. This paper introduces the underlying principles of OCC and gives a comprehensive overview of this emerging technology with recent standardization activities in OCC. It also outlines the key technical issues such as mobility, coverage, interference, performance enhancement, etc. Future research directions and open issues are also presented

    Sistem Otomatisasi Pengisian Beras dan Air pada Penanak Nasi Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Beras merupakan bahan makanan pokok bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Konsumsi beras pada tahun 2018 mencapai 13,81 juta ton [1]. Pada umumnya beras ditanak menggunakan penanak nasi yang saat ini umum dipasaran. Tetapi karena persiapan yang dilakukan untuk menanak nasi cukup memakan waktu, membuat banyak orang malas untuk melakukannya. Karena untuk menanak nasi pengguna harus melakukan banyak proses. Mulai dari menuangkan beras dan air pada panci, lalu memasukannya pada penanak nasi hingga menekan tombol mode warm menjadi cook yang semuanya masih dilakukan secara manual. Sehingga diperlukan rancangan suatu sistem baru pada penanak nasi saat ini. Dalam sistem baru yang dirancang, pengguna dapat mengatur banyaknya beras yang ingin dimasak dengan pilihan yang bervariasi, melakukan pengisian beras dan air secara otomatis, memantau kapasitas beras dan air yang tersedia , sekaligus dapat memasak nasi secara otomatis di lokasi manapun selama smartphone terhubung dengan internet. Dari hasil pengujian sistem, diperoleh bahwa sistem dapat bekerja dengan sangat baik dengan tingkat keberhasilan mencapai 96,4% dari 54x pengujian


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    Indonesia has a percentage of an elderly population of as much as 9.03%, so it can be stated that Indonesia is a country with an old structure. This makes Indonesia pay attention to the health, activity, and productivity of the elderly. Changes in physical condition can affect the activities of the elderly significantly and increase the risk of falling. Therefore, a monitoring tool for elderly activities and location points for elderly falls was developed called e-care for the elderly. E-care Elderly is designed to be able to monitor the position of the elderly via GPS and detect if the elderly have fallen. This tool is connected to the application installed on the smartphone. In addition, this elderly E-care is equipped with a camera that can monitor the situation around the elderly. This service will be given to 10 elderly in Cikutra Village, Cibeunying Kidul District, Bandung City. There will be several preparations, implementation, and assistance activities for E-care for the Elderly. According to a survey of respondents who took part in this community service, more than 80% felt the tool had a performance that followed the needs, and 100% thought it was appropriate and very suitable for this activity with the goals and conditions of the community and it was hoped that the continuity of this activity. The survey results illustrate that the community understands all community service activities and how to use and benefit from E-Care tools.  ---  Indonesia memiliki persentase penduduk lansia sebanyak 9,03%, sehingga dapat dinyatakan indonesia merupakan negara berstruktur tua. Hal tersebut membuat Indonesia harus memperhatikan  kesehatan, keaktifan, dan produktivitas dari lansia. Perubahan kondisi fisik dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas lansia terutama dan menambah resiko jatuh. Oleh karena itu dikembakan alat pemantau aktivitas lansia dan titik lokasi jatuh lansia yang dimamakan e-care lansia. E-care Lansia dirancang agar dapat memantau posisi lansia melalui GPS dan mendeteksi jika lansia terjatuh. Alat ini terhubung ke aplikasi yang terpasang pada telepon pintar. Selain itu, E-care lansia ini dilengkapi dengan kamera yang dapat memantau keadaan di sekitar lansia. Pada abdimas ini akan diberikan kepada 10 lansia di Kelurahan Cikutra, Kecamatan Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung.  Akan ada beberapa kegiatan persiapan, pengimplementasian dan pendampingan penggunaan E-care Lansia. Menurut survei responden yang mengikuti kegiatan abdimas lebih dari 80 % merasa alat memiliki kinerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan 100 % merasa sesuai dan sangat sesuai kegiatan ini dengan tujuan dan kebutuhan masyarakat dan diharapkan keberlangsungan kegiatan ini. Dari hasil survei tersebut juga bisa menggambarkan bahwa masyarakat sasar paham tentang seluruh kegiatan abdimas dan paham cara penggunaan dan manfaat dari alat E-Care

