201 research outputs found

    Woman´s Clothing Factory

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    Studie výroby dámské konfekce řeší nový výrobní a administrativní prostor, který se nachází v sousedství bytových domů, hřbitova s krematoriem, vojenského prostoru a lesoparku Akátky v Brně v Židenicích. Stavba je začleněna do mírně svažitého terénu blízko stávajících budov a volně je doplňuje svojí prostorovou skladbou. Stavba je rozdělena do dvou funkčních celků, jednoho menšího objektu a druhého většího. První z nich obsahuje administrativu firmy a sociálně hygienické a stravovací prostory. Ve druhé části jsou to veškeré sklady – základního materiálu, hotových výrobků, oblastí stříhárny, dále pak technické místnosti a nakonec samotná výrobní hala. Okolo stavby jsou zpevněné parkovací plochy, plochy pro pěší a zelené plochy s vysázenými stromy pro využití v letních měsících ke krátkému odpočinku.The study of women's ready to wear clothers solves new manufacturing and administrative area located in an appartment neighborhoods, a cemetry with crematorium, an army base and wooded park Akatky in Brno, Zidenice. The structure is incorporated into slightly steep terrain close to current buildings and freely exemplifies them with it's spacious composition. The building is separeted into two functional units, one smaller structure and other larger. The first one contains the company's administration, restrooms and dining area. All of the warehouses are in the other part-essential materials, final products, cutting area, futhermore hardware rooms and at last the production hall itself. There are parking lots, pedestrian areas and green areas with planted trees to be used in summer months for short rest.

    Diversity and species composition of diatom communities of Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands

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    The Antarctic diatom flora has been at the centre of interest of many studies in past decades. The present paper brings new information on the species richness, biogeography and community composition of diatoms on the Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands. One fresh-water and ten soil samples had been collected from the Antarctic Special protected area (ASPA) in the spring of 2019. The following analysis revealed eighty-six diatom taxa inwell-developed communities,dominatedby Luticolamuticopsis, L. truncata, Pinnularia australoschoenfelderi, P. austroshetlandica and P. borealis. According to the current biogeographical knowledge, the majority of species have restricted distribution among the Antarctic Realm; 46.5% of them are reported from various islands of the Maritime Antarctic Region. Based on the dominance of species as Luticola muticopsis and L. truncata and their ecological preferences, we concluded that the species composition of the diatom communities is driven by high nutrient input from breeding seabirds and the moisture availability during the austral summer.

    New Synagogue in Brno

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    Diplomová práce byla zpracována jako architektonická studie. Předmětem řešeného návrhu je novostavba synagogy pro Židovskou obec Brno. Parcela je na místě původní Velké synagogy, která byla vypálena nacisty roku 1939. Objekt synagogy je doplněn novostavbou administrativy židovské obce, muzea a košer restaruace. Dohromady utváří jeden celek staveb, které spojuje pobytová zahrada – soukromý prostor. Veřejný prostor je situován před budovou muzea a umožňuje tak propojení městské zeleně s rozptylovou a venkovní plochou. Oddělením veřejné a soukromé zóny je docíleno žádaného uzavřeného prostředí pro židovskou komunitu.This thesis was prepared as an architectural study. The subject proposal is solved newly built synagogue for the Jewish Community of Brno. The plot is on the site of the Great Synagogue, which was burned by the Nazis in 1939. Synagogue building a new building is completed administration of the Jewish community, museums and kosher restaurant. Together form a single unit construction that combines residential garden - a private space. Public space is in front of the museum building, allowing connection of urban green space with stray and outdoor areas. By separating the public and private zones is achieved the desired closed environment for the Jewish community.

    Security analyse of organization

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    Bakalářská práce "Bezpečnostní analýza organizace" pojednává o problematice ochrany informací v souvisosti s fyzickou, personální a administrativní bezpečností. Zabývá se několika podstatnými oblastmi, které mají vliv na bezpečnost státní instituce. Jedná se především o bezpečnostní politiku, osobu manažera, stanovení hrozeb a míry rizik, stejně jako o prevenci a konkrétní postupy při řešení bezpečnostních incidentů.The Bachelor's thesis "Organization Security Analysis" deals with the problems of data protection in conection with physical, human resources and administrative security. It is concerned with several significant areas that have a bearing on national institution security - especially with security policy, the personality of manager, assessment of threats and risk levels, as well as with prevention and with specific procedures of solving of security incidents.

    The effect of surface modification of acetabular cup on friction coefficient of hip implant

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou omezené životnosti kyčelních kloubních náhrad. S cílem prodloužit životnost implantátů byl zkoumán vliv aplikace mikrotextury na povrch umělé kloubní jamky na součinitel tření. Pozornost byla věnována složení modelové kloubní kapaliny a geometrii a rozložení textury. K simulaci kloubního spojení bylo využito kyvadlového simulátoru. Testovány byly tři kloubní hlavice, dvě jamky a pět kapalin v první části, respektive dvě hlavice, čtyři jamky a jedno mazivo v části druhé. Při měření byl pozorován výrazný vliv jak složení kapaliny, tak i geometrie a rozložení textury. Nejvyšší dosažený pokles tření ve srovnání hladké a texturované jamky činil 78 %. Výsledky práce mohou být využity k dalšímu výzkumu mikrotextur. Snížení tření a prodloužení životnosti náhrad může v konečném důsledku zkvalitnit život velkého množství pacientů.This bachelor’s thesis is focused on limited longevity of hip joint replacements. In order to extend the longevity of replacements effect of microtexture application on surface of artificial acetabulum cup on coefficient of friction was investigated. Attention was paid to composition of model synovial fluid and geometry and layout of texture. For joint simulation, a pendulum hip joint simulator was employed. In first part three femoral heads, two acetabulum cups and five fluids were tested, respectively two heads, four acetabulum cups and one fluid in second part. Significant effect of fluid composition and geometry and layout of texture was observed during measurement. Compared smooth and textured cup the highest decline of friction was 78 %. Results can be used for further research of micortextures. Friction reduction and prolonging lifespan of implants may eventually improve life quality of many patients.

    Mobility of selected trace elements bound in brown coal of the Most basin

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    Cílem studia bylo posoudit extrahovatelnost vybraných kovů obsažených ve vzorcích hnědého uhlí při odlišném pH. Na základě těchto údajů pak stanovit prvky, u kterých je nezbytné hodnotit spíše jejich formu výskytu než absolutní koncentraci.  Některé prvky vázané v uhlí, jsou potenciálně lehce mobilizovatelné, a představují riziko pro okolní ekosystém. Bylo studováno celkem 10 vzorků uhlí z hlavní sloje mostecké pánve pomocí sekvenční extrakční procedury. Podmínky extrakcí byly nastaveny tak, aby reprezentovaly reálné situace. Pro nejslaběji vázané, a tedy lehce mobilizovatelné prvky byla použita extrakce deionizovanou vodou, množství slabě adsorbovaných iontů na povrchu pevné matrice bylo extrahováno pomocí 1M roztoku octanu amonného při pH = 7. Pro frakci vázanou na uhličitany příp. extrahovatelnou za mírně kyselých podmínek bylo použito téhož činidla při pH = 5. U poloviny hodnocených vzorků se největší množství arsenu  extrahovalo v uhličitanové frakci, u druhé poloviny bylo nejvíce arsenu uvolněno již při extrakci deionizovanou vodou. Pozitivní korelace byla zjištěna mezi celkovým množstvím As a Ni. Při korelování dat z jednotlivých extraktů se ovšem vztah nepotvrdil. Množství uvolněného niklu ve všech extrakčních krocích bylo velmi nízké. Významné množství vanadu a chromu bylo extrahováno již za použití deionizované vody u poloviny vzorků. Velmi blízké chování chromu a vanadu potvrzuje i pozitivní korelace během všech kroků extrakce.Some of the trace elements bound in coal are potentially easily mobilizable and can represent a risk for an ecosystem. The aim of the study was to evaluate the extractability of selected metals from brown coal samples under surface conditions. Totally, 10 coal samples from the Main seam of Most Basin were studied using a sequential extraction procedure. Extraction conditions were set to represent real conditions on a dump. Extraction with deionized water was used for the most weakly bound and thus easily mobilizable elements, the amount of weakly adsorbed ions on the surface of the solid matrix was extracted with 1M ammonium acetate solution at pH = 7. For the carbonate-bound fraction, respectively the fraction extractable under mildly acidic conditions, the same reagent at pH = 5 was used. Highest extractable contents in case of arsenic were found in deionized water for samples 03–07, other samples exhibited the highest recovery with weakly acidic reagent (pH = 5) with concentration 1 mol/l. Nickel concentrations in the extracts were mostly low (hundredths to tenths μg/g). Exceptions are water extractable contents (single units of μg/g) in samples 01, 08 and 09. A positive correlation (r = 0.69) was found between the total content of As and Ni, however, the contents of As and Ni do not mutually correlate in each type of extract. Significant contents of vanadium (up to 0.844 μg/g) and chromium (up to 0.28 μg/g) were already extracted using deionized water. Very close behavior of chromium and vanadium was confi rmed by positive correlation in mobile water extractable (r = 0.95) and carbonate fraction (r = 0.85)