    Optical Camera Communication: Motion over Camera

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    Design of a Long-term Monitoring Device to Measure Groundwater Temperature and Relative Humidity in the South Bandung Basin Rim

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    One of the methods to investigate the possibility of landslides is to observe the water infiltration rate into the soil by measuring the soil's temperature and humidity at several soil depths below the soil surface. Monitoring those variables provides valuable information for assessing groundwater conditions and preventing natural disasters. However, no specifically developed system can monitor those variables in the field until this study is reported. This research focuses on establishing a hardware system for monitoring the soil's temperature and humidity using an array of sensors for hydrological monitoring. Due to extreme weather and limited data transmission networks, employing monitoring systems in harsh environments presents a significant challenge. This investigation involved the monitoring system in monitoring soil temperature and moisture at Mount Malabar. The system comprises an SHT20 sensor array, a microcomputer serving as the central unit and data recorder, a data transmission module, and cloud-based long-term data storage. SHT20 sensors are a fully calibrated type with a temperature accuracy of 99.99%, while relative humidity accuracy ranges from ±3 to ±5. This research has successfully demonstrated soil temperature and relative humidity measurements at depths ranging from 0 cm to 30 cm below the soil surface with a spacing of 5 cm. Monitoring data was continuously tested every 10 minutes and showed the system's reliability and durability for at least three months

    Implementasi Mesin Roasting Kopi Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Produksi Kopi UMKM Darma Coffee

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    UMKM Darma Coffee adalah salah satu UMKM bersifat industri rumah tangga yang ada di Desa Warjabakti, Kecamatan Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung. Saat ini, masalah yang dihadapi oleh UMKM Darma Coffee ini adalah masih manualnya proses roasting kopi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berfokus pada penyediaan solusi roasting kopi karena saat ini proses roasting kopi tersebut masih manual. Petani juga diharuskan fokus dengan pekerjaan memutar alat agar kopi tidak gosong, dan temperatur yang presisi juga tidak diketahui sehingga kualitas roasting kopi di bawah standar. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pengembangan sebuah mesin roasting kopi otomatis dengan timer digital serta dilengkapi pemantauan suhu, kecuali pengaturan sumber pemanasnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil wawancara dengan ketua UMKM Darma Coffee. Hasil yang dicapai adalah tersedianya mesin roasting kopi otomatis serta desain packaging kopi yang lebih menarik. Terjadi peningkatan kecepatan proses roasting menjadi 10-15 menit. Terdapat pula peningkatan soft skill pada para petani kopi di UMKM Darma Coffee

    E-Growth Monitoring System (EGMS) sebagai Upaya Penurunan Prevalensi Stunting

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    ABSTRAKPemerintah Indonesia melalui Stranas Percepatan Pencegahan Anak Kerdil (stunting) 2018-2024 memprioritaskan pencegahan dan penurunan prevalensi stunting dengan menyasar berbagai penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung yang memerlukan kerjasama dan koordinasi lintas sektor di seluruh tingkatan pemerintah, swasta, dunia usaha dan masyarakat, terutama di Posyandu. EGrowth Monitoring System (EGMS) yang dirancang ini berfungsi untuk mengukur tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita, terutama mendeteksi terjadinya stunting dan gizi buruk sejak dini agar dapat dilakukan upaya perbaikan secara tepat. Implementasi produk inovasi ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik dan load cell untuk mengukur tinggi badan dan berat badan bayi dan balita, di mana rentang error pembacaan sensor-sensor tersebut secara berturut-turut adalah 0,01 – 4,36% dan 0,00 – 1,43%.Kata kunci: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, berat badan, tinggi badan, posyandu ABSTRACTIndonesian government, through National Strategy for Preventing Child Stunting 2018-2024, prioritize both prevention and reduction of stunting prevalence by targeting the causes. It requires inter-sector coordinations between government, private companies, businesses, and citizens, especially in local clinics. E-Growth Monitoring System (EGMS) is proposed to measure the growth of infant and toddler, specifically to detect a possible stunting and bad nutrition as early as possible in order to devise an improvement effectively. The implementation of this innovation employs the use of both ultrasonic sensor and load cell to measure the body height and weight of infant and toddler. Its expected margin of error for the sensors are 0.01 – 4.36% and 0.00 – 1.43% for ultrasonic sensor and load cell, respectively.Keywords: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, weight, height, posyand