    DNA hybridization on membrane-modified carbon electrodes

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    The DNA-modified membrane electrode was prepared by casting a mixture of nitrocellulose (NC) with target DNA (tDNA) in organic solvent on glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Unlabeled polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified human genomic sequence (628 bp) or synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) were used as tDNAs, creating a recognition layer. Biotinylated ODNs were used as hybridization probes to recognize specific nucleotide sequences. The hybridization events were detected via an enzyme-linked electrochemical assay involving binding of streptavidin-coupled alkaline phosphatase (SALP) to the biotin labels of the probe bound to tDNA. After the probe hybridization and SALP binding, the electrode was immersed into an electroinactive enzyme substrate (1-naphthyl phosphate). The alkaline phosphatase converted the inactive substrate into electroactive 1-naphthol that penetrated through the NC membrane to the GCE surface and was subsequently detected using an anodic voltammetric signal. The optimized method offered a good discrimination between complementary and nonspecific DNAs and yielded well-defined responses for both single-copy and repetitive tDNA sequences. In contrast to previously published methods using electrodes with mechanically attached membranes, the previously mentioned electrode is easily amenable to parallel DNA analysis. Copyright © Taylor & Francis, Inc

    Hepatic Gene Expression Profiles Differentiate Steatotic and Non-steatotic Grafts in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    Background: Liver transplantation leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in up to 40% of graft recipients. The aim of our study was to assess transcriptomic profiles of liver grafts and to contrast the hepatic gene expression between the patients after transplantation with vs. without graft steatosis.Methods: Total RNA was isolated from liver graft biopsies of 91 recipients. Clinical characteristics were compared between steatotic (n = 48) and control (n = 43) samples. Their transcriptomic profiles were assessed using Affymetrix HuGene 2.1 ST Array Strips processed in Affymetrix GeneAtlas. Data were analyzed using Partek Genomics Suite 6.6 and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis.Results: The individuals with hepatic steatosis showed higher indices of obesity including weight, waist circumference or BMI but the two groups were comparable in measures of insulin sensitivity and cholesterol concentrations. We have identified 747 transcripts (326 upregulated and 421 downregulated in steatotic samples compared to controls) significantly differentially expressed between grafts with vs. those without steatosis. Among the most downregulated genes in steatotic samples were P4HA1, IGF1, or fetuin B while the most upregulated were PLIN1 and ME1. Most influential upstream regulators included HNF1A, RXRA, and FXR. The metabolic pathways dysregulated in steatotic liver grafts comprised blood coagulation, bile acid synthesis and transport, cell redox homeostasis, lipid and cholesterol metabolism, epithelial adherence junction signaling, amino acid metabolism, AMPK and glucagon signaling, transmethylation reactions, and inflammation-related pathways. The derived mechanistic network underlying major transcriptome differences between steatotic samples and controls featured PPARA and SERPINE1 as main nodes.Conclusions: While there is a certain overlap between the results of the current study and published transcriptomic profiles of non-transplanted livers with steatosis, we have identified discrete characteristics of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in liver grafts potentially utilizable for the establishment of predictive signature